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King George County, Virginia 1810 Federal Census Index
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Acred          Alex'r            231  14
Acred          William           233a 14
Adderson       John              233a  1
Alexander      Lucy              233a  7
Alexander      Phil T.           231   6
Alexander      Thos P.           231  13
Allen          Francis           233a 12
Allen          Isabella          233a 10
Allen          James             233a 11
Allen          Robert            231  15
Allensworth    Jno's (Est)       231  10
Alsop          Robert            231   7
Alsop          William           231   1
Armstrong      Jesse             231  18
Armstrong      Joseph            233a 13
Armstrong      Js. D. A.         231   4
Armstrong      Wm                233a  6
Arnold         Enoch             231  17
Arnold         John              231  12
Arnold         William           231   5
Ashton         Burdett Jr        233a  8
Ashton         Burdett Sr        233a  9
Ashton         Charles, Jr       231   2
Ashton         Chas Senr         233a  2
Ashton         George D.         231   9
Ashton         Hannah            233a 15
Ashton         John Sr           231   8
Ashton         Laurence          233a  5
Ashton         Mary              231   3
Ashton         Richd W.          233a  3
Ashton         West              231  11
Attwell        John              231  16
Attwood        Eliza             233a  4

Baccus         John              234a  2
Bailey         Jane              234b 12
Bailey         Jeremiah          234a  1
Baker          Samuel            234a  7
Balthrop       Reuben            233b  3
Battester      Sally             234b 15
Baxter         John              233b  6
Beasley        Cornelius         234b 13
Bennett        Cossom            234a  8
Bennett        George            234b  8
Bennett        Sarah             233b  8
Bernard        Thomas            233b 15
Bernard        William           233b 17
Berry          John's Est        233b 18
Berry          Laurence          233b  5
Berryman       James             233b  7
Berryman       John              233b  9
Bettey         Harris            234b  4
Bettey         John              234a  5
Bettey         Lukey             234b 14
Bettey         Marshall          234b  6
Bettey         Roger             234b  7
Beverly        Elizabeth         233b  2
Blackburn      Wm                233b 11
Bowler         Obadiah           234a  4
Boyd           John              234b 10
Bradley        Gideon            233b 10
Brandican      Henry             234b  2
Brandican      Reuben            234b  5
Brissie        Standly           234a 15
Brown          John C.           233b 13
Brown          Soloman J. S.     233b  4
Brown          William           233b  1
Bruce          Hannah            234b  1
Bruce          Leftridge         234a 17
Bruce          Sarah             234a 14
Bryan          Benjamin          234a  9
Bryan          John              234a 16
Bryan          Lovell            233b 16
Bryan          William           234a 10
Bullard        Geo. H.           233b 12
Bunberry       Eliza             234a  3
Bunberry       Henry             234a 13
Bunberry       Richard           234a  6
Bunberry       Thomas            234b 11
Burchell       John              234b  3
Burton         George            234a 12
Butler         Jane              234b  9
Byrne          John              234a 11
Byrne          William           233b 14

Call           Isaac's Est       235b  6
Canady         Fauntley          236a  2
Carmichael     Judy              236a 11
Carrol         Peggy             236a 12
Carter         James             235a  6
Carter         Landon StLeger    235a  1
Carter         Lawson            235a  2
Carter         Lewis             235b 18
Carter         Thomas            235b 12
Carver         John              235a  8
Carver         Mary              236a  9
Carver         Townsh'd          235a 15
Carver         William           235b  9
Cash           Archdell          236a  7
Chadwell       Will'm            235a  7
Chapman        Jane              235b 11
Chevis         David T.          235a  3
Chiveral       George            235b  8
Chiveral       Will'm            235b 13
Clark          Walker            235b  5
Clift          Chandley          236a  1
Clift          Jane              235a 12
Clift          Jenny             236a 10
Clift          Joseph            235a 13
Clift          Miles             235a 16
Clift          Robert            235b 15
Clift          Sandford          236a  4
Coakley        Reuben            235b  1
Coakley        William           235a 14
Coakley        Wm Jr             236a  8
Collins        Christopher J.    235a  5
Coode          Susannah          235b 16
Cox            James             235a 17
Cox            John              236a  6
Crismond       Bennett           236a  3
Crismond       Jno Senr          235b 10
Crismond       John Jr           235b 14
Crismond       Wm                235b  3
Cross          James             235a  4
Cross          William           235b  4
Culloms        David             235b 17
Culloms        James             235a  9
Culloms        John              235b  7
Cunningham     Benjn             235a 10
Cunningham     Js.               236a  5
Cunningham     Phil              235a 11
Cunningham     Phil Jr           236a 13
Curley         Walter            235b  2

