North Carolina - Statewide 1840 U.S. Federal Census Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services This Census was transcribed by Robert E. Lane and proofread by Linda Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2025 by Robert E. Lane ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1840 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1840 MICROFILM #M704- STATE NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY STATEWIDE (all) ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- NOTE: The back side of the population schedule for the 1840 census was used to record living pensioners of the Revolutionary War or other military service. This contained information not found on the population schedule, such as the person's age and who they were living with. Publishing of these returns was authorized by an act of Congress in 1841, printers were Blair & Rives, Washington, D.C. The book groups the names by the town where they lived. This transcription lists them in alphabetical order. Town names are included as an aid to researchers. This schedule lists a number of women, who were likely widows who were collecting their late husband's pension. =============================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1840 STATE: North Carolina COUNTY: Statewide MICROFILM#: M704- DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: Not written =============================================================================================================================================================== Name of Pensioner Whom Living With TOWN OR PAGE LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE LAST NAME FIRST NAME COUNTY DISTRICT TRANSCRIBER REMARKS =============================================================================================================================================================== 139 49 Abernathy John D. 80 Abernathy John D. Lincoln . . 137 10 Abshear Josiah 87 Abshear Josiah Anson . . 137 70 Adcock Joshua, Sen. 79 Adcock Joshua, Sen. Chatham . . 137 111 Adkins Nathan 90 Adkins William Caswell . . 137 25 Alexander James 81 Alexander James Buncombe Southern Div. . 137 54 Alexander Samuel 80 Alexander Samuel Burke . . 139 54 Alexander Thomas, Majob 87 Alexander Thomas, Majob Mecklenburg . . 138 13 Alfin William 74 Alfin William Duplin . . 138 76 Allen William 80 . . Granville . . 139 129 Allen Samuel 79 Allen Samuel Orange . . 141 36 Allgood William 79 Allgood William Surry . . 137 29 Allison Birch 78 Allison Birch Burke . . 139 84 Allmar Winny, Sen. 75 Allmar Winny, Sen. Mongtomery . . 138 79 Andrew Samuel 87 . . Granville . . 139 16 Andrews Hugh 82 Andrews Hugh Iredell . . 141 41 Angel John 79 Angel John Surry . . 141 34 Apperson Eliz. 77 Apperson Thomas Surry . Widow 140 66 Arey Abraham 84 Arey Abraham Rowan . . 137 31 Arrowood John, Sen. 78 Arrowood John, Sen. Burke . . 141 76 Askew William 103 Askew William Warren . . 137 55 Austin Benjamin 81 Austin Benjamin Burke . . 138 35 Bailey Stephen 78 Bailey Elkins Davidson . . 137 18 Baldwin John 79 Baldwin John, Jun. Ashe . . 140 101 Baley Noah 82 Sprinkle Thomas Stokes . . 137 23 Ball Daniel, Sen. . Ball Daniel, Sen. Buncombe Southern Div. . 137 52 Ballew Stephen 77 Ballew Stephen Burke . . 141 69 Baltrip Augustin 80 Baltrip Augustin Warren . . 139 117 Bannerman George 88 Larkins Evan New Hanover . . 139 89 Barmer John 86 Barmer John Mongtomery . . 139 56 Barnet Thomas 80 Barnet Thomas Mecklenburg . . 140 39 Barnhill Henry 83 Barnhill Henry Pitt . . 137 65 Barns James 77 Barns James Chatham . . 138 50 Bartholomew John 81 Bartholomew John Franklin . . 139 19 Bastian Andrew 79 Frieze Peter Iredell . . 138 109 Beaty David 77 Beaty David Iredell . . 140 105 Beck William 75 Beck William Stokes . . 139 90 Bell Benjamin 79 Bell Benjamin Mongtomery . . 140 93 Bell Richard 81 Bell Richard Randolph . . 140 34 Bently Thomas 80 Bently Thomas Pitt . . 139 55 Berry Andrew 81 Berry Andrew Mecklenburg . . 139 92 Blake Thomas 96 Pool Colwell Mongtomery . . 