Jefferson County, TN 1830 Federal Census - INDEX FILE This Census was transcribed by Arleen Witt and proofread by Lester Witt for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright (c) 1999 by Arleen Witt ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber, or the legal representative of the transcriber, and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from which this transcription was made. The complete original, handwritten census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208 ( ************************************************************************ Census_Year 1830 Microfilm #M19-180 State TN County Jefferson District 4 Enumerator R.F. McFarland Reference 22 Nov. 1830 THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILENAME COLUMN. Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Filename 279 51 Abbott Susan pg0278.txt 303 694 Abbott Drury pg0299.txt 306 757 Acle Peter pg0306.txt 307 780 Acle Bradley pg0306.txt 305 737 Acles Fleming pg0299.txt 306 769 Adams Wiley H. pg0306.txt 306 773 Adams Tabitha pg0306.txt 301 635 Adamson Thomas pg0299.txt 301 643 Adamson Larkin pg0299.txt 341 1687 Adamson Elinor pg0341.txt 341 1688 Adamson Thomas pg0341.txt 316 1026 Adcocke William pg0313.txt 341 1670 Alderson Burzilla pg0341.txt 281 92 Alexander James pg0278.txt 291 355 Alexander Thomas pg0285.txt 338 1599 Aley Jacob pg0334.txt 339 1620 Aley John pg0334.txt 287 245 Allen Bennet pg0285.txt 305 751 Allin John pg0299.txt 321 1168 Allin Burtan pg0320.txt 278 14 Amanett Hutson pg0278.txt 281 101 Anderson Pierce B. pg0278.txt 287 248 Anderson William pg0285.txt 288 276 Anderson Alexander pg0285.txt 291 377 Anderson James pg0285.txt 291 378 Anderson John pg0285.txt 292 379 Anderson Joseph pg0292.txt 292 380 Anderson James pg0292.txt 292 381 Anderson William pg0292.txt 292 382 Anderson James Sr pg0292.txt 301 629 Anderson James pg0299.txt 328 1340 Anderson James pg0327.txt 285 208 Angle Jacob pg0285.txt 320 1121 Anior Micogah pg0320.txt 282 125 Anthony John pg0278.txt 324 1232 Arms Edward pg0320.txt 324 1234 Arms Hazakiah pg0320.txt 289 319 Arnot Holbert pg0285.txt 321 1145 Ashmore David pg0320.txt 335 1518 Ashmore Elizabeth pg0334.txt 336 1540 Austell William pg0334.txt 282 121 Austin William pg0278.txt 282 123 Austin Chamness W. pg0278.txt 288 294 Austin Archabald Jr pg0285.txt 288 295 Austin Archey Sr. pg0285.txt 293 432 Austin Joseph pg0292.txt 296 507 Ayers John pg0292.txt 317 1044 Ayres Kissiah pg0313.txt 309 841 Babb Philip pg0306.txt 322 1194 Babs Abagal pg0320.txt 279 38 Baker William pg0278.txt 288 274 Baker Peter pg0285.txt 295 467 Baker John pg0292.txt 333 1458 Baker Ruben J. pg0327.txt 338 1597 Baker Margaret pg0334.txt 338 1606 Baker Wilkinson pg0334.txt 339 1612 Baker Thomas pg0334.txt 335 1523 Balah John pg0334.txt 299 579 Balch James P. pg0299.txt 295 480 Bales John pg0292.txt 297 517 Bales Henry pg0292.txt 298 556 Bales P. M. pg0292.txt 298 557 Bales John pg0292.txt 300 606 Bales William pg0299.txt 301 641 Bales William pg0299.txt 314 969 Bales Abnor pg0313.txt 333 1464 Bales Daniel pg0327.txt 341 1676 Bales Ashur pg0341.txt 298 559 Baley Martin pg0292.txt 301 632 Baley Car pg0299.txt 334 1490 Baley Jesse pg0334.txt 314 976 Balinger William pg0313.txt 314 980 Balinger Alex pg0313.txt 314 985 Balinger William pg0313.txt 315 987 Balinger John pg0313.txt 343 1725 Ballard James pg0341.txt 319 1104 Banketon James N. pg0313.txt 297 514 Bare Adam pg0292.txt 319 1101 Bare Henry pg0313.txt 319 1102 Bare John pg0313.txt 292 404 Barket Jacob pg0292.txt 317 1063 Barler Elz ** pg0313.txt 305 728 Barley Susanah pg0299.txt 301 633 Barnes Moses pg0299.txt 317 1041 Barnes Jacob pg0313.txt 320 1136 Barnes Elizabeth pg0320.txt 344 1751 Barnet William pg0341.txt 296 503 Barnett Michael pg0292.txt 328 1327 Barnhill Maria pg0327.txt 301 639 Barnis Thomas pg0299.txt 310 864 Barns John pg0306.txt 289 298 Bartan Isaac pg0285.txt 307 799 Bartan William pg0306.txt 279 54 Bates Hampton pg0278.txt 316 1028 Bates Joseph pg0313.txt 313 952 Bearan Benjamin pg0313.txt 317 1040 Beasley Abram pg0313.txt 318 1076 Beattie F. pg0313.txt 307 786 Bell Mary pg0306.txt 307 791 Bell Samuel pg0306.txt 320 1117 Bell Edmund pg0320.txt 326 1276 Bell Benjamin pg0320.txt 332 1439 Bellis David pg0327.txt 310 872 Benion Richard pg0306.txt 342 1704 Bennett James pg0341.txt 310 861 Berry Joseph M. pg0306.txt 321 1156 Bethel John pg0320.txt 335 1527 Bettes Rebecca pg0334.txt 296 493 Bettis William pg0292.txt 301 642 Bettis Benona pg0299.txt 303 696 Bettis Bradley Sr pg0299.txt 303 698 Bettis William Sr pg0299.txt 303 699 Bettis Eli pg0299.txt 303 700 Bettis John pg0299.txt 304 701 Bettis Bradley K. pg0299.txt 308 809 Bettis Samuel pg0306.txt 280 80 Beuby John W. pg0278.txt 299 588 Bicknell James M. pg0299.txt 318 1089 Bicknell Daniel pg0313.txt 282 124 Birch John pg0278.txt 282 128 Birch George pg0278.txt 291 358 Birch Arny pg0285.txt 331 1423 Birchfield Joseph pg0327.txt 338 1594 Birchfield Robert pg0334.txt 316 1036 Bird William pg0313.txt 289 317 Birkhard Peter pg0285.txt 286 220 Bishop John pg0285.txt 344 1748 Bishop James pg0341.txt 298 551 Black Jacob pg0292.txt 339 1613 Black Robert pg0334.txt 303 678 Blackburn John pg0299.txt 306 765 Blackburn Andrew pg0306.txt 306 767 Blackburn John Sr. pg0306.txt 306 777 Blackburn James pg0306.txt 335 1525 Blackburn Edward pg0334.txt 344 1754 Blackburn Benjamin pg0341.txt 320 1142 Blackwell Joal pg0320.txt 323 1220 Blagg Joseph pg0320.txt 301 627 Blake Joab pg0299.txt 310 874 Blake Benjamin pg0306.txt 301 636 Blakeley Joseph pg0299.txt 323 1216 Blakely Joseph pg0320.txt 283 149 Bolejack William pg0278.txt 312 912 Boman Daniel pg0306.txt 312 913 Boman John pg0306.txt 332 1441 Bordik Katharin pg0327.txt 316 1029 Boulton James pg0313.txt 311 885 Bowerman David pg0306.txt 314 973 Box Samuel Jr pg0313.txt 314 983 Box Samuel Sr pg0313.txt 315 994 Box Jonathan pg0313.txt 309 850 Boyd John W. pg0306.txt 302 652 Bradford James pg0299.txt 319 1097 Bradford N. B. pg0313.txt 316 1038 Bradley John pg0313.txt 292 391 Bradly James pg0292.txt 299 568 Bradshaw Richard pg0299.txt 316 1034 Bradshaw Benjamin pg0313.txt 316 1035 Bradshaw Larmee pg0313.txt 297 539 Bragg Nicholas pg0292.txt 299 587 Bragg John pg0299.txt 324 1233 Brake Sharwood pg0320.txt 320 1123 Branham William pg0320.txt 301 634 Branner Michael Jr. pg0299.txt 301 647 Branner Casper pg0299.txt 318 1075 Branner George pg0313.txt 323 1213 Branson Levi pg0320.txt 298 542 Braum Michael pg0292.txt 317 1051 Brayelton Isaac pg0313.txt 309 851 Brazelton Lanty A. pg0306.txt 317 1058 Brazelton William pg0313.txt 321 1161 Brazelton Jacob pg0320.txt 321 1162 Brazelton William Sr. pg0320.txt 300 619 Breden Mark pg0299.txt 317 1053 Breden Richard pg0313.txt 290 347 Bredin Thomas pg0285.txt 294 440 Briant Creed pg0292.txt 334 1504 Briant James pg0334.txt 336 1555 Briant Richard pg0334.txt 325 1250 Brice William pg0320.txt 338 1595 Brimer Vinyard pg0334.txt 338 1596 Brimer John pg0334.txt 304 715 Briner Elenor pg0299.txt 283 138 Brittain Andrew pg0278.txt 292 386 Brittan Joseph pg0292.txt 292 398 Britten Hester pg0292.txt 290 342 Brittin Nancy grass widow pg0285.txt 318 1087 Brookner Charles pg0313.txt 312 911 Brooks Tarltan pg0306.txt 278 19 Brown Thomas pg0278.txt 280 56 Brown John B. pg0278.txt 284 188 Brown Garland R. pg0278.txt 296 496 Brown Gidean L. pg0292.txt 303 689 Brown George pg0299.txt 304 707 Brown Polly pg0299.txt 325 1256 Brown John pg0320.txt 331 1409 Brown Clabourn pg0327.txt 336 1550 