Baker County, GA 1850 Mortality Census (File 1 of 1 for entire county) This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by Robert E. Lane for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2025 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Robert E. Lane All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MORTALITY MICROFILM-#: T655-7 STATE GEORGIA COUNTY BAKER SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 Because death certificates were mostly unknown prior to 1902, enumerators were instructed to collect the name and information for every person who died during the twelve months preceding the official census date. These censuses were taken from 1850 to 1900, although not all have survived. By 1902, most states had implemented vital records laws and the mortality schedules were phased out. It is important to remember that the information is available only for the year immediately preceding the census. Those who died outside of this range were never enumerated. Even then, the information was under- reported. According to U.S. Public Health Service estimates, only about 60% of deaths were enumerated in the mortality schedules. ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ======================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: GA County: Baker DISTRICT: not listed ENUMERATOR: A. P. Greer FILE PAGE NO: 1 HW PAGE NO: 3 ======================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================== 1 Platt John Henry 9 M . . . Georgia Oct'r Student Gastretis 11 days . 2 . Bill 2 M M S . Georgia May . Unknown 7 days "Platts boy" 3 Wingard Alexander Jasper 6 M . . . S C July Student Tyfoid fever 13 days . 4 . January 1 M B S . Geo January . Dropsy 30 days "Sundays boy" 5 . Lizar 4 F B S . Geo Albany Febr'y . Burnt 1 day "Sundays girl" 6 . Ellick 24 M B S . Unknown July . Inflam of B 20 days "McGeviers boy" 7 Greer Archibald T. 7/12 M . . . Geo Albany Aug't . Inflam of B 5 weeks . 8 Ollivant Josiah 32 M . . M Geo . Farmer Cancer 6 mos No death month written 9 . Cary 66 M B S . Va Febr'y . Hurt 14 days "Freemans man" 10 William Alexander 5 M . . . Ga April . Dropsy 1 year . 11 Faircloth Elizabeth, Mrs. 48 F . . M Ga April . Dropsy 1 year . 12 . . 2 F M S . Ga May . Worms 30 days "Wilkersons girl" 13 . . 2 F M S . Ga June . Worms 30 days "Wilkersons girl" 14 . . 2 M B S . Ga Dec'r . Worms 30 days "Wilkersons boy" 15 . . 2 M B S . Ga Dec'r . Worms 30 days "Wilkersons boy" 16 . . 6/12 M B S . Ga Febr'y . Rising in Ht 10 days "Sibleys boy" 17 . . 3/12 M M S . Ga Aug't . . 7 days "Sibleys boy" 18 Wolly John Walker 1 2/3 M . . . Ala Sept'r . Worms Sudden . 19 Sheppard Jno Victora 3 M . . . Geo Aug't . Fever 17 days . 20 . Ben 3 M M S . Va Aug't . Dropsy 3 mos "Nelsons boy" 21 Mock Rhoda 16 F . . . Germany Nov'r . Tyfoid Fe 5 days . 22 Bishop Maseph 20 M . . . Geo June Wagoner Conges Fe 4 days . 23 Hampton Willantha, Mrs. 36 F . . M Geo July . Sudden 2 years . 24 . . 2 F B S . Geo Oct'r . Croup 1 day "Bells girl" 25 Knowles Nancy E. M. 2 F . . . Fla July . Inflam of B 4 days . 26 Knowles Catharine J. 3/12 F . . . Geo July . Inflam of B 6 days . 27 . Mary 5 . B S . Geo June . Killed 1 day "Webbs girl" 28 Sims Nancy George 3 F . . . Geo Oct'r . Fever 2 days . 29 Childers Ada R. 1 F . . . Geo Sept'r . Fever 1 mo . 30 . Polly 4 F B S . Geo Sept'r . Conges chill 6 days "Childers V girl" 31 . James 2/12 M B S . Geo Dec'r . Croup 3 days "Brown Ws Boy" 32 . Milla 20 F B S . Geo Jan'y . Child bed 4 days "Dickinsons negro woman" 33 . . 