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Walton, Georgia  1820 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages
The free display of the 1820 Walton, GA census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Mama Walton & all the "Gen-Kids" and the permission of S-K Publications.
This index was transcribed by Vickie Moore
and proofread by Marsha Thompson
for The USGenWeb Census Project®
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Head of Household
Abercrombie James         218  10
Acock       Rederick      228   4
Adams       Gilliam       244   8
Adams       Homer         218  14
Adams       John          240  17
Adams       Rheuben       252  26
Adkin       James         244   4
Akins       Hill          254   6
Alford      Benom         246   7
Alford      Bulton        246  11
Allen       Jeremiah      226   9
Anderson    Charles       230   9
Angle       John          218  19
Atkins      Lewis         258   9
Atkins      Robert        258  13
Atkins      Robert        262  25
Austin      Charles       232  11
Austin      Etheldred     218   4
Austin      Isaac         224   7
Austin      John          216  12
Autry       Isaac         224   6
Autry       John          224  17
Avrey       Charles       214  10
Awtry       Jacob         242   1
Bagby       John          256  16
Baggett     Ervin         224   2
Baggett     Uziel         216  24
Baggett     Wilie         218   2
Bailey      Joseph        252   1
Baker       Jordan        244  25
Baker       Joshua        246  18
Banks       Anny          250  12
Bankston    Elijah        222  17
Barley      Caleb         256   6
Barnett     Jeremiah      234   7
Barret      John          238   7
Barrott     Sally         262   9
Baxly       William       222   2
Beasley     James         228   2
Beeks       John          214  19
Bell        George        254  28
Bell        William       238   3
Bennet      Winston       252  11
Bennett     Edmond        262  23
Bentley     Jesse         232   4
Bentley     Joseph        236  20
Bently      Isaac         224  13
Bently      John T        238  18
Bets        Elisha        252  25
Billups     Robert R      228   1
Black       Robert        248  12
Blair       Andrew        226   1
Blair       James         220  14
Blassit     Elisha        224   8
Bloodworth  Junius        256   1
Bludworth   John          260  22
Boin        Mathew        214  20
Bonds       Richard       242  11
Bonds       Vardy         242  10
Bonner      Willis        230   3
Bott        James         214  14
Bradberry   Lewis         230  11
Bradford    Richard B     226   5
Bradford    Scinthy       230  14
Brannum     John          256   5
Brannum     Russell       258   4
Brantley    Joshua        216  19
Brock       Waddy         256  11
Brooks      Biving        222   9
Brooks      Caty          262  19
Brooks      John          258   1
Brown       Aron          222  11
Brown       Stark         226  23
Bruster     Hugh          222  19
Bruster     Sheriff       222   7
Bryan       James         262  15
Bryan       Jesse         234  21
Bryan       John          246   8
Bryan       Samuel        246  13
Bullock     Margaret      230   2
Burges      Elijah        258  11
Burnett     Nancy M       244  11
Burns       Jacob         224  14
Buse        John          224   5
Butler      James         246  20
Butler      John          236  14
Butley      Martha        238   8
Cagler      David         236  21
Camp        Burrell       244   6
Camp        John          222   4
Camp        Joseph        216   4
Camp        Sherwood      244   7
Camp        Thomas        246  19
Campbell    John          240   1
Cannifax    Elijah B      248  23
Cannigan    Benjamin      236   1
Cannon      Henry         260  21
Capehart    John          264   3
Carter      Benjamin D    254   9
Carter      Francis       240  21
Casey       Elisha        214   3
Casey       Hiram         214   6
Cates       Charles       244  23
Cates       John          248   7
Cavender    George        248   2
Cavender    George        248   8
Chandler    John          242  12
Chandler    John, Sr      242  13
Chandler    Joseph        240  20
Chapple     Abraham       218  17
Chapple     Obadiah       214  15
Chisolm     Andrew        252  12
