BRADLEY County, TN 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 8 of 8) This Census was transcribed by Bernice Raymond and proofread by (needed) for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2014 by Bernice Raymond ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 268a 22 Wade Alice A 10 Georgia pg0268a.txt 268a 23 Wade Ana M 8 Georgia pg0268a.txt 268a 20 Wade Ann 30 Georgia pg0268a.txt 268a 26 Wade Elberson 1 Georgia pg0268a.txt 276b 21 Wade Elizabeth 20 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 268a 19 Wade Giles 35 Georgia pg0268a.txt 268a 24 Wade John 5 Georgia pg0268a.txt 268a 21 Wade Rachel 75 Georgia pg0268a.txt 276b 20 Wade Thomas F 19 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 268a 25 Wade Ula 2 Georgia pg0268a.txt 403b 32 Walker Elizabeth 20 Georgia pg0401a.txt 276b 14 Walker Harriet 16 Georgia pg0272a.txt 313a 9 Walker James H 40 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 324b 17 Walker Jane 61 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 313a 8 Walker Louisa 34 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 276b 18 Walker Mary S 3 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 321a 34 Walker Prior M 22 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 276b 13 Walker Rebecca 38 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276b 19 Walker Ruth J 4/12 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276b 16 Walker Sabrey E 8 Georgia pg0272a.txt 276b 17 Walker Thomas L 6 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276b 12 Walker William A 48 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276b 15 Walker William A 11 Georgia pg0272a.txt 313a 7 Walker William C 49 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 298b 29 Wallace Hannah 20 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 298b 28 Wallace John 17 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 298b 30 Wallace Mary L 8/12 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 346b 4 Wallace Taylor 22 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 363b 15 Waller Catharine 52 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 363b 16 Waller Henry 23 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 360a 13 Wammick Eliza 30 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 360a 16 Wammick Henry S 17 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 360a 12 Wammick John 31 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 360a 14 Wammick Robert 13 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 360a 15 Wammick Samuel 9 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 275b 26 Wann Sarah 63 Kentucky pg0272a.txt 275b 27 Wann Sarah E 24 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 275b 25 Wann Silas M 67 Kentucky pg0272a.txt 286b 26 Ward Bary J 24 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 32 Ward Clarisa 9 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 28 Ward Elizabeth 17 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 25 Ward Frances 50 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 377a 24 Ward James 25 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 286b 27 Ward James M 22 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 31 Ward Joseph 11 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 29 Ward Nancy 16 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 286b 24 Ward Samuel 52 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 286b 30 Ward Samuel 13 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 351b 37 Ware Adaline 1 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 34 Ware Alfred 10 Georgia pg0342a.txt 341b 22 Ware Andrew J 9 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 312b 32 Ware Elizabeth 40 South Carolina pg0310a.txt 351b 30 Ware Evaline 30 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 31 Ware Hal 40 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 35 Ware Henry 8 Georgia pg0342a.txt 312b 31 Ware Henry 56 Georgia pg0310a.txt 351b 33 Ware Jack 13 Georgia pg0342a.txt 341b 17 Ware James 50 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 351b 32 Ware James 17 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 369b 27 Ware Jane 21 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 341b 19 Ware Josaphine C 16 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 312b 33 Ware Mary 16 South Carolina pg0310a.txt 351b 36 Ware Naney A 5 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 341b 18 Ware Rachel E 28 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 341b 24 Ware Roseannah 2 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 341b 21 Ware Tennessee V 11 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 341b 23 Ware Thomas F 4 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 341b 20 Ware William M 14 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 331a 7 Warron Catharine 65 North Carolina pg0328a.txt 335a 24 Washington Geo. 25 Ohio pg0332a.txt 330b 8 Washington George 28 Ohio pg0328a.txt 330b 10 Washington Henry 6 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 335a 26 Washington Henry 4 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 335a 28 Washington Jaines 1 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 330b 12 Washington James 1 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 330b 9 Washington Nancy 23 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 335a 25 Washington Nancy 23 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 330b 11 Washington William 3 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 335a 27 Washington William 3 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 297a 29 Watenbarger Adam 34 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 378b 14 Watenbarger Elizabeth 24 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 297a 30 Watenbarger Elizabeth J 33 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 32 Watenbarger Hannah C 4 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 33 Watenbarger Mary A 1 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 31 Watenbarger Sarah A 12 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 378b 15 Watenbarger William D 1 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378b 13 Watenbarger Wilson 26 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 283b 6 Watenburger Gilbert L 3 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 283b 8 Watenburger Gillmore M 9/12 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 283b 7 Watenburger Mary S 2 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 283b 5 Watenburger Sarah C 24 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 283b 4 Watenburger Wiland 30 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 310b 10 Waterbury Harriet 35 Georgia pg0310a.txt 310b 11 Waterbury Mary 1 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 336a 9 Waterhouse Charles 25 Georgia pg0332a.txt 403b 28 Waterhouse George 58 South Carolina pg0401a.txt 283b 29 Waterhouse George 1 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 283b 27 Waterhouse Hannah 27 