Newton, GA 1920 Federal Census (File 6 of 6 for ED:113) This Census was transcribed by Ross Jones and proofread by Maggie Croft for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2003 by Ross Jones ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1920 Microfilm Roll #T625-271 State GEORGIA County Newton ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 287A 1 113 16A S. West Street 321 399 Couch John D. Boarder . . M B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 2 113 16A S. West Street 321 399 Couch Clory M. Boarder . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 3 113 16A S. West Street 321 399 Jordan Oseline Adopted daughter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 4 113 16A S. West Street 322 400 Hicks Charlie Head O F M B 40 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer Farm W . . 287A 5 113 16A S. West Street 322 400 Hicks Allie L. daughter . . F B 19 Un+P4 . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 287A 6 113 16A S. West Street 322 400 Hicks O Dessa daughter . . F B 16 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 287A 7 113 16A S. West Street 322 400 Hicks Allie L. Mother . . F B 65 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 8 113 16A S. West Street 322 499 Blassemgame Annie M. Boarder . . F B 28 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 287A 9 113 16A S. West Street 322 400 Capers Emma Boarder . . F B 60 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 287A 10 113 16A S. West Street 323 401 Roberson Warren Head O F M B 55 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Porter Depot W . . 287A 11 113 16A S. West Street 323 401 Roberson Carrie Wife . . F B 47 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 12 113 16A S. West Street 324 402 Henderson Lula R. Head R . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 287A 13 113 16A S. West Street 324 402 Griscome Minnie L. Sister . . F B 16 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 287A 14 113 16A S. West Street 324 403 Moore Joe Head R . M B 23 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Service W . . 287A 15 113 16A S. West Street 325 404 Meps George Head O F M B 65 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Oil Mill W . . 287A 16 113 16A S. West Street 325 404 Meps Lula Wife . . F B 65 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 17 113 16A S. West Street 325 404 Fretwell Janie Boarder . . F B 60 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 287A 18 113 16A S. West Street 326 405 Luckie Carswell C. Head O F M B 52 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Rock Worker Quarry W . . 287A 19 113 16A S. West Street 326 405 Luckie Cherrie Wife . . F B 48 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 20 113 16A S. West Street 326 405 Luckie Lillan daughter . . F B 36 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 21 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Capers Oscar Head O F M B 55 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes drayman City Oa . . 287A 22 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Capers Adeline Mother . . F B 73 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 287A 23 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Clark Claude daughter . . F B 27 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 287A 24 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Clark Walter Grandson . . M B 6 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 25 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Clark Oscar Grandson . . M B 5 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 26 113 16A S. West Street 327 406 Clark Annie F. Grandaughter . . F B 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 27 113 16A Washington Street 328 407 Ballard Frank D. Head O F M W 60 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer Farm (Retired) Oa . . 287A 28 113 16A Washington Street 328 407 Ballard Mamie L. Wife . . F W 65 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 29 113 16A Washington Street 328 408 Ballard Robert H. Head R . M W 29 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Salesman *ractor Co. W . . 287A 30 113 16A Washington Street 328 408 Ballard Eva Wife . . F W 27 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 31 113 16A Washington Street 328 408 Ballard Annele daughter . . F W 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 32 113 16A Washington Street 328 408 Ballard Mary Frank daughter . . F W 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 33 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Sam P., Sr. Head O F M W 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes dairyman Dairy Oa . . 287A 34 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Emma Wife . . F W 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 35 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Verna daughter . . F W 17 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 36 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Annett daughter . . F w 15 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 37 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Sam P., Sr. Son . . M W 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . Note: Sr. per enumerator. Obviously in error. 287A 38 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Mamie daughter . . F W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 39 113 16A Washington Street 329 409 Thomas Ruth daughter . . F W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 40 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Hubert H. Head R . M W 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Butcher Meat Market W . . 287A 41 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Scabe Wife . . F W 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 42 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Willie M. Son . . M W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 43 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Mattie L. daughter . . F W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 44 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Katie L. daughter . . F W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 45 113 16A Washington Street 330 410 Gunn Francis L. daughter . . F W 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287A 46 113 16A Washington Street 331 411 Austin Mattie L. Head O F M W 45 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes drayman City Oa . . 