Brown Claibourn pg0334.txt 315 1000 Bruier James pg0313.txt 286 226 Burch Elijah pg0285.txt 320 1119 Burchit Sally pg0320.txt 292 403 Burket George pg0292.txt 329 1365 Burnes John pg0327.txt 319 1094 Burnet Rhoda pg0313.txt 326 1280 Burnet William pg0320.txt 327 1318 Burnett John pg0327.txt 317 1043 Burns Ruth pg0313.txt 330 1401 Byas Joseph pg0327.txt 330 1402 Byas Betsy pg0327.txt 327 1300 Cain Richard pg0327.txt 300 612 Caldwell Anthony pg0299.txt 300 615 Caldwell James A. pg0299.txt 320 1132 Caldwell Anthony pg0320.txt 321 1149 Caldwell James H. pg0320.txt 329 1354 Caldwell William pg0327.txt 341 1667 Caldwell Elexander pg0341.txt 341 1669 Caldwell John pg0341.txt 321 1148 Caldwell William Sr. pg0320.txt 321 1146 Caldwill John pg0320.txt 333 1473 Callahan Rachel pg0327.txt 333 1475 Callahan Thomas pg0327.txt 334 1502 Callahan John pg0334.txt 320 1141 Callin Edward pg0320.txt 332 1433 Callin Henry pg0327.txt 284 179 Campbell Nancy pg0278.txt 304 716 Campbell Davis pg0299.txt 308 821 Campbell Charles pg0306.txt 308 822 Campbell Thomas pg0306.txt 313 939 Campbell James pg0313.txt 321 1147 Campbell James pg0320.txt 334 1498 Campbell Jesse pg0334.txt 280 55 Cantrell Tillman pg0278.txt 284 176 Canyers Sarah pg0278.txt 286 225 Carder Archabald pg0285.txt 311 887 Cardwell John pg0306.txt 318 1069 Carman William pg0313.txt 282 135 Carmichael James pg0278.txt 296 506 Carmichael Lemuel pg0292.txt 320 1118 Carmichael Thomas pg0320.txt 278 10 Carmon Thomas pg0278.txt 278 13 Carmon John pg0278.txt 328 1329 Carmon Ualibs pg0327.txt 312 924 Carnett Bird pg0306.txt 296 510 Carney John pg0292.txt 308 828 Carney Arthur pg0306.txt 341 1680 Carpenter William pg0341.txt 332 1452 Carr Benjamin pg0327.txt 283 152 Carson John L. pg0278.txt 302 650 Carson James H. pg0299.txt 303 677 Carson James pg0299.txt 305 752 Carson Samuel pg0299.txt 307 793 Carson John pg0306.txt 297 521 Carter Pascal pg0292.txt 301 622 Carter Thornton pg0299.txt 301 623 Carter Stuart pg0299.txt 301 645 Carter Adam pg0299.txt 318 1086 Carter Peyton pg0313.txt 319 1092 Carter William pg0313.txt 328 1347 Carter Enoch pg0327.txt 338 1604 Carter James pg0334.txt 279 41 Cartright William pg0278.txt 279 50 Cartright Joseph pg0278.txt 286 221 Carwile Jacob pg0285.txt 304 712 Carwile Maryan pg0299.txt 296 497 Cary Catharine pg0292.txt 336 1554 Caster James pg0334.txt 300 605 Castiller Alfred pg0299.txt 294 457 Cate John pg0292.txt 302 671 Cate Charles pg0299.txt 326 1296 Cate William pg0320.txt 327 1316 Cate Samuel pg0327.txt 341 1679 Cate Charles pg0341.txt 341 1683 Cate William pg0341.txt 309 844 Cato Anderson pg0306.txt 336 1537 Cawan Joel pg0334.txt 305 741 Ceratt Thomas pg0299.txt 295 460 Chace Obed pg0292.txt 295 465 Chace John pg0292.txt 298 544 Chambers Henry pg0292.txt 337 1561 Chambers William pg0334.txt 337 1581 Chambers Isaac pg0334.txt 343 1736 Chambers John pg0341.txt 300 596 Chandler William pg0299.txt 311 898 Chaney Charles pg0306.txt 287 253 Channy William pg0285.txt 280 74 Cheek Charon pg0278.txt 304 710 Cherrytree Thomas pg0299.txt 284 164 Chilton James pg0278.txt 285 209 Chunn Joseph S. pg0285.txt 295 484 Churchman James pg0292.txt 302 667 Churchman John pg0299.txt 306 754 Churchman Joseph pg0306.txt 308 812 Churchman Stephen pg0306.txt 308 825 Churchman Reubin pg0306.txt 311 906 Churchman Rubin pg0306.txt 341 1685 Clark James pg0341.txt 293 426 Clarkson James pg0292.txt 319 1093 Clemmons G. W. pg0313.txt 337 1574 Clendenen John pg0334.txt 309 854 Clevenger George pg0306.txt 311 900 Clevenger Isaac pg0306.txt 326 1279 Cliban Millinder pg0320.txt 298 563 Cluck George pg0292.txt 300 618 Cluck Daniel pg0299.txt 311 899 Cluck Henry pg0306.txt 318 1072 Cluck Jacob pg0313.txt 328 1343 Cluck Peter pg0327.txt 328 1344 Cluck Jacob Jr. pg0327.txt 289 312 Coartney James pg0285.txt 282 134 Coffman Nicholas pg0278.txt 289 321 Coffman Robert pg0285.txt 291 352 Coffman James pg0285.txt 291 373 Coffman Samuel pg0285.txt 292 390 Coffman Andrew pg0292.txt 319 1116 Coffman Thomas K. pg0313.txt 288 277 Colick Mayes D. pg0285.txt 334 1499 Collet Samuel pg0334.txt 312 915 Collins William pg0306.txt 315 1006 Collins John pg0313.txt 327 1299 Collins Thomas pg0327.txt 336 1547 Collins William pg0334.txt 295 472 Combs John C. pg0292.txt 309 848 Combs Alfred S. pg0306.txt 281 83 Conway William T. pg0278.txt 336 1539 Coons Josephe pg0334.txt 285 216 Cooper Loyd pg0285.txt 333 1478 Cooper Jesse pg0327.txt 335 1512 Cooper Mary pg0334.txt 296 488 Copeland Hamilton pg0292.txt 306 753 Copeland Zacheus pg0306.txt 306 760 Copeland Riley pg0306.txt 330 1398 Copeland Joseph pg0327.txt 313 950 Coppick Jacob pg0313.txt 333 1479 Coppick Joseph pg0327.txt 296 487 Coppiok John pg0292.txt 299 581 Corbit James pg0299.txt 319 1096 Cory Wassington pg0313.txt 336 1556 Costiller Isabel pg0334.txt 283 136 Courtney Marshal pg0278.txt 325 1259 Covey Robert pg0320.txt 329 1366 Cowan Johathan pg0327.txt 330 1393 Cowan John pg0327.txt 330 1400 Cowan George pg0327.txt 282 114 Coward David pg0278.txt 281 99 Cox William pg0278.txt 285 212 Cox Sampson pg0285.txt 291 356 Cox William Sr. pg0285.txt 291 357 Cox Isaac pg0285.txt 294 459 Cox William Esq. pg0292.txt 295 462 Cox Hopkins M. pg0292.txt 326 1281 Cox Riece pg0320.txt 336 1557 Craig Robert pg0334.txt 326 1278 Cribarger Katherine pg0320.txt 298 550 Crider Isaac pg0292.txt 318 1068 Crider Jacob pg0313.txt 307 785 Critser William pg0306.txt 278 4 Crosby George pg0278.txt 323 1198 Cross Joseph C. pg0320.txt 287 254 Crow James pg0285.txt 287 255 Crow Russel pg0285.txt 331 1405 Crow John pg0327.txt 312 934 Crowel William pg0306.txt 313 940 Crowell Keak pg0313.txt 314 961 Crowell Benjamin pg0313.txt 291 353 Cunningham Mary pg0285.txt 286 238 Curry Nancy pg0285.txt 329 1359 Dafran Owen pg0327.txt 286 235 Daggett Isaac pg0285.txt 286 240 Daggett Jesse pg0285.txt 286 241 Daggett Thomas pg0285.txt 291 361 Danaldson Isabel pg0285.txt 294 452 Danaldson John pg0292.txt 317 1049 Dane John pg0313.txt 304 703 Daniel Edward pg0299.txt 330 1384 Danildson Hanable pg0327.txt 304 724 Dannel James pg0299.txt 322 1182 Dardion Thomas pg0320.txt 331 1420 Darieux Henry pg0327.txt 328 1342 Datton Casander pg0327.txt 288 279 Dauson Abrams pg0285.txt 287 268 Davis Mary grass widow pg0285.txt 288 271 Davis Benjamin pg0285.txt 290 350 Davis Andrew pg0285.txt 299 576 Davis Nicholas H. pg0299.txt 309 840 Davis Thomas pg0306.txt 309 845 Davis James pg0306.txt 310 879 Davis Elias pg0306.txt 314 978 Davis James Jr pg0313.txt 314 979 Davis James Sr pg0313.txt 315 992 Davis Thomas pg0313.txt 315 1011 Davis Jermes pg0313.txt 333 1467 Davis Mary pg0327.txt 334 1500 Davis Rachael pg0334.txt 336 1546 Davis Joel pg0334.txt 339 1631 Davis John pg0334.txt 287 267 Day Barbary pg0285.txt 289 303 Day Isaac pg0285.txt 289 304 Day Lemuel pg0285.txt 290 341 Day Rutha pg0285.txt 302 651 Day Thomas pg0299.txt 307 797 Day John pg0306.txt 282 116 Day William pg0278.txt 293 422 Deadrick William H. pg0292.txt 283 162 Deaton Margaret pg0278.txt 287 250 Dee Solamon pg0285.txt 308 811 Denason George pg0306.txt 297 532 Denison John pg0292.txt 297 533 Denison Joel pg0292.txt 331 1403 Densan James pg0327.txt 298 549 Denson Thomas pg0292.txt 336 1535 Dentan John pg0334.txt 329 1356 Denton Mary pg0327.txt 329 1361 Denton William pg0327.txt 329 1364 Denton Jacob pg0327.txt 329 1367 Denton James K. pg0327.txt 337 1563 Denton Joel R. pg0334.txt 337 1568 Denton Jacob Sr. pg0334.txt 340 1640 Denton Josiah pg0334.txt 340 1644 Denton George pg0334.txt 340 1657 Denton Cornelius