138 25 Blanton James 79 Blanton James Duplin . . 141 108 Blaylocker John, Sen. 78 Blaylocker John, Sen. Yancy . . 138 71 Bledsoe Fanny 84 . . Granville . . 139 31 Blouk Jacob 94 Blouk Jacob Lincoln . . 137 44 Boit Jacob B. 80 Boit Jacob B. Bladen . . 139 85 Boles Benjamin 83 Boles Benjamin Mongtomery . . 137 35 Boman Sherwood, Sen. 81 Boman Sherwood, Sen. Burke . . 141 3 Borham Hartwell 85 Borham Hartwell Stokes Northern Div. . 139 9 Bostian Jacob 85 Bostian Jacob Iredell . . 140 22 Bowden John 85 Bowden John Orange Southern Div. . 140 20 Bowers John 79 Bowers John Orange Southern Div. . 140 6 Bowles Thomas 78 Bowles Thomas Orange . . 139 22 Boyed Daniel 102 Boyed Daniel Iredell . . 141 21 Boykin John, Sen. 77 Boykin John, Sen. Sampson . . 137 86 Bradford James 81 Bradford James Cabarrus . . 137 21 Brittain William 78 Brittain William Buncombe Southern Div. . 138 106 Britton Michale 79 Boss Augustus Hertford . . 139 127 Britton Jesse 88 Britton Jesse Northampton . . 138 18 Brock Bezzent 82 Brock Bezzent Duplin . . 140 83 Brooks William 96 Brooks William Rutherford . . 139 7 Brotherton Thomas 96 Brotherton William B. Iredell . . 138 7 Brown Amos 84 Brown Amos Cherokee . . 138 16 Brown Jesse 79 Brown Jesse Duplin . . 140 51 Brown Elijah 88 Hulgan H. Rockingham . . 140 78 Brown William 78 Brown William Richmond . . 141 57 Browne James, Sen. 91 Browne James, Sen. Wake . . 137 16 Bryant William O. 85 Bryant William O. Anson . . 140 37 Bryant John 80 Thomas Jesse Pitt . . 141 38 Bryant Reuben 85 Bryant Reuben Surry . . 141 52 Bryant Jesse 81 Freeman Wyott Wake . . 141 101 Bryant John, Esq. 87 Bryant John, Esq. Wilkes . . 139 94 Bryson Daniel 81 Bryson Daniel Macon . . 137 51 Buck Isaac, Sen. 88 Buck Isaac, Sen. Beaufort . . 138 75 Bullock Charles 80 . . Granville . . 137 104 Buren Jeremiah 86 Garner Willie Caswell . . 139 79 Burroughs Solomon, Sen. 78 Burroughs Solomon, Sen. Mongtomery . . 140 48 Burton Robert 78 Burton Robert Rockingham . . 141 50 Burton William 80 Burton William Wake . . 137 4 Candle Absalom 73 Candle Berry Anson . . 138 23 Carr William 87 Carr William Duplin . . 138 55 Carr Moses 95 Carr Moses Franklin . . 137 87 Carregan William 79 Carregan William Cabarrus . . 140 11 Carrington George 84 Carrington George Orange Southern Div. . 139 10 Carson Andrew 87 Carson Andrew Iredell . . 137 67 Carter James 77 Reaves William A. Chatham . . 137 109 Carter Braxton 65 Carter Braxton Caswell . . 140 15 Carter James 81 Carter James Orange Southern Div. . 140 57 Carter Thomas 92 Carter Thomas Rockingham . . 141 4 Carter Henry 83 Carter George W. Stokes Northern Div. . 138 72 Cash Peter 84 . . Granville . . 137 61 Cason John 100 . . Brunswick . . 141 97 Castle Samuel 100 Farmer Jesse Wilkes . . 139 80 Cell Philip 86 Cell Philip Mongtomery . . 138 24 Charlton David 84 Charlton David Duplin . . 137 41 Cheshire Richard 97 Cheshire Richard Bladen . . 141 33 Chinn Perry 77 Chinn Perry Surry . . 138 73 Chopell Samuel 85 . . Granville . . 141 98 Church Amos 82 Church Amos, Sen. Wilkes . . 139 103 Clark John 85 Clark John Martin . . 140 91 Clemmons Cornelius 82 Clemmons Cornelius Rutherford . . 139 57 Clontz Jeremiah 85 Clontz John A. Mecklenburg . . 141 31 Cockram David 78 Cockram David Surry . . 141 37 Cockram Daniel 78 Cockram Daniel Surry . . 138 56 Coggin Robert 95 Coggin Robert Franklin . . 141 91 Combes George 82 Combes George Wilkes . . 138 52 Conyers Ephraim 85 Conyers Ephraim Franklin . . 139 123 Cook Christopher 81 Cook Lazarus Northampton . . 140 84 Cook Edward 83 Cook Edward Rutherford . . 140 92 Cooper Starling 86 Cooper John Randolph . . 138 101 Corn John Peter 91 Corn John Peter Henderson . . 140 23 Costen Stephen 85 Costen Stephen Onslow . . 139 30 Coulton Martin 81 Elkanah Martin Lincoln . . 137 107 Cox Charles 78 Cox Charles Caswell . . 141 92 Crabb Jarret 82 Crabb Jarret Wilkes . . 140 50 Crawford Peter 80 Crawford Peter Rockingham . . 137 24 Cross Joseph 93 Cross Joseph Buncombe Southern Div. . 140 72 Currie John 92 Currie Duncan Richmond . . 