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The USGenWeb
 Census Project ®

A Michigan Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
USGW Census Project

Election Procedures

Yearly election for 7 Census Project Board of Directors and 1 Census Project Coordinator

  • Two Election Judges shall be chosen by the Board of Directors to oversee the Election Procedures at the May Board of Directors Meeting
  • Duties of the Judges shall be:
    • Verify Qualifying Voter List
          Eligible voters of the Census Project are:   State Coordinators, Assistant State Coordinators, Liaisons,
           Public Affairs Coordinator, or File Managers; and Technical Specialists not classified as Honorary Members.
    • Notify each voter of the dates of the election nominations and when the polls are open
    • Issue an ID Number to each Voter
    • Receive and respond to all nominations
    • Maintain a web page listing the Nominees and acceptance status of nominations
    • Receive and tally votes
    • Post Election results

  • The Nomination Period shall begin on May 8th 12:01am and continue through May 16th 11:59pm.
  • Any qualifying voter may be nominated for the Board of Directors or for Project Coordinator

  • Each Voter will have a personal voter ID number
  • Polls will open May 17th 12:01 AM and remain open until May 30th 11:59 PM
          2010-2011 ELECTION Tally

  • Annual Membership Meeting shall be held yearly in the month of June
  • The date and time of the Annual Membership Meeting shall be decided at the May Board of Directors Meeting
  • Each member of record entitled to vote shall be notified by e-mail of the date and time 10 (ten) days prior to the meeting

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