Gloucester, VA 1840 Federal Census (INDEX) This Census was transcribed by Henry L. Rankin and proofread by Nanci W. Rankin for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright (c) 2000 by Henry L. Rankin ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. =========================================================================== PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE-NAME =========================================================================== 366 555 "Aggy" "Old" pg0363.txt 377 873 "At Alexander" "Estates" pg0370.txt 377 874 "At Belle Farm" "Estates" pg0370.txt 349 27 ?eagsond Charles pg0349.txt 372 724 Acree Polly pg0370.txt 352 98 Adams George W. pg0349.txt 354 167 Aharan Thomas A. pg0349.txt 350 47 Allman Edward pg0349.txt 376 856 Allman Miles pg0370.txt 363 462 Ambose William pg0363.txt 369 623 Ambrose Elizabeth pg0363.txt 376 860 Ambrose Michael pg0370.txt 357 262 Amory Dennis pg0356.txt 367 568 Amory Edward pg0363.txt 354 156 Amory Thomas C. pg0349.txt 361 380 Anderson John H. pg0356.txt 351 93 Ash Thomas pg0349.txt 365 517 Ash William W(M) pg0363.txt 349 24 Badger Robert pg0349.txt 375 815 Banks John D. pg0370.txt 351 86 Barnes John A B pg0349.txt 354 164 Barrnett Dudley pg0349.txt 355 209 Baytop James pg0349.txt 354 160 Baytop Thomas C. pg0349.txt 353 140 Beckwith Richard M. pg0349.txt 351 63 Befris (?) Harold pg0349.txt 358 302 Belvin James pg0356.txt 351 74 Belvin John pg0349.txt 359 328 Belvin John pg0356.txt 351 77 Belvin Sterling pg0349.txt 359 314 Belvin George pg0356.txt 352 108 Bentley James H. pg0349.txt 350 41 Berry James pg0349.txt 355 208 Beveridge, Jr William pg0349.txt 355 212 Beveridge, Sr William pg0349.txt 376 847 Billups George W. pg0370.txt 374 805 Billups Peter pg0370.txt 372 719 Billups William pg0370.txt 367 561 Birches Martha pg0363.txt 373 745 Blake Augustine pg0370.txt 363 444 Blake Elizabeth pg0363.txt 370 660 Blake John pg0370.txt 369 624 Bland Abraham pg0363.txt 365 521 Bland Archibald pg0363.txt 350 59 Bland Samuel pg0349.txt 370 654 Bland Thomas pg0370.txt 351 66 Blelvin John pg0349.txt 355 194 Blueford Thomas pg0349.txt 376 839 Bobeth (?) Edward pg0370.txt 369 647 Bohannon John pg0363.txt 375 812 Booker James pg0370.txt 367 583 Booker John pg0363.txt 375 811 Booker Lewis pg0370.txt 371 698 Books William C. pg0370.txt 360 360 Booth George H. pg0356.txt 371 700 Booth Thomas B. pg0370.txt 364 492 Bordwine James pg0363.txt 371 682 Borman Robert pg0370.txt 366 558 Borum Elizabeth pg0363.txt 374 784 Boswell Hezeliah (?) pg0370.txt 365 512 Boswell John pg0363.txt 361 395 Boswell Joseph pg0356.txt 353 154 Boswell Mary pg0349.txt 367 562 Boswell William pg0363.txt 369 634 Bowen John pg0363.txt 373 770 Bowles Oraina (?) pg0370.txt 366 545 Bramble Adam pg0363.txt 375 818 Bray Thomas pg0370.txt 369 641 Bray (overseer) Elliot pg0363.txt 376 843 Brickser (?) Baldwin pg0370.txt 371 684 Bridges John pg0370.txt 354 177 Bridges Richard M. pg0349.txt 374 794 Bridges Robertson pg0370.txt 361 397 Bridges Sarah pg0356.txt 357 265 Bridges William H. pg0356.txt 365 515 Bristow Francis G. pg0363.txt 371 711 Bristow George B. pg0370.txt 366 531 Bristow Richard H. pg0363.txt 372 722 Bristow William S. pg0370.txt 368 594 Broadwater Edward pg0363.txt 364 486 Brookes Betsy pg0363.txt 364 493 Brookes Thomas pg0363.txt 374 796 Brooking Benjamin R. pg0370.txt 369 640 Brooking Henry pg0363.txt 368 595 Brooks Temple pg0363.txt 351 70 Brown Archibald pg0349.txt 349 4 Brown Augustine pg0349.txt 357 279 Brown Augustine pg0356.txt 375 829 Brown Charles pg0370.txt 366 540 Brown Elizabeth pg0363.txt 349 3 Brown James pg0349.txt 375 831 Brown James pg0370.txt 364 471 Brown John pg0363.txt 375 810 Brown John pg0370.txt 358 304 Brown Robert pg0356.txt 359 331 