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 328b 24 Waterhouse Isaac 29 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 336a 19 Waterhouse Jackson 64 South Carolina pg0332a.txt 283b 28 Waterhouse James B 6 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 403b 30 Waterhouse Juda 22 Virginia pg0401a.txt 328b 25 Waterhouse Mahaley 25 Georgia pg0328a.txt 403b 29 Waterhouse Mary 60 South Carolina pg0401a.txt 283b 26 Waterhouse Millford 25 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 336a 10 Waterhouse Susan 19 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 336a 11 Waterhouse William 2 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 409a 27 Waters Elvira 21 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 409a 28 Waters George H. H. 1 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 389a 28 Waters Nancy 48 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 27 Waters Riley 50 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 409a 26 Waters William 21 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 410b 1 Watkins Abner 36 Georgia pg0407a.txt 410b 4 Watkins Analiza 10 Georgia pg0407a.txt 304b 30 Watkins Andy 1 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 301a 38 Watkins Berrick 50 South Carolina pg0300a.txt 410b 5 Watkins Charity J 8 Georgia pg0407a.txt 391b 36 Watkins Eliza 33 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 410b 6 Watkins Enoch 7 Georgia pg0407a.txt 391b 38 Watkins Gilbert 23 Virginia pg0388a.txt 410b 3 Watkins Henry 13 Georgia pg0407a.txt 301a 40 Watkins Isaac G 14 Georgia pg0300a.txt 358a 3 Watkins Martha 9 North Carolina pg0358a.txt 410b 2 Watkins Martha J 36 North Carolina pg0407a.txt 304b 25 Watkins Mary 45 Georgia pg0300a.txt 301a 39 Watkins Mary M 46 North Carolina pg0300a.txt 301b 1 Watkins Missouri 9 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 304b 28 Watkins Nancy 8 Georgia pg0300a.txt 304b 26 Watkins Rebecca 25 Georgia pg0300a.txt 358a 2 Watkins Ruth 13 North Carolina pg0358a.txt 391b 37 Watkins Susan 9 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 358a 4 Watkins William 5 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 304b 29 Watkins William 2 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 304b 27 Watkins Zachariah 21 Georgia pg0300a.txt 354b 22 Watson Elizabeth 17 North Carolina pg0352a.txt 310a 39 Watson Elizabeth A 11 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310b 1 Watson Gibbert A 1 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310a 34 Watson Gibbert R 50 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 302b 16 Watson Jimme S 25 Michigan pg0300a.txt 310a 36 Watson John 17 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310a 37 Watson Mary A 15 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310a 40 Watson Permelia S 9 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310a 35 Watson Sarah A 43 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 310a 38 Watson William S 13 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 302b 39 Wattenbarger George W 18 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 36 Wattenbarger Jacob 61 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 38 Wattenbarger Jacob A 22 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 35 Wattenbarger James A 2 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 32 Wattenbarger Samuel 25 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 33 Wattenbarger Sarah 31 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 37 Wattenbarger Susannah 52 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 302b 34 Wattenbarger Wilson F 5 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 266b 20 Wave Anderson 28 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 15 Wave Beverly 54 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 16 Wave Delphia 53 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 18 Wave Eglantine 24 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 17 Wave Hulda 24 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 19 Wave Mary 32 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 266b 21 Wave Nelson 21 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 265b 38 Wear Ance 40 North Carolina pg0262a.txt 291a 32 Weatherby Charles B 6/12 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 29 Weatherby Margaret C 31 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 30 Weatherby Nancy M 6 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 28 Weatherby William G 29 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 31 Weatherby William W 3 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 18 Weatherley Alice 4 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 16 Weatherley Clementine 7 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 17 Weatherley Elizabeth 6 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 13 Weatherley Emma 12 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 15 Weatherley Henry 9 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 19 Weatherley Hetty 9/12 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 14 Weatherley John 10 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 11 Weatherley Margaret 15 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 12 Weatherley Martha 13 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 9 Weatherley Nancy J 27 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 10 Weatherley Rachel 17 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 8 Weatherley Rebecca T 42 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 7 Weatherley Wilson H 54 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 369a 35 Weatherly Ellena B 4 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 332b 35 Weatherly James 18 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 268b 3 Weatherly Margaret 79 North Carolina pg0268a.txt 369a 31 Weatherly Martha 34 Alabama pg0369a.txt 369a 32 Weatherly Mary A 16 Alabama pg0369a.txt 369a 34 Weatherly Samuel S 9 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 369a 33 Weatherly William 14 Alabama pg0369a.txt 389b 28 Weathers Josephine 15 South Carolina pg0388a.txt 389b 27 Weathers Mary E 36 South Carolina pg0388a.txt 389b 26 Weathers Robert B 45 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389b 29 Weathers Robert B 3 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 285b 4 Weaver Adaline 4 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 272a 40 Weaver Ann 19 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 329b 18 Weaver Anna 19 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 285b 7 Weaver Elizabeth 21 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 285b 2 Weaver Jane 26 North Carolina pg0282a.txt 285b 3 Weaver Margaret 6 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 285b 8 Weaver Martha 9 Georgia pg0282a.txt 285b 6 Weaver Martha 73 North Carolina pg0282a.txt 285b 5 Weaver Mary 2 Tennessee pg0282a.txt 272a 39 Weaver Nathan 22 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 285b 1 Weaver Samuel 27 South Carolina pg0282a.txt 296b 40 Webb