Maryland - Statewide 1840 U.S. Federal Census Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services This Census was transcribed by Robert E. Lane and proofread by Linda Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2024 by Robert E. Lane ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1840 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1840 MICROFILM #M704- STATE MARYLAND COUNTY STATEWIDE (all) ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- NOTE: The back side of the population schedule for the 1840 census was used to record living pensioners of the Revolutionary War or other military service. This contained information not found on the population schedule, such as the person's age and who they were living with. Publishing of these returns was authorized by an act of Congress in 1841, printers were Blair & Rives, Washington, D.C. The book groups the names by the town where they lived. This transcription lists them in alphabetical order. Town names are included as an aid to researchers. This schedule lists a number of women, who were likely widows who were collecting their late husband's pension. =========================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1840 STATE: Maryland COUNTY: Statewide MICROFILM#: M704- DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: Not written =========================================================================================================================================================== Name of Pensioner Whom Living With TOWN OR PAGE LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE LAST NAME FIRST NAME COUNTY TOWNSHIP TRANSCRIBER REMARKS =========================================================================================================================================================== 127 56 Adams Adam 80 . . Charles 3rd District . 128 4 Allan Nathan 85 Allan Nathan Queen Anne 5th District . 128 17 Allen Mary 75 Allen Ann Baltimore City 5th Ward . 127 26 Armstrong General John 83 Armstrong Horatio G. Baltimore 2nd District . 127 61 Baldwin Samuel 82 Baldwin Levi Anne Arundel 4th District . 127 76 Barrott Solomon 76 Barrott Solomon Talbot 1st District . 128 7 Beckwith Nehemiah 76 Beckwith Nehemiah Dorchester 4th District . 127 11 Belsor Anthony 88 Hamilton George Washington 5th District . 128 18 Bowen Elizabeth 79 Davenport Joseph Baltimore City 5th Ward . 127 66 Brewer Susan 81 Brewer Susan Anne Arundel Annapolis . 127 3 Clinton Thomas 84 Clinton Thomas Alleghany 2nd Division . 127 12 Cochrane James 77 Cochrane James Frederick 3rd District . 127 22 Cochrane David 78 Cochrane David Carroll 7th District . 127 50 Coe Richard 87 Coe Richard Prince George's 5th Division . 127 9 Coil Mark 85 Coil Mark Washington 4th District . 128 16 Cook Henry 82 Pearce Obed Baltimore City 4th Ward . 127 23 Cramption Thomas 80 Chaney Henry Baltimore 1st District . 127 73 Dailey Elijah 46 Greenwood Benjamin Kent 2nd District . 127 58 Davidson James 79 Davidson James Anne Arundel 1st District . 127 53 Dent George 83 Dent William St. Mary's 2nd District . 127 20 Dewees Samuel 91 . . Carroll 6th District . 128 1 Draper Elisha . Draper Elisha Talbot 3rd District . 127 40 Easton Giles 80 Easton Lewis Montgomery 1st Division . 127 49 Evans James 56 Martin Henry Prince George's 5th Division . 127 13 Everhart Laurence 85 Everhart Laurence Frederick 3rd District . 127 18 Fanning William 48 Fanning William Carroll 4th District . 127 7 Feighly Peter, Sen. 86 Feighly Peter, Sen. Washington 3rd District . 127 69 Forman Thomas M. 82 Forman Thomas M. Cecil 1st District . 127 67 Frazier Solomon 80 Frazier James Anne Arundel Annapolis . 128 8 Frazier Levin 86 Frazier Levin Dorchester 4th District . 128 30 Frazier Henrietta 79 Yearly Alexander Baltimore City 12th Ward . 127 74 Gale Major James H. 45 Gale Major James H. Kent 2nd District . 127 30 Gorrel Andrew 50 . . Harford 2nd District . 128 15 Griffith Evan 83 Parkinson James Baltimore City 3rd Ward . 127 5 Groves William 83 Groves William Alleghany 2nd Division . 127 59 Hall Richard 97 Cadle Richard Anne Arundel 2nd District . 128 11 Handy Nancy . Handy Nancy Worcester Southern Dist. . 128 23 Haney Susanna 83 Williams Catharine Baltimore City 8th Ward . 127 28 Harper Joseph 94 Harper Joseph Baltimore 4th District . 127 52 Hatton Basil 80 Hatton Basil Prince George's 5th Division . 