2/12 M B S . Geo May . Convulsion 1 day "Dickinsons negro child" 34 . Nancy 35 F M S . Unknown Jan'y . Dropsy 10 mo "Cliftons girl" 35 Faircloth Mary F. 4 F . . . Geo July . Fever 4 days . ======================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: GA County: Baker DISTRICT: not listed ENUMERATOR: A. P. Greer FILE PAGE NO: 2 HW PAGE NO: 5 ======================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================== 1 . Martha 1 F B S . Georgia May . Fits Sudden "Minchews negro girl" 2 . Polly 2 F B S . Georgia May . Unknown . "Keatons negro girl" 3 . Pinkin 2 F B S . Georgia . . . . "Keatons negro girl" 4 . Alford 1/12 M B S . Georgia . . . . "Keatons negro boy" 5 . Simon 1 M B S . Georgia . . . . "Keatons negro boy" 6 . Gabe 1/12 M B S . Georgia . . . . "Keatons negro boy" 7 . Silva 1 F B S . Georgia April . Poison 1 mo "Crugers negro girl" 8 . George 36 M B S . Georgia January . Killed Sudden "Walkers boy" 9 . Sandy 5 M B S . Georgia October . Worms 3 days "Jno Dokes boy" 10 Orr Rebecca, Miss 10 F . . . Georgia Nov'r . Inflam of B 6 days . 11 Orr Lydia 5 F . . . Georgia Nov'r . Worms 9 days . 12 . . 1/12 M B S . Georgia April . Unknown Sudden "Bells negro boy" 13 . . 1 F B S . Georgia March . Unknown 30 days "Bells negro girl" 14 . Granville 3 M B S . Georgia Aug't . Unknown Unknown "J. Tompkins negro boy" 15 . . 10/12 M B S . Georgia Sept'r . Worms Sudden "P. M. Nightingales negro boy" 16 . . 2/12 M B S . Georgia May . Worms Sudden "P. M. Nightingales negro boy" 17 . Brister 42 M B S . N C Sept'r . Dropsy 450 days "Knowles negro boy" 18 Wheeler Caroline 1/12 F . . . Geo Albany Aug't . Hives 3 days . 19 Kitchens Mary E. 6/12 F . . . Geo Aug't . Fever 10 days . 20 . . 23 F B S . Unknown April . Consumption 120 days "Stroziers negro girl" 21 . Shepperd 10 M B S . Geor July . Tyfoid fever Sudden "Halls boy" 22 . Joshua 16 M B S . Geor July . Tyfoid fever 12 days "Halls boy" 23 Scott Frances 30 F M . . S C Dec'r . Conges fever 3 days . 24 Scott Child 1 F M . . Geo Nov'r . Burnt Sudden . 25 Dramon Daniel 45 M . . . Ireland July Well diger Killed Sudden . 26 Sauls Elizabeth 30 F . . . S C April . Neumonia 8 days . 27 . . 3/12 F B S . Geo Febr'y . Inflam of B 7 days "Ralls negro slave" 28 . . 20 F B S . S C Sept'r . Child bed Sudden "Willaim H. Foys slave" 29 . . 1/12 F B S . Geo Oct'r . Unknown . "Willaim H. Foys slave" 30 . . 9/12 M B S . Geo May . Unknown . "Stephens negro child" 31 . Patty 70 F B S . Unknown Oct'r . Palsy Unknown "Dews slave" 32 . Paul 10 M M S . Geo Janr'y . Hoop cough Unknown "Dews slave" 33 . Pelick 7/12 M B S . Geo Aug't . Unknown . "Dews slave" 34 Seller infant of Elijah 1/12 M . . . Geo Sept'r . Unknown . . 35 . . 2 M M S . S C May . Dropsy 1 year "Lawtons boy slave" ======================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: GA County: Baker DISTRICT: not listed ENUMERATOR: A. P. Greer FILE PAGE NO: 3 HW PAGE NO: 7 ======================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================== 1 . . 18 F B S . So Ca April . Child birth . "McClary R Jr slave" 2 Riley Oliver H. Perry 22 M . . . So Ca Jan'y Overseer . . . 3 Sellers Vianna 1 F . . . Geo Aug't . Burnt 4 days . 4 Gregory Infant 1 M . . . Geo Oct'r . . . . 5 . Peter 80 M B S . N C March . Old age 12 mos "Spicer J. F. boy" 6 Campfield Emely, Miss 13 F . . . Geo June . Typhis fever 3 weeks . 7 Duffer Barbary Ann 25 F . . . Geo April . . 4 mos . 8 Davis Laura Ellen 5 F . . . Geo Sept'r . . 3 days . 9 Black Mary, Mrs. 45 F . . M N C July . Cancer 1 year . 10 . Lucinda 39 F B S . Geo March . Burnt Sudden "Bowers slave" 11 . Hannah 26 F B S . Geo April . Spinal Af 4 weeks "Bowers slave" 12 . Rachel 6/12 F B S . Geo April . Hoop cough 1 week "Bowers slave" 13 Davis Keziah, Mrs. 74 F . . M So Ca July . Fever 14 mos . 14 Smith Elisha 58 M . . M So Ca January Cooper Neumonia 2 days . 15 Smith John Irvin 15 M . . . Geo July . Neumonia 7 days . 16 Smith Thomas Carroll 14 M . . . Geo Oct'r . Dropsy 5 mo . 17 Kent infant . . . . . Geo May . . . . 18 Kent infant . . . . . Geo June . . . . 19 Williams Adaline 4/12 F . . . Geo Aug't . Hooping C 1 mo . 20 McNeil Geo Washington 1/12 M . . . Geo February . . . . 21 Teddlie Elizabeth, Miss 14 F . . . Geo January . Fever 2 weeks . 