The USGenWeb Census Project®
Huron County, Michigan 1850 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages
The free display of the 1850 Huron, Michigan census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity
of Faith Yeager and the permission of S-K Publications
This index was transcribed by Linda Talbott
and proofread by Liz Medlin,
for The USGenWeb Census Project
If you find a name of interest, click on the (PAGE-LINE) column link to view the image
file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives,
then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.
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Adams          John             38    NY            13a   21
Adams          Margaret         63    NY            13a   22
Applegate      Jacob            44    NY            13a   25
Auk            John             35    Germany       12a   29
Avery          Stephen          25    NY            13b    7
Bird           Alden            22    Canada        11b   28
Bird           Benjamin         32    NY            12a    2
Bird           Benjimin         6     Canada        12a    6
Bird           Hellen           7     Canada        12a    5
Bird           Jedathun         52    Mass          11b   26
Bird           Lovica           3     Mich          12a    7
Bird           Margaret         32    Scotland      12a    3
Bird           Pamelia          48    N.Y           11b   27
Bird           Permelia         9     Canada        12a    4
Bradley        Byron            11    Illinois      13a   40
Bradley        Cyntha           31    VT            13a   39
Bradley        David            38    NY            13a   38
Bradley        Joseph           5     Wisconsin     13a   42
Bradley        Mary             7     Wisconsin     13a   41
Brakeman       Charles          7     Mich          13a    3
Brakeman       Elizabeth        17    Mich          12b   41
Brakeman       Hellen           14    Mich          13a    1
Brakeman       John             10    Mich          13a    2
Brakeman       Martha           15    Mich          12b   42
Brakeman       Nancey           39    Canada        12b   40
Brakeman       Peter            47    NY            12b   39
Buchanan       Duncan           30    Scotland      12b   24
Buck           Moses            50    NY            13b   34
Buel           Artinietia       43    NY            13b   23
Buel           Frances          7     NY            13b   25
Buel           Levi             42    NY            13b   22
Buel           Martha           10    Illinois      13b   24
Burdick        John             41    Mass          13b   21
Burnhan        Permelia         27    Mich          12b    9
Campbell       John             26    Scotland      13b   28
Campbell       Thos             20    Ireland       11b   42
Chichma        Noch             50    unknown       12a   31
Chisholm       Donald           25    Canada        13a    7
Clyce          John             39    NY            13a   20
Cole           John             25    Canada        13b   20
Coon           John             50    Me            13a   36
Cutter         Dean             5     VT            13b   17
Cutter         Hamiah           31    Mass          13b   16
Cutter         Orin             37    VT            13b   15
Daggart        Alanson          43    NH            13b    9
Daggart        Charles          5     Mich          13b   13
Daggart        Elizabeth        34    Canada        13b   10
Daggart        George           9     Mich          13b   12
Daggart        Malinda          13    Mich          13b   11
Daggart        Maranda          3     Mich          13b   14
Davis          Benjamin         56    Mass          13a   24
Dodge          Eliza            6/12  Mich          12a   39
Dodge          Lucey            13    Mich          12a   34
Dodge          Mary             11    Mich          12a   35
Dodge          Olive            22    NY            12a   18
Dodge          Reuben           56    Maine         12a   32
Dodge          Reuben           4     Mich          12a   37
Dodge          Rosella          2     Mich          12a   38
Dodge          Susan            9     Mich          12a   36
Dodge          Susan            31    Canada        12a   33
Doyle          John             25    Ireland       13a   35
Dufty          James            31    England       11b    1
Dufty          Jemima           27    England       11b    2
Dufty          Mahala           8/12  Michigan      11b    4
Dufty          William          3     Canada        11b    3
Edy            Ann              7     Ireland       11b   33
Edy            Eliza            25    Ireland       11b   32
Edy            John             6/12  Mich          11b   36
Edy            John             29    Ireland       11b   31
Edy            Jonathan         3     Ireland       11b   35
Edy            Sarah            5     Ireland       11b   34
Emerson        Robert           35    Mass          13a    8
Farlen         Francis          22    Canada        13b   18
Farlin         Francis          22    Canada        13b    8
Ferris         Zebulon          41    NY            13b   19
Fowler         Dianna           5     Canada        12b   20
Frost          Ezra             18    NY            13a   23
Galbrath       John             30    Ireland       13b   26
George         William          33    England       12a   16
Goodrich       Alanson          35    VT            13b   35
Goodrich       George           5     Mich          13b   37
Goodrich       Madora           2     Mich          13b   38
Goodrich       Martha           30    Mass          13b   36
Graverod       Ann              2     Mich          12a   28
Graverod       Eliza            14    Mich          12a   27
Graverod       John             19    Mich          12a   25
Graverod       Kish             19    Mich          12a   24
Graverod       Stephen          68    Pa            12a   23
Graverod       William          16    Mich          12a   26
H*pkins        Chas             77    Maryland      11b   11
Hamden         Ziba             37    VT            13a    9
Handy          Caroline         2     Mich          11b    8
Handy          Lydia            23    Mich          11b    7
Handy          Mary             4/12  Mich          11b    9
Handy          Wm.              29    N.Y.          11b    6
Hanes          John             33    England       11b   38
Harris         Cornelius        23    Canada        13b   39
Herbert        John             33    NY            12b    7
Herbert        Lydia            1     Mich          12b   11
Herbert        Margaret         17    Canada        12b    8
Herbert        Mary             3     Mich          12b   10
Heth           John             11    Mich          13a   33
Hills          Celina           29    NY            12a   17
