Dade, MO 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 1 of 4) This Census was transcribed by Gloria Pressnall and proofread by Charlotte Maness and Gloria Pressnall for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 2001 by Gloria Pressnall ============================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber or the legal representative of the transcriber and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ============================================================================= All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ============================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 262a 41 **** **** 36 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 262a 42 **** Nancy 30 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 272a 3 **ord Charles 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272a 1 **ord Delila 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271b 42 **ord Eliza 25 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 271b 41 **ord Jackson J. 30 Arkansas pg0270a.txt 272a 4 **ord John 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272a 5 **ord Sarah 4/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272a 2 **ord William 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 307b 1 Acock Abe 30 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307b 12 Acock Ann 30 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 275a 28 Acock Benjamin 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275a 29 Acock Charles 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275a 25 Acock Elizabeth 43 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 307b 3 Acock Elizabeth 22 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307b 4 Acock Ephrain 15 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 41 Acock Henry 60 North Carolina pg0306a.txt 307b 15 Acock Isac 3 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 13 Acock James 9 Missouri pg0306a.txt 275a 30 Acock James 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 307b 11 Acock John 34 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307a 42 Acock Madlin 60 Virginia pg0306a.txt 275a 27 Acock Manerva 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 307b 2 Acock May 24 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 275a 24 Acock Mordica 32 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 307b 16 Acock Thomas 1 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 14 Acock William 5 Missouri pg0306a.txt 275a 26 Acock William 12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 294b 18 Adams John 42 Georgia pg0288a.txt 294b 21 Adams John 19 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 294b 20 Adams Mary 6 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294b 19 Adams Sela 42 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 294b 22 Adams Susan 17 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 306b 15 Aken James 28 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 306b 16 Aken Jane 24 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 306b 19 Aken Jane 1 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306b 18 Aken Mary 4 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306b 17 Aken William 6 Missouri pg0306a.txt 273a 41 Alexander Nancy 83 North Carolina pg0270a.txt 266b 31 Allen Agness 37 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 266b 32 Allen Elizabeth 8 Indiana pg0261a.txt 266b 30 Allen Lucinda 60 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 271b 27 Allison Asenith 16 Missouri pg0270a.txt 269a 19 Allison Elizabeth 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 38 Allison Emily 15 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 17 Allison George 12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 271b 23 Allison James 55 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 271b 28 Allison James 15 Missouri pg0270a.txt 269a 15 Allison James L. 34 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 261a 27 Allison John M. 28 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 269b 36 Allison Josep 62 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 272a 18 Allison Joseph 30 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 262b 33 Allison Margret S. 11 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 39 Allison Martin 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 16 Allison Mary 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 30 Allison Mary A. 45 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 262b 32 Allison Mary E. 14 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 18 Allison Mathias 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 262b 29 Allison Mathias H. 42 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 35 Allison Mathias W. 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 37 Allison May 59 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 34 Allison Newell F. 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 20 Allison Rusia 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 271b 24 Allison Sarah 56 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 271b 26 Allison Sarah 20 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 271b 25 Allison William 23 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 262b 31 Allison William C. 16 Missouri pg0261a.txt 296b 18 Alort Emaline 32 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 296b 23 Alort Francis 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296b 20 Alort George 9 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296b 21 Alort Joseph 7 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296b 22 Alort Martha 5 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296b 17 Alort Mathew 34 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 296b 19 Alort May 10 Illinois pg0288a.txt 296b 24 Alort William 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 21 Anderson Delmas* 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 18 Anderson Hanah 9 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 22 Anderson John 52 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 293b 22 Anderson Joseph 35 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 20 Anderson Julia 5 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 17 Anderson Maranda 11 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 23 Anderson Mary 24 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 19 Anderson May 7 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 23 Anderson May 54 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 294a 16 Anderson May 41 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 293b 24 Anderson Samel 5 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 293b 25 Anderson Thomas 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 15 Anderson William 49 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 302a 37 Appison Benjamin 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 276b 37 Appison Caroline 6/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 302a 35 Appison Henry 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 276b 34 Appison James 31 Virginia pg0270a.txt 302a 39 Appison John 6/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 276b 36 Appison John 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 302a 34 Appison Nancy 32 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 276b 35 Appison Nancy 23 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 302a 33 Appison Samuel 32 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 38 Appison Sarah 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 36 Appison Susan 9 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 267a 24 Applbay Frances 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 22 Applbay Jane 41 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267a 21 Applbay John 35 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 267a 23 Applbay Sarah 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 281b 16 Arbagass Elizabeth 34 Indiana pg0279a.txt 281b 19 Arbagass James 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 281b 15 Arbagass Jehu 40 Virginia pg0279a.txt 281b 20 Arbagass Mary 5/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 281b 17 Arbagass Rebeca 9 Missouri pg0279a.txt 281b 18 Arbagass William 6 Missouri pg0279a.txt 274a 41 Arbucle Clestias 13 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 42 Arbucle Cornelia 11 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 37 Arbucle Cyrus P. 43 Virginia pg0270a.txt 274a 38 Arbucle Dianna 36 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 274a 39 Arbucle Jane 16 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 40 Arbucle Titus Twins 16 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 22 Asbell Casander 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 36 Asbell Crelsy 12 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276a 41 Asbell Daniel 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 32 Asbell Elizabeth 37 North Carolina pg0270a.txt 275b 19 Asbell Franklin 13 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276a 38 Asbell Hanah 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 34 Asbell Jane 17 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276a 37 Asbell John 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 35 Asbell Lidy 14 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 275b 21 Asbell Mahala 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 17 Asbell Mariah 38 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276a 39 Asbell Martha 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 40 Asbell Mary 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 15 Asbell Mary 16 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275b 18 Asbell Mary 15 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 275b 16 Asbell Pierce 43 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 275b 23 Asbell Pierce 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 33 Asbell Sarah 19 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 275b 24 Asbell Silma 11/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 14 Asbell Tyre 22 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 275b 20 Asbell William 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 31 Asbell William 42 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 268b 3 Ball Eligh D. 36 Alabama pg0261a.txt 268b 5 Ball Elizabeth 14 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 11 Ball John 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 8 Ball Joseph 8 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 10 Ball Margret 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 9 Ball Mary 6 Missosuri pg0261a.txt 268b 4 Ball Nancy 25 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 6 Ball Nancy 11 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 7 Ball William 10 Missouri pg0261a.txt 272b 7 Barnett Austin 10 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271a 35 Barnett Marion 13 Illinois pg0270a.txt 299a 30 Bates Emily 16 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 299a 28 Bates Hanah 36 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 299a 34 Bates Jackson 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 299a 31 Bates Mackafee 14 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 299a 35 Bates Mary 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 299a 29 Bates Mary 18 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 299a 27 Bates Owen 38 Georgia pg0297a.txt 299a 33 Bates Seth 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 299a 32 Bates Trent 11 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 261a 2 Beal Avriles C. 