County, 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by ? and proofread by ? for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2010 by ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MICROFILM-ROLL#: STATE COUNTY SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TN COUNTY: Johnson DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: Alex D. Smith --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE-PG PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ========================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 427 1 Flannagan Orpha 19 F . . M Ten March None pain in the head 3 mo . 1 427 2 (not named) (property of B. Shown) 1/12 F M S . Ten March . hives Sudden . 1 427 3 Duff Roena A 1/12 F . . . Ten Jany . unknown Sudden . 1 427 4 Duff William H 1/12 M . . . Ten Jany . unknown sudden . 1 427 5 Johnson Lewis J 4/12 M . . . Ten Sept . unknown 2 mo . 1 427 6 Mulwer (not named) 1/12 F . . . Ten March . unknown Sudden . 1 427 7 McQueen (not named) 1/12 M . . . Ten Sept . unknown Sudden . 1 427 8 Osborn Isaac 52 M . . M N.C. Apr Farmer Typhoid fever 3 mo . 1 427 9 Osborn Sarah 53 F . . W Ten May . unknown Sudden . 1 427 10 Wilson (not named) 1/12 F . . . Ten Apr . inflamation of the bowels 2 weeks . 1 427 11 Smith Abner 68 M . . M N.C. May Farmer unknown 3 weeks . 1 427 12 Olliver Winna E 3 F . . . N.C. Sept . burnt 1 . 1 427 13 Davis Dicy 52 F . . M Ten Feby house keeper Consumption 7 years . 1 427 14 Reese Daniel 54 M . . W Ten Oct'r farmer unknown 6 mo . 1 427 15 Brown Sarah 3 F . . . N.C. Apr . whooping cough 8 . 1 427 16 Wilson (not named) 1/12 F . . . Ten Oct'r . unknown Sudden . 1 427 17 Moreland Nicholas 21 M . . M Ten Jany farmer Typhoid fever 4 weeks . 1 427 18 Howard Isaac T 3 M . . . N.C. Apr . drowned sudden . 1 427 19 Howard William B 2 M . . . N.C. Apr . drowned sudden . 1 427 20 Wagner Nancy C 2/12 F . . . Ten March . hives 5 . 1 427 21 Lewis Saml E 2/12 M . . . Ten Sept . unknown 1 mo . 1 427 22 Kiss Thomas 18 M . . . Ten March Hammerman Nwecoua dwcwe 1 mo . 1 427 23 Rainbolt Elizabeth 59 F . . M Ten Jany . Typhoid fever 10 . 1 427 24 Rainbolt Susan 13 F B S . Ten Sept . Typhoid fever 6 . 1 427 25 Burns Anna 76 F . . W N.C. Nov Seamstress Affection of the spine 4 mo . 1 427 26 (not named) (property of Mich'l Smithpeler) 2 M B S . Ten Apr . unknown 2 weeks . 1 427 27 Loyd (not named) 5/12 F . . . Ten March . whooping cough 10 weeks . 1 427 28 Rogers Thomas 30 M . . . Ten Oct'r Farmer Fever 2 weeks . 1 427 29 Sharp Patterson 60 M . . M Va Sept'r Co Register Bilious fever 2 weeks . Remarks: As most mountainous countries, the principle Maladies are Typhous & billious fevers, pneumonia, bronchitus, the water is abundant, pure and fresh, principles soft. Interspersed however, with a little hard in the "S.W.) Springs are numerous and bold, the features rough & broken being essentially Valley & Mountains, the latter are lofty and ragged, with dense forests & a large portion of the year the home of fogs and mists, the principle stone are the Square and Cornered and large massive ledges of mountain rock, with occasional beds of bothe red & blue slate. The Valleys are low and lye along the streams which are full of rapids, offering the greatest facilities to water power . . . NOTE: Remainder of enumerator's remarks are illegible near the bottom and up the side.