pg0334.txt 291 368 Derin William W. pg0285.txt 317 1050 Dick William pg0313.txt 323 1196 Dick Jacob pg0320.txt 327 1304 Dick Henry pg0327.txt 325 1264 Dickson Thomas pg0320.txt 325 1272 Dickson Elisha pg0320.txt 286 231 Dinkin Mary pg0285.txt 298 564 Diokey James pg0292.txt 301 624 Doan John pg0299.txt 306 761 Dobbins Griffin pg0306.txt 325 1262 Dodd Jonah pg0320.txt 329 1353 Doherly Josiah pg0327.txt 281 95 Doherty William pg0278.txt 299 571 Doherty James T. pg0299.txt 299 578 Doherty John pg0299.txt 281 105 Donaldson William pg0278.txt 337 1565 Dorathy William pg0334.txt 337 1566 Dorathy George pg0334.txt 344 1743 Dorathy George pg0341.txt 311 886 Dorothy Jane pg0306.txt 295 479 Douglas Alexander pg0292.txt 298 562 Douglas John pg0292.txt 321 1151 Douglas Edward pg0320.txt 297 525 Drake George W. pg0292.txt 278 26 Drinnen L*** pg0278.txt 286 229 Drinnen Elizabeth pg0285.txt 285 206 Driskel Jesse pg0285.txt 334 1483 Dukes Henry pg0334.txt 334 1486 Dukes John pg0334.txt 334 1487 Dukes Wyley pg0334.txt 294 433 Dunavin Thomas pg0292.txt 294 458 Dunkin John pg0292.txt 295 474 Dunkin Joel pg0292.txt 326 1277 Dunkin Jane pg0320.txt 321 1166 Dyan Polly pg0320.txt 290 339 Dyes Abram pg0285.txt 341 1665 Eaton Joseph pg0341.txt 280 71 Edgar Andrew O. pg0278.txt 301 638 Edgar Andrew pg0299.txt 336 1558 Edmonds George pg0334.txt 338 1600 Edmonds Fanney pg0334.txt 332 1432 Elder Martin pg0327.txt 343 1722 Eldor Charles pg0341.txt 290 344 Eldridge Obed pg0285.txt 333 1469 Elgin Robert pg0327.txt 336 1543 Elinger Andrew pg0334.txt 339 1623 Eliott George pg0334.txt 340 1638 Ellis Uriah pg0334.txt 319 1106 Ellit John pg0313.txt 323 1215 Ellit Robert pg0320.txt 314 966 Ellor Jacob pg0313.txt 296 508 Elmore Thomas pg0292.txt 312 925 Elmore Mordica pg0306.txt 313 943 Elmore Austin pg0313.txt 313 956 Elmore Joel pg0313.txt 314 981 Elmore William pg0313.txt 314 984 Elmore Archillen pg0313.txt 321 1167 Elmore Isaac pg0320.txt 334 1485 Elsmore Peter pg0334.txt 287 270 Epperson John pg0285.txt 330 1388 Eslinger Philip pg0327.txt 339 1616 Eslinger Mary pg0334.txt 344 1755 Eslinger Adam pg0341.txt 282 112 Evans Jacob pg0278.txt 283 141 Evans Ezekial pg0278.txt 291 362 Evans Walter pg0285.txt 291 363 Evans Sarah pg0285.txt 299 586 Evans Samuel pg0299.txt 325 1269 Evans Andrew pg0320.txt 327 1303 Evans William pg0327.txt 330 1389 Evans Lucy pg0327.txt 318 1081 Fain John pg0313.txt 333 1461 Fain Jonah pg0327.txt 341 1663 Fair John pg0341.txt 339 1633 Farlis William pg0334.txt 310 858 Farmer Ninrod pg0306.txt 310 875 Farmer Mary pg0306.txt 334 1482 Farmer James pg0334.txt 335 1513 Farrell Henrietta pg0334.txt 278 3 Felknor James pg0278.txt 278 21 Felknor William pg0278.txt 313 941 Fielding Rich pg0313.txt 313 942 Fielding William pg0313.txt 313 944 Fielding Demfrey pg0313.txt 313 947 Fielding John pg0313.txt 314 972 Fielding William pg0313.txt 314 974 Fielding James pg0313.txt 306 755 Finley David C. pg0306.txt 286 224 Finsher Aaron pg0285.txt 280 78 Firman J. W. pg0278.txt 297 515 Firman John pg0292.txt 315 1012 Fitsgerald Hugh pg0313.txt 342 1699 Flarford Eleven pg0341.txt 314 967 Flatford Nat pg0313.txt 293 424 Flowers Sarah pg0292.txt 332 1429 Forgasan William pg0327.txt 332 1442 Forgasan Thomas pg0327.txt 293 428 Forsyth Andrew pg0292.txt 333 1463 Foster Robert L. pg0327.txt 324 1225 Foust William pg0320.txt 288 287 Fox John pg0285.txt 279 36 Frank James pg0278.txt 279 37 Frank William pg0278.txt 303 683 Frank John pg0299.txt 280 69 Franklin Lewis pg0278.txt 281 102 Franklin Henry pg0278.txt 296 490 Franklin Robert pg0292.txt 297 516 Franklin Owen pg0292.txt 300 607 Franklin John M. pg0299.txt 305 750 Franklin John pg0299.txt 306 768 Franklin William pg0306.txt 342 1714 Franklin James pg0341.txt 296 495 Franklin Robert D. pg0292.txt 309 847 Frasun Preston pg0306.txt 315 988 Frazier James pg0313.txt 317 1052 Frazier Eliza pg0313.txt 327 1312 Frazier Soloman pg0327.txt 327 1313 Frazier William pg0327.txt 335 1510 French Moris pg0334.txt 343 1726 French William pg0341.txt 294 442 Frisby America pg0292.txt 280 64 Frizzle Jacob pg0278.txt 285 192 Fry William pg0285.txt 312 922 Fry Henry pg0306.txt 330 1377 Fuller James pg0327.txt 279 48 Fulman Andrew pg0278.txt 280 66 Galaher James pg0278.txt 295 461 Galbreath Betsy pg0292.txt 337 1582 Gan Alex pg0334.txt 337 1569 Gann Mary pg0334.txt 338 1586 Gann Elizabeth pg0334.txt 295 466 Gant Mathew pg0292.txt 297 523 Gant John pg0292.txt 340 1647 Garner Permelia pg0334.txt 310 871 Garnet Margaret pg0306.txt 295 483 Gass James T. pg0292.txt 296 492 Gass Samuel pg0292.txt 296 494 Gass Ewin E. pg0292.txt 300 598 Gass Harney pg0299.txt 318 1085 Gass Ardin pg0313.txt 318 1090 Gass Joseph pg0313.txt 332 1444 Gass John pg0327.txt 342 1708 Gass Nancy pg0341.txt 301 646 Gattin Radford pg0299.txt 343 1732 Gaut Robert pg0341.txt 343 1733 Gaut Benjamin pg0341.txt 343 1734 Gaut William pg0341.txt 343 1735 Gaut John Jr pg0341.txt 323 1204 Geanway Benjamin pg0320.txt 325 1263 Geanway Susan pg0320.txt 281 94 Gear Jacob pg0278.txt 285 191 Gear William pg0285.txt 328 1350 Gear Alexander pg0327.txt 299 577 Gentry Charles pg0299.txt 306 764 Gentry John pg0306.txt 306 772 Gentry Sarah pg0306.txt 337 1576 George Silas pg0334.txt 337 1577 George Samuel pg0334.txt 337 1579 George Edward pg0334.txt 299 575 Gibbons James pg0299.txt 311 904 Gibbons Margaret pg0306.txt 287 264 Gibbs Thomas pg0285.txt 333 1460 Gibbs Obie pg0327.txt 317 1042 Gibdon Charlotta pg0313.txt 285 203 Gibson Andrew pg0285.txt 285 215 Gibson Henry pg0285.txt 291 374 Gibson John pg0285.txt 317 1059 Gibson RIchard pg0313.txt 330 1395 Gibson William pg0327.txt 334 1497 Gibson Thomas pg0334.txt 316 1018 Gideans Samuel pg0313.txt 295 477 Gilbreath James pg0292.txt 296 502 Gilbreath Mahlsor pg0292.txt 300 614 Gilbreath William pg0299.txt 307 782 Gilbreath Samuel pg0306.txt 341 1673 Gillerland Joseph pg0341.txt 342 1702 Gillerland David pg0341.txt 294 441 Gist William pg0292.txt 323 1217 Glover Daniel pg0320.txt 281 97 Goan Ezekial pg0278.txt 295 475 Goforth Charles B. pg0292.txt 286 230 Goin Arm pg0285.txt 321 1159 Goodin Lucian pg0320.txt 296 504 Graham Joseph pg0292.txt 300 616 Graham David pg0299.txt 305 731 Graham William pg0299.txt 306 763 Graham George Sr. pg0306.txt 312 931 Grames Mary pg0306.txt 328 1346 Grant Isaac Sr. pg0327.txt 340 1658 Grant David pg0334.txt 340 1659 Grant James pg0334.txt 317 1047 Grayson William pg0313.txt 334 1505 Grayson William pg0334.txt 295 471 Green Nathan pg0292.txt 321 1154 Green John pg0320.txt 337 1575 Green Frederick pg0334.txt 279 40 Greenlee Alexander pg0278.txt 308 818 Greenlee James pg0306.txt 308 819 Greenlee John pg0306.txt 311 884 Greenlee Ruth pg0306.txt 285 190 Gregory Isaac pg0285.txt 329 1375 Gregory Richard pg0327.txt 330 1386 Gregory George pg0327.txt 340 1649 Gregory Joseph pg0334.txt 296 491 Greshan Thompson pg0292.txt 305 739 Griffen John pg0299.txt 340 1642 Griffin John pg0334.txt 319 1109 Grifin Chority pg0313.txt 297 535 Grishan Joseph pg0292.txt 308 827 Grun Richard pg0306.txt 309 849 Gwinn Joseph pg0306.txt 313 935 Gwynn David pg0313.txt 335 1509 Haddock John pg0334.txt 299 594 Haggard James pg0299.txt 342 1712 Haggard Lucinda pg0341.txt 289 300 Hale Richard pg0285.txt 283 160 Hall Silas pg0278.txt 294 456 Hall Stephen A. pg0292.txt 298 566 Hall William pg0292.txt 338 1593 Hall Moses pg0334.txt 288 272 Hamilton Joseph pg0285.txt 318 1080 Hamilton Joseph pg0313.txt 324 1221 Hamilton James pg0320.txt 332 1434 Hammell Robert pg0327.txt 316 1031 Hammer