287A 47 113 16A Washington Street 331 411 Austin Mary Wife . . F W 42 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 48 113 16A Washington Street 331 411 Austin Nona M. daughter . . F W 17 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 49 113 16A Washington Street 331 411 Austin Mercer Son . . M W 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287A 50 113 16A Washington Street 331 411 Austin Pauline daughter . . F W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 287B 51 113 16B Washington Street 331 411 Austin Walter Son . . M W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 52 113 16B Washington Street 331 411 Austin Margaret daughter . . F W 6/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 53 113 16B Washington Street 332 412 Weaver Tom Head O M M B 50 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 287B 54 113 16B Washington Street 332 412 Weaver Florence Wife . . F B 42 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 55 113 16B Washington Street 332 412 Weaver James Son . . M B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 56 113 16B Washington Street 332 412 Weaver Ruth daughter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 57 113 16B Washington Street 333 413 Williams Hesjkiah Head R . M B 60 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Well digger City Oa . . 287B 58 113 16B Washington Street 333 413 Williams Lucy Wife . . F B 34 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 287B 59 113 16B Washington Street 333 414 Arnold Willie Head Un . M B 34 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Well digger City Oa . . 287B 60 113 16B Washington Street 333 414 Arnold Bessie M. Wife . . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 61 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane William T. Head R . M W 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer Farm Oa . . 287B 62 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane Lira Wife . . F W 28 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 63 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane James Son . . M W 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 64 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane Aaron Son . . M W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 65 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane Thomas Son . . M W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 66 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane Lorine daughter . . F W 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 67 113 16B Washington Street 334 415 Lane Clifford Son . . M W 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 68 113 16B Washington Street 335 416 Weaver Fexas C. Head O F M B 38 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Electrician Cotton Mill W . . 287B 69 113 16B Washington Street 335 416 Usher O Dessa S. Neice . . F B 24 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 70 113 16B Washington Street 336 417 Carroll Isaic Head O M M B 30 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer Farm Oa . . 287B 71 113 16B Washington Street 336 417 Carroll Mary Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 72 113 16B Washington Street 337 418 Williams John Head 0 * M B 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes drayman Cotton Mill W . . 287B 73 113 16B Washington Street 337 418 Williams O Dessa Wife . . F B 27 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 74 113 16B Washington Street 337 418 Williams Lucy M. daughter . . F B 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 75 113 16B Washington Street 338 419 Ferrell George Head R . M B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 287B 76 113 16B Washington Street 338 419 Ferrell Mandy Wife . . F B 32 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 77 113 16B Washington Street 338 419 White Willie Stepdaughter . . F B 18 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 78 113 16B Washington Street 338 419 Pitts John Boarder . . M B 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 287B 79 113 16B Washington Street 338 419 Pitts Johnson Brother in Law . . M B 29 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 287B 80 113 16B Washington Street 338 420 Hemderson Frank Head R . M B 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes drayman Cotton Mill W . . 287B 81 113 16B Washington Street 338 420 Henderson Mattie Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 82 113 16B Washington Street 338 420 Hill Lessie Boarder . . F B 19 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 83 113 16B Washington Street 339 421 Broughton Maggie B. Head O F F B *2 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 287B 84 113 16B Washington Street 339 422 Broughton Joseph Head R . M B 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 287B 85 113 16B Washington Street 339 422 Broughton Rosa Wife . . F B 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laundrywoman Home W . . 287B 86 113 16B Washington Street 339 422 Broughton Maggie J. daughter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 87 113 16B Washington Street 339 422 Broughton Olden daughter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 88 113 16B Washington Street 340 423 Banks Charlie Head R . M B 28 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 287B 89 113 16B Washington Street 340 423 Banks Ella Wife . . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 90 113 16B Washington Street 340 424 Pitts Ike Head R . M B 55 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 287B 91 113 16B Washington Street 340 424 Pitts Irene Wife . . F B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 287B 92 113 16B Washington Street 340 425 **ain Benjamin Head R . M B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Farm W . . 