The USGenWeb Census Project 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription

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The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns.  These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner.  Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal.

The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:

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Suffolk County, Massachusetts - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilmed on 21 rolls, T626-941 to T626-961
Enum. District Numbers
for County #13
Enumeration District Descriptions (Brief)
T626-941 1 to 13

Boston: Ward 1 (Part)
Institution(s): Convent of Mercy; Convent of Our Lady of Good Help; Strong Hospital

T626-942 14 to 30, 580 (NP), 31 to 49

Boston: Wards 1 (Part) and 2 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Airport; Boston City Hospital (East Boston Relief Station); Boston Lying-In Hospital; Convent of Notre Dame; Farm and Trades School for Boys; Fitton School; Fort Standish; Fort Strong; Fort Warren; House of Correction; Immigrants Home; Long Island Hospital and Almshouse; Marine Barracks; Massachusetts General Hospital; Scandinavian Sailors and Immigrants Home; St. Catherine's Convent; St. Mary's Home for Sailors; Suffolk School for Boys; Swedish Lutheran Immigrants and Sailors Home; U.S. Navy Yard; U.S. Quarantine Station

T626-943 50 to 51, 581, 52, 582, 53 to 61, 583, 62 to 74, 584, 75, 585, 76 to 82, 586, 83 to 85

Boston: Wards 2 (Part) and 3 (Part)
Institution(s): Benoth-Israel Sheltering Home; Boston City Hospital (Boston Relief (Emergency) Hospital); Boston Home for Homeless Boys; Boston Lying-In Hospital; Home of Aged Colored Women; Massachusetts State Prison; Mission House of St. John the Evangelist; Sailors Haven; St. Anthony's Convent; St. Francis De Sales Convent; St. Mary's Convent; St. Mary's Parochial Residence; U.S. Steamship Nantucket Nautical School; Winchester Home for Aged Women; Y.M.C.A. (Army & Navy Dept.)

T626-944 86 (NP), 587, 87 to 93, 588, 94 to 106, 589, 107 to 111, 590, 112 to 120, 591 to 592, 121 to 122, 593, 123 to 126, 594

Boston: Wards 3 (Part) and 4 (Part)
Institution(s): Assn. for Independent Cooperative Living; Boston City Temporary Home for Women and Children; Boston Industrial Home; Boston Lying-In Hospital; Chardon Street Home; Charity Bldg; Children's Mission to Children of the Destitute; Elizabeth Peabody House; Harriet Tubman House; House of Detention for Women; John Howard Industrial Home; Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Massachusetts General Hospital Nurses Home; Rufus F. Dawes Hotel Home for Care of Adults and Children; Salvation Army (Argonne Hotel); South End Dispensary and Hospital; Suffolk Co. Jail; Union Rescuemission; Washingtonian Home; Wayfarers' Lodge; West End House; Y.M.C.A. (Chinese Dept.); Y.M.C.A. (Railroad Dept.)

T626-945 127 to 130, 595, 131, 596, 132 to 139, 597, 140 to 143, 598, 144 to 146, 599, 147, 600, 148 to 152, 601, 153 to 155, 602, 156 to 158, 603, 159, 604, 160, 605

Boston: Wards 4 (Part) and 5 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Lying-In Hospital; Brooke House Home for Working Girls; Callis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital; Channing Home for Consumptives; Children's Hospital; Convent of Blessed Chanel; Evangeline Booth Home and Maternity Hospital; Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children; French Women's Christian Home; Home for Aged Women; House of the Good Samaritan; Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Nurses Home; Massachusetts Home for Intemperate Women; Miss McClintock's School for Girls; New England Deaconess Hospital; North Eastern University; Nurses Club; Palmer Memorial Hospital for Incurables; Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; Salvation Army (Workers); St. Margaret's Convent; Y.M.C.A. (Hospital)

T626-946 161, 606, 162 to 163, 607, 164 to 167, 267, 629, 268 to 283, 630, 284 to 292

Boston: Wards 5 (Part) and 6 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Lying-In Hospital; Commonwealth Avenue Hospital; Conant Hospital; Convent of Notre Dame; Convent of Notre Dame; Dr. A. F. Christian Private Hospital; Eliot Hospital; Kenmore School; Riverbank Hospital; Simmons College Dormitories

T626-947 293 to 294, 631, 295 to 300, 632, 301 to 315, 168 (NP), 608, 169 to 170, 609, 171 to 173, 610, 174 to 180, 611

Boston: Wards 6 (Part), 7, and 8 (Part)
Institution(s): Boothby Hospital; Boston City Hospital (South Dept.); Boston City Hospital (South Dept.); Boston City Hospital and School for Nurses; Boston Lying-In Hospital; Convent of the Blessed Sacrament; Florence Crittenden (League of Compassion); Franklin Square House; Home for Destitute Catholic Children; Lawrence Ashton Hospital; Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital (Evans and Robinson Memorial Hospital); Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital (Hospital Outpatient Dispensary); Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital (Nurses Club); Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital (Two Nurses Homes); Plymouth Hospital; Salvation Army (Hotel Peoples Palace); St. Helena's House (Grey Nuns Working Girls Home); St. Joseph's Home for Aged Women; St. Margaret's Convent