Ann 46 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 2 Webb Martha A 17 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 1 Webb Nancy E 19 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 3 Webb Serena C 16 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 297a 4 Webb Wesley R 13 Georgia pg0294a.txt 372a 8 Weir Andrew J 17 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 372a 3 Weir Anis 53 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 372a 5 Weir Francis M 11 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 268a 7 Weir George W 31 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 372a 6 Weir Jane 27 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 372a 7 Weir Martha 15 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 372a 4 Weir Thomas 14 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 268b 39 Weir Willis 27 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 408b 32 Welch John 45 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 408b 33 Welch Lucinda 35 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 313a 4 Welchel George M 38 Georgia pg0310a.txt 313a 5 Welchel Mary A 42 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 313a 6 Welchel Minton acburton 18 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 330a 37 Welker Bell C 14 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 330a 36 Welker Katie 17 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 330a 35 Welker Mary E 20 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 330a 34 Welker Nancy P 40 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 389b 11 Wells Fleming T 57 Virginia pg0388a.txt 389b 16 Wells George P 31 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 335a 29 Wells Hester 13 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 389b 12 Wells Margaret 53 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 281b 15 West Amanda C 19 Georgia pg0278a.txt 331a 32 West Cynthia L 9 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 281b 16 West James S 4 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 281b 14 West John K 26 Georgia pg0278a.txt 281b 18 West Melinda A 8/12 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 281b 17 West Thomas N 3 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 270a 36 Westfield Adam 18 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 377b 15 Westfield Adolphus 14 Georgia pg0377a.txt 305b 37 Westfield Amanda 10 Georgia pg0300a.txt 272b 5 Westfield Anderson 18 Georgia pg0272a.txt 270a 38 Westfield Anderson 13 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 270b 1 Westfield Anthony 2 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 270a 34 Westfield Benjamin 45 South Carolina pg0268a.txt 377b 14 Westfield Caroline 28 South Carolina pg0377a.txt 377b 19 Westfield Carrie 1 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 270a 39 Westfield Florence 7 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 377b 16 Westfield Franklin 12 Georgia pg0377a.txt 334b 22 Westfield Georgia 15 Georgia pg0332a.txt 305b 36 Westfield Georgia 14 Georgia pg0300a.txt 305b 32 Westfield Henry 43 South Carolina pg0300a.txt 272b 4 Westfield Louisa 20 Georgia pg0272a.txt 270a 40 Westfield Mary 5 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 272b 2 Westfield Mary 47 South Carolina pg0272a.txt 305b 35 Westfield Mary 15 Georgia pg0300a.txt 270a 37 Westfield Ned 16 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 272b 1 Westfield Ransom 50 South Carolina pg0272a.txt 305b 38 Westfield Richard 9 Georgia pg0300a.txt 272b 3 Westfield Robert 21 Georgia pg0272a.txt 377b 18 Westfield Samuel 4 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377b 13 Westfield Samuel 34 South Carolina pg0377a.txt 305b 34 Westfield Samuel 18 Georgia pg0300a.txt 305b 33 Westfield Sarah 48 North Carolina pg0300a.txt 270a 35 Westfield Terry 38 South Carolina pg0268a.txt 377b 17 Westfield William 9 Georgia pg0377a.txt 291b 4 Westmoreland Catharine 1 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291b 3 Westmoreland Martha 4 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291b 2 Westmoreland Mary 24 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291b 1 Westmoreland Sam 29 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 289a 1 Westmoreland Ulyssis 7 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 35 Westmorland Elizabeth 21 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 39 Westmorland Joseph M 13 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 324b 11 Westmorland Martha 15 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 288b 34 Westmorland Mary 40 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 38 Westmorland Mary M 15 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 40 Westmorland Roussell F 11 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 37 Westmorland Sarah 17 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 288b 36 Westmorland William J 19 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 289a 23 Wheeler Jonas 8 Georgia pg0288a.txt 289a 22 Wheeler Susan 26 Georgia pg0288a.txt 326b 25 While Ada H. 23 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 326b 23 While Andrew J 55 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 326b 24 While Caroline D. 48 Vermont pg0322a.txt 330a 38 While Hugh 27 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 326b 27 While James C 14 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 326b 26 While Laura 17 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 327b 36 White Ake 44 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 327b 38 White Alice 13 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 301a 6 White Alva 25 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 404a 3 White Alvice 10 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 351b 28 White Amanda 2 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 289b 29 White Amy 80 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 289b 6 White Amy 14 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 300b 24 White Andrew 7 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 328a 2 White Andrew 4 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 289b 4 White Arminda 22 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 289b 8 White Bazil 6 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 328a 7 White Bragg 7 Georgia pg0328a.txt 398a 34 White Celia 13 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 293b 10 White Daniel 38 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 398a 32 White David 35 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 288a 5 White David 30 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 301a 7 White Delilah 27 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 322b 10 White Dock 16 Georgia pg0322a.txt 328a 10 White Eliza J 2 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 300b 19 White Eliza J 16 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 362a 23 White Eliza J 14 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 289b 3 White Elizabeth 