Brown Sterling pg0356.txt 351 69 Brown Thomas pg0349.txt 349 6 Brown William pg0349.txt 365 518 Brushwood Elijah pg0363.txt 371 691 Bryan John R. pg0370.txt 374 783 Buckner Peyton G. pg0370.txt 363 453 Buford Frances pg0363.txt 363 454 Buford William pg0363.txt 375 825 Burnawell (?) William pg0370.txt 372 721 Burton Ann G. pg0370.txt 371 692 Byrd Addisen L. pg0370.txt 362 427 Byrd Samual P. pg0356.txt 355 210 Caffee John pg0349.txt 363 442 Caffee William pg0363.txt 351 80 Cake Thomas pg0349.txt 376 858 Callis George pg0370.txt 374 779 Callis Lewis B. pg0370.txt 376 857 Camp ?asis pg0370.txt 358 288 Camp William S. pg0356.txt 354 183 Campbell Sarah pg0349.txt 376 866 Carmine G (?) pg0370.txt 376 864 Carmine Smith pg0370.txt 373 768 Carney Edward pg0370.txt 374 798 Carney William pg0370.txt 354 158 Carter Josias pg0349.txt 371 696 Cary Samual B. pg0370.txt 374 789 Casey James pg0370.txt 377 869 Casey Polly pg0370.txt 352 103 Casy John R. pg0349.txt 360 364 Catlett John W. C. pg0356.txt 364 485 Catlett Temple G. pg0363.txt 364 491 Catlett Thomas E. pg0363.txt 376 842 Chambers Lewis pg0370.txt 358 282 Chander Elizabeth pg0356.txt 375 809 Chapman Caty pg0370.txt 370 671 Chapman Fanny pg0370.txt 371 688 Chapman Henry pg0370.txt 370 679 Chapman John pg0370.txt 370 676 Chapman Richard pg0370.txt 374 788 Chapman Robert pg0370.txt 357 260 Chapman William pg0356.txt 362 424 Chea ?? Becky pg0356.txt 354 179 Chevis Kelly pg0349.txt 364 484 Clarke Colin pg0363.txt 368 602 Clayton Joseph pg0363.txt 352 116 Clements Robert pg0349.txt 368 618 Clopton Thomas C. pg0363.txt 376 853 Cluverius Courtney pg0370.txt 371 712 Coates Betsy pg0370.txt 366 538 Coates John R. pg0363.txt 371 707 Coates Robert pg0370.txt 375 806 Coates Robert C. pg0370.txt 368 599 Coates (overseer) William pg0363.txt 371 705 Coates, Jr. John pg0370.txt 371 704 Coates, Sr. John pg0370.txt 372 735 Coats James pg0370.txt 364 472 Cochew John pg0363.txt 377 872 Coke Richard pg0370.txt 375 822 Coleboss (?) John C. pg0370.txt 355 204 Coleman Carter pg0349.txt 366 529 Coleman Clairborne pg0363.txt 355 200 Coleman James pg0349.txt 366 528 Coleman Richard pg0363.txt 357 252 Cooke Francis M. pg0356.txt 365 499 Cooke Frank pg0363.txt 356 228 Cooke James pg0356.txt 355 201 Cooke John pg0349.txt 359 338 Cooke John H. pg0356.txt 360 345 Cooke John M. pg0356.txt 352 100 Cooke John T pg0349.txt 357 256 Cooke Thomas pg0356.txt 372 737 Cooke Thomas B. pg0370.txt 371 710 Cooke William pg0370.txt 358 284 Cooper George pg0356.txt 359 325 Cooper Newman pg0356.txt 367 576 Corr James pg0363.txt 367 574 Corr William pg0363.txt 374 790 Crew John pg0370.txt 366 535 Crismond John pg0363.txt 352 110 Crittenden Ann pg0349.txt 373 765 Crosswell Holden pg0370.txt 373 764 Crosswell William pg0370.txt 358 294 Crowder William pg0356.txt 355 195 Curry Somersby pg0349.txt 357 258 Curtis Charles C. pg0356.txt 371 689 Dabney James pg0370.txt 356 223 Dame Mary pg0356.txt 373 757 Daniel Elizabeth pg0370.txt 377 871 Daniel William pg0370.txt 355 217 Darnell Henry pg0349.txt 372 725 Darnell Isaac pg0370.txt 367 565 David Francis pg0363.txt 360 363 Davies Alfred B. pg0356.txt 354 162 Davis Algermon S. pg0349.txt 361 398 Davis Mary pg0356.txt 362 412 Davis Mary Ann pg0356.txt 355 197 Davis Richard pg0349.txt 352 94 Davis William E. pg0349.txt 376 852 Daws Zacharrah pg0370.txt 362 413 Deagle Nelson pg0356.txt 351 83 Deal James pg0349.txt 357 270 Deal James pg0356.txt 358 301 Deal James pg0356.txt 370 663 Deans Joseph L. pg0370.txt 373 758 Dennis Charles pg0370.txt 369 631 Didlake Henry pg0363.txt 372 714 Didlake Mary A. pg0370.txt 375 834 Digges Jefferson pg0370.txt 351 81 Diggs Alexander pg0349.txt 349 16 Diggs Isaih pg0349.txt 357 278 Diggs Priscilla pg0356.txt 350 35 Diggs Se?? pg0349.txt 