Dade           Henry C.          237a  3
Dade           Langhorn          237a  7
Dade           Susannah          236b  3
Dade           Townsh'd S.       236b  1
Dan?aby        Wm                236b 15
Davis          Jesse             236b 10
Davis          John              237a  2
Davis          Lemuel            237a 14
Davis          Patsey            237a 13
Davis          Samuel            236b  4
Davis          William           237a  6
Deakons        Jno's Est.        237a  8
Deen           John              236b 11
Deen           Thornton          236b 13
Dickerson      Elijah            237a  4
Dishman        James D.          236b  6
Dishman        Jas               236b  7
Dishman        John              236b  2
Dishman        Philip            236b  5
Dishman        Saml              236b  8
Dishman        Wm                236b 14
Dodd           George            237a  9
Dodd           James             237a  5
Dodd           Reuben            236b 18
Doniphan       Alexr             237a  1
Doniphan       Eliza             236b 16
Doniphan       Thornton A.       236b  9
Douglas        Francis           236b 17
Dunlop         Aug't             237a 10
Dunlop         Lidia             237a 11
Dunlop         Sarah             237a 12
Dye            Reuben            236b 12

Edrington      Mary              237b  2
Edward         Js. Senr          237b  1
Edwards        John              237b  8
Edwards        Js. Jr            237b  9
Elkins         Benjamin          237b  4
Elkins         Jeremiah          237b  7
Elliott        Eliza             237b  6
Elliott        John              237b  3
Elliott        Sukey             237b 10
Ellis          Robert            237b  5

Fawns          Danl B.           238a 10
Ferrel         Austin            238a 12
Fisher         John              238a 15
Fitzhugh       Danl McCarty      238a  1
Fitzhugh       Francis           238a  2
Fitzhugh       Henry             237b 13
Fitzhugh       Sarah             237b 14
Ford           Clary             237b 12
Ford           William           238a  7
Fowke          Thomas            238a  4
Fraizier       Caty              238a 16
Frank          Boddington        238a  5
Frank          James             238a 11
Frank          Jno Senr          238a  8
Frank          John Jr           238a  6
Frank          Robert            238a  3
Frank          Saml              238a 14
Frank          Wm                238a  9
Frawner        Betty             237b 11
Fuel           Willis            238a 13

Gainer         Ely               238b 15
Gainer         Jacob             238b  7
Gainer         Jno Junr          238b 12
Gainer         John Sr           238b  6
Gibbon         John              238b  8
Gray           Emmery            238b 13
Green          Saml              238b  9
Greenlaw       Wm                238b 10
Gregsby        John              238b 14
Griffin        Horatio           238b 11
Griffin        Josias            238b  4
Griffin        Ralf              238b  5
Grymes         Benjn             238b  2
Grymes         Geo N.            238b  1
Grymes         Wm F.             238b  3

Hailes         Benjn Jr          239b 16
Hailes         Benjn Sr          239b 17
Hailes         Newton            240a  1
Hailes         Wm                239b 15
Hailstock      Chs               240a  2
Hammott        John              239b 12
Hansbrough     John              239a  5
Hansford       Theodr            239b  6
Harrison       Burdett           239a  6
Harrison       Chas              240a  4
Harrison       Joseph            239a  7
Harrison       Langford          239a 10
Harrison       Richd J.          239a 11
Helton         Betty             239b 18
Helton         William           239a 12
Henderson      Mark              239b  3
Henderson      Thos              239b  2
Henderson      Will'm            239a 15
Henry          John              239b  9
Henson         George            239b  1
Henson         Jesse             239a 16
Higdon         Charles           239a  9
Hooe           Abram B.          239a  4
Hooe           Alexander S.      239a  3
Hooe           Nath'l H.         239a  2
Hooe           William           239a  1
Hooe           Wm H.             238b 16
Hudson         Francis S.        239b 10
Hudson         Jno's Est         239b  8
Hudson         Mary              239b  4
Hudson         Nelly             240a  3
Hudson         Wm                239b  5
Humphries      Anderson's Est    239a 14
Humphries      Charles           239a 13
Humphries      Jno Sr            239a 17
Humphries      Jno Sr            240a  5
Humphries      Wm                239b 11
Hungerford     Thos              239a  8
Hutt           John              239b 13
Hutt           Joseph            239b 14
Hutt           Walker            239b  7