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 262b 38 Beal Candes S. 20 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 36 Beal Charles F. 49 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 261a 3 Beal Cordelia D 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 262b 37 Beal Detiah 44 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 261a 1 Beal Emily L. 7 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 9 Beal Isah I. 22 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 261a 4 Beal Lidiah 80 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 262b 42 Beal Lidiah 12 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 261a 10 Beal Mary A.. 20 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 262b 40 Beal Mary M. 15 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 41 Beal Sinthia E. 13 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 262b 39 Beal William S. 18 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 270a 10 Beckly Elkanah 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 270a 11 Beckly Horace 8/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 270a 5 Beckly John 12 Indiana pg0270a.txt 270a 4 Beckly Keziah 14 Indiana pg0270a.txt 270a 8 Beckly Lucinda 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 270a 6 Beckly Mary Ann 11 Indiana pg0270a.txt 270a 7 Beckly Milton 9 Indiana pg0270a.txt 270a 3 Beckly Ruth 36 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 270a 2 Beckly Simson 37 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 270a 9 Beckly William 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 12 Bell Andrew 10 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 13 Bell Feliza Ann 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 10 Bell John 16 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 42 Bell Nancy 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 11 Bell Temple 11 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272b 8 Bell Temple E. 46 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 272b 9 Bell William 21 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274b 17 Bendar Almol 13 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 18 Bendar Crilace 11 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 15 Bendar Elizabeth 45 Massachusetts pg0270a.txt 274b 16 Bendar Henry 15 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 19 Bendar Oscar 8 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 14 Bendar Samuel 55 Maryland pg0270a.txt 291b 24 Bennett Elizabeth 25 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 273b 40 Bennett Elson 18 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 274a 2 Bennett Hue 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 291b 28 Bennett James 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 274a 6 Bennett John 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 3 Bennett Julia A. 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 273b 41 Bennett Letha 15 Alabama pg0270a.txt 291b 26 Bennett Louiza 8 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291b 25 Bennett Lucinda 10 Alabama pg0288a.txt 273b 39 Bennett Lucretia 40 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 273b 42 Bennett May 13 Alabama pg0270a.txt 274a 4 Bennett Susan 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 5 Bennett Tennessee 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 291b 29 Bennett Thomas 2/12 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291b 23 Bennett Welcom 30 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 273b 38 Bennett William 43 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 291b 27 Bennett William 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 274a 1 Bennett William 11 Alabama pg0270a.txt 278a 1 Berry Diana 15 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 277b 41 Berry edward 21 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 277b 39 Berry James G. 59 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 277b 40 Berry Nancy 57 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 271b 8 Berry Nancy 20 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277b 42 Berry Nancy 17 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 278a 2 Berry Thomas 8 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271b 7 Berry Warren 26 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 302a 22 Bigley Alfred 12 Ohio pg0297a.txt 302a 19 Bigley Elizabeth 40 Ohio pg0297a.txt 302a 24 Bigley Elizabeth 4 Ohio pg0297a.txt 302a 20 Bigley Jacob 17 Ohio pg0297a.txt 303a 18 Bigley James 35 Ohio pg0297a.txt 302a 23 Bigley Jeremiah 5 Ohio pg0297a.txt 302a 25 Bigley John 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 21 Bigley Simson 16 Ohio pg0297a.txt 303b 21 Bird Amanda 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 22 Bird Anguline 3/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 18 Bird Arch 32 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 303b 19 Bird Hanah 21 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304a 25 Bird Henry 17 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 304a 21 Bird Jane 21 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304a 23 Bird John 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 20 Bird Lewis 4 Missouri pg0297a.txt 304a 24 Bird Nancy 55 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 304a 26 Bird Paralee 14 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 304a 20 Bird Robert 27 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 304a 22 Bird William 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 283a 5 Bishop Alfred 10 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 9 Bishop Catharine 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 4 Bishop Christian 11 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 6 Bishop Elvira 7 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 8 Bishop Lewis 4 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 3 Bishop Lidy 17 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 2 Bishop Luvina 31 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 283a 7 Bishop Pery 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 283a 1 Bishop Thomas J. 21 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 294a 30 Black E.E. 46 Ohio pg0288a.txt 294a 31 Black Helen 51 Virginia pg0288a.txt 275b 27 Blair Andrew 25 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275b 30 Blair James 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 31 Blair Martha 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 28 Blair Temporance 24 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275b 29 Blair Washington 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275b 32 Blair William 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 296a 16 Boldy William 16 Missouri pg0288a.txt 267a 12 Bolin Giles 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 8 Bolin James 15 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 267a 6 Bolin John 48 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 293a 13 Bolin John 18 Pennsylvania pg0288a.txt 267a 10 Bolin Margret 10 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 11 Bolin Morgan 8 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 13 Bolin Polly 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 7 Bolin Rebeca 30 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 293a 10 Bolin Robt W 35 Virginia pg0288a.txt 293a 12 Bolin Samuel 20 Pennsylvania pg0288a.txt 293a 11 Bolin Sarah 45 Pennsylvania pg0288a.txt 267a 14 Bolin Sarah 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 293a 15 Bolin Sarah J. 8 Ohio pg0288a.txt 267a 9 Bolin Sater 12 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 293a 14 Bolin Thomas 10 Ohio pg0288a.txt 297b 33 Bolls Alexander 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297b 36 Bolls Ann 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 28 Bolls Benjamin 9 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297b 31 Bolls Benjamin 35 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 302a 12 Bolls Catherine 35 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 17 Bolls David 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 11 Bolls Edmon 36 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 302a 13 Bolls George 12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300b 3 Bolls Hariet 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 14 Bolls James 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297b 35 Bolls John 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 26 Bolls John 32 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 300b 4 Bolls John 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297b 34 Bolls Joseph 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300b 2 Bolls Lafayette 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 31 Bolls Lucy 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 41 Bolls Margret 36 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 297b 32 bolls Mariah 32 