368 613 Dillard Kemp pg0363.txt 372 742 Dixon Tucker pg0370.txt 354 174 Donivan Cornelius pg0349.txt 373 746 Douglafs Mary pg0370.txt 369 643 Driver George pg0363.txt 373 772 Driver John pg0370.txt 374 780 Driver John pg0370.txt 363 451 Driver Lorenzo pg0363.txt 353 145 Driver Samuel pg0349.txt 363 446 Driver William pg0363.txt 370 666 Drivers Polly pg0370.txt 352 122 Drummond Elizabeth pg0349.txt 376 849 Dudley Dorothy pg0370.txt 369 635 Dudley Robert pg0363.txt 360 368 Dullon, Sr James pg0356.txt 372 538 Dulton John pg0370.txt 376 837 Dunford William pg0370.txt 359 326 Dunn Washington pg0356.txt 355 215 Dunston Ann pg0349.txt 371 687 Dunston John pg0370.txt 372 713 Dunston John pg0370.txt 364 479 Dunston Richard pg0363.txt 369 642 Dunston Thomas pg0363.txt 371 685 Dunston Wiley pg0370.txt 359 337 Dutton Benj. B. pg0356.txt 374 791 Dutton James C. pg0370.txt 372 730 Dutton John W. pg0370.txt 353 138 Dutton Lewis pg0349.txt 360 343 Dutton Lorenzo D. pg0356.txt 372 728 Dutton William H. pg0370.txt 372 729 Dutton, Jr. James pg0370.txt 357 259 Dutton, Sr. Henry pg0356.txt 364 466 Dyke Walker pg0363.txt 353 126 Easter Richard pg0349.txt 352 124 Easter William pg0349.txt 368 611 Eastwood William pg0363.txt 361 387 Edwards Bartlett pg0356.txt 356 219 Edwards Daniel pg0356.txt 367 570 Edwards Joseph pg0363.txt 367 588 Edwards Thomas L. pg0363.txt 367 577 Edwards William pg0363.txt 351 76 Elliott Ashy (?) pg0349.txt 366 544 Elliott Richard pg0363.txt 367 569 Elliott Robert pg0363.txt 361 384 Enos Frank pg0356.txt 356 242 Enos George pg0356.txt 363 440 Enos Henry pg0363.txt 362 416 Eubank John pg0356.txt 370 664 Eubank Roger pg0370.txt 369 650 Fary Elizabeth pg0363.txt 369 622 Fary Thomas pg0363.txt 360 350 Field John pg0356.txt 372 741 Field John pg0370.txt 355 198 Field Lucy pg0349.txt 362 420 Fitchett Lucy pg0356.txt 368 605 Fleming Thomas pg0363.txt 361 379 Flemming James F. pg0356.txt 356 239 Fletcher Rebecca pg0356.txt 368 597 Fletcher Richard pg0363.txt 365 514 Fletcher Sarah pg0363.txt 356 227 Fletcher, Jr. William pg0356.txt 356 220 Fletcher, Sr William pg0356.txt 374 776 Foster Willliam pg0370.txt 355 207 Fox James pg0349.txt 363 449 Fox John W. pg0363.txt 373 751 Foxwell Solomon pg0370.txt 361 393 Freeman Eliza pg0356.txt 351 65 Freeman William pg0349.txt 352 123 Freeman William pg0349.txt 376 846 Fusterton Ja (?) pg0370.txt 369 646 Garland Mary pg0363.txt 352 109 Gayle, Jr. John M. pg0349.txt 375 807 George Lenord pg0370.txt 361 396 German William pg0356.txt 371 683 German William pg0370.txt 357 255 Gibbons Julia pg0356.txt 352 114 Gibbs Elizabeth pg0349.txt 350 42 Glafs ?? Annus pg0349.txt 360 342 Glass Danny pg0356.txt 369 645 Glenn Mathew pg0363.txt 365 505 Goldman William pg0363.txt 374 795 Goldman Willis pg0370.txt 372 739 Graves Frances pg0370.txt 357 277 Graves Ralph pg0356.txt 373 760 Graves William pg0370.txt 349 8 Green George pg0349.txt 373 762 Green John pg0370.txt 358 299 Green Linous pg0356.txt 373 755 Green Martha pg0370.txt 373 756 Green Pamula pg0370.txt 358 296 Green Simon pg0356.txt 371 686 Green Warner pg0370.txt 360 361 Gregory Augustine pg0356.txt 360 362 Gregory Jane pg0356.txt 356 240 Gregory Mary pg0356.txt 355 214 Gressett John pg0349.txt 356 248 Gressett Montague pg0356.txt 354 178 Griffen Henry pg0349.txt 356 237 Griffin Martha pg0356.txt 366 539 Griffin Thomas pg0363.txt 369 638 Grooms William pg0363.txt 369 633 Grooms, Sr Samual pg0363.txt 352 118 Grubbs Thomas pg0349.txt 365 523 Guthrie William B. pg0363.txt 374 775 Gwyn Ann R. pg0370.txt 352 99 Gwyn James R. pg0349.txt 350 56 Hall Armistead pg0349.txt 353 128 Hall George pg0349.txt 367 578 Hall Isa pg0363.txt 350 61 Hall John pg0349.txt 373 763 Hall John pg0370.txt 353 153 Hall John, Sr pg0349.txt 