Inscoe         Edward            241a  3
Inscoe         Thomas            241a  4

Jackson        John              240a 13
Jackson        Thos              240b  3
Jacob          George            240b 18
Jenkins        Ephraim           241a  8
Jenkins        Thos              240b  8
Jett           Gilson            240a  6
Jett           James             240a  8
Jett           John              241a  5
Jett           Newton            240a 11
Jett           Stephen           240b  4
Jett           Wm S.             240b  2
Johnson        Wm B.             240b 14
Johnson        Younger           240a  7
Johnston       Drusilla          241a  6
Johnston       Larkin            240b 16
Johnston       Robert            240b 17
Johnston       Wm Jr             241a 11
Johnston       Wm Sr             240a  9
Jones          Benjamin          240b  5
Jones          Charles           240b 13
Jones          Colvert           240a 10
Jones          David Jr          240b  9
Jones          David Sr          240a 12
Jones          Geo M.            240b 11
Jones          George            240b 12
Jones          Hugh              241a 10
Jones          John Jr           241a  7
Jones          John Senr         241a  2
Jones          Joseph            241a  9
Jones          Peter             240b  1
Jones          Saml              240b 15
Jones          Watts             240b  6
Jones          Wm G. A.          240b 10
Jones          Wm S.             241a  1
Jones          Wm Senr           240b  7

Kelly          Elizabeth         241a 12
Kelly          Will'm            241a 16
Kendel         Jack              241b  2
Kendel         Toney             241b  1
Kerns          Joshua            241b  3
King           Matthew           241a 13
Kirk           Hezekiah          241a 17
Knight         Bennett           241a 15
Kondel         Wm                241a 14

Lang           Robert            241b  9
Laurence       James             242a  4
Lee            James             242a  1
Lee            William           242a  2
Levy           Betsey            241b  4
Levy           Henry             241b 15
Levy           Jacob             241b 17
Levy           William           241b  8
Levy           Will'm H.         241b  5
Lewis          Dangerfield       241b 12
Lewis          George            241b  7
Lord           Gerrard           241b 13
Lowe           Saml Sr           242a  5
Lucas          David             241b 11
Lucas          Philip            241b 10
Lumpkin        Jno               241b 16
Lurty          Moore             241b 14
Lyons          John              242a  3
Lyons          Thomas            241b  6

Mahomey        Dennis Jr         242b 18
Mahomey        Dennis Sr         242a 16
Mahomey        George            243a 10
Mahomey        Hethe             243b  6
Maise          James             243b  3
Malen          Francis           242a  8
Marders        Eliza             243b  8
Marders        James Jr          243a  5
Marders        Jno Jr            242a 12
Marders        Jno Senr          243a  4
Marders        Js. Senr          242a 11
Marders        Stephen           243a  9
Marks          John              243b 11
Marquis        Sarah             243a 12
Marshall       Richd L.          242a 13
Marshall       Robert P.         243b  1
Marshall       Saml              242b 17
Martin         Charles           243a  6
Martin         John              243a  8
Martin         Leonard           243a  3
Martin         Thomas            242b  8
Maskell        Sally             242a 10
Massey         Chas Senr         242b  3
Massey         James D.          242b  7
Massey         John S.           242b  6
Massey         Mary              243b 12
Massey         Mildred           242a 15
Massey         Reuben            243a 15
Massey         Sally             243b 10
Massey         Thomas            243a 17
Massey         Warner P.         243a 18
Massey         William           242b 11
Massey         Winifred          243a  1
Matthews       Mary              242a 14
Matthews       Sally             242a  7
Matthews       Wm                242b  4
McCarty        Betsey            243a 13
McCarty        Francis           243a 11
McCarty        John              242b  2
McDaniel       James             242b 16
McDaniel       Sally             243b 13
McDonald       Wm G.             243b  9
McFarling      Sarah             243b  2
McFarling      Stephen           242a  6
McKenzie       Sally             242a  9
McKenzie       Saml              243a 14
Micow          Henry             243a  2
Middleton      Burdett           243b  7
Middleton      Chas              242b  9
Middleton      Henry             242b 10
Minnes         Peggy             243b  4
Minor          William           242a 17
Morgan         Gilbert           242b 15
Morgan         Thos              242b 14
Moss           Kendell           242b 13
Mullen         Sarah             243a 16
Mumford        Eliza             243b  5
Murphy         John              242b  5
Murphy         Peter             242b  1
Mustin         Henry             242b 12
Mustin         Leonard           243a  7