Virginia pg0297a.txt 302a 32 Bolls Martha 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 29 Bolls Mary 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 42 Bolls May 10 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 30 Bolls Orlena 4 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297b 37 Bolls Ostin 2/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 40 Bolls Philip 45 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 302a 16 Bolls Sarah 4 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 27 Bolls Susan 26 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 15 Bolls Thomas 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300b 1 Bolls William 9 Missouri pg0297a.txt 296b 16 Boon Howard 31 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 307b 30 Borom Hellen 7 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 32 Borom Isaac 5/12 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 31 Borom James 4 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 28 Borom John D. 33 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307b 29 Borom Margret 23 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 284b 1 Bradly John 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284a 39 Bradly Jubalie 41 Virginia pg0279a.txt 284b 2 Bradly Mary 5/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284a 40 Bradly Nancy 32 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 284a 42 bradly Thomas 6 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284a 41 Bradly William 11 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 306a 42 Bricky Anna 4 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306a 39 Bricky Jane 37 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 306b 1 Bricky Jarott 2 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306a 38 Bricky Jeremiah 65 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 306a 41 Bricky Jeremiah 12 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306a 40 Bricky Marion 14 Missouri pg0306a.txt 284b 7 Bridges Elhen 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284b 9 Bridges Elizabeth 60 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 284b 6 Bridges James 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284b 8 Bridges John 3/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284b 3 Bridges Joseph 29 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 277a 10 Bridges Lawson 18 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 284b 10 Bridges Lawson 16 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 284b 4 Bridges Mary 27 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 284b 5 Bridges Sarah 7 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 286a 35 Briser? Elizabeth 17 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 286a 34 Briser? William 21 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287b 26 Britt David 24 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287b 22 Britt Elizabeth 12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 20 Britt James 16 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287b 18 Britt James N. 51 Virginia pg0279a.txt 287b 24 Britt Janan 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 27 Britt Josea 21 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 287b 23 Britt Monroe 10 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 25 Britt Nancy 6 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 19 Britt Nancy 51 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 287b 21 Britt Rufus 14 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 295a 30 Brooks George 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 28 Brooks Juliann 13 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295a 27 Brooks Martha 37 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295a 29 Brooks Nancy 8 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295a 26 Brooks Thomas 35 Virginia pg0288a.txt 276b 19 Brosier Elizabeth 11 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276b 18 Brosier Gracy 12 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276b 23 Brosier Green* 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276b 17 Brosier John 13 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276b 20 Brosier Larkin 10 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276b 16 Brosier Larkin* 33 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276b 22 Brosier Martha 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276b 21 Brosier Quill 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276b 15 Brosier Thomas 33 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276b 24 Brosier Thomas 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 288b 37 Brown Ann 18 Missouri pg0288a.txt 287b 9 Brown Benjamin 48 Virginia pg0279a.txt 305a 21 Brown Catharine 9 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 271a 7 Brown Dacy 23 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 262a 25 Brown Dumer 22 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 305a 20 Brown Emily 11 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 287b 13 Brown Emily 10 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 288b 40 Brown Francis 10 Missouri pg0288a.txt 270b 37 Brown Hariet 12 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 271a 10 Brown Henry 16 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 288b 41 Brown Hue L. 23 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 282b 24 Brown Jane 59 South Carolina pg0279a.txt 270b 36 Brown Jane 29 North Carolina pg0270a.txt 268a 15 Brown John 28 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 282b 27 Brown John 18 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 288b 38 Brown John 15 Missouri pg0288a.txt 287b 17 Brown John 1 Missouri pg0279a.txt 305a 22 Brown Joseph 5 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 268a 16 Brown Louiza 20 Missouri pg0261a.txt 288b 36 Brown Maliza 20 Missouri pg0288a.txt 271a 9 Brown Manon 19 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 288b 35 Brown Margret 52 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 270b 39 Brown Margret 5 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 287b 10 Brown Martha 42 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 271a 8 Brown Martha 21 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 287b 12 Brown Martha 13 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 305a 16 Brown Mary 42 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 271a 12 Brown Mary 11 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 271a 6 Brown Matilda 51 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 305a 15 Brown Matison A. 41 Virginia pg0297a.txt 305a 19 Brown Mayan 13 Alabama pg0297a.txt 270b 40 Brown Nancy 3 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 282b 25 Brown Nancy 28 South Carolina pg0279a.txt 287b 16 Brown Narcisus 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 15 Brown Pheba 6 Missouri pg0279a.txt 270b 38 Brown Rachel 10 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 282b 23 Brown Robert 59 South Carolina pg0279a.txt 270b 41 Brown Robt 1 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 288b 39 Brown Rutha 13 Missouri pg0288a.txt 282b 26 Brown Samuel 24 South Carolina pg0279a.txt 271a 11 Brown Samuel 13 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 305a 17 Brown Sarah 17 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 287b 11 Brown Sarah 16 Kentucky pg0279a.txt 268a 17 Brown Thomas 19 Missouri pg0261a.txt 271a 13 Brown William 8 Missouri pg0270a.txt 287b 14 Brown William 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 271a 5 Brown William 52 North Carolina pg0270a.txt 305a 18 Brown William 15 Alabama pg0297a.txt 270b 35 Brown William W. 35 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 268a 14 Brown Willit 50 Georgia pg0261a.txt 265b 32 Bruce James 26 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 265b 33 Bruce Neoma 34 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 296b 38 Bruen James 35 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 297a 1 Bruen James B 2 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 296b 41 Bruen John 6 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 296b 39 Bruen Nancy 33 Virginia pg0288a.txt 296b 42 Bruen Roda 4 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 296b 40 Bruen William 7 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291a 13 Bruer Becky 6/12 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291a 9 Bruer Cela 10 Alabama pg0288a.txt 291a 8 Bruer Cintha 30 Alabama pg0288a.txt 304a 3 Bruer Edwin 26 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 291a 7 Bruer John 30 Alabama pg0288a.txt 304a 5 Bruer Joseph 20 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 291a 11 Bruer Martha 5 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291a 12 Bruer Mary 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 304a 4 Bruer Nancy 22 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 291a 10 Bruer Sarah 7 Missouri pg0288a.txt 297a 2 Brwn Edwin 63 Virginia pg0297a.txt 297a 3 Brwn Mary 63 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 296b 36 Bryant Eliza 29 Illinois pg0288a.txt 296b 35 Bryant James 36 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 296b 37 Bryant William 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 278b 23 Buckner Beary 31 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 292b 18 Buckner Buroro? 