140 88 Dalton William 74 Dalton William Rutherford . . 140 89 Dalton Thomas 77 Dalton Thomas, Sen. Rutherford . . 140 19 Daniel Christopher 82 Daniel Christopher Orange Southern Div. . 137 42 Darrah John 83 Darrah John Bladen . . 137 43 Davis Francis 87 Davis Francis Bladen . . 137 103 Davis John B. 83 Davis John B. Caswell . . 138 20 Davis John 78 Davis John Duplin . . 138 47 Davis Martha 70 Davis Martha, Mrs. Franklin . . 138 74 Davis Cyrus 82 . . Granville . . 141 30 Davis Robert 85 Davis Robert Surry . . 141 70 Davis Burrell 83 Davis Edward Warren . . 137 20 Dever William 77 Dever Reuben Buncombe Southern Div. . 137 75 Dickens Thomas 82 Dickens Thomas Chatham . . 139 37 Dickson John 84 Dickson John Lincoln . . 138 104 Dilday Joseph 84 Dilday Seth Hertford . . 137 112 Dill John 77 Dill John, Jun. Caswell . . 140 81 Dobbins James 78 Dobbins James Rutherford . . 137 73 Dollar James 80 Dollar James Chatham . . 140 10 Dollar William 85 Dollar William Orange Southern Div. . 140 5 Dolly John 86 Dolly John Orange . . 137 110 Donoho Keziah 89 Donoho Keziah Caswell . . 141 72 Dowton John 79 Dowton John Warren . . 137 34 Duckworth John 83 Duckworth John, Jun. Burke . . 139 81 Duke James, Sen. 77 Duke James, Sen. Mongtomery . . 141 68 Duke William 90 Duke Doctor M. Warren . . 140 29 Duncan George 83 Duncan George Person . . 141 73 Durham James 81 Durham James Warren . . 141 79 Easpe Abednego 82 Easpe Abednego Wilkes . . 141 1 Eaton William 57 Eaton William Stokes Northern Div. . 138 90 Edmonds William 77 Edmonds William Halifax . . 140 17 Efeland John 77 Efeland John Orange Southern Div. . 140 64 Eller John Melchor 88 Eller John Melchor Rowan . . 139 58 Emerson Harry 84 Emerson Henry Mecklenburg . . 138 97 Erwin William 89 Erwin William Henderson . . 138 31 Esseck Joseph 98 Mix Jeremiah Davidson . . 138 9 Etchison Edmond 85 Etchison Edmond Davie . . 137 108 Evans Elisha 80 Evans Elisha Caswell . . 138 57 Fawn Elizabeth 78 Fawn Elizabeth Franklin . . 139 60 Ferrel Gabriel 85 Ferrel Gabriel Mecklenburg . . 138 3 Ferubee Samuel 79 Ferubee Samuel Currituck . . 139 59 Forbus Hugh 83 Forbus Hugh Mecklenburg . . 139 45 Forney Abraham 81 Forney Abraham Lincoln . . 137 115 Fort Sherwood 81 Fort Sherwood Cumberland . . 137 69 Foshee John, Sen. 82 Foshee John, Sen. Chatham . . 140 7 Foster George 83 Foster George Orange . . 138 39 Fritts George, Sen. 87 Fritts George, Sen. Davidson . . 137 37 Fry Nicholas 97 Berry John Burke . . 139 3 Fuinster William 80 Fuinster William Iredell . . 137 84 Furr Henry 80 Furr Henry Cabarrus . . 140 41 Gaganus Reuben 78 Jolly Saving Pitt . . 139 102 Gaines James 75 Gaines James Moore . . 141 11 Gainy William 88 Gainy William Sampson . . 139 61 Gardner John 81 Gardner John Mecklenburg . . 137 11 Garman William 80 Garman William Anson . . 139 93 Garrett William 85 Garrett William Macon . . 140 12 Gattes Alexander 77 Gattes Alexander Orange Southern Div. . 140 96 Gatting Elizabeth 80 Gatting Edward Randolph . . 138 14 Gauff Samuel 81 Gauff Samuel Duplin . . 139 4 Gibson Joseph 80 Gibson Hugh Iredell . . 141 82 Gilreath Alexander 85 Gilreath Alexander Wilkes . . 139 62 Givens Samuel 77 Givens Samuel Mecklenburg . . 140 97 Glascow Lemuel 91 Glascow Lemuel Randolph Northern Div. . 140 55 Godsey William 78 Godsey J. Rockingham . . 141 24 Going William 78 Going William Surry . . 139 34 Goodin Robinson 76 . . Lincoln . . 140 30 Goodwin John 90 Goodwin Caleb Perquimans . . 139 17 Gracy Robert 77 Gracy James B. Iredell . . 138 34 Graham John 78 Graham John Davidson . . 139 6 Grant John, Sen. 80 Grant John, Sen. Iredell . . 141 86 Gray James 77 Gray James, Sen. Wilkes . . 138 92 Green George, Sen. 72 Green George, Sen. Halifax . . 139 76 Green David 79 Green David Mongtomery . . 141 51 Green John 88 Green Samuel Wake . . 141 104 Green John 73 Buchanan James Yancy . . 138 5 Gregory Thomas 81 Gregory Thomas Currituck . . 140 28 Gregory Abram 79 Gregory Abram Person . . 141 10 Gregory Thomas 91 Gregory Thomas Sampson . . 139 63 Griffin Richard 80 Griffin Richard Mecklenburg . . 