Victoria County, TX 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by Rachel Fuller for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2024 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MICROFILM-ROLL#: T1134-54 STATE TX COUNTY VICTORIA SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This census contains many names with no information other than their sex with a circule around it. These are followed by an entry with the same surname. It may be possible that the circled entry belongs to a next or kin or head of household found in the general population schedule. I have noted which names are affected in the Transcriber's Remarks column. ================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Victoria DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: A. W. Hicks FILE PAGE: 1 HANDWRITTEN PAGE: 237 ================================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUP. CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================== 1 Read Lewis . M . . . . . . . . Only name written 2 Read John A. 25 M . . S Al'a Jan'y Farmer Drowned . . 3 Bell David 30 M . . M Ky Jan'y Farmer Neumonia 21 . 4 Kerby Lorenzo 30 M . . M Mass Nov'r Farmer Conj. Fever 14 . 5 Deleon Saloma . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled. 6 Deleon Fel** 44 M * . M Mexico Jan'y Farmer Neumonia 7 . 7 Mitchell Isaac N. . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 8 Mitchell Margaret 10 F . . S Miss Oct'r . Fever 9 . 9 Clay G. B. . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 10 Clay Jane 48 F . . M Geo Aust . Fever 40 . 11 Herd Joel 5 M B S . U July . Unknown 60 . 12 Bailey Wm . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 13 Bailey Susana 65 F . . W NY July . Fever 14 . 14 Caltinhorn Mary . F . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 15 Caltinhorn Henry 37 M . . M Germany March Farmer Chronic 12 mo . 16 Donalson Mary . F . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 17 Donalson Ebenezer 45 M . . M Tenn July . Fever 8 . 18 Seal Lecurzus A. 4 M B S . U Oct'r . Conj. Fever 5 . 19 Ragland Wm 30 M B S . U March . Chal**e 1 . 20 . . 30 M B S . U Feb'y . Unknown . . 21 Amnicker William . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 22 Amnicker Charles 9 M . . . France Sept . Fever 6 . 23 Chromere Christian . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 24 Chromere Dorothy 36 F . . M Germany Oct . Consumption 2 yrs . 25 Linn John J. . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 26 Linn Julia 7 F . . . Texas Aust . Cont. Fever 4 . 27 Ross P. R. 4 M B S . Texas Jan'y . Neumonia 2 . 28 . . 2 M B S . Texas Feb'y . Neumonia 3 . 29 Fitzpatrick A. 2 M B S . Texas Nov . Unknown 3 . 30 ***** ***** 53 M B S . U Aust . Dropsey 4 mo name is totally blacked out 31 Chandler David . M . . . . . . . . Gender is circled 32 Chandler Frances 41 F . . M Geo Oct . Dropsey 3 yr . 33 Chandler Eliza 5 F . . . Al'a July . Dropsey 1 yr . ================================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ==================================================================================================================================================================