55 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 292b 22 Buckner Elizabeth 14 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 278b 24 Buckner Hanah 33 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 25 Buckner Isac 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 292b 21 Buckner James 16 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 278b 27 Buckner James 11/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 292b 19 Buckner Matilda 54 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 292b 20 Buckner Nancy 19 Missouri pg0288a.txt 292b 23 Buckner Richard 10 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 292b 25 Buckner Sarah 18 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 278b 26 Buckner William 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 292b 24 Buclkner William G. 21 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 271b 40 Bunes David 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271b 37 Bunes Nancy 23 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 271b 39 Bunes Susan 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271b 38 Bunes Victoria 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 302a 41 Burger Becky 32 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302b 3 Burger Dorthetia 4 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 42 Burger George 11 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 40 Burger Jacob 35 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302b 4 Burger John 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302b 1 Burger Mary 9 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302b 2 Burger Samul 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 298b 7 Buris Benjam 6/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 298b 1 Buris Janes 20 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 298b 2 Buris John 19 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 298a 42 Buris Mary 40 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 298b 4 Buris Sarah 9 Missouri pg0297a.txt 298b 5 Buris Sharlotta 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 298a 41 Buris William 60 Virginia pg0297a.txt 298b 6 Buris William 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 298b 3 Buris William twin 19 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 304b 11 Butterfield Narcisus 18 Illinois pg0297a.txt 304b 10 Butterfield Stephen S. 28 New York pg0297a.txt 304b 12 Butterfield William 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 267b 21 Butterworth Frances 54 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267b 20 Butterworth Mary 2/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267b 19 Butterworth Robert 4 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267b 16 Butterworth Robert L. 28 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267b 17 Butterworth Ruthie 23 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267b 18 Butterworth William 6 Virginia pg0261a.txt 304a 15 Camp John 34 Virginia pg0297a.txt 304a 16 Camp Sarah 30 Indiana pg0297a.txt 265a 12 Campbell Daniel 22 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 10 Campbell Hulday 29 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 13 Campbell James 19 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 11 Campbell James A. 5/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 9 Campbell John W. 28 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 269b 20 Cannon Susanah 59 unknown pg0261a.txt 290a 41 Cantrell **ander 10 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 263b 35 Cantrell Abraham 5 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 32 Cantrell Anna 11 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 22 Cantrell Benjamin 23 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 30 Cantrell Benjamin 15 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 39 Cantrell Benjamin 14 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 290a 20 Cantrell Elijah 56 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 290a 31 Cantrell Elijah 1 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 34 Cantrell Elizabeth 6 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 33 Cantrell Elizabeth 49 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 263b 36 Cantrell Elizabeth 3 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 35 Cantrell Elkanah 20 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 26 Cantrell Emiline 49 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 31 Cantrell George 13 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 23 Cantrell Hiram 20 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 33 Cantrell Isac 8 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 21 Cantrell James 3 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 42 Cantrell James 3 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 28 Cantrell James 18 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 36 Cantrell Jeptha 19 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 23 Cantrell John 22 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 34 Cantrell John 22 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 290a 24 Cantrell Lafayette 17 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 22 Cantrell Lemuel 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 290a 29 Cantrell Lewis 5 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 290a 28 Cantrell Louiza 25 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 20 Cantrell Manerva 24 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 24 Cantrell Mary 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 29 Cantrell Mary 16 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 26 Cantrell Mayan 13 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 290a 38 Cantrell Moses 16 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 263b 37 Cantrell Nancy 4/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 290a 37 Cantrell Nancy 18 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 2 Cantrell Olive 17 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 32 Cantrell Peter 48 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 264a 25 Cantrell Rubin 50 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 264a 19 Cantrell Rubin 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 21 Cantrell Sarah 56 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 290a 30 Cantrell Sarah 3 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 27 Cantrell Sarah 19 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 40 Cantrell Sarah 12 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 263b 34 Cantrell Susan 27 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 290a 27 Cantrell Thomas 28 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 263b 33 Cantrell Thomas 26 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 1 Cantrell Tilmon 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 290a 25 Cantrell Wilson 15 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 264a 13 Carlock Angelina 21 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 17 Carlock David 7/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264a 40 Carlock Isac 85 Virginia pg0261a.txt 264b 33 Carlock Isac F. 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 16 Carlock James 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264a 12 Carlock Lemuel 31 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 264a 14 Carlock Mary 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264a 15 Carlock Nancy 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264a 41 Carlock Sarah 70 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 264b 34 Carlock Susan 16 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 268b 15 Carmon Asa 18 Arkansas pg0261a.txt 269a 23 Carmon George 20 Indiana pg0261a.txt 269b 21 Carmon James 18 Indiana pg0261a.txt 269b 19 Carmon Joshua 60 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 269b 24 Carmon Mary 20 Illinois pg0261a.txt 269b 22 Carmon May 11 Missouri pg0261a.txt 296a 3 Carr George 16 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296a 6 Carr James 22 Alabama pg0288a.txt 296a 1 Carr John 20 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296a 2 Carr Lusara 17 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296a 7 Carr Mary Ann 19 Missouri pg0288a.txt 296a 4 Carr Matilda 14 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295b 42 Carr May 47 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295b 41 Carr San*l 47 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 296a 8 Carr William 2/12 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 20 Carter Alsey 45 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 304b 7 Carter Davis 25 Virginia pg0297a.txt 304a 29 Carter Eliza 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 304b 9 Carter Eliza 14 Indiana pg0297a.txt 289b 23 Carter Eliza 13 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 25 Carter Elizabeth 7 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 26 Carter John 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 22 Carter Lucinda 15 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 21 Carter Mary 18 Missouri pg0288a.txt 304a 28 Carter Milly 29 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304b 8 Carter Nelson 21 Virginia pg0297a.txt 289b 19 Carter Rubin 45 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 304b 6 Carter Sarah 71 Maryland pg0297a.txt 289b 24 Carter Sarah 11 Missouri pg0288a.txt 304a 27 Carter Smith 30 Virginia pg0297a.txt 304b 5 Carter Solomon 65 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 304a 30 Carter Solomon 5/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 265b 40 Casiday David J. 35 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 265b 42 Casiday Di*na 10 Georgia pg0261a.txt 266a 3 Casiday James 3 Georgia pg0261a.txt 266a 1 Casiday John C. 8 Georgia pg0261a.txt 265b 41 Casiday Martha Ann 33 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 266a 4 Casiday Mary 2/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266a 2 Casiday Sarah 5 Georgia pg0261a.txt 261a 8 Cates Mary F. 