Ada County, ID 1880 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Robert E. Lane and proofread by Linda Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2025 by Robert E. Lane ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Robert E. Lane All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1880 MICROFILM ROLL# NONE STATE IDAHO COUNTY ADA SCHEDULE 5 -- Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880 The 1880 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1879 and ends May 31, 1880 Because death certificates were mostly unknown prior to 1902, enumerators were instructed to collect the name and information for every person who died during the twelve months preceding the official census date. These censuses were taken from 1850 to 1900, although not all have survived. By 1902, most states had implemented vital records laws and the mortality schedules were phased out. It is important to remember that the information is available only for the year immediately preceding the census. Those who died outside of this range were never enumerated. Even then, the information was under- reported. According to U.S. Public Health Service estimates, only about 60% of deaths were enumerated in the mortality schedules. ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1880 Mortality STATE: ID OOUNTY: Ada DISTRICT: Boise City MICROFILM#: None ENUM/DISTR: 1 ENUMERATOR: John M. Lamb FILE PAGE NO: 1 HW PAGE NO: 1 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== FATHER MOTHER OTHER LN# FM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL SNGL MARR W/D BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT PLACE PHYSICIAN-NAME TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 10 Howlett Stephen R. 78 M W X . X Pennsylvania Penn Penn Commission Merch Feb Disease Spinal 15 Yes? W.W. McKay . 2 11 Gazadd John 60 M W X . X New York Penn Mass Farmer Jun Burned to Death 16 . Eph Smith Gagadd? 3 25 Gibson Louise 28 F W . X . Russia Russia Russia Keeping House Apr Consumption 5/12 Nevada W.W. McKay . 4 35 Brassfield Tolman 39 M W . X . Missouri Tennessee Virginia Farmer Aug Disease of Kidney 5/12 In Army A.E. Sanders . 5 35 Brassfield Emma 2 F W X . . Idaho Missouri Iowa . Dec Typhoid Pneumonia 5/12 . C.V. Pierce . 6 35 Tallman Emily 57 F W X . X Ohio Maine Mass Keeping House Feb Typhoid Pneumonia 3/12 Oregon W.W. McKay . 7 46 Cole George L. 1/12 M W X . . Idaho Tennessee Illinois . Oct Spasms 1/12 . Eph Smith . 8 59 Curry Adaline 8/12 F W X . . Idaho Penn Wisconsin . Sep Pneumonia 8/12 . Eph Smith . 9 93 Chamberlain Edith C. 1 F W X . . Idaho New York Wisconsin . Sep Typhoid Fever . Yes W.W. McKay . 10 106 Harris Lucinda 57 F W X . X Illinois Ohio Penn Keeping House Sep Consumption 18 . Eph Smith . 11 108 Foster Isola 4/12 F W X . . Idaho Illinois Missouri . Nov Pneumonia 4/12 . J.L. Stephnes . 12 130 Carpenter George 2/12 M W X . . Idaho New York Oregon . Dec Hooping Cough 2/12 . J.L. Stephnes . 13 152 Pefley John 10/12 M W X . . Idaho Virginia Missouri . Mar Congestion Lungs 10/12 . J.L. Stephnes . 14 163 Reed Alice 1 F W X . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . Jul Drowned 6/12 . No Physician . 15 225 Milliman Elizabeth 53 F W . X . Prussia Prussia Prussia Keeping House Feb Tumor . . H.L. Dansman . 16 339 Byan Norman 6/12 M W X . . Idaho New York Illinois . Nov Hooping Cough 1/12 . J.L. Stephnes . 17 390 Buck Francis 2 F W X . . Idaho NH Conn . Mar Pneumonia 2 . P. Treadwell . 18 443 Munyon Basil 45 M W . X . Ohio Ohio Ohio Blacksmith May Shot . . Cor. Inquest . 19 382 Wholkens Henry 35 M W X . . Prussia Prussia Prussia Laborer Dec Disease of Liver 1 . Eph Smith . 20 382 Dowley Edgar 19 M W X . . Oregon France British Col Laborer May Typhoid Pneumonia 4/12 . Eph Smith . 21 382 Reynolds John 26 M W X . . Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Blacksmith Apr Consumption 6/12 Wisconsin Eph Smith . 22 382 Babock Stephen J. 60 M W X . X Ohio Ohio Ohio Miner Apr Brights Diseash 9 Oregon Eph Smith . 23 184 Glidden Helena J. 46 F W . X . Isle of Man Isle of Man Isle of Man Keeping House Jan Brights Diseash 16 . P. Treadwell . 