- Thirteenth U.S. decennial population census.
- U.S. population: 92.2 million
- Census conducted by the Director of the Census (Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor).
- Census day: 15 April 1910.
- Mandated copies: One set, to the Director of the Census. Local jurisdictions could buy a copy of their schedules at cost.
- The original census schedules were destroyed in the 1940s after being microfilmed.
Information Provided on 1910 Census:
- Address
- name
- relationship to family head
- sex; race; age
- marital status
- number of years of present marriage
- for women, number of children born and number now living
- birthplace and mother tongue of person and parents
- if foreign born, year of immigration, whether naturalized, and whether able to speak
English, or if not, language spoken
- occupation, industry, and class of worker
- if an employee, whether out of work during year
- literacy
- school attendance
- home owned or rented
- if owned, whether mortgaged
- whether farm or house
- whether a survivor of Union or Confederate Army or Navy
- whether blind, deaf and dumb.