T626-948 181 to 182, 612, 183, 613, 184 to 189, 614, 190, 615, 191 to 193, 616, 194 to 195, 617, 196 to 199, 618, 200 to 204, 619, 205 to 207, 208 (void), 209 to 216, 620, 217, 621 to 622, 218

Boston: Wards 8 (Part) and 9 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Children's Friend Society; Emanuel Memorial House; Home for Aged Men; Home for the Aged (Little Sisters of the Poor); Monastery of Discalced Carmelites; Nursery Training School of Boston; Rutland Corner House Temporary Home for Working Women; Salvation Army (Home); Salvation Army (Men's Industrial Dept.); Salvation Army (Roxbury Hospital Free Medical Dispensary); St. Clement's Home for Women; St. Patrick's Convent and Catholic Sisters School

T626-949 219 to 220, 623, 221, 624, 316 to 317, 633, 318 to 323, 634, 324, 635, 325 to 327, 636, 328, 637, 329, 638 to 639, 330 to 331, 640 to 641, 332 to 337, 642, 338 to 341, 643, 342 to 343

Boston: Wards 9 (Part), 10, and 11 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Psychopathic Hospital; Convent of Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Dr. Taylor's Private Hospital; Home of the Angel Guardian; House of the Good Shepherd/St. Joseph's Industrial School for Girls; Robert B. Brigham Hospital for Incurables; St. Joseph's Convent (Sisters of Charity); St. Luke's Home for Convalescents

T626-950 344 to 347, 644, 348 to 350, 645 (NP), 351, 646, 352, 647, 353 to 359, 648, 360 to 364, 649, 365 to 367, 650, 368, 651, 369 to 372

Boston: Wards 11 (Part) and 12 (Part)
Institution(s): White Temple Convent

T626-951 373 to 376, 652 (NP), 377, 653, 378 to 383, 654, 384 to 390, 655 to 656, 391 to 394, 657, 395 to 399

Boston: Wards 12 (Part), 13, and 14 (Part)
Institution(s): Lying-In-Hospital; Sisters of Charity; St. Margaret's Hospital; St. Mary's Infant Asylum

T626-952 658, 400, 659, 401 to 419

Boston: Ward 14 (Part)

T626-953 420 to 423, 660 to 661, 424 to 427, 662, 428 to 429, 663, 430, 664, 431, 665, 432 to 436, 666, 437 to 444

Boston: Wards 14 (Part), 15, and 16 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston State Hospital; Home for Destitute Jewish Children; St. Peter's Convent

T626-954 445, 667, 446 to 448, 668, 449, 669, 450 to 455, 670, 456 to 465, 671, 466 to 467

Boston: Wards 16 (Part) and 17 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Home for Incurables; Daly Industrial School; Salvation Army (Rescue Home); Y.M.C.A. (Hospital)

T626-955 672, 468 to 471, 673, 472 to 476, 674, 477, 675, 478 to 480, 676, 481, 677 to 678, 482, 679 to 680, 483

Boston: Wards 17 (Part) and 18 (Part)
Institution(s): Boston Consumptive Hospital

T626-956 484 to 489, 681, 490, 682, 491, 683, 492 to 493, 684, 494 to 501, 685 to 686, 502

Boston: Wards 18 (Part) and 19 (Part)
Institution(s): St. Raphael's Convent; Y.M.C.A. (Army & Navy Dept.)

T626-957 687, 503 to 504, 688, 505 to 508, 689, 509 to 511, 690, 512 to 520

Boston: Wards 19 (Part) and 20 (Part)

T626-958 521, 222 to 224, 625, 225 to 235, 626, 236 to 249

Boston: Wards 20 (Part), 21, and 22 (Part)
Institution(s): Lucy M. Clifton Convalescent Home; MacLeod Hospital; MacLeod Hospital Nurses Home; Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital (Contagious Disease Dept.); Mt. St. Joseph's Academy; Private Hospital at 906 Beacon; Scobey Hospital at 908 Beacon; St. Elizabeth's Hospital and Nurses Training School; St. Gabriel's Monastery

T626-959 250 to 255, 627, 256 to 257, 628, 258 to 266, 522 to 535

Boston City, Ward 22 (Part)
Chelsea City: Wards 1 and 2
Institution(s): Convent of Our Lady of the Cenacle; Florence Crittenden (Home and Hospital); Monastery of St. Claire; St. John's College and Seminary; U.S. Marine Hospital; U.S. Naval Hospital

T626-960 536 to 563, 569 to 570

Chelsea City: Wards 3, 4, and 5
Revere City: Wards 1, 2, 3, and 5
Institution(s): Soldiers Home

T626-961 564 to 568, 571 to 579

Revere City: Ward 4
Winthrop Town Snake Island
Institution(s): Fort Banks and Fort Heath

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