Clack       George W      214   4
Clack       John          250  17
Clack       Thomas        238  15
Clock       William       232   3
Coggin      William       230  25
Coggin      Zilphy        242  21
Coher       Sollomon      216  17
Coker       James         222  10
Coker       Pleasant      220   7
Colby       Lewis         248  15
Coleman     Samuel        250  19
Collins     Willis        218   1
Conner      John          258  18
Cook        William B     230  16
Cooker      Robert        218   5
Corley      Jonathan      232  22
Cotney      Francis       234   9
Cotney      James         244   3
Cramer      John          244   5
Crews       Peter         258  12
Cropley     Polly         232  14
Daniel      Ephraim       254  25
Daniel      Isaac         240  13
Daniel      Pendexter     254  27
Danniel     Ezekiel       226  14
Danniel     Richard       254  16
Daugerty    Thomas        250  22
Davis       James         262   8
Davis       John          238  10
Day         Elizabeth     260  23
Day         Robert        224  15
Day         William       258  24
Dean        Henry         224  12
Delk        David         248  14
Delk        Thomas        264   5
Dial        Martin        232  13
Dickerson   John          238  20
Dilk        Thomas        230  27
Divam       Partrick S    258  20
Doggett     Mark          238  23
Dotson      Asaph         256  24
Duke        Charles       248  16
Duke        Edmond        248  20
Duke        James         232  17
Duke        James         250   8
Duke        Robt          250  10
Duke        William       236   2
Duke        William       250  11
Dunn        John          256   2
Dunn        Larken        260   1
Easly       William P     236  18
Eason       Rice          226  11
Eastwood    John          256  17
Eastwood    Lawrence      256  13
Echols      Robert M      236  17
Echols      Samuel D      232   8
Edgar       Elizabeth     218  18
Edleman     David         232  12
Elender     Thomas M, Sr  222   8
Elendon     William M     248   5
Eliott      Thomas        236   3
Elison      William       224   9
Elliot      John          234  10
Evans       John          234   8
Falkner     Job           262  16
Fannon      William       248  11
Farrow      John          248  17
Fellom      Edward        238   2
Few         Benjamin      236  24
Few         James         240  11
Fielder     George        244  15
Files       Adam J        244  18
Fincher     James         260   5
Fincher     Joshua        262  10
Finley      George        232   7
Finley      William       234   1
Fisk        Sara          228  18
Fletcher    Wilie         236  10
Fondson     James         216   9
Fretwell    Leonard       254  23
Fretwell    Richard       254  21
Gainey      Micajar       248   6
Ganer       Sally         240   5
Gardner     Etheldred     256  25
Garett      Jonathan      218  21
Garner      Francis       252  13
Garrett     Thomas        258  19
Gentry      Elisha        226   3
Gentry      Martin        224  22
George      David         220  21
George      Jesse         226   7
Gilbert     Jesse         230  26
Gilbert     Jesse         264   4
Gilbert     Will H        234  14
Giles       Richard       224  11
Gill        Young         254  20
Glass       Manson        234  20
Godfrey     George        256  23
Godfrey     Thomas        254  24
Going       Alexander     228  21
Graves      Thomas        232  15
Gray        Thomas        250  20
Green       John          242  18
Green       Joseph        242  17
Green       Peter         232   2
Green       William       242  16
Green       William       256  19
Grulch      Senot         224   3
Guilder     Jacob         226   2
Gurley      William       236  22
Gwin        Humphrey      216  18
Hadge       John E        258  10
Hagan       Daniel        230   7
Hagler      Jacob         236  23
Hall        John          222  12
Hall        Stanley       256   7
Hamby       John          224  10
Hamilton    Francis       214   7
Hamilton    John          216  14
Hamilton    Nathan        232  10
Hammill     John          238  17
Hammock     Benjamin      238   9
Hammock     Caty          262  18
Hammock     Joshua        258  17
Hammond     Savannah      248  13
Hampton     Benjamin      244  17