Hills          George           2     NY            12a   20
Hills          Robert           4     NY            12a   19
Hipkins        Charles          18    Ohio          13a   11
Hurley         John             22    Ireland       12a    8
Hurnes         Walter           30    Scotland      12b   23
Jones          Jane             13    Ohio          13b    1
Jursey         Nathan           25    NY            12b   30
Lafever        Jasper           21    NY            12b   29
Loveit         Francis          42    Ireland       13a    5
Loveit         John             38    Ireland       13a    4
Loverich       Henry            2     Mich          12b    1
Loverich       John             37    N.C           12a   40
Loverich       Ransom           4     Mich          12a   42
Loverich       Sarah            15    Mich          12a   41
Luce           Henry            27    NY            12a   21
Magire         Alice            8     Canada        12a   12
Magire         Elizabeth        2     Mich          12a   14
Magire         James            1     Mich          12a   15
Magire         Jane             12    Canada        12a   11
Magire         Mary             21    Ireland       12a   10
Magire         Thomas           6     Canada        12a   13
Magire         Thomas           36    Ireland       12a    9
Manny          George           25    VT            11b   13
Mason          Eliza            19    Ohio          11b   20
Mason          Oscar            10/12 Mich          11b   21
Mason          Seth             30    Ohio          11b   19
McCoy          James            30    VT            13a   28
McDougal       Collin           31    Scotland      13a   30
McDougal       Nancey           23    Mich          13a   31
McIntyre       Malcomb          19    Scotland      13b   29
McNab          Richard          42    Scotland      12b    6
Middaugh       Benjamin         9     Canada        12b   17
Middaugh       Caroline         1     Mich          12b   19
Middaugh       Ellenor          3     Mich          12b   18
Middaugh       Isaac            12    Canada        12b   16
Middaugh       John             48    Canada        12b   22
Middaugh       Mary             39    NY            12b   13
Middaugh       Robert           16    Canada        12b   14
Middaugh       Stephen          64    Canada        12b   12
Middaugh       William          14    Canada        12b   15
Monroe         Lucretia         3     Canada        12b   21
Moore          Margaret         22    Ireland       11b   30
Moore          Wm               28    Ireland       11b   29
Munroe         Charlotte        22    Canada        11b   24
Munroe         John             35    Canada        11b   23
Munroe         Margarette       1     Mich          11b   25
Myar           John             23    Germany       12a   30
Nisbet         Almira           23    Canada        13b   31
Nisbet         John             24    Ireland       13b   30
Nisbet         Sarah            3     Canada        13b   32
Nisbet         William          1     Canada        13b   33
Palmalee       Rockwell         24    N.Y.          11b   14
Pardee         Charlotte        11    Mich          12b   37
Pardee         James            1/12  Mich          12b   38
Pardee         Phebe            19    Canada        12b   36
Pardee         Phineas          39    CT            12b   35
Peckins        Elizabeth        45    Mich          13a   32
Perkin         Edward           31    Mich          13a   26
Perkin         Ellen            30    Ireland       13a   27
Pier           Jacob            33    Canada        11b    5
Randall        Fredrick         48    Finland       12a   22
Ratan          Arlen*ius        20    NY            13b   27
Ross           Elijah           73    Canada        13a   34
Sayre          Benjamin         24    Canada        12b    3
Sayre          William          21    Canada        12b    2
Sharp          Elizabeth        33    Ireland       13b   41
Sharp          Jerome           40    Kentuckey     13b   40
Sharp          Richard          7     Canada        13b   42
Sharpsine      Phillip          17    N.Y           11b   22
Shooke         Caroline         10    Mich          13a   15
Shooke         Catherine        6     Mich          13a   17
Shooke         Catherine        38    NY            13a   12
Shooke         David            12    NY            13a   14
Shooke         Eugene           2     Mich          13a   19
Shooke         Manerva          8     Mich          13a   16
Shooke         Peter            4     Mich          13a   18
Shooke         Theodore         14    NY            13a   13
Smith          Charles          28    NY            12b    5
Smith          Edwin            28    NY            12b   32
Smith          Henophon         26    NY            12b   25
Smith          Hester           21    Mich          12b   33
Smith          Hosea            27    NC            11b   41
Smith          Mahala           23    NY            12b   26
Smith          Reuben           4     Mich          12b   34
Sperry         Lewis            17    NY            12b   28
Stockman       Hom**            23    Ohio          11b   10
Stockman       John             58    Mass          11b   15
Stockman       John             10    Ohio          11b   18
Stockman       Mary             53    NH            11b   16
Stockman       Morris           17    Ohio          11b   17
Sullivan       George           23    NC            11b   40
Sullivan       John             29    Ireland       11b   39
Sullivan       Sarah            66    Ireland       11b   37
Sweet          Abram            45    NH            13a   29
Tradewell      John             18    NY            12b   31
Twiss          Samuel           40    Me            13a   37
Ward           Perry P.         19    NY            12b   27
Whaley         Thomas           25    Canada        13a    6
Whitcomb       Almira           37    NH            13b    3
Whitcomb       Francis          10    Mich          13b    6
Whitcomb       Hiram            40    NH            13b    2
Whitcomb       Marian           12    Mich          13b    5
Whitcomb       Martha           17    NH            13b    4
Whiteside      Robert           25    VT            12b    4
Whitesides     Samuel           30    England       13a   10
Wilson         James            23    NY            12a    1
Winchell       Man*ro           21    NY            11b   12
The free display of the 1850 Huron County, Michigan census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible
through the generosity of Faith Yeager
and the permission of S-K Publications
This index was transcribed by Linda Talbott
and proofread by Liz Medlin,
for The USGenWeb Census Project
Return to the Huron County census assignment page

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