287B 93 113 16B Washington Street 340 425 **ain Ida Wife . . F B 22 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 287B 94 113 16B Washington Street 340 425 Pitts Eddie Boarder . . M B 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 95 113 16B Washington Street 340 425 Banks Viola Boarder . . F B 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 96 113 16B Washington Street 341 426 Hill Fletcher B. Head O F M W 29 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Salesman dry goods Store W . . 287B 97 113 16B Washington Street 341 426 Hill Bessie Wife . . F W 28 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 287B 98 113 16B Washington Street 341 426 Hill Fletcher G. Son . . M B 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 99 113 16B Washington Street 341 426 Hill George T. Son . . M W 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 287B 100 113 16B Washington Street 341 426 Cowan Elon Sister in Law . . F W 23 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 288A 1 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 342 427 Malone Mamie L. Head R . F B 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288A 2 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 342 427 Johnson Howard Son . . M B 15 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes delivery Boy Grocery Store W . . 288A 3 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 342 427 Rollins Mamie L. Boarder . . F B 24 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 4 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 342 427 Brown Warren Boarder . . M B 25 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 288A 5 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 343 428 Barnett Addie Head R . F B 44 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 6 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 343 428 Barnett Clara P. daughter . . F B 15 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Nurse Private Family W . . 288A 7 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 343 428 Barnett Allie L. daughter . . F B 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 8 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 343 428 Hight Willie Tell Neice . . F B 14 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Waitress Restaurant . . . 288A 9 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 343 429 Flenory Annie Head R . F B 30 Un . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 10 113 17A Stone Mt. Street 344 430 Doddie Bessie Head R . F B 32 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 11 113 17A West Street 345 431 Clark Mary E. Head O F F W 70 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 12 113 17A West Street 345 431 Clark Tempe W. Sister . . F W 55 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 13 113 17A West Street 346 432 Morris Eliza Head O F F B 54 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288A 14 113 17A West Street 346 433 Scott Will Head R . M B 31 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Presser Pressing Club Oa . . 288A 15 113 17A West Street 346 433 Scott Olena Wife . . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 16 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Lou Head R . F B 70 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288A 17 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Alene daughter . . F B 20 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 288A 18 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Corene daughter . . F B 16 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 288A 19 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Lizzie daughter . . F B 15 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 288A 20 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Robert H. Grandson . . M B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288A 21 113 17A West Street 347 434 Henderson Ezra Grandson . . M B 9/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288A 22 113 17A West Street 347 435 Morris Will Head R . M B 28 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Fertilizer Plant W . . 288A 23 113 17A West Street 347 435 Morris Lucy Wife . . F B 26 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 24 113 17A West Street 347 436 Cook Cleo Head R . F B 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Presser Pressing Club W . . 288A 25 113 17A West Street 347 436 Strong Adolpha Son . . M B 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288A 26 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Emmett Head O M M B 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Marble Worker marble Yard W 434 . 288A 27 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Millie Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 28 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Marvin Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 29 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Lenord Son . . M B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 30 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Cleveland Son . . M B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 31 113 17A West Street 348 437 Hammonds Ruby I. daughter . . F B 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 32 113 17A West Street 349 438 Lewis Malinda Head R . F B 55 Un . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 33 113 17A West Street 349 438 Jones Ella daughter . . F B 33 Un . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cleaner Cotton Mill W . . 288A 34 113 17A West Street 350 439 Hicks Willie Head R . M B 43 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer dry goods Store W . . 288A 35 113 17A West Street 350 439 Hicks Mattie L. Wife . . F B 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 36 113 17A West Street 350 439 Kimball Irene Boarder . . F B 19 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 37 113 17A West Street 351 440 Henderson Will L. Head O F M B 46 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer Farm Oa . . 