367 581 Hall Levine pg0363.txt 358 280 Hall Lorenzo pg0356.txt 367 582 Hall Mathew pg0363.txt 357 251 Hall Polly pg0356.txt 354 176 Hall Thomas pg0349.txt 350 34 Hall William pg0349.txt 364 476 Hall William pg0363.txt 352 112 Hall, Jr. John pg0349.txt 366 541 Hardy Robert pg0363.txt 372 738 Harris John F. pg0370.txt 351 91 Harvey Catharine pg0349.txt 354 169 Harwood Christopher pg0349.txt 366 557 Harwood John A. pg0363.txt 377 870 Harwood Thomas pg0370.txt 366 548 Hawes Thomas pg0363.txt 359 335 Hayes Abby pg0356.txt 361 399 Hayes Elijah pg0356.txt 376 840 Hayes Joel pg0370.txt 359 334 Hayes John P. pg0356.txt 370 670 Haynes Elizabeth pg0370.txt 370 668 Haynes Fanny pg0370.txt 374 797 Haynes Mildred pg0370.txt 359 339 Haynes Nancy pg0356.txt 372 733 Haynes William pg0370.txt 370 681 Haynes (overseer) Richard pg0370.txt 366 550 Hearn(e) Ann pg0363.txt 352 97 Heath Joseph pg0349.txt 359 138 Heywood Charles pg0356.txt 358 285 Heywood Isaac pg0356.txt 359 317 Heywood James pg0356.txt 376 862 Heywood James C. pg0370.txt 349 23 Heywood Robert S pg0349.txt 364 475 Heywood William pg0363.txt 373 769 Heywood William pg0370.txt 365 498 Hibble Ann pg0363.txt 369 625 Hibble Cary pg0363.txt 370 680 Hibble George pg0370.txt 361 373 Hibble James pg0356.txt 367 559 Hibble John L. pg0363.txt 362 405 Hibble John S. pg0356.txt 369 629 Hibble Mathew S. pg0363.txt 369 627 Hibble William pg0363.txt 374 778 Hicks William pg0370.txt 375 827 Hobday Howard pg0370.txt 357 269 Hobday Thomas pg0356.txt 371 708 Hobday Thomas E. pg0370.txt 357 275 Hobday William pg0356.txt 375 821 Hobs Elvert pg0370.txt 361 394 Hodges Alice pg0356.txt 351 73 Hogg John pg0349.txt 373 766 Hogg John pg0370.txt 359 329 Hogg Lewis pg0356.txt 350 45 Hogg Richard pg0349.txt 374 785 Hogg Richard pg0370.txt 374 801 Hogg Sarah C. pg0370.txt 349 9 Hogg Thomas pg0349.txt 358 290 Hogg Thomas pg0356.txt 374 802 Hogg Thomas pg0370.txt 349 1 Hogg Vincent pg0349.txt 358 307 Hogg Vincent pg0356.txt 358 305 Hogg Warner pg0356.txt 359 332 Hogg William pg0356.txt 373 767 Hogg William pg0370.txt 349 18 Hogg Jr James pg0349.txt 358 306 Hogg, Sr. James pg0356.txt 372 732 Horseley Elizabeth T. pg0370.txt 360 348 Horseley Kessingham pg0356.txt 365 526 Horseley William R. pg0363.txt 361 374 Howard Elizabeth pg0356.txt 362 408 Howard James W. pg0356.txt 369 621 Howard John pg0363.txt 375 832 Howard Thomas pg0370.txt 374 777 Howell Rueben pg0370.txt 362 419 Howell William J. pg0356.txt 365 497 Howlett Henry pg0363.txt 354 168 Howlett Isaac pg0349.txt 360 372 Howlett Nicholas pg0356.txt 357 257 Hudgins Claiborne pg0356.txt 370 678 Hudnell Stanley pg0370.txt 355 216 Hughes Frances T. pg0349.txt 365 506 Hughes Henry pg0363.txt 356 233 Hughes Jasper C. pg0356.txt 363 457 Hughes John pg0363.txt 373 759 Hughes John pg0370.txt 373 747 Hughes Susan pg0370.txt 360 357. Hughes Thacker pg0356.txt 363 448 Hughes Thomas pg0363.txt 365 504 Hughes William C. pg0363.txt 368 591 Hull William pg0363.txt 370 669 Insley Erock (?) pg0370.txt 364 481 Insley William H. pg0363.txt 367 567 Ison ?? Sarah pg0363.txt 361 403 James William pg0356.txt 366 537 Jarvis Edward pg0363.txt 358 300 Jenkins Armistead pg0356.txt 349 7 Jenkins Caleb pg0349.txt 351 79 Jenkins David pg0349.txt 349 25 Jenkins Edward pg0349.txt 349 26 Jenkins Edward pg0349.txt 375 836 Jenkins F (?) pg0370.txt 358 289 Jenkins Henry pg0356.txt 357 273 Jenkins Hester pg0356.txt 358 310 Jenkins Isaac pg0356.txt 358 298 Jenkins Jacob pg0356.txt 359 321 Jenkins James pg0356.txt 358 287 Jenkins Jefferson pg0356.txt 358 295 Jenkins Jefferson pg0356.txt 350 62 Jenkins John pg0349.txt 361 388 Jenkins Pl??y pg0356.txt 358 309 Jenkins Read pg0356.txt 358 291 Jenkins Samuel pg0356.txt 359 322 Jenkins Vincent pg0356.txt 357 276 Jenkins