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 6 Cates May S. 30 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 261a 5 Cates Newell 40 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 261a 7 Cates Rufus 43 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 286a 12 Cebert Burnard 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 286a 11 Cebert Elvisa 16 Pennsyovania pg0279a.txt 286a 10 Cebert Silas E. 42 Pennsylvania pg0279a.txt 285a 33 Censaboy Andrew 10 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 36 Censaboy Cintha 1 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 32 Censaboy Elizabeth 11 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 30 Censaboy George 20 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 34 Censaboy James 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 31 Censaboy Lidia 13 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 29 Censaboy Nancy 29 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 285a 37 Censaboy one unnamed 11/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 35 Censaboy Robert 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285a 28 Censaboy Robrt 44 Virginia pg0279a.txt 304a 1 Choat Almeta 5 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 303b 40 Choat Babrel 23 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 304a 2 Choat Edward 1/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 41 Choat Jane 30 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 303b 42 Choat John 9 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 289b 35 Cinamon John 6 Missouri pg0288a.txt 289b 34 Cinamon Orny 25 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 289b 33 Cinamon Presly 30 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 289b 36 Cinamon William 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 277b 19 Clabough Charles 66 Maryland pg0270a.txt 277b 24 Clabough Charles 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 6 Clabough Elizabeth 15 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 10 Clabough James 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 4 Clabough James B. 38 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277b 20 Clabough Jane 50 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 5 Clabough Lucy 43 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 7 Clabough Malinda 11 Alabama pg0270a.txt 277b 22 Clabough Manerva 23 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 9 Clabough Maniva 7 Alabama pg0270a.txt 277b 23 Clabough Mary 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 8 Clabough Mary Ann 10 Alabama pg0270a.txt 277b 26 Clabough Sarah 3/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277b 25 Clabough William 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277b 21 Clabough William J. 33 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 264a 18 Claptin Benjamin 18 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 34 Clapton Catharine 25 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266b 35 Clapton Elizabeth 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 4 Clapton Elizabeth 19 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266b 5 Clapton James 7 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 36 Clapton John 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 7 Clapton Manna 4/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 3 Clapton Richard 26 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266b 6 Clapton Suma 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 37 Clapton Thomas 1/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 33 Clapton William P 35 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 304b 1 Clark Amanda 14 Indiana pg0297a.txt 275b 26 Clark Elizabeth 22 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 304a 41 Clark Hanah 26 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 304b 2 Clark Jacob 10 Arkansas pg0297a.txt 304a 42 Clark John 5 Arkansas pg0297a.txt 279b 42 Clark Marane 62 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 276a 22 Clark Mary 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 24 Clark Matilda 16 Indiana pg0270a.txt 275b 25 Clark Mcarthor 28 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 276a 23 Clark Noah 7/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 304a 40 Clark Samul 36 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304b 3 Clark Samul 3 Arkansas pg0297a.txt 304b 14 Clark Sarah 23 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304b 4 Clark Sarah 1/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 276a 21 Clark Susana 20 Missouri pg0270a.txt 276a 20 Clark Washington 25 Indiana pg0270a.txt 265b 17 Clarkson Ancil 44 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 293a 26 Clarkson D M 19 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295b 13 Clarkson David 6 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293a 23 Clarkson David 48 Virginia pg0288a.txt 265b 21 Clarkson Elizabeth 12 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 265b 20 Clarkson Emily 14 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 295b 8 Clarkson Isac S. 37 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295b 14 Clarkson James 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 265b 22 Clarkson John 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 293a 28 Clarkson Mariah 12 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295b 11 Clarkson Martha 10 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 265b 19 Clarkson Mary 16 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 295b 10 Clarkson Mary 11 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 293a 24 Clarkson May 45 Virginia pg0288a.txt 293a 27 Clarkson May 15 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 293a 29 Clarkson Milrad 10 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 265b 18 Clarkson Nancy 39 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 295b 15 Clarkson Pheby Ann 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293a 25 Clarkson Sarah 20 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295b 9 Clarkson Susan 35 Virginia pg0288a.txt 265b 23 Clarkson Wesly 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 295b 12 Clarkson William 8 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 295a 6 Coble Christoph 49 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 295a 9 Coble David 16 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 12 Coble Elis 11 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 8 Coble George 18 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 21 Coble Henry 86 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 295a 22 Coble Keziah 56 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 11 Coble Martha 13 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 7 Coble May 20 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 13 Coble Nancy 10 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 10 Coble William 15 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 267b 15 Coffee Arthur 7/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 272a 19 Coffee Brown 20 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 267b 13 Coffee Catharine 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267b 14 Coffee Charles 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 272a 17 Coffee Frances 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 267b 12 Coffee Hariet 21 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267b 11 Coffee John T. 30 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 272a 15 Coffee Luiza 21 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 16 Coffee Mary 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272a 14 Coffee Thomas S. 28 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 294a 12 Colar Becky 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 11 Colar Drury 8 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 7 Colar Henry G. 36 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 10 Colar James 10 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 14 Colar Luann 6/12 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294a 9 Colar May 11 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 8 Colar Nancy 30 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294a 13 Colar Sarah 2 Missouri pg0288a.txt 261a 41 Colvin John C. 18 Missouri pg0261a.txt 297b 12 Colwell Benay F. 40 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 19 Colwell Elizabeth 7 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 297b 20 Colwell Luca Ann 4 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 297b 15 Colwell Mary 16 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 16 Colwell May 14 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 14 Colwell Sarah 18 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 13 Colwell Susan 38 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 17 Colwell Susan 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297b 18 Colwell Thomas 9 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 300a 26 Condray Harmon? 53 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 300a 27 Condray Jemima 390 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 300a 30 Condray John 10 Alabama pg0297a.txt 300a 31 Condray Martha 8 Alabama pg0297a.txt 300a 32 Condray one unnamed 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 29 Condray Sarah 14 Alabama pg0297a.txt 300a 28 Condray Wisner 20 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 306a 29 Condril Henry 15 Indiana pg0306a.txt 281a 13 Conklin James 24 Iowa(y) pg0279a.txt 281a 14 Conklin Margret 23 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 268b 12 Cook Anderson 24 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 282a 6 Cook Barbara 12 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 282a 13 Cook Columbus 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 11 Cook Elizabeth 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 2 Cook Farow 37 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 282a 5 Cook James 14 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 282a 7 Cook John 9 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 8 Cook Marshall 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 14 Cook Martha 3/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 3 Cook Mary 28 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 282a 12 Cook Napolion 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 10 Cook Sarah 6 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 9 Cook William 7 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282a 4 Cook Wily 16 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 275a 39 Cooksey George 4 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 34 Cooksey Isac 34 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 37 Cooksey John 7 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 40 Cooksey Lavana 3 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 35 Cooksey Lucinda 24 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 36 Cooksey Lucinda 16 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 42 Cooksey Nancy 1 Missouri pg0270a.txt 275a 38 Cooksey Thomas 5 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 275a 41 Cooksey William 2 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 297a 32 Coplin David 4 Arkansas pg0297a.txt 297a 27 Coplin James 37 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297a 28 Coplin Martha 35 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 297a 30 Coplin Mary 12 Illinois pg0297a.txt 297a 29 Coplin Sircity? 