Norman         John's Est        243b 14

Olive          Joseph            244a  8
Owens          Aaron             244a  6
Owens          James             244a  5
Owens          Meroma            244a  1
Owens          Reuben, Jr        244a  3
Owens          Reuben, Sr        244a  4
Owens          William           244a  2
Owens          Yonell            244a  7

Parsons        John's Est        244a 14
Peed           Behethleon        244b 15
Peed           James             244b 18
Pestrage       Hettie            244b 16
Pestrage       Sarah             244b 17
Pestrage       Wm                245a  1
Philips        Charles           244b  1
Pickett        George            244b 13
Pickett        Nancy             244a 10
Pinchare       Townsh'd          244b 12
Pinkard        George            244b  5
Pitts          Coleman           244b  7
Pollard        Lindsey           244a 12
Pollard        Thomas            244a 13
Potes          William           244a 11
Potts          George C.         244a 16
Potts          Richard Senr      244b  3
Potts          Richd Jr          244b 10
Price          Bennett           244a 15
Price          Elizabeth Jr      244b  4
Price          Elizabeth Sr      244b  9
Price          Thomas            244b  2
Pritchard      Benjn             244b  8
Punch          James             244a  9
Pursley        James             244b 14
Pursley        Thomas            244b  6
Pyne           Lawrence Jr       244b 11

Rawlett        Elijah            245b 18
Rawlett        Marg't            245b 17
Read           Stephen           245a 11
Redman         Jno D.            245a  8
Reynolds       Benjn             246a  6
Reynolds       Cornelius         245b  8
Reynolds       John              245a 15
Reynolds       Richard           245b  7
Reynolds       Sarah             245b 16
Riding         George T.         245b  4
Roe            James B.          245a 12
Rogers         Benjamin          245a  5
Rogers         Charles           246a 10
Rogers         George            245b  3
Rogers         Gusty             245a 18
Rogers         Hosea             245b 11
Rogers         Jane Jr           245a  7
Rogers         Jane Sr           245a  6
Rogers         John              245b 13
Rogers         Rice              246a 12
Rogers         Wm Jr             245a 14
Rogers         Wm Jr             246a  7
Rogers         Wm Senr           245a 16
Rollings       Joseph R.         246a 14
Rollings       Wm's Est          246a 11
Rollins        Benjamin          245b 14
Rollins        Eliza             246a  2
Rollins        Henry             246a  3
Rollins        James             246a  8
Rollins        John R.           245b  2
Rollins        Jos. Est.         245a  4
Rollins        Saml Jr           245b  1
Rollins        Saml Senr         245a 17
Rollins        Wm                245b  9
Rose           Enoch             245a 13
Rose           Henry             245b 10
Rose           John Jr           246a  5
Rose           John P.           246a  1
Rose           Lucy              246a 13
Rose           Mary              245b  5
Rose           Thomas            246a  9
Rose           Walter            245a  9
Rose           Wm Jr             245b  6
Rose           Wm Junr           245b 15
Rose           Wm N.             245b 12
Rose           Wm Senr           245a 10
Rowan          Maners            245a  3
Rowley         Major             246a  4
Rowley         Maryanna          245a  2