Warner pg0356.txt 351 64 Jenkins William pg0349.txt 359 312 Jenkins William pg0356.txt 352 113 Johnson Elizabeth pg0349.txt 374 792 Johnson John pg0370.txt 362 421 Johnson Lewis T. pg0356.txt 370 672 Johnson Nancy pg0370.txt 360 367 Jones Catesby pg0356.txt 371 695 Jones Charles E. pg0370.txt 370 673 Jones Elizabeth pg0370.txt 365 522 Jones Emanual M. pg0363.txt 364 482 Jones Gary S. pg0363.txt 354 175 Jones James H. pg0349.txt 352 101 Jones Richard G. pg0349.txt 355 199 Jones Walker pg0349.txt 368 614 Jones William pg0363.txt 354 182 Jordan Catharine pg0349.txt 373 761 Jordan Edward pg0370.txt 366 543 Jordan Vincent pg0363.txt 362 415 Keaifer Robert pg0356.txt 349 17 Kellam Walter pg0349.txt 376 841 Kelly Arthur pg0370.txt 359 340 Kelly Mary pg0356.txt 367 560 Kemp Beverley pg0363.txt 361 400 Kemp Gregory pg0356.txt 356 247 Kemp John J. pg0356.txt 362 404 Kemp Matthew W. pg0356.txt 375 808 Kemp Oswell pg0370.txt 365 527 Kemp Peter D. pg0363.txt 363 435 Kemp William S. pg0363.txt 357 261 Kemp (Glebe) Peter pg0356.txt 361 383 Keningham Nancy pg0356.txt 363 459 Kenningham Clairborne pg0363.txt 356 241 Kerns Alexander pg0356.txt 361 386 Keys Elizabeth pg0356.txt 350 32 King Isaac pg0349.txt 353 148 King Johanna pg0349.txt 362 410 King John pg0356.txt 362 423 King Lucy pg0356.txt 372 731 Lambeth James pg0370.txt 370 653 Lambeth John pg0370.txt 375 814 Lambeth William pg0370.txt 366 536 Latter Francis pg0363.txt 369 649 Lawson Charles pg0363.txt 369 626 Lawson James pg0363.txt 372 736 Lawson John pg0370.txt 368 604 Lawson Richard B. K. pg0363.txt 372 734 Lawson, Sr. Charles pg0370.txt 360 344 Leavitte James L. pg0356.txt 364 489 Leigh Caleb pg0363.txt 366 556 Leigh Elizabeth pg0363.txt 368 615 Leigh John pg0363.txt 363 463 Leigh Joseph pg0363.txt 368 610 Leigh Richard D. pg0363.txt 353 143 Lemon ??gar?? pg0349.txt 363 441 Lemon Edward pg0363.txt 353 133 Lemon Henry pg0349.txt 363 438 Lemon James pg0363.txt 363 436 Lemon Lewis pg0363.txt 353 151 Lemon M ??? Jr pg0349.txt 353 134 Lemon Mary pg0349.txt 353 147 Lemon Milly pg0349.txt 359 341 Lemon Richard pg0356.txt 353 144 Lemon Wade pg0349.txt 353 137 Lemon William pg0349.txt 365 513 Lewis Ann pg0363.txt 351 84 Lewis George pg0349.txt 355 187 Lewis Henry pg0349.txt 368 603 Lewis Henry pg0363.txt 368 612 Lewis James C. pg0363.txt 375 816 Lewis John H. pg0370.txt 376 845 Lewis William pg0370.txt 370 659 Lewis William A. pg0370.txt 353 131 Lousther ?? Lewis pg0349.txt 356 238 Lowry William pg0356.txt 351 89 Lumpkins Jeremiah pg0349.txt 360 347 Lyall Rosy pg0356.txt 352 115 Mafery Edward pg0349.txt 353 130 Mafery James pg0349.txt 371 703 Mafrey Robert pg0370.txt 362 411 Mafsenburg Lucy pg0356.txt 368 619 Major Benjamin pg0363.txt 365 502 Malloy James R. pg0363.txt 355 202 Manifo Harrison pg0349.txt 368 589 Mapey (?) Charles pg0363.txt 374 799 Marchant Thomas pg0370.txt 355 196 Martin John pg0349.txt 372 727 Mason Leonard pg0370.txt 372 715 Mason Milton pg0370.txt 360 359 Mason Philip pg0356.txt 370 657 Mason Thomas pg0370.txt 361 391 Mason (Rev) Charles pg0356.txt 367 584 Massey Robert pg0363.txt 364 478 Mattington Francis pg0363.txt 356 244 McCallium James pg0356.txt 352 120 McCoy Thomas pg0349.txt 373 774 McDermott Martha A. pg0370.txt 357 249 Meight Henry P. pg0356.txt 371 709 Meigs Robert pg0370.txt 351 85 Meshen Solomon pg0349.txt 360 358 Middlecott Samuel pg0356.txt 366 534 Miller Mary pg0363.txt 361 377 Minor Elizabeth pg0356.txt 353 142 Minor John pg0349.txt 353 139 Minor John D pg0349.txt 355 211 Minor Richard pg0349.txt 363 464 Minor, Jr Thomas pg0363.txt 372 743 Minor, Sr. Thomas pg0370.txt 365 525 Mitchell Francis pg0363.txt 356 226 Monifo Phill pg0356.txt 355 206 Monifo Seth pg0349.txt 356 218 Montague Thomas pg0356.txt 356 245 Moore