24 PR Collins Patrick 45 M W . X . . . . Soldier Nov Thrown from Carriage . . Dr. Wilson . 25 PR Barry Thos 45 M W . X . . . . Miner Apr Dis. Of Liver . . Wilson & McKay . 26 PR Johnson John 41 M W . X . . . . Miner Feb Lead Poisoning . . W.W. McKay . 27 PR Minor B. V. 80 M W . . X . . . Minister Nov Brights Diseash . . W.W. McKay . 28 PR Maulett Wm. Mrs. 27 F W . X . . . . Ranchman Wife Sep Typhoid Fever . . W.W. McKay . 29 PR Bildsbuck Carrie 2 F W X . . Idaho . . . Nov Dysentery . . J.L. Stephnes . 30 PR Row Wm. 45 M W . X . . . . Rancher Apr Phthisis . . J.L. Stephnes . 31 PR Healey Michael . M W . . . . . . Soldier Oct Suicide by Shooting . . T.E. Wilcox . 32 PR Warner W. 47 M W . . . . . . Farmer Nov Brights Diseash . . Eph Smith . 34 . Keithly Rob't 35 M W X . . . . . Farmer Nov Epilipsy . . None . 35 . Lindly John C. 60 M W X . . . . . Rancher Mar Epilipsy . . None . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1880 Mortality STATE: ID OOUNTY: Ada DISTRICT: 2 MICROFILM#: None ENUM/DISTR: 2 ENUMERATOR: James D. Agnew FILE PAGE NO: 2 HW PAGE NO: 1 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== FATHER MOTHER OTHER LN# FM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL SNGL MARR W/D BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT PLACE PHYSICIAN-NAME TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 107 Glenn John M. 39 M W . X . Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer Mar Heart Disease 15 . None . 2 165 Glenn Johnathan 15/30 M W X . . Oregon Iowa Oregon Farmer Aug . 5/30 . None . 3 238 Glenn Isaac 52 M W . X . Kentucky Tenn Tenn . Jun Consumption 15 . none . 4 239 Breshears Jas. A. 2 M W X . . Idaho Tenn Ky . Apr Brain Fever 2 . W.W. McKay . 5 274 Latham Nina 14/13 F W X . . Idaho Tenn Mo . Mar . 14/30 . Wm. Clrance . 6 278 Newton Dollie 5 F W X . . Kansas Ohio Ohio . Apr Drowned 5 . None . 7 326 Simpson Corra 2 F W X . . Iowa NY NJ . Nov Typhoid Fever 2 Iowa Wm. Clrance . 8 . Chase Silvester S. 64 M W . X . NH NH NH Merchant Feb Chronic Direah 9/12 Army Wm. Clrance . 9 327 Howard Annie N. 1 F W X . . Idaho Tenn Alabama . Apr Croup 1 . W.W. McKay . 10 333 Smith Annie L. 36 F W . X . NY NY NY . Dec Liver Compl. 10 . Eph Smith . 11 362 Shumson Frank 1 M W X . . Idaho Ky Ky . Sep Congestive Chills 1 . J.L. Stephnes . 12 426 Boyed Ridgley G. 1 M W X . . Idaho Tenn Denmark . Mar Membranous Croup 1 . W.W. McKay . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1880 Mortality STATE: ID OOUNTY: Ada DISTRICT: Payette Valley MICROFILM#: None ENUM/DISTR: 3 ENUMERATOR: Henry F. Steward FILE PAGE NO: 3 HW PAGE NO: 1 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== FATHER MOTHER OTHER LN# FM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COL SNGL MARR W/D BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT PLACE PHYSICIAN-NAME TRANSCRIBER REMARKS (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 1 Stuart James 2 M W X . . Idaho Ireland Ohio . Jan Whooping Cough 2 . Dr. Lee . 2 1 Stuart Marvin 1/12 M W X . . Idaho Ireland Ohio . Jan Whooping Cough 1/12 . Dr. Lee . 3 19 Kannady Harriet 29 F W . X . Ireland Ireland Ireland Keeping House Jun Operation for *** 6 . P. Treadwell . 4 22 Welch George 25 M W X . . Kansas Kansas Kansas Laborer Aug Sunstroke 6/12 . P. Treadwell . 5 39 Bivens David M. 51 M W . X . Missourig Kentucky Kentucky Farmer Nov Disease of Heart 12 . D.L. Stephens . 6 41 Lyle Garth L. 34 M W . X . Illinois Ohio Ohio Laborer Mar Accidental Gunshot 8 . . . 7 41 Pince . 0 F W X . . Idaho Penn Missouris . Jan Stillborn 0 . . . 8 50 Biggerstaff . 0 F W X . . Idaho Ohio Iowa . Nov Premature Birth 0 . D.L. Stephens Trans to Colorado 9 52 Mabley William 1/12 M W X . . Colorado Ohio Ohio . Nov Inflam. Of Bowels 1/12 . . . 10 57 Klingbeck . 0 M W X . . Idaho Denmark Den . May Stillborn 0 . . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: =====================================================================================================================================================================================================