288A 38 113 17A West Street 351 440 Henderson Addie Wife . . F B 45 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 39 113 17A West Street 352 441 Lee Tarl Head O F M B 52 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 288A 40 113 17A West Street 352 441 Lee Sara Wife . . F B 50 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 41 113 17A West Street 353 442 Clark Stonie Head O F M B 42 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Garage W . . 288A 42 113 17A West Street 353 442 Clark Addie Wife . . F B 36 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 43 113 17A West Street 353 442 Kennon Lelia Sister in Law . . F B 42 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Hair Dresser Home Oa . . 288A 44 113 17A West Street 354 443 Davis Rube Head R . M B 30 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes laborer Public Service W . . 288A 45 113 17A West Street 354 443 Davis Florrie Wife . . F B 23 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 46 113 17A West Street 354 443 Mitchell Marie Boarder . . F B 25 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 288A 47 113 17A West Street 355 444 Middleton Auther Head R . M B 33 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Rail Road W . . 288A 48 113 17A West Street 355 444 Middleton Seastie Wife . . F B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 49 113 17A West Street 355 444 Middleton Lucile daughter . . F B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288A 50 113 17A West Street 355 444 Middleton Ruth daughter . . F B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 288B 51 113 17B West Street 355 444 Middleton Mildred daughter . . F B 5 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 52 113 17B West Street 355 444 Middleton Sara R. daughter . . F B 7/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 53 113 17B West Street 355 444 Easley Frederick Brother in Law . . M B 32 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Hardware Store W . . 288B 54 113 17B West Street 356 445 Wright Jack Head O F M B 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Retail Merchant Stand Oa . . 288B 55 113 17B West Street 356 445 Wright Lillie B. Wife . . F B 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Helper Stand W . . 288B 56 113 17B West Street 356 445 Spivy Sophia Mother in Law . . F B 57 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288B 57 113 17B West Street 357 446 Choat Mandie Head O F F B 55 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288B 58 113 17B West Street 357 446 Choat Minnie L. daughter . . F B 24 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288B 59 113 17B West Street 358 447 Weaver Jim Head R . M B 28 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Service W . . 288B 60 113 17B West Street 358 447 Weaver Marie Wife . . F B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 61 113 17B West Street 358 447 Weaver Florence daughter . . F B 5 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 62 113 17B West Street 358 447 Weaver Clifford Son . . M B 3 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 63 113 17B West Street 358 447 Weaver Mary L. daughter . . F B 11/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 64 113 17B West Street 359 448 Bullock Frank Head R . M B 53 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Oil Mill W . . 288B 65 113 17B West Street 359 448 Bullock Lucindy Wife . . F B 52 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W 922 . 288B 66 113 17B West Street 359 448 Bullock Charlie Son . . M B 25 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Presser Pressing Club W 446 . 288B 67 113 17B West Street 360 449 Aiken Robert Head R . M B 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes drayman Express Co. W 612 . 288B 68 113 17B West Street 360 449 Aiken Minnie Wife . . F B 34 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes laundrywoman Home W 933 . 288B 69 113 17B West Street 360 449 Aiken Ethel daughter . . F B 16 Un . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 70 113 17B West Street 360 449 Aiken Viola daughter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 71 113 17B West Street 361 450 Puckett Viola Head O F F B 47 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Farmer Oa . Note: ******** Last Year. 288B 72 113 17B West Street 361 450 Puckett Tom Son . . M B 33 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Farm W . . 288B 73 113 17B West Street 361 450 Puckett Jonnie Son . . M B 19 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Hardware Store W . . 288B 74 113 17B West Street 361 450 Puckett Dora daughter in Law . . F B 20 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 75 113 17B West Street 361 450 Puckett Elzora Adopted daughter . . F B 11 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 76 113 17B West Street 362 451 Alford Martin Head O F M B 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 288B 77 113 17B West Street 362 451 Alford Corene Wife . . F B 36 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288B 78 113 17B West Street 362 451 Alford Levatie daughter . . F B 16 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 288B 79 113 17B West Street 362 451 Alford Rosa daughter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 80 113 17B West Street 363 452 Edwards John H. Head R . M W 51 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Carpenter House W . . 288B 81 113 17B West Street 363 452 Edwards Lula Wife . . F W 44 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 82 113 17B West Street 363 452 Edwards Perry *. Son . . M W 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Repair Man Shoe Shop W . . 288B 83 113 17B West Street 363 452 Edwards Idose R. Son . . M W 18 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Farm W . . 288B 84 113 17B West Street 363 452 Edwards Chloe L. daughter . . F W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 85 113 17B West Street 364 453 Bradley Minnie Head R . F B 27 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . 288B 86 113 17B West Street 364 453 Bradley Scott Son . . M B 14 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 288B 87 113 17B West Street 364 453 Bradley Jim Son . . M B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes bottle washer Chiro Cola Plant . . . 288B 88 113 17B West Street 364 453 Bradley Ruby N. daughter . . F B 10 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 89 113 17B West Street 364 453 Bradley Ikey Son . . M B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 90 113 17B West Street 365 454 Tripp Will Head O M M B 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 288B 91 113 17B West Street 365 454 Tripp Ella Wife . . F B 43 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 92 113 17B West Street 366 455 Floyd John Head O F M B 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Brick Mason House W . . 288B 93 113 17B West Street 366 455 Floyd Ada Wife . . F B 34 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 94 113 17B West Street 366 455 Floyd Martha daughter . . F B 6 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 288B 95 113 17B West Street 366 455 Floyd John G. Son . . M B 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 288B 96 113 17B Washington Street 367 456 Turner George Head O F M B 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Presser Pressing Club Oa . . 288B 97 113 17B Washington Street 367 456 Turner Mattie Wife . . M B 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Hair dresser Home Oa . Note: Sex per enumerator. 288B 98 113 17B Washington Street 369 458 Bullock Joe Head R . M B 63 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . Note: Dwelling & Family Nos. per enumerator. 288B 99 113 17B Washington Street 369 458 Anderson Sam Boarder . . M B 35 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 288B 100 113 17B Washington Street 370 459 Henderson Willie M. Head R . M B 22 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Washwoman Private Family W . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 289A 1 113 18A Emory Street 371 460 Cooper James Head R . M B 19 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 289A 2 113 18A Emory Street 371 460 Cooper Nettie Wife . . F B 19 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 289A 3 113 18A Emory Street 372 461 Hendricks Tom Head R . M B 21 Un . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 289A 4 113 18A Emory Street 372 461 Whitfield Mary Boarder . . F B 19 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 289A 5 113 18A Emory Street 372 462 Allen Ruth Head R . F B 24 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Sweeper Cotton Mill W . . 289A 6 113 18A Emory Street 372 462 Allen Willie Son . . M B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 7 113 18A Emory Street 372 462 Allen Leslie daughter . . F B 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 8 113 18A Emory Street 372 462 Whitfield Jim L. Son . . M B 3 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 9 113 18A Brown St. 373 463 Allen Dennis Head O F M B 67 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 289A 10 113 18A Brown St. 373 463 Terrell Annie Boarder . . F B 28 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Nurse Private Family W . . 289A 11 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Crenshaw Josiah R. Head R . M W 60 M . . . . Yes Yes South Carolina . South Carolina . South carolina . Yes Blacksmith Shop Oa . . 289A 12 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Crenshaw Frances Wife . . F B 56 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 13 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Crenshaw Grover C. Son . . M W 29 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . South Carolina . Georgia . Yes Painter House W . . 289A 14 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Ella daughter . . F W 38 D . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . South Carolina . Georgia . Yes Saleslady Store W . . 289A 15 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Ruby B. Grandaughter . . F W 16 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Saleslady Store W . . 289A 16 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Rosa L. Grandaughter . . F W 15 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 17 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Randall Grandson . . M W 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 18 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Ralph Grandson . . M W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 19 113 18A Brown St. 374 464 Graham Francis L. Grandaughter . . F W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 20 113 18A Brown St. 375 465 Wilkerson Julia Head R . F B 37 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289A 21 113 18A Corley Street 376 466 Washington Reuben Head R . M B 29 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W 306 . 289A 22 113 18A Corley Street 376 466 Washington O Dessa Wife . . F B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Teacher School W . . 289A 23 113 18A Corley Street 376 466 Washington davis Son . . M B 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 24 113 18A Corley Street 376 466 Washington Lewis Son . . M B 10/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 25 113 18A Corley Street 376 466 Davis Lula Mother in Law . . F B 43 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289A 26 113 18A Corley Street 377 467 Ward Dave Head R . M B 38 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Farm W . . 289A 27 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Albert D. Head O F M W 53 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Ordinary City of Covington W . . 289A 28 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Ida M. Wife . . F W 52 M . . . . Yes Yes Alabama . Georgia . Alabama . Yes None . . . . 289A 29 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Lucile M. daughter . . F W 24 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Alabama . Yes Teacher School W . . 289A 30 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Victor K. Son . . M W 19 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Alabama . Yes None . . . . 