- Seventh U.S. decennial population census.
- U.S. population: 23.2 million (20.0 million free, 3.2 million slave)
- Census conducted by U.S. marshals under the direction of the Census Office appointed by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.
- Census day: 1 June 1850.
- Mandated copies: Three sets, one to the county court, a second to the secretary of the state (or the territory) and the last to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.
Information Provided on 1850 Census:
- Name
- age
- sex
- race
- whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
- value of real estate
- occupation
- birthplace
- whether married within the year
- school attendance
- literacy
- whether a pauper or convict.
- Supplemental schedules for slaves, and persons
who died during the year