140 47 Griffin James 79 Griffin John Rockingham . . 137 102 Gum Sterling 76 Gum Sterling Caswell . . 139 52 Hager Simon 83 Hager Simon Lincoln . . 140 99 Hags Edmond 79 Hags Edmond Randolph Northern Div. . 137 96 Halsey Henry 81 Halsey Henry Chowan . . 139 109 Hambleton Thomas 86 Hambleton Thomas Nash . . 137 88 Hamilton James 79 Hamilton James Cabarrus . . 139 50 Hanks Richard 87 Hanks Richard Lincoln . . 139 36 Harman John 77 Harman John Lincoln . . 138 12 Harrell Kadar 94 Almshouse . Duplin . . 141 77 Harris Robin 82 Harris Robin Warren . . 141 88 Harris William 88 Harris James Wilkes . . 140 114 Hartgrove Howel 77 Hartgrove Howel Stokes Northern Div. . 141 54 Harward James 80 Parham Daniel Wake . . 140 77 Hasty James 86 Hasty James Richmond . . 140 14 Hatch Alexander 76 Hatch Alexander Orange Southern Div. . 137 56 Hayes David 92 Hayes David Burke . . 141 16 Hays William 88 Hays William Sampson . . 139 107 Hedgepeth Abram 72 Hedgepeth Abram Nash . . 138 58 Henderson James 79 Henderson James Guilford . . 138 102 Henry Joseph, Sen. 77 Henry Joseph, Sen. Henderson . . 139 42 Henry James T. 89 Henry James T. Lincoln . . 138 87 Henson Elijah 77 . . Haywood . . 139 32 Heoneer Nicholas 90 Heoneer Nicholas Lincoln . . 137 60 Hewett Ebenezer 95 . . Brunswick . . 138 82 Hice Leonard 77 . . Haywood . . 138 61 Hickman Jacob 87 Cor Robert Guilford . . 140 112 Hickman Edwin 78 Hickman Edwin Stokes Northern Div. . 138 53 Hicks Miles 70 Hicks Miles Franklin . . 137 2 High Rachael 79 High Rachael Anson . . 139 20 Hill Abram 83 Hill Abram Iredell . . 141 67 Hilliard Thomas 78 Hilliard Thomas Warren . . 140 109 Hilsabeek Jacob 78 Hilsabeek Jos. Stokes Northern Div. . 137 13 Hinson Charles 78 Hinson Charles Anson . . 137 33 Hodge George 80 Hodge George Burke . . 140 65 Hoffner Martin 78 Hoffner Martin Rowan . . 137 59 Hoggard John 82 Hoggard John Bertie . . 138 19 Holland James 93 Holland James Duplin . . 141 45 Holland Thomas 84 Barker Lewis Wake . . 141 15 Hollingsworth Elizabeth 88 Dudley Nathan Sampson . . 141 18 Hollingsworth Henry 80 Hollingsworth H. Sampson . . 139 120 Holmes Zack 90 Holmes Zack New Hanover . . 139 48 Holsclau James 87 Holsclau James Lincoln . . 139 25 Holt James 86 Holt James Johnston . . 140 111 Hooker Jerusha 83 Lawson Elizabeth Stokes Northern Div. . 138 84 Hooper Absalom 80 . . Haywood . . 137 32 Hoppis Adam 86 Hoppis Adam Burke . . 139 64 Horfland John, Sen. 78 Horfland John, Sen. Mecklenburg . . 141 58 Horris Jesse 80 Horris Jesse Wake . . 141 103 Horter Z., Sen. 79 Horter Z., Sen. Yancy . . 137 6 Hough John 80 Hough John Anson . . 139 5 Howard Claborn 78 Carlton John Iredell . . 141 44 Howell John 87 Howell John Wayne . . 139 65 Huddleston Robert 79 Huddleston Robert Mecklenburg . . 141 60 Hughes James 79 Hughes James Wake . . 139 88 Hurley Joshua 77 Hurley Joshua Mongtomery . . 140 80 Hutchins Thomas 87 Hutchins Thomas Rutherford . . 140 90 Hyder John, Sen. 38 Hyder John, Sen. Rutherford . . 140 38 Hysmith Moses 80 Hysmith Moses Pitt . . 140 71 Ingram Edwin 89 Bostick Elisha Richmond . . 137 98 Ipock Samuel, Sen. 80 Ipock Samuel, Sen. Craven . . 137 90 Irvine Thomas 80 Irvine Thomas Cabarrus . . 140 13 Jacobs Thomas 73 Jacobs Thomas Orange Southern Div. . 140 3 James Abner 77 James Abner Orange . . 141 102 Jenkins William 80 Kelly Thomas D. Wilkes . . 137 27 Jester Thomas 78 Jester Thomas Buncombe Southern Div. . 137 9 Johnson William 79 Johnson William Anson . . 137 17 Johnson Francis 79 Johnson Francis Ashe . . 137 114 Johnson Alexander 80 Johnson Alexander Cumberland . . 138 103 Johnson James 79 Johnson James Henderson . . 138 54 Jones William 81 Jones William, S.C. Franklin . . 139 91 Jones Jesse 87 Jones Jesse Mongtomery . . 140 33 Jones Britton 81 Jones Britton Pitt . . 140 104 Jones Thomas 76 Jones Thomas Stokes . . 141 7 Jones Benjamin 84 Jones Benjamin Stokes Northern Div. . 138 41 Keneday Sherwood, Sen. 79 Keneday Sherwood, Sen. Davidson . . 138 17 Kennaday Thomas 78 Kennaday Thomas Duplin . . 139 111 Kennair John 91 Taylor John R. New Hanover . . 