50 Georgia pg0288a.txt 288a 6 White Elizabeth 28 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 9 White Ellen 17 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 301a 8 White Enos 6 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 295a 6 White Evaline 32 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 351b 21 White Gilbert 47 Georgia pg0342a.txt 300b 28 White Grace 92 North Carolina pg0300a.txt 300b 26 White Grace 3 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 398a 35 White Harriet 8 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 398a 33 White Harriet 23 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 362a 24 White Harrison E 10 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 327b 39 White Henry T 9 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 328a 8 White Hercules 5 Georgia pg0328a.txt 351b 29 White James 2/12 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 362a 21 White James M 37 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 300b 20 White James W 14 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 300b 22 White Jesse H 11 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 300b 17 White John 36 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 288a 8 White John D 8/12 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 300b 23 White John H 9 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 327b 40 White John H 8 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 362a 22 White Julia 42 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 328a 9 White Kate 4 Georgia pg0328a.txt 300b 21 White Leroy L 12 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 351b 22 White Louisa 33 North Carolina pg0342a.txt 300b 27 White Louisa 2 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 288a 7 White Martha J 4 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 328a 5 White Martha J 35 Georgia pg0328a.txt 327b 37 White Mary 35 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 295a 7 White Mary 25 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 311b 34 White Mary J 20 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 300b 25 White Mary T 5 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 362a 25 White Nancy M 8 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 300b 18 White Pherriba 33 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 295a 5 White Rachel 61 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 301a 9 White Rachel C 2 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 289b 5 White Reagan 16 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 407a 27 White Rowland 15 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 328a 4 White Samuel 38 Virginia pg0328a.txt 328a 6 White Sarah E 11 Georgia pg0328a.txt 328a 3 White Sarah L 1 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 289b 7 White Thersa 9 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 331b 4 White William D 27 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 328a 1 White William H 6 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 404a 2 White Zillah 29 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 401b 12 Whitley Celia A 20 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 401b 11 Whitley Harvey 23 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403b 14 Whitley John 7/12 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 401b 13 Whitley William D 2 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 328b 33 Whitmore John B 20 Georgia pg0328a.txt 328b 34 Whitmore Lorena F 17 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 328b 32 Whitmore Miriah 41 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 328b 35 Whitmore Mollie M 9 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 373b 18 Whitsen Elizabeth 34 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 373b 19 Whitsen Lewis 12 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 373b 20 Whitsen Wilborn 11 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 273a 32 Whitten Hetty C 7 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 408b 39 Whitten James 32 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 408b 40 Whitten Menizee 22 Tennessee pg0407a.txt 299b 23 Whittenburg Belinda 8 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 299b 22 Whittenburg Mary 27 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 403a 21 Whittey Albert 20 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403a 23 Whittey David 26 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403a 18 Whittey Elizabeth 56 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403a 20 Whittey George 21 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403a 22 Whittey Hamilton M 17 Georgia pg0401a.txt 403a 17 Whittey John 57 North Carolina pg0401a.txt 403a 19 Whittey Luvina 28 Georgia pg0401a.txt 378a 20 Wilhoit Elizabeth 45 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 28 Wilhoit Florence 1/12 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 24 Wilhoit James P 10 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 27 Wilhoit John 4 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 19 Wilhoit John W 43 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 21 Wilhoit Joseph R 16 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 26 Wilhoit Montgomery 7 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 23 Wilhoit Sarah E 12 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 22 Wilhoit Susan E 13 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 378a 25 Wilhoit Thomas E 9 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 294a 10 Wilkins Caleb J 13 North Carolina pg0294a.txt 294a 12 Wilkins Joseph H 4 Georgia pg0294a.txt 294a 9 Wilkins Mary E 46 North Carolina pg0294a.txt 294a 11 Wilkins Robert J 8 Georgia pg0294a.txt 294a 8 Wilkins William 47 North Carolina pg0294a.txt 367a 9 Willet Alvaretta 7 Ohio pg0363a.txt 367a 7 Willet Garaia* V 13 Michigan pg0363a.txt 367a 10 Willet George 2 Michigan pg0363a.txt 367a 8 Willet Orrilla 9 Ohio pg0363a.txt 367a 5 Willet Richard C 46 New York pg0363a.txt 367a 6 Willet Sarah L 37 New York pg0363a.txt 397b 1 Willhoit Alfred H 49 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 9 Willhoit Amanda 20 Georgia pg0394a.txt 392a 21 Willhoit Caladonia 15 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 396b 29 Willhoit Catharine 1 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 373a 31 Willhoit Elizabeth 4 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 396b 21 Willhoit Elizabeth 23 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 392a 20 Willhoit Elizabeth 17 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 373a 30 Willhoit Ellen 10 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 392a 22 Willhoit Frances 12 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 321a 21 Willhoit Frances H 39 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 373a 29 Willhoit George 12 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 396b 27 Willhoit James 11 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 22 