Hampton     John          244  16
Hand        William       262  20
Hanigin     Joel          236  13
Hanner      Susannah      230  21
Hanner      William       228  15
Hanson      Jesse         232  19
Hanson      Samuel        232   5
Hanson      Thomas        232  20
Hanson      William       248  22
Haralson    Vincent       226  17
Hardwick    David         236   7
Hardwick    James         244  14
Hares       Benjamin      252  20
Harper      Everett       244  20
Harris      George        228   5
Harris      George        258  14
Harris      George, Sr    228   8
Harris      Jesse         240  18
Harvel      James         256   3
Heard       John S        236   5
Heard       William       236   4
Heflin      Wilie         220  16
Heflin      Wyat          236  12
Henderson   Joseph        246   4
Hendrick    Gideon        218   6
Hendrick    Leroy         218   7
Henkins     William       234  19
Henley      James         240  24
Henley      William       240  25
Highsaw     Joel          240   9
Hightower   Henry         254  12
Hightower   Jonathan      254  11
Hill        Elias         214  16
Hill        Isaac         226  18
Hinesley    Thomas        262  14
Hinton      Lewis         246  22
Hobbs       Joseph        228  22
Hodnet      John          260   8
Hood        Elisha        226  13
Hopkins     Aaron         232   9
Hord        Elexander     252   2
Howard      John          224  20
Howel       Elizabeth     240   7
Howell      William       258  16
Hubbard     Jacob         232  21
Hubbert     Warner        252  15
Hudson      Thomas        258  25
Humphis     Isaac         230  19
Husley      Joseph        246  15
Hynard      John          230   4
Ice         Bryan         252  19
Ice         John          244  12
Ivey        Jeremiah      250   4
Jackson     Isaac A       216  10
Jackson     Littleton     224   1
Jacobs      Elisha        218  12
Jacobs      Thomas        218  11
James       Joseph        220   8
James       Josiah        220   9
James       Stephen       216   7
James       William       228  19
Jinks       Allen S       224  16
Johnson     James         214   1
Johnson     Joel          214   5
Johnson     John          256   8
Johnson     John          258   7
Jolly       John          222   3
Jolly       William       214  13
Jones       Charles       216  22
Jones       Charles       240   4
Jones       James         234   5
Jones       John          236   8
Jones       John          252  16
Jones       Warrington    236   6
Jordon      John C        254   1
Keaton      John          250   7
Kelly       Charles       256  14
Kelly       Jesse         246   2
Kelly       Marvel        246   3
Kelly       Redick        246   1
Kilgo       Margret       228  10
Kilgo       Mathew        228   3
Kimball     Buckner       222  14
Kirk        John          214   9
Knight      Henry         262   4
Lake        Elisha        218   3
Lambert     Edwin         232  18
Lambert     James         250  13
Landers     Jesse         226  15
Lane        Jesse         256  15
Lang        John          248   4
Langino     James         232  11
Lasetter    Jesse         222   1
Lawrence    Samuel        252  21
Lee         Needham       252  22
Lee         Solomon       244  22
Lee         Timothy       244  21
Leggett     Jeremiah      262  13
Legon       David         252   9
Lemons      Wm            264   6
Lewalling   William       216  13
Lewis       Benjamin      260  14
Lewis       Zebulon       260  17
Lindley     James         220  19
Lindley     Jonathan      224   4
Lindly      Elizabeth     238  13
Long        Robert        244  24
Lord        Nancy         230  13
Lord        William       254  14
Love        James         256  18
Love        John          258   2
Lucas       Polly         228  12
Luker       Martin        222  15
Lyle        Mathew        252  23
Magee       Crafford      254   7
Malcom      David         234  17
Malone      Elizabeth     230   8
Mathews     Burrell       258  15
Mathis      Moses         246  16
McCalpers   William       240  12
McCarty     James         226  12
McCarty     John          240  10
McClenden   Thomas, Sr    224  18
McCowin     Polly         230  20
McCullen    William       256  21
McDaniel    John          258  22