139 67 Kerr Robert 89 Kerr Robert Mecklenburg . . 139 118 Kerr Elizabeth 77 Taylor Ann New Hanover . . 139 68 Kiker George 87 Kiker George Mecklenburg . . 137 80 Kinby James 78 Kinby James Chatham . . 138 48 King John 102 King John Franklin . . 141 78 King David 78 King David Warren . . 137 50 Kinion Anthony 77 Kinion Anthony Beaufort . . 139 66 Knox James, Sen. 81 Knox James, Sen. Mecklenburg . . 140 68 Knox Benjamin 82 Knox Robert Rowan . . 138 38 Koontz John 85 Koontz John Davidson . . 140 102 Kreeger George 81 Kreeger George Stokes . . 139 18 Lackey George, Sen. 87 Lackey George, Sen. Iredell . . 139 24 Lackey Thomas 92 Lackey Thomas Iredell . . 140 4 Lackey Elizabeth 86 Lackey William Orange . . 141 96 Lane John 85 Lane Edward Wilkes . . 137 77 Laseter William, Sen. 83 Laseter William, Sen. Chatham . . 137 78 Laseter Abner 85 Laseter Abner Chatham . . 141 81 Laws David, Sen. 85 Laws David, Sen. Wilkes . . 139 23 Lawson Thomas 86 Lawson Thomas Iredell . . 138 6 Leadford Peter 86 Leadford Peter Cherokee . . 140 87 Ledbetter Richard 65 . . Rutherford . . 138 8 Lee Henry 78 Lee Henry Davie . . 138 93 Lee John, Sen. 79 . . Halifax . . 139 116 Lee James 89 Lee James New Hanover . . 140 73 Leek Walter, Sen. 79 Leek Walter, Sen. Richmond . . 140 79 Lemons Robert 84 Lemons Robert Rutherford . . 138 49 Leonard William 79 Leonard William Franklin . . 137 68 Lewis Hurbart 82 Williams Isaiah Chatham . . 139 121 Lewis James 81 Lewis James New Hanover . . 140 45 Lewis William 79 Lewis William Robeson . . 137 81 Lewter Hardy 100 Lewter Hardy Chatham . . 140 27 Lint Isaac 86 Gray George Person . . 138 96 Lock James, Sen. 86 . . Halifax 10th Dist. . 138 32 Lockinghour Jacob 89 Motsinger Felix Davidson . . 138 77 Lockinghour John 86 . . Granville . . 138 86 Love Robert 80 Love Robert Haywood . . 141 84 Love John 78 Love John Wilkes . . 139 14 Luck John 81 Luck John Iredell . . 138 80 Lumpkin Joseph 81 . . Granville . . 138 1 Lumsden John 82 Lumsden John Cumberland Fayetteville . 140 94 Luther Elizabeth 78 Luther Elizabeth Randolph . . 141 94 Lyon Jacob 78 Lyon Jacob Wilkes . . 140 75 Macalister Jn. 76 Macalister Jn. Richmond . . 139 11 Maiden Laurence 89 Henderson Samuel Iredell . . 139 119 Malpas James 88 Croom P. J. New Hanover . . 140 9 Mann Nathan 82 Mann Nathan Orange . . 139 100 Manteath Samuel 85 Manteath Samuel Macon . . 141 19 Manuel Christopher 90 Manuel Christopher Sampson . . 139 40 Maples Marmaduke 78 Maples Marmaduke Lincoln . . 141 35 Marler John 82 Marler John Surry . . 137 63 Marsh William, Sen. 81 Marsh William, Sen. Chatham . . 140 103 Marshall Benjamin 81 Marshall Martin Stokes . . 137 12 Martin Kinchin 78 Martin Kinchin Anson . . 139 12 Mason William 90 Mason William Iredell . . 140 2 Mason Philip 88 Danielly John Orange . . 137 97 Masters Enoch 83 Masters Enoch Craven . . 137 116 Mathews Hardy 86 Mathews Hardy Cumberland . . 137 105 Matkins James 80 Matkins John Caswell . . 140 58 May John 84 May John Rockingham . . 138 100 Maybin Matthew 84 Maybin Matthew Henderson . . 138 62 McBride John 91 McBride John Guilford . . 137 85 McClure Thomas 77 Fisher William Cabarrus . . 140 53 McCubbin Nicholas 81 McCubbin N. Rockingham . . 137 91 McCurdy Archibald 88 McCurdy Archibald Cabarrus . . 137 47 McEithan John 83 McLeod Malcom Bladen . . 141 90 McKenney Edmund 59 McKenney Edmund Wilkes . . 141 28 McKinney Edmund 53 McKinney Edmund Surry . . 140 67 McLaughlin John 88 McLaughlin Robert Rowan . . 139 69 McLeary Michael, Sen. 77 McLeary Michael, Sen. Mecklenburg . . 139 97 McLeod William 80 McLeod William Macon . . 140 43 McNatt James 81 McNatt James, Sen. Robeson . . 140 70 McNeely John 84 McNeely John Rowan . . 141 106 McPeeters Jonathan 81 McPeeters Charles Yancy . . 138 110 McPherson Matthew 82 McPherson James Iredell . . 139 70 McWhorter George 79 McWhorter George Mecklenburg . . 137 71 Merack Moses 82 Merack Tabitha Chatham . . 140 98 Merrill Dan. 85 Merrill Dan. Randolph Northern Div. . 140 107 Merrit William 77 Merrit William Stokes Northern Div. . 