Willhoit James H 39 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 392a 19 Willhoit Jane 48 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 396b 24 Willhoit John 18 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 7 Willhoit John B 2 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 307a 35 Willhoit Luther 30 Tennessee pg0300a.txt 397b 5 Willhoit Lydia E 14 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 28 Willhoit Madison 3 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 30 Willhoit Margaret 25 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 6 Willhoit Martha A 12 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 20 Willhoit Mary 82 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 2 Willhoit Mary 39 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 373a 27 Willhoit Mary 30 South Carolina pg0369a.txt 396b 31 Willhoit Mary 21 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 23 Willhoit Mary E 30 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 25 Willhoit Mary E 16 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 4 Willhoit Melisa J 16 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 321a 23 Willhoit Nannie 14 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 392a 23 Willhoit Richard 10 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 373a 26 Willhoit Stephen 40 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 397b 3 Willhoit Susan C 18 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 397b 8 Willhoit Thomas 21 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 321a 22 Willhoit Thomas R 17 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 373a 28 Willhoit William 15 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 396b 26 Willhoit William 14 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 321a 20 Willhoit William M 39 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 396b 33 William Mary 50 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 34 William Mary 15 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 32 William Montgomery 68 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 396b 35 William Sarah 14 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 371a 26 Williams Agusta 5 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 24 Williams Alice C 12 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 270b 36 Williams Ana 25 Georgia pg0268a.txt 371a 23 Williams Bennet 18 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 22 Williams Cynthia A 19 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 25 Williams Dempsy 10 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 27 Williams Eda M 3 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 21 Williams Eliza 39 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 269b 28 Williams Elizabeth J 29 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 269b 30 Williams Emeline 1 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 376a 38 Williams Emily 5/12 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 30 Williams Emily 29 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 33 Williams Gideon 9 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 371a 20 Williams Gideon 43 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 269b 27 Williams Harrison 23 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 376a 29 Williams Jackson 33 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 34 Williams James 6 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 35 Williams John 4 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 36 Williams Margaret 1 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 32 Williams Martha 10 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 376a 31 Williams Mary 11 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 270b 35 Williams Nathan 48 Georgia pg0268a.txt 269b 29 Williams Sarah J 5 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 360a 31 Williamson Elmira 50 North Carolina pg0358a.txt 360a 34 Williamson Jacob 10 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 360a 32 Williamson John 22 North Carolina pg0358a.txt 360a 33 Williamson Robert 17 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 323b 28 Willis Albert 8 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 323b 25 Willis Benja. G. 42 North Carolina pg0322a.txt 314b 12 Willis Charles 11 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 314b 9 Willis Eliza J 46 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 314b 14 Willis Ella 6 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 278b 13 Willis George W 29 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 402a 40 Willis Houston 21 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 314b 8 Willis James L 45 North Carolina pg0310a.txt 278b 17 Willis James W 2 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 278b 18 Willis John H 7/12 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 278b 15 Willis Joseph H 7 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 314b 10 Willis Joseph L 20 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 314b 11 Willis Laura 14 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 278b 14 Willis Margaret J 23 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 323b 26 Willis Mary A 32 Virginia pg0322a.txt 323b 30 Willis Mattie L 4 North Carolina pg0322a.txt 314b 13 Willis Rachel A 8 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 323b 29 Willis Rosa May 6 North Carolina pg0322a.txt 323b 27 Willis Walter 9 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 278b 16 Willis William A 4 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 346a 30 Wilson Adaline G 35 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 262b 30 Wilson Albert 10 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 346a 29 Wilson Alexander K 69 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 346a 34 Wilson Alexander W 4 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 262b 33 Wilson Andrew 4 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 262b 34 Wilson Catharine 8/12 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 272b 31 Wilson Catharine E 7 Georgia pg0272a.txt 352a 34 Wilson Charles J 8 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 337b 36 Wilson David 10 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 337b 33 Wilson Delilah 20 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 352a 28 Wilson Eliza 36 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 359a 13 Wilson Elizabeth 65 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 31 Wilson Elizabeth 64 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 280b 33 Wilson Elizabeth 61 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 361b 27 Wilson Elizabeth 36 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 359a 2 Wilson Elizabeth 35 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 29 Wilson Emily E 11 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 272b 30 Wilson Florene J 10 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 352a 35 Wilson Frances E 3 