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Proofreading is a very important part of getting your census information
as accurate as possible before placing it on the Internet. In addition to the
normal typing errors that WILL occur even for the very best typists, the
accuracy of deciphering the enumerator's handwriting will benefit greatly by a second
pair of eyes.
Finding a proofreader is the transcriber's responsibility, and this should be done as soon as possible as you near the end of your transcription (or end of an Enumeration District on a large census). Be sure your proofreader understands what is involved in proofreading, and that they will proofread in a timely manner. If you've exhausted all the other recommendations for how to find a proofreader -- (below under "Decisions for the Transcriber, Q: Who will proofread your transcription",) as a last resort, Email the Proofreading Coordinator for help with finding a Proofreader.
Find a Volunteer at the Proofreader's Exchange !
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