289A 31 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Loundes Son . . M W 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Alabama . Yes Salesman Insurance W . . 289A 32 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Helen daughter . . F W 17 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Alabama . Yes None . . . . 289A 33 113 18A Corley Street 378 468 Meador Joseph Father . . M W 85 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 34 113 18A Corley Street 379 469 Winkfield Jerry Head O F M B 58 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Oil Mill W . . 289A 35 113 18A Corley Street 379 469 Winkfield Nettie Wife . . F B 49 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 36 113 18A Corley Street 379 470 Carter J. D. Head R . M B 26 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Oil Mill W . . 289A 37 113 18A Corley Street 379 470 Carter Calie Wife . . F B 21 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 38 113 18A Corley Street 379 470 Carter Elizabeth daughter . . F B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 39 113 18A Corley Street 380 471 Cook Tommie Head R . F B 28 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Seamstress Home Oa . . 289A 40 113 18A Corley Street 380 471 Cook Burnell Son . . M B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 41 113 18A Corley Street 380 472 Fears Oscar Head R . M B 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Brakeman Rail Road W . . 289A 42 113 18A Corley Street 380 472 Fears Tweddie Wife . . F B 31 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 43 113 18A Corley Street 380 472 Fears Grace E. daughter . . F B 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 44 113 18A Corley Street 380 472 Fears Jimmie G. Son . . M B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 45 113 18A Corley Street 380 472 Fears Asberry Son . . M B 3 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 46 113 18A Corley Street 381 473 Redmond John H. Head R . M W 46 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Warden Convict Camp W . . 289A 47 113 18A Corley Street 381 473 Redmond Mary L. Wife . . F W 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289A 48 113 18A Corley Street 381 473 Redmond Minnie M. daughter . . F W 12 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Operator Telegraph Co. W . . 289A 49 113 18A Corley Street 381 473 Redmond Agnes daughter . . F W 5 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289A 50 113 18A Corley Street 381 473 Guinn Joel J. Head R . M W 53 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Retail Merchant dry goods Store Em . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 289B 51 113 18B Bohannan St. 382 474 Bohannan Bradford Head R . M W 52 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Policeman City W . . 289B 52 113 18B Bohannan St. 382 474 Bohannan Nancy C. Wife . . F W 55 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 53 113 18B Bohannan St. 382 474 Bohannan David B. Son . . M W 22 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Contractor House W . . 289B 54 113 18B Bohannan St. 382 474 Bohannan Mary B. daughter . . F W 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 55 113 18B Bohannan St. 382 474 Hackett Whittacer Father in law . . M W 85 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 56 113 18B Bohannan St. 383 475 Hatcher Woodie W., Sr. Head R . M B 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Carpenter House W . . 289B 57 113 18B Bohannan St. 383 475 Hatcher Dora Wife . . F B 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 58 113 18B Bohannan St. 383 475 Hatcher Woodie W., Jr. Son . . M B 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 59 113 18B Bohannan St. 383 475 Hatcher Charlie S. Son . . M B 5 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 60 113 18B Bohannan St. 383 475 Hatcher Robert B. Son . . M B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 61 113 18B Bohannan St. 384 476 Shy Matilda Head R . F B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289B 62 113 18B Bohannan St. 384 476 Starr Maranda Head R . F B 50 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Nurse Private Family W . . 289B 63 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 385 477 Strong Hattie Head R . F B 54 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289B 64 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 385 478 Lovejoy Anna Head R . F B 35 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289B 65 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 385 478 Lovejoy Willie M. daughter . . F B 15 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Nurse Private Family W . . 289B 66 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 386 479 Moses Maggie Head R . F B 23 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Hair dresser Home W . . 289B 67 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 386 479 Mann Doc Boarder . . M B 65 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Work W . . 289B 68 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 386 479 Heard Joe Boarder . . M B 18 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Carnival W . . 289B 69 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 386 479 Hawkins Robert Border . . M B 20 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Carnival W . . 289B 70 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 387 480 Harp Tom Head R . M B 44 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 289B 71 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 387 480 Harp Georgia Wife . . F B 43 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289B 72 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 387 480 Harp Mary daughter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 73 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 387 480 Harp B***amie daughter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 74 113 18B Stone Mt. St. 387 480 Harp harry Son . . M B 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 75 113 18B Arnold St., S. 387 480 Harp Asa Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 76 113 18B Arnold St., S. 388 481 Davis John M. Head O F M W 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes salesman Lumber Yard W . . 