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 26 Wilson George 36 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 359a 1 Wilson George 35 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 348a 29 Wilson George 29 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 262b 28 Wilson George T. 37 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 348a 30 Wilson Hannah 25 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 337b 35 Wilson James 7 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 272b 32 Wilson James A 2 Georgia pg0272a.txt 352a 27 Wilson Jefferson E 48 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 391b 19 Wilson John F 13 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 361b 30 Wilson John W 2 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 328b 11 Wilson Joseph 42 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 272b 33 Wilson Lucinda A 6/12 Georgia pg0272a.txt 337b 34 Wilson Lydia 12 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 263b 7 Wilson Malinda 64 North Carolina pg0262a.txt 359a 3 Wilson Margaret 12 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 28 Wilson Margaret 12 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 346a 31 Wilson Marshal 21 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 272b 29 Wilson Martha 34 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 262b 32 Wilson Mary 6 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 328b 12 Wilson Mary 28 South Carolina pg0328a.txt 346a 33 Wilson Mary 12 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 352a 32 Wilson Mary A 13 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 272b 25 Wilson Mary M 34 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 337b 32 Wilson Nancy 70 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 262b 29 Wilson Nancy 27 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 359a 4 Wilson Nancy 10 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352a 33 Wilson Nancy J 9 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 272b 28 Wilson Newton 33 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 272b 26 Wilson Phelix A 5 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 262b 31 Wilson Robert 9 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 352a 29 Wilson Robert A 21 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 391b 20 Wilson Samuel 10 Missouri pg0388a.txt 352a 30 Wilson Samuel J 18 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 391b 18 Wilson Sarah 36 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 272b 24 Wilson Thomas P 31 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 348a 31 Wilson Tine 6 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 272b 27 Wilson Ulysses G 1 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 348a 32 Wilson Walter 9/12 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 359a 5 Wilson Wilford 2 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 337b 38 Wilson William 9/12 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 352a 31 Wilson William 15 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 346a 32 Wilson William E 16 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 399a 30 Winkler Abraham 65 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 38 Winkler Charity 50 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 37 Winkler Elizabeth 51 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 35 Winkler Hiram 22 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 399a 32 Winkler Jacob 40 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 31 Winkler Mabel 63 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 36 Winkler Mary 70 North Carolina pg0394a.txt 399a 34 Winkler Sidney 33 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 399a 33 Winkler William 35 Tennessee pg0394a.txt 324b 31 Wion Rebecca 37 Virginia pg0322a.txt 369a 6 Wise Elisha 71 North Carolina pg0369a.txt 369a 7 Wise Sidney 40 Virginia pg0369a.txt 397b 37 Wiser Hetty 3 Michigan pg0394a.txt 397b 35 Wiser Levi 41 Pennsylvania pg0394a.txt 397b 36 Wiser Lucy 26 New York pg0394a.txt 315a 5 Witcher John W 38 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 315a 8 Witcher N.N. . . pg0310a.txt 315a 4 Witcher Nancy C 41 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 315a 6 Witcher Nanecie 27 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 315a 7 Witcher Sarah 25 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 315a 3 Witcher William J 65 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 356b 9 Witt Alzira P 11 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 6 Witt Barton 22 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 12 Witt Elizabeth 21 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 7 Witt George W 18 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 11 Witt James M 23 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 375b 26 Witt Jane 76 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 356b 3 Witt John S 52 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 13 Witt Luther 1 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 5 Witt Margaret 24 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 8 Witt Sarah E 13 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 356b 4 Witt Susan C 50 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 311b 27 Wolf Elizabeth 27 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 311b 29 Wolf Frances 8 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 389a 13 Wolf James 52 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 17 Wolf James 16 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389b 3 Wolf John 25 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 311b 28 Wolf John 10 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 381a 38 Wolf Joseph 22 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 389a 15 Wolf Margaret 22 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389b 4 Wolf Marthena 19 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 19 Wolf Mary C 8 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 392b 35 Wolf Mary C 6 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 14 Wolf Melica 43 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 21 Wolf Melica C 2 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 311b 30 Wolf Menerva 4 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 311b 26 Wolf Merideth 34 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 389a 18 Wolf Minerva 12 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 392b 12 Wolf Nancy 50 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 381a 39 Wolf Nancy 19 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 381a 40 Wolf Pauline 2/12 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 311b 31 Wolf Robert 1 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 389a 20 Wolf Sarah 6 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389a 16 Wolf William 21 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 389b 5 Wolf William 1 Tennessee pg0388a.txt 319a 13 Wood Albert 2 