Dunford pg0356.txt 355 213 Moore Judith pg0349.txt 355 189 Moore Nancy R. pg0349.txt 365 507 Moore Thadeus L. pg0363.txt 363 460 Morrifo Christopher pg0363.txt 363 439 Morrifo Crayford pg0363.txt 363 437 Morrifo H pg0363.txt 365 503 Morrifo Wade pg0363.txt 366 542 Mossifo Thomas pg0363.txt 354 173 Nelson Charles C. pg0349.txt 368 617 Nelson Penton K. pg0363.txt 372 726 Norton Betsy pg0370.txt 368 601 Nuttall Absalom pg0363.txt 362 426 Nuttall Francis pg0356.txt 360 365 Nuttall Henry L. pg0356.txt 374 782 Nuttall Jackson pg0370.txt 370 665 Nuttall James pg0370.txt 370 667 Nuttall William pg0370.txt 373 773 Oliver Frank pg0370.txt 373 744 Oliver Reginald pg0370.txt 369 648 Oliver Robert pg0363.txt 362 425 Oliver Sevren pg0356.txt 349 19 Oliver Thomas pg0349.txt 375 835 Oliver Thomas pg0370.txt 363 445 Oliver William T. pg0363.txt 371 693 Orville John pg0370.txt 349 14 Owen John pg0349.txt 358 297 Owen Read pg0356.txt 367 586 Padget John pg0363.txt 372 740 Page Margaret pg0370.txt 361 402 Page Mario pg0356.txt 371 706 Palmer Vernon pg0370.txt 367 573 Pary William C. pg0363.txt 362 407 Perrin William K. pg0356.txt 367 571 Perry Thomas P. pg0363.txt 354 172 Philpotts John W. pg0349.txt 367 585 Philpotts Oakley pg0363.txt 368 592 Pierce John pg0363.txt 369 636 Pierce Philp M. pg0363.txt 368 593 Pierce Thomas pg0363.txt 356 234 Pierce William B. pg0356.txt 376 838 Piffeson (?) Richard pg0370.txt 352 111 Pippen Ann pg0349.txt 354 163 Pippin Joseph pg0349.txt 367 580 Pitts Taylor pg0363.txt 350 48 Placy Charles pg0349.txt 365 519 Pointer Henry S. pg0363.txt 376 850 Pointer Isaac pg0370.txt 354 171 Pointer John A. pg0349.txt 354 159 Pointer Mary pg0349.txt 362 406 Pointer Seth pg0356.txt 353 155 Pointer Solomon pg0349.txt 353 129 Pointer William pg0349.txt 366 551 Poster William pg0363.txt 362 417 Powers John pg0356.txt 359 336 Procter Elizabeth pg0356.txt 354 180 Proctor Christopher pg0349.txt 353 141 Proctor James H. pg0349.txt 353 125 Profser (?) John pg0349.txt 361 392 Puller John pg0356.txt 356 231 Puller Samuel D. pg0356.txt 353 152 Puller Stephen pg0349.txt 361 3276 Pulller Thomas pg0356.txt 372 717 Purcell Ailson pg0370.txt 352 121 Purcell Harry pg0349.txt 354 166 Purcell John pg0349.txt 370 651 Purcell Joseph pg0370.txt 361 375 Purcell Read pg0356.txt 365 509 Purs(c)ell James pg0363.txt 366 554 Purvess Ruben pg0363.txt 350 58 Ramsone Thomas pg0349.txt 350 54 Ransome Thomas pg0349.txt 357 267 Ransone John T. pg0356.txt 368 600 Ransone William pg0363.txt 351 72 Rawsome William pg0349.txt 362 429 Read John pg0356.txt 351 78 Read Samuel A pg0349.txt 366 549 Revan John W. pg0363.txt 363 456 Ricforth (?) Robert P. pg0363.txt 362 422 Richeson's quarter Leonard pg0356.txt 362 414 Rilee Amy pg0356.txt 372 716 Rilee John G. pg0370.txt 353 135 Rilee Richard pg0349.txt 369 628 Rilee Thomas R (K) pg0363.txt 353 136 Rilee William pg0349.txt 368 590 Rilee William C. pg0363.txt 370 656 Rilee, Sr. Thomas pg0370.txt 367 572 Roane Allen pg0363.txt 369 637 Roane Henry pg0363.txt 360 352 Roane Matitow pg0356.txt 361 389 Roane, Jr. Charles pg0356.txt 367 566 Roane, Sr Charles pg0363.txt 361 385 Roberson Amy pg0356.txt 358 281 Roberts John B. pg0356.txt 354 185 Robins Ann pg0349.txt 363 458 Robins Augustine pg0363.txt 365 520 Robins Benj. T.C. pg0363.txt 356 243 Robins Frank pg0356.txt 350 37 Robins James pg0349.txt 350 36 Robins Jefferson pg0349.txt 364 470 Robins Jefferson pg0363.txt 364 480 Robins John P. pg0363.txt 370 677 Robins Nancy pg0370.txt 359 327 Robins Thomas pg0356.txt 364 468 Robins Thomas pg0363.txt 364 490 Robins Thomas pg0363.txt 370 658 Robins William pg0370.txt 364 483 Robins, Sr. William pg0363.txt 367 564 Robinson Ruben pg0363.txt 351 71 Rowe Benjamin pg0349.txt 349 30 Rowe George pg0349.txt 353 