141 9 Merritt Daniel 78 Merritt Daniel Sampson . . 140 44 Mitchell Nazra 82 Mitchell Nazra Robeson . . 137 92 Money John 81 Smith Augustus Columbus . . 139 101 Monk James . Monk James Moore . . 140 85 Monroes Sereny 27 . . Rutherford . . 141 99 Montgomery John 84 Montgomery Hugh Wilkes . . 137 53 Moore Daniel, Sen. 76 Moore Daniel, Sen. Burke . . 138 22 Moore James 77 Moore James Duplin . . 137 83 Mooring John, Sen. 75 Mooring John, Sen. Chatham . . 140 63 Morgan Nathan, Sen. 85 Morgan Nathan, Sen. Rowan . . 137 113 Morton Richard 85 Morton Richard Caswell . . 138 33 Murrell George, Sen. 81 Murrell George, Sen. Davidson . . 137 48 Musgroves Jones 88 Musgroves Jones Bladen . . 140 46 Musselwhite Nathan 86 Jackson John Robeson . . 138 10 Myers John 79 Myers John, Sen. Davie . . 137 8 Nash Michael 87 Nash Michael Anson . . 140 32 Nelson Giles 86 Nelson Giles Pitt . . 139 110 News William 84 News William New Hanover . . 141 40 Nix George 85 Nix George Surry . . 137 62 None . . . . Camden . . 138 89 None . . . . Hyde . . 138 42 Northern Joseph 77 Beck David Davidson . . 138 63 Nux George 95 Nux Adam Guilford . . 139 28 Obom James 88 Obom James Johnston . . 140 74 O'Brian Tillotson 81 O'Brian Tillotson Richmond . . 139 71 Orr James 80 Orr James J. Mecklenburg . . 138 40 Osburn Stephen, Sen. 87 Clinard Daniel, Jun. Davidson . . 137 95 Overton Jonathan 86 Overton Samuel Chowan . . 139 113 Pages John 79 Pages John New Hanover . . 138 68 Pailer William 84 Pailer John W. Guilford . . 137 26 Paine Thomas 71 Paine Thomas Buncombe Southern Div. . 140 24 Palmer Will. 85 Palmer Will. Pasquotank . . 139 35 Parker Humphrey 80 Parker Humphrey Lincoln . . 138 51 Patterson Tillman 79 Dent James Franklin . . 137 22 Patton Samuel 79 Patton Samuel Buncombe Southern Div. . 137 76 Peddy Andrew 83 Peddy Andrew Chatham . . 139 83 Pemas B. 78 Pemas B. Mongtomery . . 137 79 Pendergrass Mary 77 Pendergrass Candace Chatham . . 139 77 Pennington Kenchen 81 Pennington Kenchen Mongtomery . . 139 86 Persons Nancy 67 Persons Nancy Mongtomery . . 138 78 Petteford George 89 . . Granville . . 138 70 Phillips John 85 . . Granville . . 138 81 Pierce William 96 Pierce William Gates . . 141 63 Pipen Richard 86 Chamblee Willie Wake . . 139 95 Plemmons Thomas 80 Plemmons Jacob Macon . . 137 64 Pope Richard, Sen. 79 Pope Richard, Sen. Chatham . . 138 44 Pope Harwood 78 Pope Harwood Davidson . . 139 41 Poplin George 88 Poplin George Lincoln . . 139 78 Poplin Lucy 89 Hingon P. Mongtomery . . 139 128 Porterfield John 77 Porterfield John Orange . . 141 2 Potford William 78 Potford William Stokes Northern Div. . 140 106 Powel Albert 87 Powel Albert Stokes . . 137 36 Powell Lewis 78 Powell Lewis Burke . . 138 94 Powell George 78 Powell George Halifax . . 138 107 Powell Charles 83 Powell Charles Hertford . . 139 114 Powell Mary 68 Powell Mary New Hanover . . 139 122 Predgin Francis 79 Predgin Francis New Hanover . . 137 45 Prigen William 112 Johnson Elizabeth Bladen . . 139 51 Pryor Samuel 83 Pryor Samuel Lincoln . . 139 72 Pyrow William, Sen. 81 Pyrow William, Sen. Mecklenburg . . 141 6 Quillin John 85 Quillin John Stokes Northern Div. . 139 1 Ramsey Andrew 85 Ramsey Andrew Iredell . . 139 47 Ranken William 79 Ranken William Lincoln . . 140 18 Rawson John 91 Rawson John Orange Southern Div. . 138 108 Rayner Amos 80 Rayner Amos Hertford . . 141 26 Reaves John 79 Reaves John Surry . . 137 28 Rector James 75 . . Buncombe Southern Div. . 141 107 Reede Thomas 84 Reede Thomas, Sen. Yancy . . 139 39 Reep Michael 78 Reep Michael Lincoln . . 140 49 Rice William H. 79 Rice W. H. Rockingham . . 141 25 Richards Morris 79 Richards Morris Surry . . 138 36 Rickard John 85 Rickard John Davidson . . 137 5 Ricketts William 92 Ricketts William Anson . . 139 44 Rid John 87 Rid John Lincoln . . 140 56 Riddle John 91 Riddle John Rockingham . . 140 113 Rierson Stephen 83 Rierson Stephen Stokes Northern Div. . 138 21 Rigby John 78 Rigby John Duplin . . 138 30 Riggans Joel 80 Riggans Jacob Davidson . . 141 71 Riggans Francis 76 Riggans Francis Warren . . 