14 Illinois pg0297a.txt 297a 31 Coplin Thomas 6 Illinois pg0297a.txt 280b 3 Copsey Allen 26 Indiana pg0279a.txt 280a 36 Copsey Charles 53 Maryland pg0279a.txt 280a 38 Copsey Charles 24 Indiana pg0279a.txt 280a 40 Copsey Daniel 19 Indiana pg0279a.txt 280b 4 Copsey Elvira 22 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 280a 42 Copsey John 10 Missouri pg0279a.txt 280b 1 Copsey Joseph 7 Missouri pg0279a.txt 280b 6 Copsey Lucinda 1/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 280b 5 Copsey Mary 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 280a 39 Copsey Onis? 22 Indiana pg0279a.txt 280a 41 Copsey Safrona 13 Indiana pg0279a.txt 280a 37 Copsey Sarah 49 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 280b 2 Copsey Theodore 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 269a 29 Cortney George 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 24 Cortney Jeremiah 27 Virginia pg0261a.txt 269a 31 Cortney John 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 30 Cortney Manerva 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 27 Cortney Martha 11 Indiana pg0261a.txt 269a 28 Cortney Nancy 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 25 Cortney Rebeca 32 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 269a 26 Cortney Robert 15 Indiana pg0261a.txt 287a 16 Cottner Andrew 7 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287b 34 Cottner Catherine 24 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 288b 14 Cottner David 76 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 287a 14 Cottner George 10 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287b 33 Cottner George W. 35 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287a 12 Cottner Joel 33 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 287a 19 Cottner Joel 1/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287a 15 Cottner Julianna 9 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 287a 13 Cottner Mary 29 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 288b 15 Cottner Milly 74 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 287a 17 Cottner Sarah J. 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287b 35 Cottner Solomon 11/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 287a 18 Cottner William 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 291b 14 Couch Lid*** 56 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 291b 15 Couch Susan 58 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 261a 29 Courtney Eliza 25 Indiana pg0261a.txt 261a 32 Courtney Eliza J. 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 31 Courtney Mary Ann 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 30 Courtney Nancy E 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 28 Courtney Robert 33 Virginia pg0261a.txt 272a 41 Cowen Alvina 10 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 39 Cowen Andrew 17 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 38 Cowen Hetty 20 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 37 Cowen Heuston 22 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 40 Cowen James 13 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272a 36 Cowen Jane 45 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272b 1 Cowen Mary 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 272a 42 Cowen Nancy 8 Missouri pg0270a.txt 301a 28 Cox Cela 6 Missouri pg0297a.txt 294b 3 Cox Charles 44 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294b 9 Cox Eliza 6 Missouri pg0288a.txt 301a 41 Cox Emily 9 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301a 29 Cox George 4 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301b 1 Cox Grandville 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301a 37 Cox Jacob 34 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 301a 27 Cox John 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301a 38 Cox Lucissy 34 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 294b 4 Cox Margret 42 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 294b 6 Cox Margret 14 Missouri pg0288a.txt 294b 5 Cox Marion 16 Illinois pg0288a.txt 301a 40 Cox Mary 12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301a 26 Cox Nancy 33 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 301a 39 Cox Nancy 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 301a 25 Cox Repsy B. 30 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 301b 2 Cox Samuel 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 294b 8 Cox Sarah 8 Missouri pg0288a.txt 301a 42 Cox Sarah 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 301a 31 Cox Stephen 5/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 263b 27 Cox Thomas 32 Missouri pg0261a.txt 301a 30 Cox William 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 294b 7 Cox William 12 Illinois pg0288a.txt 265b 14 Crabtree Andrew 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265b 15 Crabtree Benjamin 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265b 16 Crabtree Isah 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265b 13 Crabtree James 12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265b 10 Crabtree John 35 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 265b 11 Crabtree Matilda 30 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265b 12 Crabtree Nancy 14 Missouri pg0261a.txt 277a 11 Craft Calvin M. 33 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 4 Craft Elizabeth 10 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 2 Craft Gillis W. 32 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 15 Craft James 5 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 14 Craft John 7 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 9 Craft John 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 17 Craft John 2/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 13 Craft Joseph 9 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 12 Craft Malinda 30 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 7 Craft Mary 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 3 Craft Mary 34 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 16 Craft Mary 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 5 Craft Nancy 9 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 277a 6 Craft Sarah 7 Missouri pg0270a.txt 277a 8 Craft William 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 304a 39 Crandle Alonzo 13 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304a 38 Crandle Charles 15 Ohio pg0297a.txt 304a 36 Crandle David 60? Michigan pg0297a.txt 304a 37 Crandle Jane 40 Ohio pg0297a.txt 263a 6 Crawford Columbus 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263a 4 Crawford Ferrgo 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263a 5 Crawford Isac 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263a 7 Crawford James 77 Virginia pg0261a.txt 263a 12 Crawford James 24 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 2 Crawford John 29 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 9 Crawford Kiziah 37 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 3 Crawford Kiziah 23 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 263a 15 Crawford Nancy 16 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 13 Crawford Plesant 21 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 10 Crawford Polly 35 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 8 Crawford Rachel 38 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 14 Crawford Sarah 18 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 263a 11 Crawford William 26 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 285b 18 Crisp James 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 12 Crisp John 42 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 285b 19 Crisp John 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 14 Crisp Litera 15 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 13 Crisp Malinda 33 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 17 Crisp May 7 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 15 Crisp Rutha 13 Missouri pg0279a.txt 263b 15 Critendon William 69 Virginia pg0261a.txt 285b 16 Crosp William 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 308a 14 Cruis Benjam 65 North Carolina pg0306a.txt 308a 9 Cruis David 35 North Carolina pg0306a.txt 308a 10 Cruis Elizabeth 24 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 308a 13 Cruis Mary 1 Missouri pg0306a.txt 308a 12 Cruis Nancy 2 Missouri pg0306a.txt 308a 11 Cruis William 6 Missouri pg0306a.txt 282b 28 Dade John 25 Missouri pg0279a.txt 282b 29 Dade Mary C. 18 Virginia pg0279a.txt 274b 6 Dail Abraham 10 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 5 Dail John 12 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 2 Dail Levina 40 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 3 Dail Marlena 18 Illinois pg0270a.txt 274b 8 Dail Tennessee 4 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274b 7 Dail Thomas 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274b 1 Dail Thomas 39 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274b 4 Dail William 14 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 307b 21 Daniel Anderson 35 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307b 27 Daniel Daniel 2/12 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 24 Daniel Isac 9 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307b 26 Daniel James 2 Indiana pg0306a.txt 307b 25 Daniel Mary 4 Indiana pg0306a.txt 307b 22 Daniel May 33 Ohio pg0306a.txt 307b 23 Daniel Oscar 12 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 34 Darneal Asiel 6 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 32 Darneal Catherine 66 Virginia pg0306a.txt 307a 31 Darneal Isac 59 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307a 33 Darneal Sinthia Ann 34 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 300a 23 Daughtry Eliza 2/12 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 21 Daughtry Flemon 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 269a 33 Daughtry Frances 28 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 37 Daughtry George 5/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 300a 20 Daughtry James 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 18 Daughtry Jessie 32 Alabama pg0297a.txt 269a 32 Daughtry