Brown County, IL 1850 Mortality Census (File 1 of 1 for entire county) Handwritten page 68-85 This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by Robert E. Lane for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2024 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Robert E. Lane All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MORTALITY MICROFILM #T1133-58 STATE ILLINOIS COUNTY BROWN SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 Because death certificates were mostly unknown prior to 1902, enumerators were instructed to collect the name and information for every person who died during the twelve months preceding the official census date. These censuses were taken from 1850 to 1900, although not all have survived. By 1902, most states had implemented vital records laws and the mortality schedules were phased out. It is important to remember that the information is available only for the year immediately preceding the census. Those who died outside of this range were never enumerated. Even then, the information was under- reported. According to U.S. Public Health Service estimates, only about 60% of deaths were enumerated in the mortality schedules. ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- TRANSCRIBER REMARKS: Brown County was formed out of Schuyler County in 1839. It is named in honor of U.S. General Jacob Brown, who defeated the British at the Battle of Sackett's Harbor in 1813. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 1 S.R. 4 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 1 HW PAGE NO: 68 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Briggs Jeferson 2 M . . . Illinois Sept . Unknown C . 2 Owens Nancy 64 F . . M N.C. Oct . Fever 15 days . 3 Owens John 5/12 M . . . Ill August . Hooping cough 15 days . 4 Nokes William 45 M . . M N.Y. May Farmer Cholera 1 day . 5 Weir Edward L. 5 M . . . Kentucky Sept . Fell from wagon Suden . 6 Miservy Caroline 1 F . . . Ill Nov . Accidental Suden Miseroy? ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township in generally prairie, very rich and healthy, plenty of timber to support the prairie farmer, excellent land for wheat or corn. Very enterprising people, schools and churches well attended, rock & coal. Plenty **ing water scarce, but plenty of water may be obtained by digging in the prairie from ten to twenty feet. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 2 S.R. 4 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 2 HW PAGE NO: 69 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 New Catherine 38 F . . M Tenisee January . Bilious Colic 15 days . 2 New Agnus 3/12 F . . . Ill April . Plurasy 3 days . 3 Briggs George 1 M . . . Ill March . Hooping cough 90 days . 4 Shinebarker Sarah 30 F . . M New York April . Accidental Suden . 5 Linn Thomas J. 2 M . . . Illinois August . Cholera infantum 15 days . 6 Stinson Mary Ann 1/12 F . . . Illinois March . Unknown Suden . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: There is but few people in this township it beeing mostly military land and owned by the residents. This township is also split in the middle by McKeys Creek, a large and rapid stream running east to the Illinois River. The land is mostly very hilly, brooken, and some barren, but mostly heavy timber, some prairie springs, some limestone and stone. Coal plenty, and from the creek healthy. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 2 S.R. 3 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 3 HW PAGE NO: 72 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Stinson William 3 M . . . Illinois March . Congestive chills 2 days . 2 McDaniel Thomas 2 M . . . Illinois February . Lung fever 15 days . 3 Saratt Mary A. 5 F . . . Illinois June . Unknown C . 4 Newnham James 1 M . . . Illinois Nov . Unknown C . 5 Barker Sharlotte 16 F . . . Mass Feb . Disease of brain 15 days . 6 Barker George 25 M . . M Mass April Farmer Inf'n lungs 15 days . 7 Griswold Rolin 39 M . . M Ct August Farmer Consumption C . 8 Griswold Ellim 79 M . . W Ct August Farmer Consumption C . 9 Griswold Sarah 69 F . . M Ct March . Apoplexy Suden . 10 Upchurch P., Mrs. 73 F . . M N.C. August . Fever 10 days . 11 Knip Elizabeth 1/12 F . . . Illinois March . Unknown Suden . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township lays on either side of McKeys Creek. Mostly thin, broken timbered land, land, abounding in rocks, timber, ores of different discriptions not yet tested, some good. Mill seals not yet ***pyed, not very healthy but few schools, and no churches. Sore eyes (opthalmalgia) and ague have greatly annoyed the good people of this township. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: Not Stated MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 4 HW PAGE NO: 73 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Cox John F. 1/12 M . . . Illinois December . Unknown 4 days . 2 Linn John 2 M . . . Ill July . Hooping cough 15 days . 3 Linn Angeline 1 F . . . Ill July . Hooping cough 6 days . 