Sabastin       Wm                246b 13
Sacray         John              247b  2
Sacray         Rebecca           247b 15
Sacray         Sukey             247b 18
Sacray         Thomas            247b  9
Saunders       Vincent           248a  1
Scott          Dully             247a  4
Scranage       Henry             247b  8
Scrivener      James             247a 12
Scrivener      John              247b 14
Sedwick        Benjn             247b  3
Settles        Joel              247b  4
Settles        Reuben            247b  5
Shanklin       Lenny             247b 13
Short          Francis           247b 12
Short          John C.           246b 12
Short          Thomas            246b 10
Shropshire     John              247a  6
Skidmore       Sarah             246b 11
Skinker        John's Est        246b  7
Skinner        Elisha            247a 49
Smith          Austin            247a 11
Smith          Caleb             246b  3
Smith          Henry             246a 15
Smith          Lucetta           247a  3
Southard       Saml L.           247a  7
Sowell         John's Est        247a  5
Spilman        John              247a 15
Staples        Henry             247a 10
Staples        Wm                247a 16
Steel          Richard           247a 14
Stephens       Mary              247b 17
Stephens       Thomas            247b 11
Steward        Ann               247b  7
Stiglar        William           246b 17
Stith          John              246a 16
Stith          Lawrence          247b 16
Storke         Bailey W.         246b 16
Storke         Wm                246b  1
Striplin       Nancy             248a  2
Strother       George            247a  9
Stuart         Chas Est          247a  1
Stuart         David             246b  4
Stuart         Jacob W.          247a  2
Stuart         John G.           246b  6
Stuart         Mary              246b  2
Stuart         Richard           246b  8
Stuart         Sally K.          246b  9
Sullivan       Martin Jr         247a 17
Sullivan       Martin Sr         247a 18
Sullivan       Thos              248a  3
Sullivan       Wm                247b  6
Suttle         Austin            246b 14
Suttle         Benjamin Jr       246b  5
Suttle         Benj'n Senr       246b 15
Suttle         John P.           247a  8
Suttle         Joseph            247a 13
Suttle         William           247b  1
Suttle         Wm B.             247b 10
Swatman        Levina            248a  4

Taliaferro     James G.          248a 16
Taliaferro     John              248a  9
Taliaferro     John Jr           249a  1
Taliaferro     Meriwether        248b  2
Tallent        Christ'r          248b  8
Tallent        Wm                248b  9
Taylor         Elizabeth         249a  2
Taylor         John              248a  7
Taylor         John              248b 17
Taylor         Langhorn          248b 15
Taylor         Thos Jr           248b 18
Taylor         Thos Senr         248b 13
Taylor         William           248a 12
Teel           Henry             248b 10
Thomas         Mary              248b  3
Thomas         Massey            248b  5
Thomley        Aaron             248b  1
Thomley        Benj B.           248b 19
Thomley        Will'm            248b  6
Thompson       John              248b 16
Thompson       Precilla          249a  3
Thornton       Francis           248b  4
Thornton       Jno & Wm's Est    248a 15
Tricher        James             248b 11
Tricher        Wm                248b 14
Troy           Thomas            248b  7
Trummels       Wm                248a 13
Truslow        Thomas            248a 11
Truslow        Zachariah         248b 12
Turberville    Garven C.         248a  5
Turner         Alexander's Est   248a 14
Turner         George            248a  6
Turner         Richard           248a  8
Turner         Thomas            248a 10

Underwood      Price             249a  4

Walker         Francis           249a  5
Wallace        Gust B.           249b  7
Wallace        Michl             249a  6
Washington     Butler            249b  6
Washington     Henry             249a 13
Washington     Henry Jr          250a 13
Washington     Henry T.          249b 12
Washington     John H.           249b  4
Washington     Nedham L.         249a 12
Washington     Warner            249a  9
Waugh          Elizabeth         249b 19
Weedon         Augustine         249b 10
Weedon         Caty              250a 11
Went           James             249b  2
White          Batley            249b  3
White          Benjamin          249b  5
White          Geo Jr            250a 12
White          George Jr         249b  1
White          George Senr       249b 18
White          John              249b 17
White          Thomas            249a 10
Whiting        John              249b  9
Wilkerson      Aug't             249a 11
Wilkerson      John              249a  8
Wilkerson      Marshall          250a  5
Wilkerson      Nath'l Est        250a  6
Wilkerson      Reuben            249b 15
Wilkerson      Robert            250a  4
Wilkerson      Sally             250a  1
Wilkerson      Stephen           249b 16
Wilkerson      Will'm            250a  2
Wilkerson      Wm S.             250a  9
Williams       James             249a  7
Wilson         Daniel            249b 13
Wilson         Wiley             249b 14
Wilson         William           250a 10
Wimet          Benjamin          250a  3
Wishart        William           250a  7
Withers        Thos T.           250a  8
Wowell         John              249b 11
Wowell         William           249b  8

Yates          Robert            250a 14
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