Jonathan pg0313.txt 322 1188 Hammer Elisha pg0320.txt 302 664 Hammet James H. pg0299.txt 281 87 Hammon Jeremiah pg0278.txt 288 288 Hammon Nancy pg0285.txt 296 511 Hammon William pg0292.txt 308 830 Hammond Thomas pg0306.txt 314 982 Hammond Pleasant pg0313.txt 284 167 Hammons William pg0278.txt 297 536 Hammons Robert pg0292.txt 309 833 Hammons John pg0306.txt 321 1144 Hammons Willis pg0320.txt 321 1165 Hammons Moses pg0320.txt 336 1536 Haner John pg0334.txt 340 1645 Hanes John pg0334.txt 325 1267 Hanley Samuel pg0320.txt 324 1228 Hargis Janus pg0320.txt 284 173 Harle Baldeous pg0278.txt 310 882 Harnell Lewis pg0306.txt 279 46 Harp Philip pg0278.txt 281 89 Harp Joseph pg0278.txt 312 921 Harrel David pg0306.txt 309 852 Harrell Cason pg0306.txt 280 81 Harris Adam pg0278.txt 343 1718 Harris Benjamin pg0341.txt 302 656 Harrison Peter pg0299.txt 315 991 Harrison Puelo pg0313.txt 316 1020 Harrison David pg0313.txt 324 1245 Harrison William pg0320.txt 344 1757 Harrison Charles pg0341.txt 318 1079 Harriss James A. pg0313.txt 336 1534 Harriss William pg0334.txt 323 1205 Hart Garland pg0320.txt 290 337 Harvey Richard pg0285.txt 334 1489 Hasket John pg0334.txt 312 918 Hauks Matilda pg0306.txt 281 82 Haun Jacob pg0278.txt 289 310 Haun Abram Sr pg0285.txt 289 311 Haun Abram Jr pg0285.txt 290 340 Haun Hannah pg0285.txt 293 420 Haun James pg0292.txt 324 1224 Hawkins Thomas pg0320.txt 324 1226 Hawkins Edward Jr. pg0320.txt 324 1227 Hawkins Edward Sr. pg0320.txt 324 1229 Hawkins James pg0320.txt 324 1231 Hawkins Edward 3rd pg0320.txt 309 837 Haworth RIchard pg0306.txt 315 1010 Haworth David pg0313.txt 309 843 Hay William W. pg0306.txt 288 291 Haynes William pg0285.txt 310 859 Haynes Christopher pg0306.txt 296 500 Hays Alexander pg0292.txt 296 512 Hays Nicholas pg0292.txt 299 592 Hays William pg0299.txt 308 829 Hays Enoch pg0306.txt 314 963 Hays Isaac pg0313.txt 328 1333 Hays Sirus pg0327.txt 343 1715 Hays John pg0341.txt 344 1752 Hays William Jr pg0341.txt 301 631 Hayworth William pg0299.txt 278 25 Hazelwood Thomas pg0278.txt 283 161 Hazelwood James pg0278.txt 287 262 Hazelwood Blaney pg0285.txt 307 795 Hazelwood Susan pg0306.txt 286 218 Headrick Joseph pg0285.txt 286 219 Headrick Jacob pg0285.txt 341 1671 Hearn Edmond pg0341.txt 341 1672 Hearn Joseph pg0341.txt 341 1677 Hearn John pg0341.txt 320 1137 Heath Chappell pg0320.txt 335 1521 Heath Rains pg0334.txt 319 1114 Heckey John pg0313.txt 285 205 Helm William B. pg0285.txt 285 213 Helm Henry pg0285.txt 313 957 Helm Isaac pg0313.txt 316 1015 Helm Jacob pg0313.txt 297 527 Henderson John pg0292.txt 331 1413 Henderson William C. pg0327.txt 332 1451 Henderson Thomas pg0327.txt 340 1639 Henderson William pg0334.txt 298 555 Henry William pg0292.txt 306 775 Henry John pg0306.txt 327 1317 Henry Matsy pg0327.txt 332 1446 Henry Loften pg0327.txt 333 1466 Henry David pg0327.txt 333 1471 Henry Sarah pg0327.txt 343 1739 Henry Hugh pg0341.txt 343 1740 Henry John pg0341.txt 344 1741 Henry Silas pg0341.txt 290 335 Herby John pg0285.txt 289 301 Hervey John pg0285.txt 311 897 Hickey Thomas pg0306.txt 304 717 Hickman Joshua pg0299.txt 330 1382 Hickman Elisha pg0327.txt 297 526 Hickmon Lear pg0292.txt 293 430 Hide John pg0292.txt 297 524 Hill John pg0292.txt 299 580 Hill James pg0299.txt 309 832 Hill Jethro pg0306.txt 318 1066 Hill Elijah pg0313.txt 339 1615 Hill John pg0334.txt 339 1632 Hill Joseph pg0334.txt 311 889 Hilton Anny pg0306.txt 318 1078 Hindrick WIlliam pg0313.txt 300 617 Hinkle William pg0299.txt 302 649 Hinshaw Eyad pg0299.txt 322 1179 Hinshaw William pg0320.txt 287 258 Hodge Abnor pg0285.txt 308 816 Hodge Stephen W. pg0306.txt 308 823 Hodge Moses pg0306.txt 342 1705 Hodge Edmond pg0341.txt 280 62 Hodges John pg0278.txt 300 600 Hodges Callaway pg0299.txt 323 1209 Hodges Welcome pg0320.txt 323 1210 Hodges Charles Sr. pg0320.txt 321 1152 Hodgin Zilpha pg0320.txt 334 1484 Hogan William pg0334.txt 343 1719 Hoggate Samuel pg0341.txt 289 302 Hogin William C. pg0285.txt 280 60 Holdaway William pg0278.txt 288 273 Holdaway Jeramiah pg0285.txt 288 282 Holdaway John pg0285.txt 288 292 Holdaway Joseph pg0285.txt 289 306 Holdaway James J. pg0285.txt 289 307 Holdaway Henry pg0285.txt 283 153 Holder William pg0278.txt 323 1195 Holder Bevely pg0320.txt 315 990 Holley Jacob pg0313.txt 286 223 Holt Leonard pg0285.txt 333 1476 Hoozen Hugh pg0327.txt 290 332 Horner Thomas pg0285.txt 290 333 Horner Cavalier pg0285.txt 290 334 Horner John pg0285.txt 293 415 Horner Spencer pg0292.txt 293 416 Horner Isaac pg0292.txt 293 417 Horner Cavalier Jr pg0292.txt 293 418 Horner William pg0292.txt 328 1337 Hoskier James pg0327.txt 291 360 Hoskins Samuel pg0285.txt 342 1709 Hoskins William N. pg0341.txt 342 1713 Hoskins William pg0341.txt 323 1207 Housley Robert pg0320.txt 323 1214 Housley Thomas pg0320.txt 326 1274 Houstan Thomas pg0320.txt 314 975 Howard Robert pg0313.txt 315 1002 Howard Samuel pg0313.txt 338 1585 Howard Johathan pg0334.txt 308 807 Howel Jesse pg0306.txt 308 808 Howel William pg0306.txt 317 1054 Howell Patten pg0313.txt 326 1283 Howell James O. pg0320.txt 304 706 Howerton John pg0299.txt 325 1265 Howsley Robert pg0320.txt 327 1308 Howsley John W. pg0327.txt 285 207 Huchison William pg0285.txt 333 1477 Hudson William pg0327.txt 301 628 Hull Isaac pg0299.txt 322 1169 Humbird Samuel pg0320.txt 307 792 Hunter James pg0306.txt 342 1707 Hurting James pg0341.txt 281 90 Hutson Obadiah pg0278.txt 300 601 Hynds Robert H. pg0299.txt 295 476 Ingrim John B. pg0292.txt 287 265 Inman Jeremiah pg0285.txt 287 266 Inman Shaderick pg0285.txt 302 669 Inman Permenius T. pg0299.txt 281 86 Inmon John pg0278.txt 319 1103 Innan Abedrige pg0313.txt 308 820 Ivy William pg0306.txt 308 824 Ivy Philip pg0306.txt 310 881 Ivy Nelson pg0306.txt 306 758 Jacks Richard pg0306.txt 306 759 Jacks Palman pg0306.txt 312 920 Jackson Jefrey pg0306.txt 318 1070 Jacob Samuel pg0313.txt 295 486 Jacobs Rebecca pg0292.txt 302 655 Jacobs Thomas pg0299.txt 331 1404 Jacobs Jacob pg0327.txt 323 1211 James Abiah pg0320.txt 331 1416 James Isaac pg0327.txt 284 171 Jarnagin Hitty pg0278.txt 285 194 Jarnagin Susannah pg0285.txt 285 195 Jarnagin Martha pg0285.txt 285 196 Jarnagin Thomas B. pg0285.txt 278 20 Jayne Nathaniel pg0278.txt 278 7 Jett William A. pg0278.txt 302 666 Jett Edward pg0299.txt 335 1508 Jiner Elvin pg0334.txt 278 8 Johnson Joseph pg0278.txt 280 68 Johnson William pg0278.txt 280 79 Johnson Ja***c pg0278.txt 283 144 Johnson Stephen pg0278.txt 300 621 Johnson Thomas pg0299.txt 313 955 Johnson Samuel pg0313.txt 320 1128 Johnson Mathew pg0320.txt 334 1493 Johnson Nancy pg0334.txt 341 1678 Johnson Eli pg0341.txt 312 933 Jolly Joseph pg0306.txt 313 958 Jolly Abnor pg0313.txt 321 1164 Jolly William Sr. pg0320.txt 333 1462 Jolly Soloman pg0327.txt 299 574 Jones Thomas pg0299.txt 299 593 Jones Joshua pg0299.txt 301 640 Jones William pg0299.txt 304 705 Jones Lewis Rev'd pg0299.txt 320 1127 Jones Miles pg0320.txt 320 1135 Jones Stefen pg0320.txt 334 1496 Jones William pg0334.txt 335 1517 Jones Clabourn pg0334.txt 335 1529 Jones Robert pg0334.txt 339 1629 Jones Mary pg0334.txt 324 1242 Kaneack Berry pg0320.txt 343 1721 Kelley Thomas pg0341.txt 343 1723 Kelley Robert pg0341.txt 295 481 Kelly William pg0292.txt 327 1311 Kelly Benjamin pg0327.txt 341 1686 Kelsey Eliphatet pg0341.txt 339 1614 Keyton Elijah pg0334.txt 339 1611 Kidney Jonathan pg0334.txt 339 1622 Kidney John pg0334.txt 340 1661 Kidwell David pg0334.txt 312 916 Kile James pg0306.txt 326 1292 Killey William pg0320.txt 332 1431 Killey Robert pg0327.txt 