McGellers   Joseph        252  17
McGomik     Seth          216  21
McGowick    Benjamin      258   3
McGowick    Massey        260  12
McGowick    William       256   9
McGowink    David         254  26
McGowirk    John          250  24
McKnight    John          220  18
McKnight    William       236  19
McMahon     Barnett       240   3
McNichols   William       216   5
McSwain     Edmond        252   7
Meacham     John          248  19
Melton      Moses         250  15
Meredith    Joseph        234   6
Miller      David         246  21
Millford    Henry         224  23
Millsap     William       216   1
Mitchell    Hinch         222   5
Moody       Thomas        226  22
Moore       Exander       228   9
Moore       John          258  26
More        James W       220  20
Morgan      Tempy         262   6
Morris      James         240  19
Morris      Spencer       262   7
Morris      William       222  18
Morrison    Joseph        250   6
Morrow      James         260  18
Morrow      William H     254  18
Mossy       Eli           242  15
Mullins     Robert        226  20
Munk        George H      258   6
Neely       David         226  16
Nelson      Archibald     220  15
Nicholson   Britton       226  21
Nighson     Eli           230  29
Nite        Elisha        246   5
Nite        John          246   6
Nix         David         236  16
Nixon       Joseph        238   1
Norris      James         234   3
Nowel       James         242   5
Nunan       John          218   8
Nuzon       Eli           264   8
Overton     James         256  12
Overton     John          258  21
Overton     John          260  24
Owens       Elizabeth     242  14
Owens       William       242   6
Parish      Isaac         242   7
Parker      James         252  14
Parker      Leah          254  10
Parrott     George        260  16
Partrick    Luke          220   1
Partrick    Paul          220   4
Partrick    Solloman      222  20
Pater       John          244   9
Paton       Silas         250   2
Pearson     Francis       262   2
Peavy       Dial          228  17
Peavy       Isam          262  12
Pesnal      William       242  22
Phillips    William       256  20
Pike        John          234  11
Pike        William       234  18
Piper       John F        254  17
Pool        Walter        244   2
Presly      Benjamin      254   4
Presly      Robert        254   5
Presnal     William       246  17
Pyle        John          254  22
Quartermers Partrick      242  20
Ragodolie   Elijah        240  16
Ramsey      Nancy         242   8
Ramsey      Thomas        242   9
Ray         David         240  15
Ray         Howel         262  22
Ray         Thomas        232   6
Reaves      William       242   2
Reeves      Edmond        242   3
Reynolds    Isam          258  23
Reynolds    Thomas        240   8
Rich        Archibald     246  14
Richesson   Livy          228   6
Rigsby      Allen         254  15
Roberson    James         260   7
Roberson    John          236   9
Roberts     John A        228  14
Robeson     William       258   8
Rowe        Hugh          250  23
Rowe        James         250  25
Rubes       Joshua        234  22
Ruff        William       226   4
Runt        John S        216  20
Sansom      Micajah       260  11
Sansom      Sarry         262  11
Sanson      Micajar       260  20
Scates      Thomas        228  16
Scates      Zedekiah      228   7
Scogin      Franky        264   2
Seagler     Joseph        218  20
Sentell     Nathan        254  19
Sentell     Samuel        260  13
Sheats      Charlise      236  15
Shepherd    John          214  11
Sherdevant  Joel          216   2
Simmons     James         236  25
Sims        Leonard       220  17
Smith       Arthur        248  21
Smith       Benjamin      216  15
Smith       Britton       224  19
Smith       Charles       230   6
Smith       David         218  13
Smith       David         220  10
Smith       Eliha         228  20
Smith       Elijah        238   4
Smith       Francis B     214  12
Smith       Jesse         244  13
Smith       Job           220  12
Smith       John B        228  11
Smith       Mary          220  11
Smith       Nimrod        260   9
Smith       Peter         254   2
Smith       William       224  21
Smith       William       228  13
