Missouri - Statewide 1840 U.S. Federal Census Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services http://www.us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/mo/statewide/1840/ This Census was transcribed by Robert E. Lane and proofread by Linda Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, http://www.us-census.org/ Copyright (c) 2024 by Robert E. Lane ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1840 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1840 MICROFILM #M704- STATE MISSIOURI COUNTY STATEWIDE (all) ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- NOTE: The back side of the population schedule for the 1840 census was used to record living pensioners of the Revolutionary War or other military service. This contained information not found on the population schedule, such as the person's age and who they were living with. Publishing of these returns was authorized by an act of Congress in 1841, printers were Blair & Rives, Washington, D.C. The book groups the names by the town where they lived. This transcription lists them in alphabetical order. Town names are included as an aid to researchers. This schedule lists a number of women, who were likely widows who were collecting their late husband's pension. ============================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1840 STATE: Missouri COUNTY: Statewide MICROFILM#: M704- DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: Not written ============================================================================================================================================================ Name of Pensioner Whom Living With TOWN OR PAGE LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE LAST NAME FIRST NAME COUNTY TOWNSHIP TRANSCRIBER REMARKS ============================================================================================================================================================ 189 10 Armstrong William 82 Armstrong William Boone Columbia . 189 34 Arthur Levi . Arthur Levi Crawford Merrimac . 191 4 Bailey John 85 Bailey John Washington Union . 189 28 Baker Sylvester 83 Baker Sylvester Callaway Cote-Sans-Dessein . 190 42 Baylis William 81 Baylis William Rives Leabo . 190 27 Beazly Cornelius 82 Rhoades Jacob Pike Cuivre . 190 46 Bernus Reuben 30 Eads James A. St. Charles Portage . 190 24 Birch Zachariah 83 Birch Zachariah Pike Spencer . 190 14 Boren William 74 Duncan Sarah Ann Madison Twelve Mile . 189 25 Bowles Samuel 90 Bowles Samuel Callaway Fulton . 189 22 Boyd Thomas 79 Boyd Thomas Callaway Cedar . 189 33 Brevard Robert 76 Brevard Robert Cape Girardeau Randle . 189 37 Bricky Jarret 83 Bricky Jarret Crawford Cortois . 190 55 Brock Uriah 79 Brock Hartwell Scott Moreland . 190 4 Brown Joseph 86 Woodson Shadrach Lincoln Woodson . 190 49 Brown William R. 84 Brown John S. St. Genevieve Bovey . 190 51 Brown Jesse 45 Brown Jesse Shelby . . 189 2 Burks Elizabeth 78 Burks Elizabeth Boone Persia . 190 13 Burks Samuel 77 Burks William Madison Twelve Mile . 190 31 Burnes John 48 Burnes John Polk Van Buren . 189 65 Burton William 84 Wallace James Prairie Prairie . 190 2 Butler William 84 Butler William Lincoln Hurricane . 190 22 Bybee Nealey 77 Bybee Nealey Monroe South Fork . 190 1 Cannon James 82 Cannon James Lincoln Hurricane . 189 49 Casey Christopher 88 Casey Hardin Cole Jefferson . 190 29 Cathey George 85 McCormick James Pettis Flat Creek . 189 47 Cearnel William L. 38 Cearnel Archibald Cole Jefferson . 190 5 Chambers John 110 Chambers John Lincoln Clark . 190 53 Chambers Benjamin 76 Chambers Benjamin Saline Marion . 190 23 Chitcoat John 80 Chitcoat John Morgan Richland . 189 13 Connelly John 78 Connelly John Boone Rocky Fork . 189 42 Crowley James 75 Crowley James Clay . . 190 50 Cunningham James 84 Cunningham James St. Francois St. Francois . 190 30 Davidson Bracket 46 Davidson B. Polk Benton . 189 12 Deavenport John 48 Deavenport John Boone Rocky Fork . 189 18 Didy Charles 77 Didy Charles Barry Smith . 189 21 Dood Abel 76 Dood Abel Callaway Burbon . 189 66 Drinning William, Sen. 76 Drinning William, Sen. Jefferson Meermac . 189 59 Elliott George W. 48 Elliott George W. Franklin Calvary . 189 43 Evans John 64 Evans John Clay . . 189 62 Evans Jesse 81 Evans Jesse Gasconade . . 189 68 Ferguson Moses, Sen. 78 Ferguson Moses, Sen. Johnson Jackson . 189 39 Finnell Charles 77 . . Chariton . . 189 8 Fleeke Gershom 43 Fleeke Gershom Boone Cedar . 190 11 Fletcher James 83 Fletcher Elias Macon Goshen . 189 9 Gentry Ann 49 Gentry Ann Boone Columbia . 189 46 Goodson William 80 Goodson William Carroll Waconda Creek . 190 40 Granville Ignatius 9*0 Little William Ralls Salt River . 189 7 Grindstaff Abrm. 45 Grindstaff Abrm. Boone Cedar . 190 19 Hall William 79 Hall William Montgomery Danville . 189 56 Hamilton John 90 . . Daviess . . 