128 29 Haupt Elizabeth 81 Haupt Elizabeth Baltimore City 12th Ward . 127 54 Haywood Thomas 84 Haywood John A. St. Mary's 2nd District . 127 39 Heape Archibald 82 . . Harford 5th District . 127 38 Heaps John Sen. 80 . . Harford 4th District . 127 68 Hollydeoke Ann 99 Hollydeoke Ann Anne Arundel Annapolis . 127 72 Humphries John 85 Recaud L. M. Kent 1st District . 127 41 Hutchinson Francis 87 Thrift Samuel Montgomery 3rd Division . 128 12 Hutson Samuel 77 Cleary Ed. Baltimore City 1st Ward . 128 3 Jeffers Jacob 80 Cornelius William Queen Anne 1st District . 127 60 Kelly Richard 78 Stinchcomb Sarah Anne Arundel 3rd District . 128 25 Kelty Catharine 64 Jones Eliza Baltimore City 9th Ward . 127 6 King George 78 King George Alleghany 2nd Division . 127 10 Krick Frances 80 Krick Frances Washington 4th District . 128 21 Lambert Christopher 89 Cook Christian Baltimore City 8th Ward . 127 43 Layman William 87 Worthington Thomas Montgomery 4th Division . 127 8 Lewis Polly 82 Schryock George Washington 3rd District . 127 36 Long Henry 45 . . Harford 4th District . 127 37 Long Nancy 86 . . Harford 4th District . 128 22 Lorentz Ann Elizabeth 65 Lorentz Ann E. Baltimore City 8th Ward . 127 17 Lynch William 70 Lynch William Carroll 4th District . 127 55 Matton William 71 Abell William S. L. St. Mary's 3rd District . 127 64 Maynadier Henry 81 Maynadier Henry Anne Arundel Annapolis . 127 32 McAdew Andrew 84 McAdew Andrew Harford 3rd District . 127 24 McLane Arthur 79 Moke John Baltimore 1st District . 127 71 McLean John 84 McLean John Cecil 2nd District . 127 2 McMahon Peter 86 McMahon Peter Alleghany 2nd Division . 128 9 Merick William 81 Merick John Dorchester Newmarket . 127 46 Miller Christian 88 Miller Christian Montgomery 5th Division . 127 15 Mongtomery John Sen. 80 Mongtomery John Sen. Frederick 9th District . 128 24 Nicholson Laura 35 Nicholson Laura Baltimore City 9th Ward . 128 14 None . . . . Baltimore City 2nd Ward . 128 19 None . . . . Baltimore City 6th Ward . 128 20 None . . . . Baltimore City 7th Ward . 128 28 None . . . . Baltimore City 11th Ward . 127 57 O'Harra Susan 81 O'Harra William Anne Arundel 1st District . 127 14 Ovelman George 81 Ovelman George Frederick 8th District . 127 42 Pennefill Heister 71 Claggett Asa Montgomery 3rd Division . 127 75 Phillips Stephen, Sen. 77 Phillips Stephen, Sen. Caroline 2nd Division . 128 26 Phillips Elizabeth 68 League James Baltimore City 10th Ward . 127 27 Pitsch Anthony 57 Pitsch Anthony Baltimore 2nd District . 128 6 Purnell John 85 Purnell Dryden Somerset 3rd Division . 127 62 Randall Deborah 77 Randall Alexander Anne Arundel Annapolis . 128 13 Rentzall George 55 Olympia Sister Mary Baltimore City 1st Ward . 127 34 Schivengton Thomas 56 . . Harford 4th District . 127 63 Sewell Rebecca 65 Sewell Rebecca Anne Arundel Annapolis . 127 70 Shea Stephen 55 Megee Sylvester Cecil 1st District . 127 19 Shennick Jacob 75 . . Carroll 6th District . 127 4 Skinner James 85 Skinner James Alleghany 2nd Division . 127 35 Slone William 65 . . Harford 4th District . 127 1 Smith Christian 88 Smith Christian Alleghany 1st Division . 127 51 Smith John Sen. 71 Taylor Richard Prince George's 5th Division Colored 127 21 Snyder Christian 84 . . Carroll 6th District . 127 44 Tailor Mary 78 . . Montgomery 5th Division . 128 2 Tilghman Anna Maria 85 Tilghman Tench Talbot 3rd District . 127 33 Tracy Jarrett 51 Tracy Jarrett Harford 4th District . 128 10 Vinson Aaron 78 Vinson Aaron Dorchester 8th District . 127 48 Wall Martha 78 Wall Martha Prince George's 4th Division . 127 47 Warfield Elizabeth 86 Warfield N. D. Montgomery 5th Division . 127 45 Watkins Mary 81 Watkins Thomas Montgomery 5th Division . 128 27 Wells Richard 82 Dorcy John G. Baltimore City 10th Ward . 127 29 West Joseph 85 West Joseph Baltimore 5th District . 127 77 Weyman John 47 Weyman John Talbot 1st District . 127 25 White Thomas 86 White Charles Baltimore 1st District . 127 31 Wilgis William 75 Wilgis William Harford 3rd District . 128 5 Willing Levin 84 Willing Levin Somerset 1st Division . 127 65 Windham Sarah 92 Windham Eleanor Anne Arundel Annapolis . 127 16 Zollinger Peter 84 Zollinger Peter Frederick 10th District . =========================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ===========================================================================================================================================================