333 1472 Killey Susan pg0327.txt 310 865 Killy Allen pg0306.txt 314 986 Kimbrough David pg0313.txt 320 1133 Kimbrough Duke pg0320.txt 335 1531 Kimbrough Thomas pg0334.txt 335 1532 Kimbrough Jesse pg0334.txt 302 658 Kimbrow John pg0299.txt 290 346 King Ezekeal pg0285.txt 291 369 King Susannah pg0285.txt 325 1270 King Joseph pg0320.txt 326 1275 King John pg0320.txt 326 1288 King James pg0320.txt 327 1309 King William pg0327.txt 329 1372 Kinney Sally pg0327.txt 331 1408 Kinney Abram pg0327.txt 333 1457 Kinney Thomas pg0327.txt 281 100 Kirkpatrick John pg0278.txt 289 314 Kirkpatrick William pg0285.txt 289 318 Kirkpatrick Wilken pg0285.txt 289 323 Kirkpatrick Jacob pg0285.txt 342 1711 Kitchean Sally pg0341.txt 320 1130 Kitchson Eli E. pg0320.txt 338 1587 Kitrell Joseph pg0334.txt 329 1351 Kizar Richard pg0327.txt 321 1157 Kyle Jasn L. pg0320.txt 339 1619 Kyle Enoch G. pg0334.txt 311 905 Lackford Nilly pg0306.txt 330 1380 Lacy Thomas pg0327.txt 284 165 Laferty James pg0278.txt 342 1710 Lake Susan pg0341.txt 323 1206 Lamar William pg0320.txt 323 1218 Lamar Elizabeth pg0320.txt 323 1219 Lamar Thomas pg0320.txt 310 878 Landen Samuel pg0306.txt 279 39 Lang George pg0278.txt 312 910 Lang Nicholas pg0306.txt 337 1573 Lang Henry pg0334.txt 297 537 Langaone Richard pg0292.txt 304 708 Langdan Johnathan K. pg0299.txt 304 709 Langdan Joseph pg0299.txt 296 499 Laning Richard pg0292.txt 343 1731 Lankstan Famey pg0341.txt 302 670 Lanning Ezekeal pg0299.txt 344 1750 Lanning Isaac pg0341.txt 282 113 Laramore George K. pg0278.txt 325 1248 Large William pg0320.txt 325 1251 Large William L. pg0320.txt 325 1252 Large Isum pg0320.txt 325 1254 Large Joseph pg0320.txt 282 130 Law Tidance Jr. pg0278.txt 290 338 Law Lydia pg0285.txt 292 395 Law James pg0292.txt 292 396 Law Isaac pg0292.txt 292 397 Law Tidance pg0292.txt 293 411 Law Thomas pg0292.txt 293 412 Law Samuel pg0292.txt 293 413 Law John pg0292.txt 280 72 Law Plesant W. pg0278.txt 310 880 Lawrance John pg0306.txt 322 1173 Lawrance Richard pg0320.txt 322 1174 Lawrance Jonathan pg0320.txt 331 1425 Lawrence James pg0327.txt 286 227 Lea Rhoda pg0285.txt 315 989 Lea Robert pg0313.txt 316 1030 Lea Charles pg0313.txt 319 1098 Lea Caswell pg0313.txt 302 668 Leath James pg0299.txt 343 1738 Leath Elaneson pg0341.txt 297 520 Leeper Mathew pg0292.txt 344 1745 Leeth Josiah pg0341.txt 344 1746 Leeth Jeremiah pg0341.txt 293 419 Legg Samuel pg0292.txt 336 1553 Lemmions Chris pg0334.txt 340 1655 Lennon John pg0334.txt 321 1155 Letmor Jacobs pg0320.txt 313 960 Letmore Lewis pg0313.txt 309 838 Letnor Jane pg0306.txt 309 839 Letnor Adam pg0306.txt 316 1021 Lewis Elizabeth pg0313.txt 316 1023 Lewis Evan pg0313.txt 316 1025 Lewis Henry pg0313.txt 330 1378 Lewis George pg0327.txt 330 1392 Lewis Jacob pg0327.txt 330 1394 Lewis Eli pg0327.txt 330 1397 Lewis William pg0327.txt 334 1494 Lewis William pg0334.txt 339 1636 Lewis John pg0334.txt 340 1643 Lewis Gabrael pg0334.txt 340 1651 Lewis Joel pg0334.txt 330 1379 Lichlyter David D. N. pg0327.txt 340 1650 Lincanfelter Elizabeth pg0334.txt 332 1449 Lindsey Charles pg0327.txt 344 1742 Lindsey William pg0341.txt 337 1564 Linsey John pg0334.txt 338 1588 Linsey James pg0334.txt 324 1239 Little John pg0320.txt 305 732 Lively Terry pg0299.txt 305 745 Lively Thomas pg0299.txt 304 723 Liviley Joseph pg0299.txt 326 1297 Lock William pg0320.txt 299 569 Lockhart John pg0299.txt 320 1131 Lockhart John pg0320.txt 282 122 Long Joseph pg0278.txt 308 814 Long Hannah pg0306.txt 297 538 Love Thomas pg0292.txt 306 776 Love William pg0306.txt 307 801 Loyd Patty pg0306.txt 325 1261 Loyd Anderson pg0320.txt 321 1160 Lucas Lavina pg0320.txt 327 1306 Lucus Austin pg0327.txt 331 1421 Luminett Daniel pg0327.txt 329 1369 Lychlyter Frederick pg0327.txt 297 540 Lyle Fanny pg0292.txt 302 660 Lyle Daniel pg0299.txt 328 1338 Lyle Samuel pg0327.txt 332 1453 Lyle Thomas pg0327.txt 322 1190 Lyles Richard J. pg0320.txt 322 1191 Lyles Thomas pg0320.txt 294 437 Lynch James pg0292.txt 298 553 Lyon Wyley pg0292.txt 298 567 Lyon Joab pg0292.txt 341 1664 Lyon Nelly pg0341.txt 297 531 Lyons Nathaniel pg0292.txt 326 1291 Lyons John pg0320.txt 310 867 Maddox Jacob pg0306.txt 325 1266 Magby Harvey pg0320.txt 291 365 Magee Bartty pg0285.txt 291 366 Magee James pg0285.txt 331 1426 Mangrum Pleasant pg0327.txt 339 1628 Mangrum James pg0334.txt 338 1589 Manin Cornelius pg0334.txt 316 1019 Manis William pg0313.txt 297 528 Manley William pg0292.txt 297 529 Manley Benjamin pg0292.txt 283 156 Manor Shadrick pg0278.txt 334 1503 Manor Daniel pg0334.txt 343 1720 Manor Gibson pg0341.txt 343 1727 Manor Levi pg0341.txt 280 57 Mansfield John pg0278.txt 302 659 Mansfield Sarah pg0299.txt 287 261 Manson William pg0285.txt 287 263 Manson William S. pg0285.txt 315 1004 Maples John pg0313.txt 315 1005 Maples William S. pg0313.txt 315 1009 Maples Edmond pg0313.txt 316 1017 Maples William pg0313.txt 316 1022 Maples James pg0313.txt 331 1419 Maree Isaac pg0327.txt 281 84 Marshal Benjamin pg0278.txt 298 565 Martin Hugh pg0292.txt 316 1016 Martin Lewis pg0313.txt 316 1033 Martin Cullen pg0313.txt 324 1244 Martin Robert Sr. pg0320.txt 327 1307 Martin Robert pg0327.txt 289 299 Maskall William pg0285.txt 292 387 Massy Edward pg0292.txt 335 1528 Mathes William pg0334.txt 288 283 Mathis James pg0285.txt 307 790 Mayes James pg0306.txt 278 23 Maze Irwis pg0278.txt 282 132 Maze William pg0278.txt 283 140 Maze John pg0278.txt 284 185 Maze Lemuel pg0278.txt 311 893 Maze Berry pg0306.txt 292 392 McAlpin Jane pg0292.txt 292 393 McAlpin George pg0292.txt 329 1357 McAndrew William pg0327.txt 329 1376 McAndrew Joseph pg0327.txt 330 1387 McAndrew Richard pg0327.txt 296 501 McCall Dagalo pg0292.txt 319 1108 McCall John pg0313.txt 302 663 McCampbell John Rev'd pg0299.txt 285 214 McCannel Willaim pg0285.txt 328 1330 McCarmick James pg0327.txt 328 1331 McCarmick Andrew pg0327.txt 328 1336 McCarmick Ruth pg0327.txt 337 1560 McCarter Joseph pg0334.txt 337 1562 McCarter Abram pg0334.txt 298 548 McCarty Moses pg0292.txt 331 1422 McCaster Abram pg0327.txt 291 372 McClanahan William pg0285.txt 300 608 McClare Cyrus pg0299.txt 279 35 McClauahan Robert pg0278.txt 281 96 McClister John pg0278.txt 284 184 McClister William pg0278.txt 288 289 McClister James pg0285.txt 302 661 McClistin James pg0299.txt 340 1648 McCloud William pg0334.txt 341 1681 McClure Wallis pg0341.txt 341 1682 McClure Robert pg0341.txt 326 1289 McCoy John pg0320.txt 342 1692 McCoy William pg0341.txt 295 470 McCuistan Joseph pg0292.txt 328 1341 McCuiston Jasue Jr. pg0327.txt 326 1273 McCullough Martha pg0320.txt 288 290 McDanald John pg0285.txt 289 313 McDanald Alexander pg0285.txt 314 965 McDawell William pg0313.txt 278 9 McDonald James pg0278.txt 280 58 McDonald Alexander pg0278.txt 322 1175 McDonald Allen pg0320.txt 278 24 McFarland Andrew B. pg0278.txt 283 142 McFarland Alexander pg0278.txt 283 145 McFarland John Sr pg0278.txt 287 256 McFarland Benjamin pg0285.txt 288 296 McFarland Robert Jr. pg0285.txt 298 543 McFarland Joseph pg0292.txt 334 1488 McFarland Susan pg0334.txt 344 1758 McFarland B.F. pg0341.txt 279 43 Mcfarland John Jr pg0278.txt 281 98 McFarland Robert Sr pg0278.txt 314 964 McGee Claibaurn pg0313.txt 308 826 McGinnis Robert pg0306.txt 310 868 McGuin Randolph pg0306.txt 318 1071 McGuin Patrick pg0313.txt 302 654 McGuire Joseph pg0299.txt 306 766 McGuise Michael pg0306.txt 291 354 McKee William pg0285.txt 279 28 McKinney Robertson pg0278.txt 279 29 McKinney Vincent pg0278.txt 279 30 McKinney John pg0278.txt 279 31 McKinney