132 Rowe George pg0349.txt 358 293 Rowe Gracy pg0356.txt 349 15 Rowe James pg0349.txt 350 51 Rowe James pg0349.txt 366 552 Rowe Jasper C. pg0363.txt 351 92 Rowe John pg0349.txt 350 60 Rowe Joseph pg0349.txt 361 381 Rowe Martha pg0356.txt 350 53 Rowe Mary pg0349.txt 357 268 Rowe Mary pg0356.txt 350 50 Rowe Nancy pg0349.txt 363 447 Rowe Ralph pg0363.txt 350 52 Rowe Sterling pg0349.txt 349 31 Rowe William pg0349.txt 366 546 Rowlon Uriah pg0363.txt 360 356 Roysten Conquest pg0356.txt 360 355 Roysten Thomas pg0356.txt 360 346 Royster Sarah pg0356.txt 375 826 S (?) Ann pg0370.txt 361 401 Sale John A. pg0356.txt 362 409 Sampson John pg0356.txt 364 469 Sanders Jefferson pg0363.txt 355 203 Saunders Polly pg0349.txt 354 165 Saunders William pg0349.txt 355 192 Scott Ann L. pg0349.txt 353 146 Scott Frank pg0349.txt 369 639 Sears Beverley pg0363.txt 371 699 Sears Esward pg0370.txt 354 181 Sears Thomas pg0349.txt 354 186 Seavin ?? John pg0349.txt 366 532 Seawell Absol?? pg0363.txt 373 754 Seawell Benjamin pg0370.txt 376 855 Seawell Benjamin pg0370.txt 356 229 Seawell John pg0356.txt 377 868 Seawell John B pg0370.txt 352 102 Seawell John T. pg0349.txt 373 753 Seawell Joseph pg0370.txt 376 859 Seawell Thomas M. pg0370.txt 351 90 Seivlow ?? Thomas pg0349.txt 364 467 Seldon Robert pg0363.txt 353 149 Sermon (?) Mordicau (?) pg0349.txt 357 271 Service (?) Susy pg0356.txt 363 465 Seweld Thomas H. pg0363.txt 362 428 Shackelford Edward pg0356.txt 349 21 Shackelford George pg0349.txt 358 286 Shackelford James pg0356.txt 352 117 Shackelford John pg0349.txt 355 193 Shackelford John pg0349.txt 371 702 Shackelford John pg0370.txt 350 38 Shackelford Nancy pg0349.txt 362 434 Shackelford William pg0356.txt 358 292 Shackelford Zach pg0356.txt 373 750 Shelton Hirum pg0370.txt 365 511 Sheppard George pg0363.txt 367 579 Sheppard James B. pg0363.txt 368 608 Sinclair John pg0363.txt 366 533 Singleton John F. pg0363.txt 357 264 Singleton Richard pg0356.txt 354 170 Slaughter Richison pg0349.txt 366 530 Slaughter Sylvister pg0363.txt 365 510 Slaughter William Jefferson pg0363.txt 350 40 Smith Anthony pg0349.txt 371 690 Smith Anthony pg0370.txt 350 57 Smith Armistead pg0349.txt 364 473 Smith Christopher pg0363.txt 376 851 Smith Elizabeth pg0370.txt 350 39 Smith James pg0349.txt 358 308 Smith James pg0356.txt 359 324 Smith John pg0356.txt 359 320 Smith Michael pg0356.txt 350 46 Smith Sarah pg0349.txt 350 49 Smith Sarah R pg0349.txt 359 315 Smith Stephen pg0356.txt 359 330 Smith Stephen pg0356.txt 359 316 Smith Sterling pg0356.txt 359 319 Smith Taylor pg0356.txt 359 323 Smith Thomas pg0356.txt 362 430 Smith Thomas pg0356.txt 368 598 Smith Willliam P. pg0363.txt 372 720 Soles William pg0370.txt 372 723 Soles, Jr. James pg0370.txt 371 701 Soles, Sr. James pg0370.txt 370 674 Southerberry John F. pg0370.txt 363 450 Southerland Jerimiah pg0363.txt 374 786 Southerland Overton pg0370.txt 374 787 Southerland Tom pg0370.txt 362 432 Southern William pg0356.txt 373 752 Spencer Louise pg0370.txt 351 67 Spencer Sarah pg0349.txt 364 477 Spratt Tully pg0363.txt 375 813 Stalker Henry pg0370.txt 357 250 Stevens Sally Ann pg0356.txt 355 190 Stewart Thomas J. pg0349.txt 349 29 Stisky John pg0349.txt 357 254 Stubblefield Edward B. pg0356.txt 357 253 Stubblefield Henry M. pg0356.txt 354 161 Stubblefield John K. J. pg0349.txt 361 382 Stubblefield Simeon pg0356.txt 360 349 Stubblefield Thomas M. pg0356.txt 352 95 Stubblefield Wade E. pg0349.txt 364 487 Stubbs Jefferson M. pg0363.txt 368 609 Stubbs John pg0363.txt 356 222 Stubbs Laurence pg0356.txt 356 246 Stubbs Samuel pg0356.txt 352 96 Stubbs Simon W. pg0349.txt 353 150 Stubbs William pg0349.txt 360 366 Stubbs William Robins pg0356.txt 365 501 Sturgers Thomas pg0363.txt 367 575 Summerson Charles