4 Smith Caroline 45 F . . M Va Feb . Palsy C . 5 Goliher Charles 40 M . . M Ireland Oct Farmer Consumption C . 6 Goliher Jane 30 F . . W Ireland Nov . Steam boat explosion Suden . 7 Goliher Charles 1 M . . . Ill Nov . Steam boat explosion Suden . 8 Bell Levi 1 M . . . Illinois December . Tisic? C . 9 Crawford Calvin 33 M . . M Ohio May Farmer Suicide hanging Suden . 10 Meets Rachel 40 F . . M England Feb . Unknown C Meeks? 11 Meets Elizabeth 17 F . . . England Feb . Lung fever 9 days . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township on the east is heavy timber, generally good farming land, on the west prairie, timber is very good, stone of every description in abundance. Stone cole to any amount. The sore eyes has raged here for years. There is but little interest here in schools, no church in the township or school house that a winter school could be kept in. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 1 N.R. 2 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 5 HW PAGE NO: 76 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Brake Mary 23 F . . M Virginia August . Consumption C . 2 Burton Edwar 6 M . . . Illinois Nov . Unknown C . 3 Amonet John H. 6/12 M . . . Ill July . Cholera infantum 15 days . 4 Stout Luticia 2 F . . . Ill March . Cholera 2 days . 5 Stout Mary 2/12 F . . . Ill April . Unknown 20 days . 6 Ireland Alpheous 7/12 M . . . Ill May . Croop 28 days . 7 Riley Anderson 39 M . . M Tenisee Jan Hooper Inflamation brain 3 days . 8 Hamlin Jesse 40 M . . M Unknown April Laborer Consumption C . 9 Ireland Mrs. 35 F . . M Unknown March . Cholera 1 day . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This is a small fraction of 6 sections including the small village of Ripley, lays on Crooked Creek, heavy timber, plenty of rock of every description. Stone cole in abundance, plenty of running springs, the creek navicable out to the river. The people of this place nearly all potters(?), thought to be sickly. School well attended. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 1 S.R. 2 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 6 HW PAGE NO: 77 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Stiles William 17 M . . . Indiana Feb Blacksmith Consumption C Stites? 2 Duncan Jonathan 33 M . . M Ky January Farmer Lung fever 14 days . 3 Johnson Manda 2 F . . . Illinois July . Inflamation brain 2 days . 4 Johnson Polly 1/12 F . . . Illinois August . Unknown Suden . 5 Brown John 1/12 M . . . Illinois August . Unknown 7 days . 6 Glenn Malinda 20 F . . . Illinois May . Congestive fever 3 days . 7 Lilley Arrena 42 F . . M Ky Sept . Flux 28 days . 8 Lilley George W. 5/12 M . . . Illinois August . Flux 5 days . 9 Summy Matilda 4/12 F . . . Illinois August . Hooping cough 7 days . 10 Hinmon Jane 32 F . . M NY May . Consumption C . 11 Willson Benjamin 67 M . . M Va March Farmer Consumption C . 12 Leverton Rachel 55 F . . M Ohio March . Consumption C . 13 Bliss William H. 3 M . . . Illinois March . Hooping cough 40 days . 14 Peligrew Franklin 21 M . . . Illinois Nov Farmer Thrown from wagon Suden . 15 Willson William 32 M . . . Ky March Farmer Consumption C . 16 Barton David 4 M . . . Illinois June . Hooping cough 4 days . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township lays entirely in the timber, nald generously rich and timber good. Stone of all kinds plenty, springs good and plenty. The face of the country generally level. Crooked Creek runs through the NE part of the township, which is sickly, the sore eye had prevailed to an alarming extent for many monthes. The people inudstrious, school plenty. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: * S.R. 3 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 7 HW PAGE NO: 80 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Garrett Nancy E. 4 F . . . Illinois July . Measels 6 days . 2 Garrett Josiah 2 M . . . Illinois July . Measels 6 days . 3 Garrett Andrew 1 M . . . Illinois July . Measels 9 days . 4 Harper Remethia Ann 8/12 F . . . Illinois May . Dropsey 15 days . 5 Grover Joseph 26 M . . M Ky Nov Carpenter Consumption C . 6 Richey Mary Jane 2 F . . . Illinois August . Measels 15 days . 7 McMillen William 3/12 M . . . Ill Sept . Cholera infantum 4 days . 8 Thomas Fanny 22 F . . M Ky May . Fever 5 days . 9 McHatton Perrenia 32 F . . M Ky June . Bronchitis C McHalton? 10 Prevost Estavilla 19 F . . M Ohio May . Tipus fever 30 days . 11 Hobbs Anthony 44 M . . M Ky April Merchant Typhoid fever 14 days . 12 Brockman Lucinda 2 F . . . Ill May . Cholera infantum 20 days . 13 Bailey Walter L. 3 M . . . Illinois June . Measels 28 days . 14 Brown Pleasant 30 M . . M Tenisee Nov Grocery keeper Kings evil C . 15 Bass John 1 M . . . Illinois August . Cholera infantum 5 days . 16 Aenis Robert 35 M . . . Ireland Sept None Drunkeness 15 days . 17 Allen Chorea 1 F . . . Ill Dec . Unknown 6 days . 18 Brockman Thomas 25 M . . . Ill July ****** Measels 10 days Farmer? Tanner? 19 Brockman Mary 18 F . . . Ill July . Measels 10 days . 20 Brockman J. Friend 26 M . . . Ill Dec Frenologist Unknown 5 days . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township lays about one fourth of it in the west side in the prairie. The east side is good level timbered land, oak, walnut, hickory, elm & different kinds of rock plenty, stone coal in abundance, different kinds of mineral has been found in this twonship, but as yet it has been but little noticed. This part of the county very healthy, the people enterprising, schools flourishing. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 15 R. 1 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 8 HW PAGE NO: 81 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Sisney James O. 40 M . . M Va August . Fever 5 days . 2 Willson Mary 1/12 F . . . Illinois August . Unknown Suden . 3 Mitchel John 1/12 M . . . Illinois June . Unknown Suden . 4 Sulcer Henry 50 M . . M Unknown May None Cholera 1 day . 5 Sulcer Rebecca 40 F . . W Unknown May . Cholera 1 day . 6 Sulcer Clarinda 5 F . . . Illinois May . Cholera 1 day . 7 Houston Theadore 3/12 M . . . Illinois June . Hooping cough 40 days . 8 Carter John 9/12 M . . . Illinois August . Unknown 2 days . 9 Orchard Elizabeth 1/12 F . . . Illinois December . Unknown 5 days . 10 Dawson Joseph 32 M . . M Ohio Feb Teamster Bilious fever 10 days . 11 Huston John C. 45 M . . M Ky May None Drunkeness C . 12 Henry William 50 M . . M Ky May None Drunkeness C . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This fractional township has only 12 section in it. It lays on the Illinois River. The land rich but overflows from the river. Large lakes and swamps in the bottom, lowland prairie, vegetation coarse grass and **** 10 feet long. The bluff land back is high and broken, timber good, good springs and every description of stone. This part of the country sickly and the people much disipated. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 2 S.R. 2 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 9 HW PAGE NO: 84 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Herald Hugh 45 M . . M Virginia July Farmer Cholera 1 day . 2 Herald Rosetta 14 F . . . Virginia July . Cholera 1 day . 3 Figins Sarah 50 F . . M Virginia July . Cholera 1 day . 4 Wethers Catherine 80 F . . W Virginia July . Old age C . 5 Wheeler Samuel 10 M . . . Illinois June . Scarlet fever 28 days . 6 Essex Jacob 30 M . . M NC July Farmer Cholera 1 day . 7 Grady William 35 M . . M NC July Farmer Cholera 2 days . 8 Grady Mrs. 34 F . . . NC July . Cholera 1 day . 9 Townsend G. M. 40 M . . M Tenisee July . Cholera 1 day . 10 Townsend James 15 M . . . Illinois July . Cholera 2 days . 11 Bell Walter 22 M . . . Tenisee July . Cholera 1 day . 12 Herrell Thomas 57 M . . M NC July . Cholera 2 days . 13 Upchurch Catherine 38 F . . M NC August . Fever 10 days . 14 McFarland Cornelias 3 M . . . Illinois August . Fever 10 days . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: The east part of this township lays on the Illinois River, very sickley. Large lakes on the bottom land, the up land good timber, excellent lime stone and sand stone, generously broken. McKeys Creek runs throught the south part and Camp Creek through the north part. The people mostly carlinians but little interest in schools. ========================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: IL COUNTY: Brown TOWNSHIP: 1 N.R. 4 West MICROFILM #: T1133-58 ENUMERATOR: Granville Bond FILE PAGE NO: 10 HW PAGE NO: 85 ========================================================================================================================================= LN# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL F/S M/W BIRTHPLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ========================================================================================================================================= 1 Clark John H. 6 M . . . Illinois Sept . Lung fever 15 days . 2 Hamilton Mary Jane 24 F . . M Illinois Nov . Consumption C . 3 Muntz Simon D. 7/12 M . . . Ohio July . Cholera infantum 2 days . 4 Orr G. B. 65 M . . M Va January Farmer Dropsey C . 5 Garven Mary E. 1 F . . . Illinois August . Hooping cough 15 days . 6 Holding Margaret 7/12 F . . . Ill Feb . Congestive chills 4 days . 7 Gleeson Mary 1/12 F . . . Ill Sept . Unknown Suden . 8 Johnson Martha Jane 3/12 F . . . Illinois August . Hooping cough 28 days . ENUMERATOR REMARKS: This township is about half timber and half prairie. Rock and water in abundance, very healthy. Millions of bushels of stone. Coal of the best kind might be taken from this township, it is found in more than one hundred different places in the township, but of little use to us here. The people industrious and intelligent, schools well attended. ========================================================================================================================================= If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: =========================================================================================================================================