22 . Russel 1 M B S . Geo March . Thrush 1 week "Ivys R D boy" 23 Sheffield Mary M., Miss 13 F . . . Geo Oct . Chol morbus 4 days . 24 Richardson Sarah, Mrs. 21 F . . M Geo April . Inflamation 14 days . 25 Taylor William David 2 M . . . Geo January . Bowel com 5 days . 26 Sexton Henry A. 3/12 M . . . Geo January . Cold 6 days . 27 Burke William 47 M . . M Geo Febr'y . . 1 year . 28 Griffin Henry R. 40 M . . M Geo Febr'y . Killed Sudden . 29 . . 17 F M S . Geo Jan'y . Neumonia 9 days "Slaves of Dr. Geo D. Royalston" 30 . Jin 4/12 F B S . Geo Dec'r . Croup 12 days "Jin a female" ======================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 Mortality STATE: GA County: Baker DISTRICT: Third District ENUMERATOR: A. P. Greer FILE PAGE NO: 4 HW PAGE NO: 9 ======================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================== 1 Pearce Thomas 17 M . . . Georgia May Student Neumonia 6 days . 2 . . 6/12 M B S . Georgia May . Neumonia 2 days "Negro child" 3 Calhoun Elizabeth 9/12 F . . . Georgia October . St Antonys fire 90 days . 4 Smith Lucy Ann 4 F . . . Georgia April . Inflamation 1 day . 5 Riley Oliver H. P. 24 M . . . So Ca January Overseer Chronic 120 days Repeat of line 2, File Page 5 6 Cobb John L. 18/12 M . . . Geo February . Inflamation 1 day . 7 Teddlie Elizabeth 16 F . . . Geo January . Chronic 20 days Repeat of line 21, File page 5 8 McNeill George 4/12 M . . . Geo March . . 3 days Possible repeat from prev page 9 Drinkwater Martha 54 F . . . Geo Sept'r . Dropsy 20 days . 10 . . 1 F B S . Geo July . . 5 days "Negro child" 11 Murphy David 2 M . . . Geo Febr'y . H cough 7 days . 12 Richardson Sarah 22 F . . M Geo April . Child bed 14 days Possible repeat from prev page 13 . . 40 F B S . Geo March . Burnt 7 "Negro Woman" 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . 2 F B S . S C Febr'y . Dropsy 2 years "Negro child" 17 Hooks Barbara 25 F . . M Geo March . Child bed 60 days . 18 . . 42 M B S . S C June . Apoplexy 1 day "Slave" 19 King Anna 6 F . . . Geo June . Unknown 7 days . 20 King Michael 36 M . . M Geo June Farmer Killed Sudden . 21 Ledbetter James K. 8 M . . . Geo Sept . Dropsy of head 1 day . 22 Ledbetter *etty C. 2 F . . . Geo Oct'r . Worms 4 days first name off side of page 23 Orr Rebecca L. 11 F . . . Geo Nov'r . . 7 days Poss repeat from File page 5 24 Orr Lydia Jane 7 F . . . Geo Nov'r . Worms 5 days Poss repeat from File page 5 25 . . 7/12 M B S . Geo May . Fitts 10 days "eremiah Bealls slave" 26 . . 1 F B S . Geo April . Killed Sudden "Halls slaves" 27 . . 18 M B S . Geo Oct . B fever . "Halls slaves" 28 . . 13 M B S . Geo Sept . B fever . "Halls slaves" Enumerator's Remarks: The principal malady is ague or chill and fever in the summer and fall seasons. Most generally in a mild form yielding readily to the ordinary treatment, and produced by the cause usually producing this disease. The water strongly impregnated with lime, and in portions of the District are abundance of lime rock. Considerable portions of lands oak and Hickory and Hammack with the growth and timber common on such lands but the large portion of the timber is ***** tall and large. Many water-courses with shoals, affording many valuable sites, with ample power for mills factory & c. The Books containing the census first taken being burnt in November and the second taking comming on the (blank spaces) many families had removed from the district, others taking their places and refusing to give their census or statistics, saying they had done so in the district from which they had come. There has been a large increase of population during the past winter and fall seasons by persons settling in the district. The health of the district has greatly improved for the last few years. ======================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ========================================================================================================================================================