190 3 Hampton Thomas 81 Besser John S. Lincoln Woodson . 189 26 Harding George 81 Harding George Callaway Fulton . 189 4 Hatton Reuben 78 Hatton Reuben Boone Missouri . 191 5 Hawkins John 80 Hawkins John Washington Union . 189 29 Hill Thomas 79 Hill Thomas Cape Girardeau Apple Creek . 190 36 Hill Abram 81 Hill William Ray Fishing River . 189 30 Huble Ithamer 78 Huble Ithamer Cape Girardeau Byrd . 189 31 Hutchison James 82 Hutchison James Cape Girardeau Lorance . 190 38 Jamerson Robert 84 Jamerson Willis M. Ralls Spencer . 190 28 James Jonathan 46 James Jonathan Pettis Bowling Green . 190 15 Jeffries William 83 Jeffries James W. Marion Round Grove . 189 55 Kelly James 86 Kelly James Cooper Manteau . 189 48 Kingry Jos. 73 Kingry Greenbury Cole Jefferson . 190 21 Kippers John 79 Samuel John Monroe Jackson . 189 53 Kirkpatrick Robert 77 Read John Cooper Lebanon . 189 54 Larremore Hugh 81 Larremore R. Cooper Manteau . 189 3 Lemon Robert 85 Lemon Robert Boone Missouri . 190 10 Linch Henry 80 . . Macon Liberty . 190 16 Long Anderson 80 Long Anderson Marion Round Grove . 189 15 Lumley William 82 Lumley William Barry Smith . 189 45 Majors John 81 Majors Elisha Clay . . 190 44 Martin D. 44 Martin Mrs. Molly St. Louis Bonhomme . 189 11 McCargo Radford 78 McCargo Radford Boone Rocky Fork . 191 1 McHenry James 78 McHenry John Van Buren Osage . 189 32 McLane David 82 McLane David Cape Girardeau Randle . 190 32 McLinn Frederic 46 McLinn Frederic Platte . . 190 6 Michael Glass 78 Teltly Charles Lincoln Clark . 189 57 Miller Judith 75 Shukman Nicholas Franklin Boeuff . 189 36 Mitchell William 76 Mitchell William Crawford Liberty . 190 25 Mulherrin John 85 Mulherrin William Pike Calument . 190 7 Murphy Hezekiah 74 Murphy Hezekiah Lincoln Clark . 189 17 Nelson Samuel 88 Nelson Samuel Barry Smith . 189 63 Noble James 82 Shaw Robert Howard Richmond . 189 23 Oldham Jesse D. 48 Oldham Jesse D. Callaway Fulton . 189 27 Overley Henry 76 Overley Henry Callaway Nine Mile Prairie . 191 6 Paul John 80 Paul John Washington Union . 189 5 Pennington William 55 Pennington William Boone Missouri . 190 17 Pollard William 79 Pollard William Marion Liberty . 190 34 Potter James 81 Potter Bently Platte . . 189 58 Pritchett John 48 Pritchett John Franklin Bowles . 190 45 Putnam J. D. 48 Putnam John St. Louis St. Ferdinand . 189 50 Raphael Robert 21 Megarle Phlip Cole Jefferson City . 190 37 Rardin Daniel 61 Rardin Daniel Randolph . . 189 14 Reams John 58 Reams John Boone Rocky Fork . 189 52 Robertson Edward 85 Robertson Edward Cooper Clark's Fork . 190 54 Robertson Joshua 75 Robertson Joshua Saline Marion . 190 20 Rock Peter 92 Hunter Andrew Montgomery Lower Loutre . 189 20 Russel Robert S. 79 Russel Robert S. Callaway Burbon . 190 18 Salisbury Andrew 96 McKay William J. Miller Henry . 190 35 Sconce John 49 Sconce John Ray Richmond . 190 33 Sellers Sabert 84 Sellers Mahala Platte . . 189 41 Sewell James 80 Sewell James Clay . . 191 2 Sharp Benjamin 78 Sharp Benjamin Warren Charette . 191 8 Sherley Thomas 85 Sherley Jordan Washington Harmony . 190 26 Sherwood William 80 Calvin John Pike Calument . 189 44 Simms Richard 86 Simms Richard Clay . . 189 16 Sims Augustin 78 Sims Augustin Barry Smith . 190 39 Sims Rodam 86 Garnet Lewis Ralls Clay . 190 12 Sinclaire Robert 83 Sinclaire Charles Madison Liberty . 189 6 Slgin Samuel 82 Slgin Samuel Boone Missouri . 189 35 Snelson Thomas 84 Snelson Mary Crawford Merrimac . 189 1 Stanley Page 40 Stanley Page Buchanan . . 189 60 Steel Samuel 77 Headlee Caleb Greene . . 189 67 Stuart Jacot 57 Stuart Jacot Jackson . . 190 52 Taylor Benjamin 79 Taylor Benjamin Stoddard . . 189 24 Thomas James 77 Thomas James Callaway Fulton . 191 7 Thomas Edward 85 Thomas Reuben Washington Belview . 189 61 Thompson Thomas 73 McDougal Malcom Greene . . 190 9 Tilley Bennet 89 Tilley Bennet Macon Liberty . 189 51 Tobe Enoch 80 Tobe Enoch Cole Walker . 190 41 Turner Samuel 87 Turner Samuel Ralls Salt River . 190 48 Turney William 67 Turney William St. Charles St. Charles . 190 8 Tuttle Nichlas 82 Tuttle Nichlas Macon Chariton . 189 19 Walker Thomas 90 Walker Thomas Barry Smith . 189 38 Welch John 86 Welch John Crawford Watkins . 189 40 Wells James 78 Wells David Clay . . 190 43 Wetmore Alphonso . Wetmore Alphonso St. Louis S. Louis City . 189 64 Williams Edward 79 Williams Edward Prairie Prairie . 191 3 Wyatt John, Sen. 81 Wyatt John, Sen. Warren Charette . 190 47 Zumwalt Mary 74 Zumwalt Solomon St. Charles Cuivre . ============================================================================================================================================================ If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: http://www.us-census.org/ ============================================================================================================================================================