pg0363.txt 370 661 Tabb Eliza pg0370.txt 360 354 Tabb George E. pg0356.txt 357 263 Tabb John pg0356.txt 362 431 Tabb John H. pg0356.txt 357 266 Tabb Philip E. pg0356.txt 352 105 Taliafero George B. pg0349.txt 352 106 Taliafero James B. pg0349.txt 360 353 Taliafero Philp pg0356.txt 361 390 Taliafero, Sr (Dr) William pg0356.txt 368 616 Taliaferro Alexander G. pg0363.txt 368 606 Taliaferro Warner T. pg0363.txt 370 652 Tasy (?) Jefferson pg0370.txt 352 104 Tay;or Robert pg0349.txt 364 495 Tayler Henry pg0363.txt 374 793 Taylor William pg0370.txt 349 2 Teagle Thomas pg0349.txt 363 455 Terrell Anthony pg0363.txt 368 596 Terry George pg0363.txt 369 630 Thift Frances pg0363.txt 369 632 Thift Jeremiah pg0363.txt 349 20 Thomas Elizabeth pg0349.txt 350 43 Thomas Jefferson pg0349.txt 349 22 Thomas Mildred pg0349.txt 350 44 Thomas Washington pg0349.txt 366 547 Thompson Peter pg0363.txt 376 854 Thompson Rebecca pg0370.txt 349 28 Thornton John A B pg0349.txt 359 333 Thornton John S. pg0356.txt 374 800 Thrift John pg0370.txt 365 524 Thrift Minton T. pg0363.txt 367 558 Thruston Macheus pg0363.txt 375 820 Thruston Robert pg0370.txt 363 461 Thurston Emanual pg0363.txt 375 833 Thurston Francis pg0370.txt 370 675 Tigg James pg0370.txt 370 662 Tilehill Daniel H. pg0370.txt 351 75 Tillage Jefferson pg0349.txt 376 844 Tillage John pg0370.txt 360 369 Tinson Mary pg0356.txt 362 418 Tomlinson William pg0356.txt 376 865 Townsend Kennall pg0370.txt 354 157 Trevilliam Elizabeth pg0349.txt 355 205 Trevilliam Mary pg0349.txt 351 68 Trevilliam William pg0349.txt 362 433 Vanghan William P. pg0356.txt 368 607 Vaughan James L. pg0363.txt 360 371 Vaughan Mary pg0356.txt 375 830 Vaughan William pg0370.txt 373 771 Waddle Richard pg0370.txt 351 88 Walker Edward pg0349.txt 357 274 Walker Elizabeth pg0356.txt 369 620 Walker John pg0363.txt 358 283 Walker Mead pg0356.txt 375 828 Walker Peter pg0370.txt 351 82 Walker Robert pg0349.txt 370 655 Walker William M. pg0370.txt 364 496 Wallace George pg0363.txt 376 848 Wallace Joseph pg0370.txt 364 494 Wallace William pg0363.txt 360 351 Waller Edward pg0356.txt 376 863 Wallington Caly pg0370.txt 375 823 Wallington Jn (?) W pg0370.txt 360 370 Ware Robert pg0356.txt 363 452 Washington John pg0363.txt 367 563 Webb James pg0363.txt 375 817 Webb Nancy pg0370.txt 364 474 Webster Elizabeth pg0363.txt 349 10 West Ambose pg0349.txt 349 13 West Christopher pg0349.txt 359 313 West Christopher pg0356.txt 349 11 West Frances pg0349.txt 373 748 West Frances pg0370.txt 369 644 West Isaac pg0363.txt 349 5 West James pg0349.txt 365 516 West James pg0363.txt 356 225 West John pg0356.txt 359 311 West Mary pg0356.txt 356 221 West Mathew pg0356.txt 358 303 West Nath pg0356.txt 349 12 West Rebecca pg0349.txt 355 191 West Thomas pg0349.txt 350 55 West William pg0349.txt 351 87 West William pg0349.txt 361 378 West, Sr. James pg0356.txt 371 694 White Abraham F. pg0370.txt 357 272 White James pg0356.txt 356 235 Whiting John pg0356.txt 352 119 Whiting John T. pg0349.txt 353 127 Whiting Maria pg0349.txt 367 587 Wiatt George W. pg0363.txt 371 697 Wiatt, Sr James pg0370.txt 356 230 Wiatt. William G. pg0356.txt 364 488 Wilkens Elizabeth pg0363.txt 375 824 Wilkens Robert pg0370.txt 354 184 Wilkins Nathan F. pg0349.txt 356 232 Williams Andrew pg0356.txt 363 443 Williams Augustine pg0363.txt 350 33 Williams Edward pg0349.txt 373 749 Williams Mary pg0370.txt 374 803 Williams Peyton G. pg0370.txt 365 508 Williams Robert pg0363.txt 374 804 Williams Thomas C. pg0370.txt 375 819 Williamson James pg0370.txt 374 781 Wilson Robert pg0370.txt 352 107 Wolf John pg0349.txt 366 553 Woodland John pg0363.txt 365 500 Woodland William pg0363.txt 356 224 Wright Mary pg0356.txt 355 188 Yates Mary Ann pg0349.txt 356 236 Young Priscilla pg0356.txt