The USGenWeb Census Project

Mission Statement

The mission of this project is to coordinate a United States census transcription effort by recruiting, guiding, and helping volunteer transcribers. Our goal is to provide free access to Online Research Data for everyone.

Each transcription will bear the transcriber's copyright and will be housed in the Census On-Line Inventory. It's an ambitious project and we invite you to join us!

~ Brief Census Project History ~

This transcription project was named The USGenWeb Census Project in 1998 in accordance to the then newly adopted USGenWeb Project Bylaws. Previously it had been known as the "Archives" Census Project.

May 23rd, 2000: Project obtained the domain name of and shortly thereafter became a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.

January 8th, 2001: The USGenWeb Census Project Bylaws were adopted to protect and guarantee the perpetual existence of the archived data transcribed by the Census Project Volunteers.

February 24th, 2004: USPTO Registration of Service Mark
   Service Mark (words only): The USGenWeb Census Project
   Registration Number: 2816972
   Registration Date: 2004-02-24

How to Volunteer  |   Transcriber's Info  |   Volunteer Now!
Census Surname Search  |   On-Line Census Inventory
© 1998-2025 The USGenWeb Census Project ®



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