289B 77 113 18B Arnold St., S. 388 481 Davis Stella B. Wife . . F W 34 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Saleslady dry goods Store W . . 289B 78 113 18B Arnold St., S. 388 481 Richards Hester E. Neice . . F w 15 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 79 113 18B Arnold St., S. 389 482 Cruse Sara E. Head O F F W 60 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Saleslady dry goods Store W . . 289B 80 113 18B Arnold St., S. 389 482 Holtsclaw Twella Sister . . F W 63 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 81 113 18B Brown St. 390 483 Wood Will Head R . M B 34 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer dry goods Store W . . 289B 82 113 18B Brown St. 390 483 Wood Annie M. daughter . . F B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 83 113 18B Brown St. 390 483 Wood Bemick Son . . M B 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 84 113 18B Brown St. 390 483 Collins Nane Boarder . . M B 35 Un . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer dry goods Store W . . 289B 85 113 18B Brown St. 390 484 Lee Susie Head . . F B 37 Un . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes cook Private Family W . . 289B 86 113 18B Brown St. 390 484 Lee Robert daughter . . M B 14 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cleaner Picture Show W . Note: Relation per enumerator. 289B 87 113 18B Brown St. 391 485 Choat John P., Sr. Heasd O F M B 42 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Brick Layer House W . . 289B 88 113 18B Brown St. 391 485 Choat Ida Wife . . F B 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 89 113 18B Brown St. 391 485 Choat John P., Jr. Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 90 113 18B Brown St. 391 485 Choat James Son . . M B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 91 113 18B Brown St. 391 485 Choat Ida M. daughter . . F B 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 289B 92 113 18B Brown St. 392 486 Berry Hannah Head R . F B 32 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 289B 93 113 18B Brown St. 392 486 Berry Willie M. daughter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 94 113 18B Brown St. 393 487 Little Joe Head R . M B 67 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 289B 95 113 18B Brown St. 393 487 Harrison Annie daughter . . F B 39 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Nurse Private Family W . . 289B 96 113 18B Brown St. 393 487 Harrison Rosa Grandaughter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 97 113 18B Brown St. 394 488 Mote Wilbur L. Head R . M W 26 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Mechanic Garage W . . 289B 98 113 18B Brown St. 394 488 Mote Louis C. Wife . . F W 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 99 113 18B Brown St. 394 488 Mote Boyce Brother . . M W 18 Un . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 289B 100 113 18B Brown St. 394 488 Mote Albert Brother . . M W 16 Un . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton INCORP-PLACE: City of Covington MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 113th ENUMERATOR: David C. Butler ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 1920 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# DISTR NO. STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 290A 1 113 19A Brown St. 395 489 Glover Charlie Head R . M B 35 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Cotton Mill W . . 290A 2 113 19A Brown St. 395 489 Glover Lennett Wife . . F B 36 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 290A 3 113 19A Brown St. 395 489 Glover Ana daughter . . F B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 290A 4 113 19A Brown St. 396 490 Clark Chester Head R . M B 24 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Farm W . . 290A 5 113 19A Brown St. 396 490 Clark Alice Wife . . F B 22 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 6 113 19A Brown St. 396 490 Clark Anna *. daughter . . F B 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 290A 7 113 19A Brown St. 396 490 Wright Arnold Boarder . . M B 92 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laborer Public Service W . . 290A 8 113 19A Brown St. 397 491 Watson Monroe Head O F M B 25 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes salesman Lunch Stand Oa . . 290A 9 113 19A Brown St. 397 491 Wood Lawrence N. Head R . M W 21 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Mechanic Garage W . . 290A 10 113 19A Brown St. 397 491 Wood Alice Wife . . F W 21 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 11 113 19A Brown St. 397 491 Wood Ina E. daughter . . F W 1 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 290A 12 113 19A Brown St. 398 492 Sanders Jack W. Head R . M W 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Engineer Rail Road W . . 290A 13 113 19A Brown St. 398 492 Sanders Annie Wife . . F W 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 14 113 19A Brown St. 398 492 Sanders Catherine daughter . . F W 9/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 290A 15 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Hay Sam M., Sr. Head R . M W 53 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Shurraff Newton County W . . 290A 16 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Hay Essie M. Wife . . F W 51 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 17 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Hay Issac C. Son . . M W 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 18 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Hay Sam M., Jr. Son . . M W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 290A 19 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Hay William O. Son . . M W 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 290A 20 113 19A Brown St. 399 493 Neely Oliver Boarder . . M W 32 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Treasurer Newton County W . .