Smith       William       254   3
Snow        Jesse         244   1
Sparks      Abel          254   8
Spinks      Enoch         230  10
Stanfield   John          260  15
Stanfield   Richard       252   3
Steel       John          250  14
Stephens    Hannah        238   5
Stephens    John          260   6
Stephens    Rebecah       262  24
Stewart     Gersham       260   3
Stewart     Robert        260   4
Stitt       Joseph        240  14
Stocks      John          238  24
Stoker      Mathew        230  15
Stokes      John          238  14
Stone       Joseph        240  22
Straim      James         216  16
Stroud      Isaac         230   5
Stroud      James         246  23
Stroud      John          216  11
Studdard    Abraham       238  25
Studdard    Margaret      240   2
Sturdevant  Elizabeth     220   2
Swinney     Elis          246   9
Swinney     James         248  10
Swinney     Joel          246  10
Tanner      Archibald     216   8
Taylor      James         242   4
Taylor      Peter         244  19
Teat        Henry D       236  11
Terry       William       242  19
Thomason    Bartlett      238  26
Thomason    William       238  27
Thompson    David         220   6
Thompson    Frederick     216   3
Thompson    James         220   3
Thornton    Thomas        256  10
Thratch     Jacob         250   9
Thurmon     Miagar        234  15
Tinnon      John          252   8
Townsend    Jesse         226   8
Townsend    John          216  23
Tredwell    Isaac         228  25
Tredwell    Jacob         228  23
Tredwell    James         228  24
Tromell     Tarr h        234  16
Tuder       John          230  22
Twitty      George        218  16
Uptain      George        224  24
Vanderford  John          228  26
Vanderford  Thomas        228  27
Vaughn      Frederick     252   6
Vaughn      Sterting      252   5
Venable     William       220   5
Vickers     Ferdinand     238  12
Vickers     Salag         230   1
Vickers     William       238  11
Vincent     Pleasant      222   6
Wagnon      Thomas P      250   1
Wagnon      William O     250  18
Walker      John          252  10
Walker      Jonathan      258   5
Walker      Joseph        248   9
Wallis      Luther        214  18
Wallis      Nicholas      216   6
Ward        Benjamin      220  13
Ward        Obadiah       262   1
Watkins     Jacob         242  23
Watson      Arthur        248  18
Watson      John          230  12
Watts       Thomas        250  16
Weatherford Charity       226   6
Weathington Thomas        222  16
Weaver      Reuben        232  16
Webb        Hocket        256  22
Webb        Stephen       256   4
Welch       Nicholas      244  10
Welsh       Edmond        250  21
West        Jonathan      230  23
Whaley      Eli           218  22
Whaly       Samuel        214   8
Whitaker    John          240   6
Whitley     Elizabeth     262   5
Whitley     Weson         252  18
Whitly      Ditus         238   6
Whitly      John          238  16
Whitly      Micajah       238  19
Whitly      Nathan, Jr    238  22
Whitly      Nathan, Sr    238  21
Whorton     Bartlet       260  19
Whorton     Elijah        262   3
Whorton     William       260  10
Wilcher     Charles       262  17
Wilder      Sampson       232  23
Wilder      Simeon        234  12
Wilkerson   Isaac         248   3
Wilkerson   Sary          248   1
Wilkison    John          230  18
Wilkison    Mathew        230  17
Williams    Avington      246  12
Williams    Bryant        218  15
Williams    Charles       262  21
Williams    Green         226  10
Williams    Nathaniel     226  19
Williams    Thomas        214   2
Williams    William       218   9
Wimpey      Mathew        260   2
Wirt        James         230  24
Wood        Tabitha       234   2
Woods       Timothy C     214  17
Woodward    Aron          222  21
Wootan      Jesse         250   3
Wooten      Joseph        240  23
Worsham     William H     222  13
Wright      Marshal       264   1
Yarbrough   Eliver        230  28
Yarbrough   Geptha        234  13
Yarbrough   James         250   5
Yarbrough   Joshua        234   4
Yarbrough   Lewis         264   7
Yarbrough   William       252   4
Yates       Elijah        254  13
Yeats       Ewin          252  24
Young       David         236  26
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