Presly pg0278.txt 279 32 McKinney Lampkin pg0278.txt 281 85 McKinney Vincent pg0278.txt 284 166 McKinney George pg0278.txt 339 1634 McKinney William pg0334.txt 320 1134 McLain Flora pg0320.txt 310 866 McLane John pg0306.txt 294 447 McNatt Nathan pg0292.txt 290 327 McNeas Jonas pg0285.txt 315 993 McNeas John S. R. pg0313.txt 315 998 McNeas William pg0313.txt 327 1315 McNight Thomas pg0327.txt 300 613 McSpadden Milton pg0299.txt 302 665 McSpadden Alex pg0299.txt 319 1105 McSpadden Archibald T. pg0313.txt 343 1729 McSpadden Samuel pg0341.txt 295 473 Meak Adam K. pg0292.txt 296 505 Meak James S. pg0292.txt 324 1238 Meak Martha pg0320.txt 324 1240 Meak A. W. pg0320.txt 324 1243 Meak Daniel pg0320.txt 336 1541 Measley Thomas pg0334.txt 319 1113 Meller Abran pg0313.txt 309 836 Mendenall Mordica pg0306.txt 325 1253 Menter Greson W. pg0320.txt 293 423 Miller John pg0292.txt 294 435 Miller Moses pg0292.txt 300 620 Miller Robert pg0299.txt 302 662 Miller Russel pg0299.txt 303 690 Miller Abram pg0299.txt 304 718 Miller Martha pg0299.txt 305 727 Miller John pg0299.txt 305 733 Miller Charlotte pg0299.txt 311 896 Miller Samuel pg0306.txt 328 1328 Miller Robert C. pg0327.txt 338 1603 Miller Jacob pg0334.txt 281 88 Milles George pg0278.txt 281 104 Milles Obadiah pg0278.txt 287 259 Millikan Elihu pg0285.txt 305 734 Millikan Hiran pg0299.txt 307 796 Millikan Plesant pg0306.txt 308 806 Millikan Alexander pg0306.txt 311 891 Millikan William pg0306.txt 311 892 Millikan James pg0306.txt 278 27 Mills Betsy pg0278.txt 285 197 Mills Eli pg0285.txt 295 478 Mills James pg0292.txt 307 779 Mills Thomas pg0306.txt 311 901 Mills Jeresiah pg0306.txt 316 1032 Mills Hugh pg0313.txt 322 1170 Mills Zachariah pg0320.txt 322 1172 Mills Jesse pg0320.txt 322 1177 Mills Samuel pg0320.txt 322 1178 Mills John pg0320.txt 322 1189 Mills Jonathan pg0320.txt 326 1284 Mills John pg0320.txt 341 1675 Mills Aaran pg0341.txt 342 1700 Mills William pg0341.txt 291 364 Minis William, Reverend pg0285.txt 325 1268 Minter Malhia pg0320.txt 290 351 Mirick Tahlin B. pg0285.txt 316 1013 Mirick Jahee pg0313.txt 326 1295 Mitchael Berry pg0320.txt 288 286 Mitchel William pg0285.txt 324 1230 Mitchel John pg0320.txt 299 573 Mitchell John pg0299.txt 305 735 Montgamey James H. pg0299.txt 286 222 Montgomery William pg0285.txt 333 1459 Moon Chaney pg0327.txt 282 110 Moore Elish pg0278.txt 283 146 Moore Ephrain pg0278.txt 285 201 Moore Jese pg0285.txt 285 202 Moore Thomas pg0285.txt 289 324 Moore John pg0285.txt 290 325 Moore Elijah pg0285.txt 290 326 Moore Robert pg0285.txt 290 328 Moore Andrew pg0285.txt 293 410 Moore Sally pg0292.txt 299 570 Moore William pg0299.txt 301 637 Moore Robert pg0299.txt 305 747 Moore Jesse pg0299.txt 332 1437 Moore James pg0327.txt 338 1608 Moore John Sr. pg0334.txt 338 1609 Moore John Jr. pg0334.txt 342 1697 Moore George pg0341.txt 290 336 Moorland William pg0285.txt 322 1185 Morgan Hezahiah pg0320.txt 322 1171 Morgin William Sr. pg0320.txt 322 1183 Morgin William pg0320.txt 323 1212 Morgin Joshua pg0320.txt 279 44 Morris John pg0278.txt 280 77 Morris Shadrack pg0278.txt 287 252 Morris Gideon pg0285.txt 308 813 Morris John Jr. pg0306.txt 335 1526 Morrow Priscella pg0334.txt 284 169 Moses Philip pg0278.txt 284 174 Moses Joseph V. pg0278.txt 295 464 Mount Humphrey pg0292.txt 327 1323 Mount John pg0327.txt 289 308 Mourland Absolem pg0285.txt 283 154 Moyers David pg0278.txt 283 157 Moyers James Jr pg0278.txt 283 158 Moyers Joshua pg0278.txt 299 582 Moyers Christopher pg0299.txt 303 695 Moyers John pg0299.txt 318 1084 Moyers Jacob pg0313.txt 331 1406 Moyers Samuel pg0327.txt 335 1515 Moyers Alexander pg0334.txt 335 1519 Moyers Peter pg0334.txt 336 1551 Moyers William pg0334.txt 336 1552 Moyers John pg0334.txt 325 1247 Mulany John pg0320.txt 323 1199 Mullins Burnil pg0320.txt 323 1200 Mullins Dancy pg0320.txt 323 1203 Mullins Joseph pg0320.txt 314 970 Murfey Joshua pg0313.txt 314 971 Murfey Robert pg0313.txt 315 995 Murfey William pg0313.txt 315 996 Murfey Daniel pg0313.txt 317 1039 Nance John pg0313.txt 315 1003 Nathan William pg0313.txt 304 711 Neal Valentine pg0299.txt 313 937 Neal Thomas pg0313.txt 313 938 Neal William pg0313.txt 313 936 Neal Isaac pg0313.txt 293 427 Neel James L. pg0292.txt 312 930 Neil Elizabeth pg0306.txt 304 714 Nelson Joshua pg0299.txt 304 721 Nelson John pg0299.txt 307 783 Nelson William pg0306.txt 342 1701 Nelson Hugh pg0341.txt 281 91 Nenney Charles P. pg0278.txt 292 399 Nenney Lucia pg0292.txt 298 552 Newman Aaran pg0292.txt 303 681 Newman Alexander pg0299.txt 306 762 Newman Elizabeth pg0306.txt 310 869 Newman Johnathan pg0306.txt 312 909 Newman John pg0306.txt 312 914 Newman Jarnet pg0306.txt 318 1067 Newman James pg0313.txt 319 1095 Newman John pg0313.txt 320 1138 Newman Blair pg0320.txt 320 1140 Newman Isaac pg0320.txt 321 1150 Newman Aaron Sr. pg0320.txt 331 1427 Newman George pg0327.txt 332 1440 Newman John pg0327.txt 332 1443 Newman Samuel pg0327.txt 295 463 Newmon Joseph pg0292.txt 295 482 Newmon John pg0292.txt 329 1370 Nichol Jehil pg0327.txt 297 518 Nicholdson Jeremiah pg0292.txt 301 625 Nickaldson Joseph pg0299.txt 313 951 Niel Jesse pg0313.txt 313 954 Niel Thomas Jr pg0313.txt 305 730 Night Ernett pg0299.txt 312 926 Nill Jeremiah pg0306.txt 283 148 Noland Daniel D. pg0278.txt 330 1385 North Peter pg0327.txt 313 949 Nothern John Jr. pg0313.txt 313 948 Nothren John Sr pg0313.txt 283 150 NS Solaman free pg0278.txt 287 246 NS Elias free pg0285.txt 287 249 NS Frank a slave pg0285.txt 288 275 NS James & Wife slaves pg0285.txt 291 367 NS Warner free pg0285.txt 291 371 NS Milly free pg0285.txt 292 384 NS Will free pg0292.txt 293 408 NS Charles free pg0292.txt 294 439 NS Susan free pg0292.txt 294 443 NS Polly free pg0292.txt 294 453 NS Harry free pg0292.txt 325 1257 NS Cherry free pg0320.txt 337 1583 NS Lavina free pg0334.txt 344 1744 NS Livina free pg0341.txt 332 1438 Nucum John pg0327.txt 330 1399 Odeneal William pg0327.txt 340 1654 Odeneal George W. pg0334.txt 298 560 Odin John pg0292.txt 316 1027 Ohowell William pg0313.txt 331 1418 Olderson Isaac pg0327.txt 294 450 Oliver Lemuel pg0292.txt 326 1294 Ore Jacob pg0320.txt 321 1143 Ortra Phebe pg0320.txt 334 1501 Overby Robert pg0334.txt 313 953 Owens Olias pg0313.txt 313 959 Owens Michael pg0313.txt 336 1538 Pain James pg0334.txt 340 1660 Pain Polly pg0334.txt 312 917 Pale Jacob pg0306.txt 318 1088 Palmer Thomas pg0313.txt 332 1450 Palmer Abram pg0327.txt 290 330 Pangle Frederick pg0285.txt 290 331 Pangle William pg0285.txt 292 402 Pangle John pg0292.txt 293 409 Pangle James pg0292.txt 283 155 Pankey Plesant pg0278.txt 307 788 Pankey James pg0306.txt 307 789 Pankey Sarah pg0306.txt 330 1381 Parker Jesse pg0327.txt 333 1455 Parker Allen pg0327.txt 329 1362 Parkes Henry pg0327.txt 329 1363 Parkes William pg0327.txt 290 329 Parks Rachel pg0285.txt 311 902 Parks Levi pg0306.txt 338 1610 Parks Philip pg0334.txt 303 686 Parmer Joshua pg0299.txt 318 1077 Parrott John pg0313.txt 337 1567 Parrott Henry pg0334.txt 338 1590 Parrott Benjamin pg0334.txt 338 1591 Parrott Jacob pg0334.txt 338 1592 Parrott George pg0334.txt 304 702 Pate Daniel pg0299.txt 313 945 Pate Susan pg0313.txt 313 946 Pate Bird pg0313.txt 337 1584 Pate Hugh pg0334.txt 279 42 Patrick William pg0278.txt 328 1325 Pattan Robert pg0327.txt 335 1522 Pattersan Simmon pg0334.txt 311 894 Patterson Thomas pg0306.txt 311 895 Patterson Joab pg0306.txt 320 1125 Patterson Nathan pg0320.txt 284 172 Patton John pg0278.txt 317 1048 Patton Robert pg0313.txt 322 1192 Patton Thomas pg0320.txt 