John 34 Alabama pg0261a.txt 300a 19 Daughtry Lucinda 32 Alabama pg0297a.txt 269a 42 Daughtry Martha 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269a 36 Daughtry Mary 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 300a 22 Daughtry Samuel 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 300a 25 Daughtry Sarah 65 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 269a 35 Daughtry Sarah 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 300a 24 Daughtry William 83 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 269a 34 Daughtry William 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 271a 33 Davidson Agness 26 Missouri pg0270a.txt 267a 2 Davidson Andrew 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266b 39 Davidson Cassy 40 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 308a 15 Davidson David 39 North Carolina pg0306a.txt 266b 42 Davidson Elisha 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 308a 17 Davidson Elizabeth 15 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 271a 30 Davidson George 75 Virginia pg0270a.txt 299a 24 Davidson George 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 308a 20 Davidson George 7 Missouri pg0306a.txt 299a 25 Davidson James 3 Missouri pg0297a.txt 271a 34 Davidson James 23 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271a 31 Davidson Jane 69 Virginia pg0270a.txt 308a 22 Davidson John 5/12 Missouri pg0306a.txt 271a 32 Davidson John 38 Virginia pg0270a.txt 299a 22 Davidson John 11 Missouri pg0297a.txt 299a 20 Davidson Joseph R. 35 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 299a 21 Davidson Margret 30 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 266b 40 Davidson Margret 15 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 308a 19 Davidson Margret 10 Missouri pg0306a.txt 267a 3 Davidson Marion 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 299a 23 Davidson Martha 9 Missouri pg0297a.txt 308a 16 Davidson Milly 38 North Carolina pg0306a.txt 308a 18 Davidson Nancy 12 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 308a 21 Davidson Safrona 5 Missouri pg0306a.txt 267a 1 Davidson Thomas 7 Missouri pg0261a.txt 299a 26 Davidson Thomas 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 266b 38 Davidson William 41 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266b 41 Davidson William 12 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 263b 28 Davis Alexander 36 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 263b 29 Davis Druzilla 29 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 306a 24 Davis Fran A. 28 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 263b 32 Davis Isac 2 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 306a 27 Davis Martha 3 Missouri pg0306a.txt 306a 26 Davis Mary 5 Missouri pg0306a.txt 263b 31 Davis Peter 3 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 306a 25 Davis Rebeca 25 Indiana pg0306a.txt 263b 30 Davis William 4 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 306a 28 Davis Zachariar 1 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 18 Day Delarus 37 New York pg0306a.txt 307a 19 Day Rebeca 25 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 20 Day Sarah 4 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 21 Day William 2 Missouri pg0306a.txt 303b 31 Debinport Adam 2 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 28 Debinport Bailey 37 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 306a 23 Debinport Decletia 25 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 306a 22 Debinport Garnett 31 Virginia pg0306a.txt 303b 30 Debinport Jacob 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 303b 29 Debinport Rebeca 33 Indiana pg0297a.txt 278b 22 Depue Eli 6/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 15 Depue George 35 Virginia pg0270a.txt 278b 21 Depue George 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 17 Depue James 14 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 18 Depue John 11 Georgia pg0270a.txt 278b 20 Depue Mary 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 278b 16 Depue Matilda 34 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 278b 19 Depue William 8 Missouri pg0270a.txt 305a 31 Dickinson Joel 24 Georgia pg0297a.txt 305a 32 Dickinson Nancy 19 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 305a 33 Dickson America 50 Virginia pg0297a.txt 305a 35 Dickson Elisha 16 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 305a 37 Dickson Henry 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 305a 36 Dickson James 13 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 305a 34 Dickson John 20 Georgia pg0297a.txt 266a 35 Dicus Calvin 39 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 281a 23 Dicus Edwin 60 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 281a 36 Dicus Eliza 20 Indiana pg0279a.txt 281a 35 Dicus James 23 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 269b 14 Dicus John 30 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 269b 18 Dicus Malinda 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 281a 25 Dicus Mary 42 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 266a 36 Dicus Mary 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 15 Dicus Mary 29 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 281a 24 Dicus May 63 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 281a 39 Dicus Rosanna 7/12 Missouri pg0279a.txt 281a 38 Dicus Samuel 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 269b 16 Dicus Samul 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 17 Dicus Thomas 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 281a 37 Dicus William 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 281a 26 Dicus William 24 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 281a 27 Dicus Wilson 21 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 293b 9 Dilda Addy 10 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 12 Dilda Charles 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 13 Dilda Danil 2 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 11 Dilda John 6 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 7 Dilda Mary 30 South Carolina pg0288a.txt 293b 10 Dilda Nancy 8 Missouri pg0288a.txt 293b 8 Dilda Simon 11 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 285b 31 Dilday Charles 5 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 30 Dilday Eday 7 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 32 Dilday James 2 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 29 Dilday John 10 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 28 Dilday Lewis 13 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 285b 33 Dilday Mary 1 Missouri pg0279a.txt 285b 27 Dilday Nancy 32 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 263b 10 Downing Carter 20 Illinois pg0261a.txt 263b 13 Downing Jessie 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263b 12 Downing Louiza 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263b 9 Downing Malinda 36 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 263b 11 Downing Samuel 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 263b 8 Downing William 65 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 264b 24 Drisdal Angeline 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264b 18 Drisdal Hanah 39 Ohio pg0261a.txt 264b 20 Drisdal Hanah 13 Ohio pg0261a.txt 264b 23 Drisdal Jacob 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 264b 21 Drisdal Mary 10 Ohio pg0261a.txt 264b 22 Drisdal Muses 8 Ohio pg0261a.txt 264b 19 Drisdal Theadore 15 Ohio pg0261a.txt 297b 7 Drogon Eliza 45 Virginia pg0297a.txt 297b 11 Drogon Jessie 26 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 297b 9 Drogon Marques 11 Illinois pg0297a.txt 297b 10 Drogon Perbena 7 Illinois pg0297a.txt 297b 8 Drogon Rebrt 13 Illinois pg0297a.txt 297b 6 Drogon William 64 Virginia pg0297a.txt 263b 2 Drury Betty 19 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 279b 15 Drury George 4 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 279b 10 Drury George 31 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 263b 3 Drury Henry 2 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 279b 16 Drury James 1 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 263b 1 Drury Joseph 25 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 263b 4 Drury Mary 2/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 279b 14 Drury Paton 6 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 279b 12 Drury Semantha 12 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 279b 11 Drury Susana 33 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 279b 13 Drury William 9 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 266a 12 Duglass Amanda 7 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266a 13 Duglass Amaus 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266a 14 Duglass David 4 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266a 5 Duglass Ira A. 40 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 266a 10 Duglass James 10 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266a 6 Duglass Martha 16 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266a 7 Duglass Orleana 14 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 266a 8 Duglass Samuel 13 Georgia pg0261a.txt 266a 9 Duglass Sarah 11 Georgia pg0261a.txt 266a 11 Duglass Tennessee 8 Missouri pg0261a.txt 266a 15 Duglass Thomas 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 292b 7 Dumas Alfius 12 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 2 Dumas Catharine 50 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292a 36 Dumas Elizabeth 21 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 292b 9 Dumas George 8 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 5 Dumas John 16 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 3 Dumas Joseph 21 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292a 35 Dumas Lisander 23 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 10 Dumas Mary 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 292b 8 Dumas Samuel 11 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 6 Dumas Thomas 15 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 1 Dumas William 60 Virginia pg0288a.txt 292b 4 Dumas William 19 Virginia pg0288a.txt 274a 26 Dunaway James 12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 