141 48 Rigsbee Frederick 85 Rigsbee Frederick Wake . . 141 56 Rigsbee James 76 Rigsbee James Wake . . 140 108 Ring Thoas, Sen. 83 Ring Thoas, Sen. Stokes Northern Div. . 141 22 Ritch Lott, Sen. 82 Ritch Lott, Sen. Sampson . . 137 106 Roberts William 79 Roberts William Caswell . . 139 33 Roberts Joshua 80 Roberts Joshua Lincoln . . 141 49 Roberts Aaron 84 Roberts Aaron Wake . . 138 65 Roe Matthew 78 Roe Matthew Guilford . . 140 25 Roen John, Colonel 84 Roen John Pasquotank . . 137 82 Rogers Bias 90 Rogers Bias Chatham . . 141 100 Rollen Abel 75 Rollen Abel Wilkes . . 140 40 Rollings Charles 87 Rollings Charles Pitt . . 141 39 Rose John 91 Rose John Surry . . 141 85 Rose Sterling 83 Rose Sterling Wilkes . . 137 1 Ross James 79 . . Anson . . 137 93 Ross David 77 Hill John N. Columbus . . 139 82 Ross Williamson 75 Ross Williamson Mongtomery . . 140 21 Rowe Charles 90 Rowe Charles Orange Southern Div. . 138 66 Ryan William 74 Ryan William Guilford . . 141 20 Ryan Peter O. 89 Ryan Peter O. Sampson . . 137 94 Sasser Benjamin 81 Jernegan Stephen Columbus . . 138 46 Saunders William 94 Saunders William Franklin . . 140 62 Sawyers Joseph 76 Wilhelm George Rowan . . 141 64 Scarborough Samuel, Sen. 80 Scarborough Samuel, Sen. Wake . . 138 60 Scott John, Sen. 84 Scott John, Sen. Guilford . . 139 13 Scroggs John 88 Scroggs David Iredell . . 139 124 Seat James 86 Seat James Northampton . . 140 60 Semmons Alexander 81 Semmons Alexander Rockingham . . 140 54 Sharp Adam 77 Sharp Adam Rockingham . . 139 8 Sharpe Joseph 88 Sharpe Joseph Iredell . . 141 46 Shaw Joseph 83 King Drury Wake . . 141 74 Shearin Frederick 77 Shearin Frederick Warren . . 139 27 Shepard Valentine 99 Shepard Valentine Johnston . . 139 106 Sherrod Jordan 79 Sherrod Jordan Nash . . 141 29 Shinalt Benjamin 78 Shinalt Benjamin Surry . . 137 46 Shipman James 89 Shipman James Bladen . . 139 15 Shoemaker Randle 82 Shoemaker Randle Iredell . . 138 83 Shook Andrew 85 . . Haywood . . 139 115 Sikes Josiah 106 Larns Eleanor New Hanover . . 141 13 Simmons Jeremiah 87 Simmons Jeremiah Sampson . . 137 40 Singletory Josiah 76 Singletory Josiah Bladen . . 140 95 Slack Margaret 74 Slack Charles Randolph . . 141 53 Sledd William 79 Sledd William Wake . . 141 42 Slocumb Ezekiel 79 Slocumb Ezekiel Wayne . . 137 49 Smith William 85 Smith William Bladen . . 138 59 Smith Thomas, Sen. 75 Smith Thomas, Sen. Guilford . . 138 69 Smith John A. . . . Guilford . . 140 31 Smith Charles, Sen. 106 Smith Charles, Sen. Pitt . . 140 36 Smith Henry 83 Smith James Pitt . . 140 69 Smith Richard 84 Smith Hiram Rowan . . 138 88 Smithe Lewis 77 . . Haywood . . 141 83 Smoot James 78 Smoot James Wilkes . . 141 61 Sneed Robert 80 Sneed Robert Wake . . 141 75 Southall Henry 82 Southall Henry Warren . . 140 42 Spain William 78 Spain William, Sen. Pitt . . 141 93 Sparks John 97 Sparks Reuben Wilkes . . 137 38 Spencer Benjamin 80 Spencer Benjamin Burke . . 141 87 Spicer William, Sen. 93 Spicer William Wilkes . . 141 17 Springs Micajah 85 Springs Micajah Sampson . . 141 5 Steel Francis 84 Steel Francis Stokes Northern Div. . 141 8 Steel William 86 Steel William Stokes Northern Div. . 138 11 Stewart Edward 78 Stewart Edward Davie . . 141 14 Stewart John 78 Stewart John Sampson . . 137 66 Stokes Richard 78 Stokes Richard Chatham . . 140 8 Strader John 82 Strader John Orange . . 139 53 Strane Andrew 81 Strane Andrew Lincoln . . 140 52 Stratton William 82 Stratton William Rockingham . . 140 76 Stricklin Lot 84 Stricklin Calvin Richmond . . 137 30 Sullivan Daniel 80 Sullivan E. D. Burke . . 141 80 Swanson John 79 Swanson John Wilkes . . 137 39 Swink John 88 Swink John Burke . . 139 26 Talton William 85 Talton William Johnston . . 141 12 Tart Thomas 80 Tart Thomas Sampson . . 138 27 Taylor William 83 Taylor William Duplin . . 138 67 Taylor Richard C. 96 Taylor Richard C. Guilford . . 138 29 Thomas Alexander 82 Thomas Alexander Davidson . . 139 96 Thomas Aaron 81 Thomas Amos Macon . . 138 37 Thomason George, Sen. 77 Thomason George, Sen. Davidson . . 