339 1624 Payne Thompson D. pg0334.txt 296 498 Peck Adam pg0292.txt 297 519 Peck Henry H. pg0292.txt 297 530 Peck John pg0292.txt 300 599 Peck Benjamin pg0299.txt 309 853 Peck Moses L. pg0306.txt 309 855 Peck Elliot pg0306.txt 312 919 Peck Elizabeth pg0306.txt 312 923 Peck Jacob pg0306.txt 327 1305 Peck John pg0327.txt 296 489 Peerman James P. pg0292.txt 316 1037 Perin Vatin pg0313.txt 293 431 Perry John pg0292.txt 282 118 Pettit George pg0278.txt 317 1061 Petty William pg0313.txt 292 389 Philip Johnathan pg0292.txt 279 52 Philips John pg0278.txt 281 106 Philips Washington pg0278.txt 317 1045 Philips Jeremiah pg0313.txt 322 1176 Pickning Benjamin pg0320.txt 298 561 Pierce George pg0292.txt 322 1186 Pierce George pg0320.txt 331 1414 Pierce Soloman pg0327.txt 332 1430 Pierce James pg0327.txt 334 1492 Pierce Davis pg0334.txt 342 1695 Pierce Robert pg0341.txt 342 1696 Pierce Calib pg0341.txt 299 584 Pierman John G. pg0299.txt 340 1653 Pierman James pg0334.txt 314 968 Piersan William pg0313.txt 327 1301 Pigg George pg0327.txt 292 401 Plagin Elizabeth pg0292.txt 309 831 Pogue John pg0306.txt 336 1533 Pogue Polly pg0334.txt 302 672 Pollard Jesse pg0299.txt 288 280 Porter Charles T. pg0285.txt 294 434 Potter Robert pg0292.txt 294 438 Potter Paul pg0292.txt 294 444 Potter Benjamin pg0292.txt 321 1163 Powell Alexander pg0320.txt 342 1703 Powell Sandy pg0341.txt 307 803 Poyndexter William pg0306.txt 309 846 Prophit David pg0306.txt 340 1637 Prophit Samuel pg0334.txt 329 1374 Pucket Frank pg0327.txt 329 1371 Pulce George W. pg0327.txt 340 1646 Pulce Frederick pg0334.txt 293 421 Pullen William pg0292.txt 315 1001 Purkin Judah pg0313.txt 333 1470 Putman Elizabeth pg0327.txt 286 239 Quaerle Priscilla pg0285.txt 333 1465 Qualls Betsy pg0327.txt 342 1693 Qualls John pg0341.txt 319 1115 Quarrell Joseph B. pg0313.txt 336 1544 Rainwater Vincent pg0334.txt 328 1332 Rainwaters Mathew pg0327.txt 328 1335 Rainwaters Collier L. pg0327.txt 338 1607 Rainwaters James pg0334.txt 335 1511 Rainwatter John pg0334.txt 283 159 Randolph Henry pg0278.txt 300 602 Rankin Richard D. pg0299.txt 320 1120 Rankin James pg0320.txt 320 1122 Rankin William pg0320.txt 320 1129 Rankin Thomas pg0320.txt 339 1625 Rayder John pg0334.txt 293 414 Raynolds Sarah pg0292.txt 298 547 Raynolds Stephen pg0292.txt 280 59 Reddy William V. pg0278.txt 310 870 Reece James pg0306.txt 310 873 Reece J. B. M. pg0306.txt 337 1578 Reece Hiram pg0334.txt 286 228 Reed Edward pg0285.txt 286 237 Reed Wyley pg0285.txt 288 278 Reed Jesse Y. pg0285.txt 337 1572 Remeau Hezakiah pg0334.txt 298 545 Reneau John pg0292.txt 306 770 Reneau Russell pg0306.txt 329 1373 Reneau Michael pg0327.txt 338 1598 Reneau Isaac pg0334.txt 337 1559 Reuneau John pg0334.txt 305 749 Reves James pg0299.txt 278 1 Rice Augustus pg0278.txt 310 862 Rice John pg0306.txt 310 876 Rice Luillin pg0306.txt 311 890 Rice William pg0306.txt 314 962 Rich Lemfry pg0313.txt 309 856 Richason Elijah pg0306.txt 340 1641 Richeson Abram pg0334.txt 278 16 Richey Thomas pg0278.txt 328 1348 Richey Robert pg0327.txt 282 131 Riddle Abram pg0278.txt 283 143 Riddle Bazzel pg0278.txt 290 343 Riddle Jack pg0285.txt 290 345 Riddle John pg0285.txt 314 977 Ridenan Biddy pg0313.txt 308 815 Riggins Ephrain pg0306.txt 279 49 Riggs Jesse W pg0278.txt 280 61 Riggs Samuel pg0278.txt 282 119 Riggs Lewis pg0278.txt 287 251 Riggs Clisbo pg0285.txt 304 726 Riggs John pg0299.txt 305 729 Riggs Zariah pg0299.txt 321 1153 Riggs James pg0320.txt 323 1208 Right Jane pg0320.txt 331 1417 Right John pg0327.txt 335 1514 Right John pg0334.txt 340 1662 Right George pg0334.txt 296 513 Rinehart John pg0292.txt 297 534 Rinehart Michael pg0292.txt 336 1548 Rinehart Philipe pg0334.txt 293 425 Rippeto Thomas B. pg0292.txt 294 445 Robinson Toliver pg0292.txt 286 217 Rodgers George pg0285.txt 287 247 Rodgers Jacob pg0285.txt 303 693 Rodgers Alexander pg0299.txt 304 713 Rodgers James W. pg0299.txt 318 1074 Rofer John pg0313.txt 335 1507 Rollins David pg0334.txt 338 1605 Ropes Drury pg0334.txt 308 810 Russel Mathew pg0306.txt 298 546 Russell William pg0292.txt 327 1310 Russell James pg0327.txt 327 1320 Russell Abnor pg0327.txt 332 1445 Russell George pg0327.txt 336 1549 Russell John pg0334.txt 337 1570 Russell William Jr. pg0334.txt 337 1571 Russell William Sr. pg0334.txt 325 1258 Rust Soloman pg0320.txt 341 1684 Ruth John pg0341.txt 289 316 Rutherford James pg0285.txt 286 233 Ryan William pg0285.txt 328 1349 Sampson Jefferson pg0327.txt 315 997 Sanders William pg0313.txt 332 1436 Sarsun Randolfe pg0327.txt 304 722 Sartan William pg0299.txt 304 725 Sartan Levi pg0299.txt 305 736 Sarten Eli pg0299.txt 305 738 Sarton William pg0299.txt 305 740 Sarton Darca pg0299.txt 284 180 Scaggs William pg0278.txt 328 1326 Scarlett John pg0327.txt 334 1481 Scarlett Stephen pg0334.txt 300 604 Scott Robert H. pg0299.txt 301 630 Scott Andrew pg0299.txt 303 692 Scribner James pg0299.txt 282 109 Scroggins Sterlin B. pg0278.txt 311 908 Seals Thomas pg0306.txt 302 657 Sehorn John pg0299.txt 306 774 Sehorn George pg0306.txt 319 1100 Sehorn Jacob pg0313.txt 302 673 Sellars Nathan pg0299.txt 342 1706 Sellars John pg0341.txt 343 1728 Sellars Samuel pg0341.txt 300 611 Sellers William pg0299.txt 300 597 Shadden Joseph pg0299.txt 300 610 Shadden William pg0299.txt 341 1668 Shadden James pg0341.txt 292 388 Sharp William pg0292.txt 294 454 Sharp Turner pg0292.txt 319 1111 Sharp Licky M. pg0313.txt 284 181 Sharrick Jacob pg0278.txt 281 93 Shaw David pg0278.txt 325 1271 Shell John pg0320.txt 321 1158 Shelley Elizabeth pg0320.txt 317 1057 Shelly Jeremiah pg0313.txt 317 1060 Shelly Nathaniel pg0313.txt 303 688 Shelton John M. pg0299.txt 304 720 Shelton Clever pg0299.txt 279 53 Shepherd William pg0278.txt 310 857 Sherrid James D. pg0306.txt 284 163 Sherrill Evan pg0278.txt 283 139 Shipley John pg0278.txt 343 1730 Shubird Philip pg0341.txt 325 1249 Simmon Benjamin pg0320.txt 322 1181 Simmons William pg0320.txt 318 1083 Simon Shadrach pg0313.txt 318 1065 Sims Austin pg0313.txt 329 1360 Sims Thomas pg0327.txt 278 15 Skeen Moses pg0278.txt 303 682 Skeen John pg0299.txt 338 1602 Sloan John pg0334.txt 339 1618 Slover Abraham pg0334.txt 339 1621 Smelser Adam pg0334.txt 280 63 Smith Benjamin pg0278.txt 280 75 Smith William pg0278.txt 284 170 Smith Elias pg0278.txt 284 186 Smith John pg0278.txt 284 187 Smith Hester pg0278.txt 285 204 Smith Levi pg0285.txt 285 210 Smith Henry pg0285.txt 306 756 Smith Priscilla pg0306.txt 307 781 Smith Charles pg0306.txt 307 802 Smith James pg0306.txt 315 999 Smith William pg0313.txt 317 1055 Smith Jacobs C. pg0313.txt 327 1322 Smith Ellis pg0327.txt 336 1545 Smith John pg0334.txt 338 1601 Smith John pg0334.txt 326 1287 Smithson Francis pg0320.txt 328 1339 Smithson Hezakiah pg0327.txt 311 903 Snede Benjamin pg0306.txt 278 5 Snoddy Tharuds pg0278.txt 278 22 Snoddy John D pg0278.txt 278 6 Snodgrass Lynn pg0278.txt 278 17 Snodgrass David pg0278.txt 278 18 Snodgrass Russel pg0278.txt 286 236 Snow Plesant pg0285.txt 292 405 Snow George pg0292.txt 328 1345 Solamon Henry pg0327.txt 311 907 Soloman Gabriel pg0306.txt 285 200 Spickard Jacob J. pg0285.txt 319 1107 Squires John pg0313.txt 291 359 Stansbury William pg0285.txt 279 33 Staples John Y. pg0278.txt 279 34 Staples John B. pg0278.txt 281 103 Staples Crawford pg0278.txt 284 178 Staples James pg0278.txt 307 800 Staples Richard pg0306.txt 288 281 Star Michael pg0285.txt 291 370 Star David pg0285.txt 280 76 Statham David pg0278.txt 282 126 Statham William pg0278.txt 284 189 Statham Lou pg0278.txt 