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 323b 1 Wood Benjamin S 25 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 320a 36 Wood Edgar 2 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 324a 20 Wood Eliza 34 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 271a 16 Wood Elizabeth 12 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 360a 11 Wood Ellen 16 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 299a 10 Wood Emery 15 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 323b 3 Wood Ewla 1 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 324a 23 Wood Fanny 5 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 324a 22 Wood Grace 21 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 320a 35 Wood James 6 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 323b 2 Wood Janie 21 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 320a 34 Wood John 7 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 324a 24 Wood John 3 Georgia pg0322a.txt 319a 11 Wood John C 33 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 324a 21 Wood Julia 25 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 324a 18 Wood Mary 65 Virginia pg0322a.txt 319a 14 Wood Mary 3/12 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 324a 19 Wood Nancy 45 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 319a 12 Wood Nancy 25 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 320a 33 Wood Sarah E 30 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 320a 32 Wood William M 39 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 352b 27 Wooden Amanda J 16 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 22 Wooden Ann 55 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 13 Wooden Caladonia 3 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 39 Wooden Caroline 22 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 12 Wooden Charles 4 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 368a 7 Wooden Eliza 20 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 361b 6 Wooden Emeline 14 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 36 Wooden Emma 2 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 368a 8 Wooden Franklin 19 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 31 Wooden Henry 39 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 5 Wooden Henry 18 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 11 Wooden Isaac 6 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 368a 5 Wooden James 50 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 368a 10 Wooden James 5 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 25 Wooden James 21 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 354b 30 Wooden James 16 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 37 Wooden James W 6 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 364a 35 Wooden Jesse 33 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 37 Wooden John 5/12 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 24 Wooden John 22 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361a 38 Wooden John 22 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 28 Wooden Julia A 14 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 2 Wooden Lucinda 42 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 40 Wooden Luther 2 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 8 Wooden Maggie 10 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 368a 11 Wooden Margaret 3 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 361a 39 Wooden Margaret 18 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 368a 6 Wooden Martha 44 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 34 Wooden Martha A 8 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 32 Wooden Mary 28 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 4 Wooden Mary A 19 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 368a 9 Wooden Mary C 15 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 33 Wooden Nancy J 10 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 10 Wooden Pleasant 6 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 9 Wooden Samuel 8 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 361b 1 Wooden Samuel 44 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 353a 1 Wooden Sarah 6/12 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 38 Wooden Sarah A 1 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 352b 30 Wooden Sarah M 10 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 36 Wooden Susan M 26 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 361b 7 Wooden Tennessee 12 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 26 Wooden Tennessee J 18 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 29 Wooden Terressa J 12 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361a 40 Wooden Thomas 7/12 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352b 21 Wooden Thomas 57 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 23 Wooden Thomas 24 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 354b 29 Wooden William 59 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 35 Wooden William 5 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352b 38 Wooden William 26 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 361b 3 Wooden William 22 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 334b 40 Woods Ada 55 South Carolina pg0332a.txt 331a 14 Woods Charraltha 4 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 331a 12 Woods Elizabeth 36 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 276a 30 Woods Hannah P 20 Georgia pg0272a.txt 331a 13 Woods John T 16 Tennessee pg0328a.txt 276a 29 Woods Joseph 19 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 377a 7 Woody Jane 57 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377a 11 Woody John 12 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377a 8 Woody Lou 25 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377a 9 Woody Minerva 22 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377a 10 Woody Russell 21 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 377a 6 Woody Samuel L 30 Tennessee pg0377a.txt 406a 9 Wooten Benjamin 20 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 8 Wooten Clarinda 45 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 13 Wooten Isaac C 12 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 12 Wooten James 14 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 15 Wooten John 7 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 14 Wooten Joseph C 10 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 335a 3 Wooten Mary 25 Tennessee pg0332a.txt 406a 11 Wooten Mary C 16 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 16 Wooten Rhoda M 4 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 7 Wooten Robert 50 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 406a 10 Wooten Vancy 18 Tennessee pg0401a.txt 345a 14 Workman John M 50 Kentucky pg0342a.txt 345a 15 Workman Martha A 45 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 267b 23 Worley Jane 20 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 