24 Dunaway Jane 41 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274a 30 Dunaway Lewis 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 23 Dunaway Lewis T. 41 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 274a 27 Dunaway May 10 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 25 Dunaway Primitha 14 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 28 Dunaway Samuel 9 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274a 29 Dunaway William 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 261a 42 Duncan Robt 18 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261a 40 Dusby Benjamin 40 New York pg0261a.txt 284b 17 Earl Elizabeth 42 Georgia pg0279a.txt 284b 18 Earl George 13 Missouri pg0279a.txt 284b 16 Earl Henry 50 Pennsylvania pg0279a.txt 292a 23 Eastin Achelis 24 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 292a 21 Eastin David 26 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 292a 24 Eastin Elizabeth 23 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 292a 19 Eastin Griffin 67 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 292a 20 Eastin Nancy 54 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 292a 22 Eastin Susan 25 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 291b 35 Eaton Moses 24 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 265a 4 Edge Abigail 28 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 19 Edge Andrew 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 5 Edge Benjamin 24 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 36 Edge Benjamin 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 16 Edge Elizabeth 15 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 3 Edge Hanah 62 Maryland pg0261a.txt 265a 2 Edge Henry 63 Maryland pg0261a.txt 265a 21 Edge Henry 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 14 Edge Isham 39 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 20 Edge James 8 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 32 Edge Johnathan P. 30 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 35 Edge Joseph 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 23 Edge Lam*en 11/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 22 Edge Luzinda 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 33 Edge Manerva 25 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 6 Edge Martin 22 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 15 Edge Mary 37 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 18 Edge Newton 11 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 265a 34 Edge Tennessee 5 Missouri pg0261a.txt 265a 17 Edge William 13 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 291b 17 Evans Angeline 23 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 307a 14 Evans Caswell 10 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 15 Evans George 7 Missouri pg0306a.txt 307a 10 Evans Manerva 21 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 13 Evans Margret 16 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 12 Evans Martha 17 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 11 Evans Mary 19 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 9 Evans May 37 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 291b 18 Evans Monroe 3 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291b 19 Evans Purbena 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 307a 16 Evans William 3 Missouri pg0306a.txt 291b 16 Evans William 27 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 267a 39 Faning Howard 30 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 279a 36 Faning James 4 Missouri pg0279a.txt 267a 40 Faning Jane 24 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 267b 36 Faning Joseph 6/12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 279a 35 Faning Lucinda 8 Missouri pg0279a.txt 279a 32 Faning Lydia 32 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 267a 42 Faning Manerva 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267a 41 Faning Margretann 2 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267b 35 Faning Martha 3 Missouri pg0261a.txt 267b 34 Faning Mayann 21 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 279a 37 Faning Parthenia 3 Missouri pg0279a.txt 279a 33 Faning Robert 16 Tennessee pg0279a.txt 279a 31 Faning Thomas 50 North Carolina pg0279a.txt 267b 33 Faning Thomas Jr. 25 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 279a 34 Faning William 13 Missouri pg0279a.txt 268b 20 Fannen Ann 8 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 19 Fannen Benjamin 9 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 21 Fannen Cordelia 6 Missouri pg0261a.txt 268b 18 Fannen Washington 38 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 300b 19 Faris Albert 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 307a 25 Faris Hanah 4 Missouri pg0306a.txt 300b 20 Faris James 14 Kentucky pg0297a.txt 300b 18 Faris Jane 17 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 300b 17 Faris Martha 54 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 307a 26 Faris Orlena 1 Missouri pg0306a.txt 300b 16 Faris Samul 54 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 307a 23 Faris Susan 36 Kentucky pg0306a.txt 307a 22 Faris Thomas 37 Tennessee pg0306a.txt 307a 24 Faris William 12 Illinois pg0306a.txt 283b 19 Fift May A. 69 Pennsylvania pg0279a.txt 291b 37 Fine Ann 32 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 291b 39 Fine John 9 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291b 40 Fine Marshall 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 291b 38 Fine Nancy 11 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 291b 36 Fine Peter L. 37 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 274b 40 Finly Amanda 3 Missouri pg0270a.txt 297a 7 Finly Benjam 13 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 297a 4 Finly Butin 40 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 271a 22 Finly Elizabeth 49 Virginia pg0270a.txt 269b 12 Finly Finly 35 North Carolina pg0261a.txt 271a 25 Finly Fredrick 11 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 271a 21 Finly George 48 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 271a 29 Finly George 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 297a 12 Finly Hariet 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 274b 39 Finly James 6 Missouri pg0270a.txt 297a 13 Finly James 1 Missouri pg0297a.txt 269b 9 Finly James F. 31 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 274b 32 Finly Jessie 47 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 271a 28 Finly John 4 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 269b 40 Finly John 38 South Carolina pg0261a.txt 269b 42 Finly John 1 Missouri pg0261a.txt 269b 13 Finly John M. 28 Arkansas pg0261a.txt 271a 24 Finly Louiza 12 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 270a 1 Finly Lucinda 1/12 Missouri pg0270a.txt 274b 41 Finly Luthar 2 Missouri pg0270a.txt 269b 41 Finly Manerva 25 Virginia pg0261a.txt 271a 27 Finly Margret 7 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 297a 8 Finly Martha 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 269b 10 Finly Mary 18 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 271a 23 Finly Mary 16 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 274b 37 Finly Mary 11 Missouri pg0270a.txt 297a 10 Finly May 8 Missouri pg0297a.txt 297a 5 Finly May 37 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 294b 32 Finly May 25 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 294b 33 Finly Milton 2 Kentucky pg0288a.txt 274b 38 Finly Mittan 8 Missouri pg0270a.txt 271a 26 Finly Nancy 9 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 274b 35 Finly Nancy 15 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 297a 11 Finly Rachel 7 Missouri pg0297a.txt 274b 33 Finly Rachel 38 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 274b 36 Finly Sarah 13 Missouri pg0270a.txt 294b 31 Finly Thomas 30 Arkansas pg0288a.txt 297a 9 Finly Thomas 10 Missouri pg0297a.txt 269b 11 Finly William 6 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 274b 34 Finly William 22 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 297a 6 Finly William 16 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 272b 40 Flanry Elkanah 41 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 273a 1 Flanry Gracy 16 Tennessee pg0270a.txt 272b 41 Flanry May 29* Tennessee pg0270a.txt 267a 17 Flesher Doraty 17 Ohio pg0261a.txt 267a 20 Flesher Emily 17 Kentucky pg0261a.txt 267a 18 Flesher Louiza 10 Ohio pg0261a.txt 267a 16 Flesher Mary 58 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267a 15 Flesher William 59 Virginia pg0261a.txt 267a 19 Flesher William Jr. 22 Ohio pg0261a.txt 292a 4 Fletcher Jonathan 17 Virginia pg0288a.txt 261b 31 Foley Abrahan N. 43 Virginia pg0261a.txt 261b 32 Foley Boichada* 43 Virginia pg0261a.txt 261b 33 Foley Euphratus 22 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261b 34 Foley Madison 14 Missouri pg0261a.txt 261b 35 Foley Robert 12 Missouri pg0261a.txt 271a 19 Free Benjamin 50 Kentucky pg0270a.txt 271a 20 Free Sharlott 40 South Carolina pg0270a.txt 302a 9 Freeman Catharine 10 Missouri pg0297a.txt 302a 7 Freeman Elizabeth 15 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 3 Freeman George 40 North Carolina pg0297a.txt 302a 4 Freeman Hariet 34 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 8 Freeman Jacob 12 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 5 Freeman Jonathan 18 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 6 Freeman Joseph 16 Tennessee pg0297a.txt 302a 10 Freeman William 5 Missouri pg0297a.txt 295a 17 Frend Cintha 6 Illinois pg0288a.txt 295a 15 Frend Elizabeth 32 Tennessee pg0288a.txt 295a 18 Frend John 4 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 14 Frend John 34 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 295a 19 Frend Malinda 1 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 20 Frend Margret 1/12 Missouri pg0288a.txt 295a 16 Frend Matilda 8 Illinois pg0288a.txt 296b 15 Frien Elizabeth 9 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 296b 13 Frien Nancy 20 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 296b 12 Frien Susan 54 Virginia pg0288a.txt 296b 14 Frien Susan 18 North Carolina pg0288a.txt 261b 30 Furgson Elizabeth 21 Tennessee pg0261a.txt 261b 29 Furgson Henry N 24 Tennessee pg0261a.txt