304 704 Steel John D. Rev'd pg0299.txt 323 1202 Stone Allin pg0320.txt 339 1635 Strange James pg0334.txt 325 1255 Stringfield RIchard L. pg0320.txt 303 679 Striplin William pg0299.txt 323 1201 Strong Mastin pg0320.txt 306 778 Stuart John pg0306.txt 307 787 Stuart John Sr. pg0306.txt 330 1390 Stuart Thomas pg0327.txt 279 47 Stubblefield Martin pg0278.txt 283 147 Sturmon Thomas K. pg0278.txt 326 1282 Summer Manning pg0320.txt 287 257 Summers William pg0285.txt 331 1412 Summers Mauring pg0327.txt 311 883 Sunderland Abram pg0306.txt 311 888 Sunderland Elizabeth pg0306.txt 316 1014 Sutherland William pg0313.txt 343 1737 Sutliff James pg0341.txt 322 1180 Swain John pg0320.txt 329 1358 Swan Robert pg0327.txt 330 1391 Swan Katharine pg0327.txt 336 1542 Swan John pg0334.txt 344 1753 Swan Katharin pg0341.txt 309 834 Swink Susan pg0306.txt 322 1193 Tabler George pg0320.txt 299 585 Taff James pg0299.txt 300 603 Taff George pg0299.txt 339 1630 Taff Jesse pg0334.txt 281 107 Talbott Alexander pg0278.txt 302 653 Talbott Perry pg0299.txt 317 1056 Talbott Willisten pg0313.txt 318 1073 Talbott Joseph pg0313.txt 282 111 Tally Joseph pg0278.txt 287 269 Tally Bradly pg0285.txt 324 1246 Tally Robert pg0320.txt 303 691 Talpin Jacob pg0299.txt 328 1334 Tancasly William pg0327.txt 333 1468 Tancasly William pg0327.txt 284 168 Tanner Vincent pg0278.txt 295 485 Tartan John pg0292.txt 330 1396 Taylar William pg0327.txt 294 451 Taylor Levi pg0292.txt 296 509 Taylor William pg0292.txt 302 674 Taylor Willis pg0299.txt 305 742 Taylor Betty pg0299.txt 305 743 Taylor Alfred pg0299.txt 327 1321 Teague Isaac pg0327.txt 333 1456 Teague Mathias pg0327.txt 329 1352 Templeton William pg0327.txt 331 1424 Thean Anderson pg0327.txt 310 860 Thomas Griffith pg0306.txt 310 863 Thomas Edmond pg0306.txt 318 1082 Thomas Rueben pg0313.txt 332 1448 Thomas Jacob pg0327.txt 333 1474 Thomas Reuben pg0327.txt 333 1480 Thomas James pg0327.txt 335 1520 Thomas Joseph pg0334.txt 286 242 Thompson Richard pg0285.txt 286 243 Thompson James pg0285.txt 301 644 Thompson Samuel pg0299.txt 331 1407 Thompson Vridenburg pg0327.txt 331 1410 Thompson Isaac pg0327.txt 331 1411 Thompson Baxter pg0327.txt 334 1495 Thompson James pg0334.txt 334 1506 Thompson John pg0334.txt 340 1656 Thompson Sarah Ann pg0334.txt 341 1666 Thompson William pg0341.txt 343 1724 Thompson John pg0341.txt 312 927 Thormburgh Benjamin pg0306.txt 312 928 Thormburgh Nimrod pg0306.txt 312 929 Thormburgh Samuel pg0306.txt 300 609 Thornburgh Obed C. pg0299.txt 295 469 Thornbury Richard pg0292.txt 317 1046 Thornbury Ai pg0313.txt 278 11 Thornhill Richard pg0278.txt 335 1530 Thornhill Sarah pg0334.txt 326 1293 Thornton James A. pg0320.txt 339 1617 Thornton Barnabus pg0334.txt 312 932 Thromburgh John pg0306.txt 299 591 Tillet James pg0299.txt 292 383 Timmons Noble pg0292.txt 292 394 Timmons John pg0292.txt 305 744 Timnell James pg0299.txt 322 1187 Titsworth Thomas pg0320.txt 285 198 Toland James pg0285.txt 298 554 Tompson William pg0292.txt 341 1674 Travillian Sarah pg0341.txt 332 1447 Travillion Joab pg0327.txt 286 232 Travis Philip pg0285.txt 340 1652 Tumeley George pg0334.txt 297 522 Tumley John C. pg0292.txt 282 127 Turner James pg0278.txt 285 199 Turner Elenor pg0285.txt 315 1007 Turner James pg0313.txt 315 1008 Turner Nathan pg0313.txt 325 1260 Turner Royal pg0320.txt 327 1319 Turner John pg0327.txt 282 117 Tyler Jacob pg0278.txt 291 375 Tylor Phelix pg0285.txt 326 1285 Udailey David pg0320.txt 326 1286 Udailey Mary pg0320.txt 299 572 Underwood Thomas pg0299.txt 320 1126 Underwood Margaret pg0320.txt 319 1099 Upright Jacob pg0313.txt 332 1435 Van Herfer Thomas pg0327.txt 299 590 Vance John pg0299.txt 316 1024 Vance Andrew pg0313.txt 324 1222 Vance David pg0320.txt 324 1223 Vance Elizabeth pg0320.txt 324 1235 Vance Samuel pg0320.txt 324 1236 Vance James pg0320.txt 331 1415 Vandike Henry pg0327.txt 343 1716 Vandike Mary pg0341.txt 343 1717 Vandike James pg0341.txt 299 583 Vanhoozer William pg0299.txt 300 595 Vanhozer Vall pg0299.txt 317 1062 Vernoy Noah pg0313.txt 280 67 Viles Jacob pg0278.txt 280 70 Viles John pg0278.txt 282 115 Vinyard William pg0278.txt 298 541 Voss Okilley pg0292.txt 285 211 Waikfield John W. pg0285.txt 306 771 Walden John pg0306.txt 278 12 Walker James pg0278.txt 280 65 Walker Andrew S. pg0278.txt 287 244 Walker Daniel pg0285.txt 303 697 Walker John pg0299.txt 319 1112 Walker Jeremiah pg0313.txt 327 1302 Walker James pg0327.txt 304 719 Wall Wadlington pg0299.txt 329 1368 Wallin Richard pg0327.txt 326 1290 Walton William pg0320.txt 282 129 Ward John pg0278.txt 283 151 Ward James pg0278.txt 289 315 Ward Levi pg0285.txt 283 137 Warth Jessee pg0278.txt 323 1197 Waters John pg0320.txt 299 589 Wathins Richard pg0299.txt 301 626 Watkens Spencer pg0299.txt 332 1454 Watkens John pg0327.txt 303 676 Watkins Osborn R. pg0299.txt 308 817 Watkins Isaac I. pg0306.txt 310 877 Watkins Mary pg0306.txt 342 1694 Watkins William pg0341.txt 294 455 Watten Turner pg0292.txt 289 305 Weaver George pg0285.txt 320 1139 Webb Jesse pg0320.txt 331 1428 Webb Jesse pg0327.txt 339 1626 Webb Thomas pg0334.txt 339 1627 Webb John pg0334.txt 324 1237 Weden Richard pg0320.txt 305 748 Welch James pg0299.txt 307 804 Wells Collman pg0306.txt 288 284 Wester John pg0285.txt 288 285 Wester Elias pg0285.txt 288 297 Wester John F. pg0285.txt 303 680 Whalin John pg0299.txt 319 1110 Whalin Gordan pg0313.txt 288 293 White James pg0285.txt 289 320 White William pg0285.txt 293 406 White Sarah pg0292.txt 293 407 White Richard pg0292.txt 295 468 White Solaman pg0292.txt 303 675 White Robert pg0299.txt 305 746 White Polly pg0299.txt 326 1298 White Joseph pg0320.txt 327 1324 White Charles pg0327.txt 334 1491 White James pg0334.txt 344 1756 White Margaret pg0341.txt 320 1124 Whittington John pg0320.txt 344 1747 Wilcox George pg0341.txt 344 1749 Wilcox Sally pg0341.txt 330 1383 William Samuel pg0327.txt 284 183 Williams Christopher pg0278.txt 286 234 Williams James pg0285.txt 289 309 Williams Ezekeal pg0285.txt 307 784 Williams John pg0306.txt 317 1064 Williams John pg0313.txt 322 1184 Williams Joseph pg0320.txt 327 1314 Williams Hannah pg0327.txt 335 1524 Williams David pg0334.txt 342 1698 Williams John pg0341.txt 335 1516 Williford Abijah pg0334.txt 289 322 Willson Amos pg0285.txt 342 1689 Willson Israil pg0341.txt 342 1690 Willson Eli pg0341.txt 342 1691 Willson Isaac pg0341.txt 303 685 Wilmott Rachael pg0299.txt 303 687 Wilmott Francis pg0299.txt 298 558 Wilson Israel pg0292.txt 307 798 Wilson Abram pg0306.txt 308 805 Wilson Robert J. pg0306.txt 324 1241 Wilson Benjamin pg0320.txt 292 385 Witsett Eli pg0292.txt 282 120 Witt Samuel H. pg0278.txt 284 175 Witt Harmon pg0278.txt 284 177 Witt Noah pg0278.txt 284 182 Witt Daniel pg0278.txt 285 193 Witt William pg0285.txt 287 260 Witt George pg0285.txt 290 348 Witt James pg0285.txt 291 376 Witt Plesant A. pg0285.txt 294 446 Witt Charles H. pg0292.txt 294 448 Witt Mirian pg0292.txt 294 449 Witt Memil pg0292.txt 307 794 Witt Elizabeth pg0306.txt 280 73 Wood Jonathan pg0278.txt 301 648 Woodard Abram pg0299.txt 278 2 Woods Joseph B. pg0278.txt 279 45 Woods James pg0278.txt 290 349 Woods Alfrid J. pg0285.txt 303 684 Woods Mojah widow pg0299.txt 319 1091 Woods John pg0313.txt 337 1580 Woods James pg0334.txt 281 108 Wyatt Soloman pg0278.txt 309 835 Yates Nicholas pg0306.txt 282 133 Yoe Peragin G. pg0278.txt 309 842 York William pg0306.txt 292 400 Young Evan pg0292.txt 293 429 Young Josah pg0292.txt 294 436 Young Jesse pg0292.txt 329 1355 Zanini Smith pg0327.txt