267b 22 Worley Sarah 55 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 267b 21 Worley William 57 Tennessee pg0262a.txt 344a 11 Worn Martin V 2 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 324b 33 Wren William 18 Alabama pg0322a.txt 327a 29 Wright Catharine E 16 Tennessee pg0322a.txt 329a 26 Wright James B 4 Indiana pg0328a.txt 351b 24 Wright Jane 12 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 25 Wright Josephine 10 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 26 Wright Thomas 9 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 23 Wright Virginia 15 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 351b 27 Wright William 5 Tennessee pg0342a.txt 327a 28 Wright William B 21 Georgia pg0322a.txt 364a 26 Wrinkle Arbell M 6 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 376a 28 Wrinkle Calafonia 10 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 353b 1 Wrinkle Daniel 17 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 376a 27 Wrinkle Daniel B 13 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 353b 3 Wrinkle David 15 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 376a 24 Wrinkle Eliza A 37 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 353a 38 Wrinkle Elizabeth 47 South Carolina pg0352a.txt 368a 2 Wrinkle Elizabeth 24 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 364a 22 Wrinkle Elizabeth A 41 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 376a 25 Wrinkle Isabella 18 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 353a 40 Wrinkle James 20 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 29 Wrinkle James R 8 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 364a 27 Wrinkle Lillian 4 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 353a 37 Wrinkle Luny M 52 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 353b 4 Wrinkle Margaret J 12 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 25 Wrinkle Mary A 13 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 353b 2 Wrinkle Minerva 19 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 376a 26 Wrinkle Minless 15 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 364a 21 Wrinkle Rufus 46 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 353a 39 Wrinkle Rufus 22 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 364a 23 Wrinkle Ruth M E 18 Missouri pg0363a.txt 364a 24 Wrinkle Samirah 16 Missouri pg0363a.txt 368a 1 Wrinkle Wiley M 24 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 364a 28 Wrinkle William L 11 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 358a 39 Wyrick Cynthia 30 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352a 3 Wyrick Madison 20 North Carolina pg0352a.txt 358a 40 Wyrick Nancy M 2 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 352a 2 Wyrick Rachel M 32 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352a 1 Wyrick Samuel 51 North Carolina pg0352a.txt 352a 4 Wyrick Sarah C 3 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 352a 5 Wyrick Theodore 1 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 358a 38 Wyrick William A 31 North Carolina pg0358a.txt 319a 10 Yarnell Lurcira 56 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 276a 16 York Abraham 48 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 21 York Alice 1 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 277b 8 York Amanda 28 South Carolina pg0272a.txt 276a 19 York Barbara E 4 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 28 York Eliza J 3/12 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 355b 4 York Harriet 12 Georgia pg0352a.txt 355b 5 York James 3 Georgia pg0352a.txt 355b 1 York James 24 Georgia pg0352a.txt 277b 7 York John 29 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 26 York Josaphine 2 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 20 York Joseph P 3 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 280b 14 York Martha 52 Tennessee pg0278a.txt 276a 25 York Martha J 22 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 277b 10 York Martha M 4 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 17 York Mary A 24 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 277b 12 York Mary B 1 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 27 York Mary E 2 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 23 York Mary E 16 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 22 York Nancy 54 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 277b 9 York Rebecca J 7 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 276a 18 York Sarah A 6 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 355b 3 York Sarah J 15 Georgia pg0352a.txt 355b 2 York Sarah S 29 Georgia pg0352a.txt 355b 6 York Thomas L 1 Tennessee pg0352a.txt 276a 24 York William 23 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 277b 11 York William H 3 Tennessee pg0272a.txt 315a 13 Young Alexander 40 North Carolina pg0310a.txt 269a 24 Young Alice 6/12 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 299a 37 Young Ann E 7 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 374b 11 Young Bell D 1/24 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 315a 14 Young Caroline 32 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 269a 22 Young Catharine 4 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 315a 16 Young Catherine 11 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 374b 9 Young Darthula 3 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 362a 6 Young Eliza 21 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 269a 19 Young George W 10 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 315a 17 Young James A 6 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 269a 15 Young Jane 35 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 299a 33 Young John A 14 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 269a 17 Young John W 12 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 374b 7 Young Joseph 29 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 374b 10 Young Joseph L 2 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 317a 28 Young Lucy 17 Tennessee pg0316a.txt 362a 4 Young Margaret 45 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 299a 34 Young Margaret J 12 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 269a 20 Young Martha 14 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 269a 16 Young Martha E 18 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 315a 15 Young Martha L 13 Tennessee pg0310a.txt 364b 3 Young Mary E 29 Tennessee pg0363a.txt 299a 35 Young Mary L 10 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 299a 36 Young Rachel 8 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 269a 23 Young Rebecca 2 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 362a 5 Young Rhoda 23 Tennessee pg0358a.txt 299a 32 Young Ruth A 42 Tennessee pg0294a.txt 374b 8 Young Unity A 28 Tennessee pg0369a.txt 269a 18 Young Virginia 10 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 269a 14 Young William 32 Tennessee pg0268a.txt 269a 21 Young William C 8 Tennessee pg0268a.txt