137 89 Thomaston George 91 Ray Francis Cabarrus . . 138 43 Thompson William 92 Morris John Davidson . . 139 99 Thompson Nathan 78 Thompson Nathan Macon . . 139 43 Titman Philip 91 Rhyne Manuel Lincoln . . 140 1 Tollinger Henry 77 Tollinger Henry Orange . . 137 14 Tomlinson Richard 92 Tomlinson Richard Anson . . 138 99 Tredaway Mary 85 Tredaway Arthur Henderson . . 139 105 Turner William, Sen. 88 Turner William, Sen. Nash . . 140 16 Turner James 78 Turner James Orange Southern Div. . 140 110 Tuttle John 80 Tuttle John Stokes Northern Div. . 139 126 Tyner Nicholas 90 Tyner Nicholas Northampton . . 138 85 Underwood William 80 . . Haywood . . 139 2 Vancliver Matthew 88 Vancliver Matthew Iredell . . 141 27 Vansant Felix 85 Vansant Felix Surry . . 137 15 Vaughan William 91 Vaughan William Anson . . 140 100 Wadsworth William 77 Wadsworth William Randolph Northern Div. . 137 19 Wagg John 81 Wagg John Ashe . . 137 117 Walker Will. S. . Walker Will. S. Cumberland . . 138 45 Walker Green 80 Walker Henry Franklin . . 139 74 Walker Andrew 84 Walker Andrew Mecklenburg . . 141 62 Walker John 85 Walker John Wake . . 141 89 Wall Jacob 92 Wall Joseph Wilkes . . 139 21 Wallace John 82 Wallace John Iredell . . 138 15 Waller Nathaniel 76 Waller Nathaniel Duplin . . 140 86 Walrop Asey 48 . . Rutherford . . 141 105 Wardrop Edward 90 Wardrop Solomon, Sen. Yancy . . 140 82 Warters Moses . Doggett William Rutherford . . 137 58 Watford William 88 Watford William Bertie . . 141 66 Watkins John 77 Watkins Thomas G. Warren . . 139 46 Weathers Elisha 76 Weathers Elisha Lincoln . . 137 72 Webb Grace 83 Webb Grace Chatham . . 139 112 Wells Jacob 89 Wells Thomas New Hanover . . 138 2 West Willoughby 81 West Willoughby Currituck . . 138 105 Weston James 83 Weston James Hertford . . 138 95 Whitakeer Robert L. 75 Whitakeer Robert L. Halifax . . 137 57 White John 88 White John Bertie . . 137 100 White Benjamin 78 White Benjamin Craven . . 138 64 White John 85 White John, Sen. Guilford . . 141 55 Whitehead Burwell 95 Whitehead Lazarus Wake . . 141 43 Wiggs John 78 Wiggs John Wayne . . 140 26 Wilkerson John 81 Wilkerson John Person . . 137 7 Williams Job 82 Williams Job Anson . . 138 4 Williams A. 84 Williams James Currituck . . 139 98 Williams Thomas 80 Williams Thomas Macon . . 139 108 Williams Benjamin 80 Williams Benjamin Nash . . 139 125 Williams Samuel 76 Williams Samuel Northampton . . 140 35 Williams Robert, Sen. 83 Williams Robert, Sen. Pitt . . 141 59 Williams John 86 Williams John Wake . . 138 98 Williamson . 75 Williamson Sarah Henderson . Widow of Elijah 141 65 Willie Rufus 75 Willie Rufus Wake . . 139 38 Willis Joseph, Sen. 89 Willis Joseph, Sen. Lincoln . . 139 73 Wilson Samuel 91 Wilson Samuel Mecklenburg . . 137 99 Witherington William 82 Witherington William Craven . . 137 101 Witherington Solomon, Sen. 80 Witherington Solomon, Sen. Craven . . 138 28 Withington Daniel 85 Withington Daniel Duplin . . 138 91 Wood William, Sen. 79 Wood William, Sen. Halifax . . 141 47 Wood William 82 Wood Markham Wake . . 140 59 Woodall Samuel 93 Knight William Rockingham . . 137 3 Woodard Jordan 81 Woodard Jordan Anson . . 140 61 Woodside Archibald 81 Woodside Archibald Rowan . . 139 29 Wootus Martin 81 Wootus Martin Lenoir . . 139 104 Wprice William 79 , , Martin . . 138 26 Wright Thomas 78 Wright Thomas Duplin . . 139 87 Wright Edward 85 Wright Edward Mongtomery . . 141 23 Wright John, Sen. 81 Wright John, Sen. Sampson . . 141 32 Wright Thomas 82 Wright Thomas Surry . . 139 75 Yarborough Jephtha 42 Yarborough Jephtha Mecklenburg . . 137 74 Yarbrough Joseph 83 Yarbrough Joseph Chatham . . 141 95 Yates Jemima 85 Yates David Wilkes . . 140 116 Young William 90 Young William Stokes Northern Div. . 140 115 Zeglar Leonard 77 Zeglar Leonard Stokes Northern Div. . =============================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ===============================================================================================================================================================